Saturday, February 1, 2025

Things I learned from Jacques Vallee's "Forbidden Science 6."


Anomalist Books have just published the sixth in the series of Jacques Vallee's "Forbidden Science" diaries. It covers the years 2010-2019, and I understand it will be the final book in the series. Why are his diaries so important? They provide "written at the time" insights into the thinking and work of hundreds of UAP and other researchers over the time period and contain snippets of information that cannot be found elsewhere. This historical information will not be of interest to everyone, but it is to me, and that is why certain entries of the book are the subject of this article.


The story of US UAP researcher Paul Bennewitz has been told many times, perhaps the best summary of his observations and ultimate mental demise can be found in "Project Beta: Paul Bennewitz, National Security and the Cration of a Modern UFO Myth" by author Greg Bishop. One of the aspects of Bennewitz's research is that he believed he was picking up alien transmissions. Research by Bishop and others revealed that instead, Bennewitz was picking up US military transmissions. However, I have never previously read what these terrestrial transmissions were. Vallee's book on page 169 reveals that Bennewitz was in fact picking up and misinterpreting "...classified links; he didn't realize what they were - downloaded Soyuz transmissions of biometric data our contractor was receiving."

AAWSAP Version 2

When the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program officially finished in December 2010, the program managers looked around for a new home, outside of the Defense Intelligence Agency. "Kona Blue" was the name given to AAWSAP version 2 and was a proposed program within the Department of Homeland Security. However, "Kona Blue" never progressed. There was mention in the literature of an attempt to locate it elsewhere but until I read page 190 of Vallee's book, I wasn't aware of where else it was proposed to host AAWSAP version 2. 

In discussion with Colm Kelleher and Kit Green, Vallee states Green said:

"We thought it would happen with DHS (Homeland Security) after we lost our primary home, and then with Arete, but a third group is involved..."

Later, still on page 190, Vallee notes "First it was going to be Homeland Security, then Arete, then a Navy sub-entity..." (See update below.)

A core group continued research

After the demise of AAWSAP in December 2010, Vallee maintained close contact with some of the BAASS personnel, including Kit Green, Eric W. Davis, Hal Puthoff, John Schuessler, George Hathaway and Bob Bigelow. This group, or a subset of its members, met regularly at a variety of locations which included Toronto, Austin, and Vienna to continue discussions on the phenomena. Short snippets of what they talked about are scattered over various pages of the book. 

David Hufford

Speaking of an event held in October 2014 at Esalen, Vallee refers to Professor David Hufford where Hufford:

"...described a pilot study of unusual experiences of combat veterans. He finds they have 50% higher experiences of sleep paralysis than the general population and 60% had 'visits from dead comrades"..."

I had not heard of this study. Sleep paralysis and associated hallucinations on the boundary of sleep and wakefulness have been put forward as an explanation for some abduction accounts. 

On the BAASS AAWSAP visit to Brazil

In a series of articles on this blog, French researcher Mark Cecotti and I outlined what we had been able to find out about the visits to Brazil by members of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies organization which undertook the AAWSAP DIA program. Some additional details, of which the two of us were unaware, were revealed on page 308 of Vallee's book.

"In the last few days, my exchanges with the project have taken a new tone. In Brazil, the BAASS team was composed of six investigators who traveled across the country, interviewed 17 officials, including General Uchoa, and came back with a report that led to a conference at the Brazilian embassy in DC, attend by Hal, Colm, and Eric, all under Air Force 'sponsorship.' A security officer determined that distribution of the report, after review by a military group, would be closed.

Since I'm the only one of the group who met with Colonel Hollanda Lima and was briefed afterwards by his top security staff inside the Air Force base where the project was managed, I stand confused by all the obvious discrepancies. Many unreported details were shared with us, and we saw the original, secret data. I could have flagged errors and misquotes in late years. Now, I cannot even read 'our' full report, even though my friends confess 'it doesn't reflect reality.' Are they blind to the full story?

