Sunday, January 10, 2016

TROVE -more digitised newspapers now available

Hi all,

US researcher Barry Greenwood recently advised that the National Library of Australia's TROVE digitised newspaper collection, had announced that 33 more newspapers have been added.

In order to examine them for articles of interest to us, Melbourne researcher Paul Dean and I, divided these up, and each selected a number of newspapers to examine.

Paul reports on what he finds on his blog here. Below are five articles of interest which I found (post 24 June 1947.)

What did I find?

Firstly, Australians in the period 1947-1954 were being kept informed about the topic of "flying saucers" being reported and discussed elsewhere in the world. Here are two examples:

"Flying saucers are real."

One Henry J Taylor, journalist and radio commentator in the August 1950 Reader's Digest states that flying saucers are made in the USA.

Source: "The Pennant" [Penola SA: 1946-1954] Thursday 10 August 1950 p3.

"Northam calling Denver."

Reports from Denver that the bodies of 84 men ranging in height from 38 to 48 inches have been recovered from wrecked flying saucers.

Source: "The Northam Advertiser" [WA:1895-1918; 1948-1954] Friday 1 December 1950 p8.

Secondly, local reports of sightings attributed to flying saucers, appeared in Australian newspapers. Two examples follow:

"Flying saucers.

A bright object was seen in the north eastern sky of Kalangadoo on Friday night."

Source: "The Pennant" [Penola SA: 1946-1954] Thursday 14 January 1954 p1.

"Flying saucer reported over Northam.

On Thursday afternoon last week, Mrs Antonio, of Southern Brook Exchange, called at the Northam Police Station to report that, at about 2.15pm that day whilst driving in to Northam accompanied by her daughter Helen, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs Pat Antonio, she had noted a "dim, oblong grey object" in the sky. It was at a great distance and appeared to be low on the horizon over Northam. The sky was clear with not a cloud in sight. The object remained visible for about a minute, and then was gone. The report was confirmed by Miss Antonio and Mrs Pat Antonio."

Source: "The Northam Advertiser" [WA: 1895-1918; 1948-1954] Friday 3 September 1954 p1.

Thirdly, and this is new to me, I came across a reference to a "Flying Saucer Journal."

"Flying Saucer Journal.

The first issue of a quarterly journal devoted to the scientific study of the phenomena commonly called "flying saucers" is due to be published shortly. The journal is being published by Flying Saucer Service Ltd and its purpose is to further the purely scientific study of these phenomena and a number of scientist have offered to contribute material."

Source: "The Northam Advertiser." [WA:1895-1918; 1948-1954] Friday 18 February 1955 p4.

In summary

Apart from item five, these articles are representative of the hundreds already known from Australian papers.

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