I had never previously come across a reference to this Brazilian embassy meeting, or what the agenda was.  

Vallee visits Brazil for the third time

A while ago, I wrote an article on investigative visits by US researchers, to Brazil. In that article I mentioned that Jacques and Janine Vallee had visited Brazil on two occasions to conduct research. So, it was of interest to note that Vallee undertook a third research visit to Brazil in July 2015 with his old friend Bill Calvert.

They visited the city of Fontaleza and there talked, inter alia, a local researched named Agobar whom Valle had met on a previous visit. Pages 311 to 323 provide details of Vallee's time in Brazil, interviewing both local researchers and UAP witnesses. 

When Vallee asked Agobar about the BAASS visit t Brazil in 2010, Agobar responded:

"I met three Americans at a conference in Sobral. They were taking lots of notes trying to make contact with the group from Rio but looking in all the wrong places."

Vallee learnt of new UAP cases in recent times as well as old cases.  


Speaking of medical injuries to individuals in certain UAP encounters on page 326, September 2015 we read:

"Five years ago, DARPA was briefed on the first 30 UFO patients studied, with signs of the inflammatory reaction in white matter and Virchow-Robin spaces. After the briefing, a very disturbed DARPA scientist in tears, told Kit; 'It's us! Technology from me at a briefing room...' But when Kit got there the security personnel told him the session had been cancelled."


On page 334, Vallee writes of the work of UK researcher Isaac Koi on the 1980 Rendlesham/Bentwaters case from England.:

"Isaac spent two full months on the Bentwaters case and concluded it was a waste of time. It seems that an 86-year-old woman who lives in a cottage in Rendlesham forest had shot videos on both nights. Koi went to have tea with her, saw the videos, and then dropped the case. 'I questioned him,' my friend said "that was the only time Isaac seemed troubled. He said he couldn't talk about it, but it had nothing to do with Aliens. The answer would surprise me.'"

John Schuessler

Schuessler was an American long term UAP researcher who had been involved with BAASS on AAWSAP. As most readers of this blog will know, many of the visitors to Skinwalker Ranch claimed that "something" followed them back to their homes where they experienced poltergeist like activity and saw unusual animals. They gave the name of "the hitchhiker effect" to this phenomenon. I hadn't heard anything in this regard in respect of John Schuessler. However, on page 355 Vallee writes:

"The network brings news from John Schuessler about 'shadow people' in his basement library and storage area, again a scene worthy of Le Horla."

Physical analyses

One of the main recurring themes of the book is the examination of physical materials allegedly associated with UAP. So called "fragments." Many such analyses have been published in the literature. However, in the decade 2010-2019 more individuals became involved in this pursuit.  Of particular note is the involvement of Stanford University Professor Garry Nolan. Nolan and Vallee teamed up to conduct rigorous examination going beyond simple elemental composition of these fragments, moving onto determine the isotopic ratios of various elements they were made of. The book documents these efforts and findings.

Samples analyzed came from a variety of sources, including from Professor Peter Sturrock, individuals from Brazil and Columbia, and UAP researchers in the USA and witnesses in France. The results of the isotopic ratio tests were mostly close to the expected terrestrial ratios. However, some were abnormal, and these are discussed in the book. 


The BAASS AAWSAP, under the direction of Vallee, created a data warehouse of 11 separate databases, which Vallee named CAPELLA. These have been described in detail in the two books authored by Lacatski et al, as well as in lectures given by Vallee. 

In 2022 I wrote an article suggesting that CAPELLA, copies of which lay with only BAASS and the DIA, had resurfaced. This was later confirmed by Lacatski.  On page 481 of Vallee's book, we find:

"In the meantime, an NRO senior officer, who'd resigned from Trump's staff last year as director of cryptography strategic planning, has joined the TTSA board last week. I'm told he may have kept a copy of Capella.'

Valle does not name this individual. However, the first place where CAPELLA resurfaced was on the website, PhenomAInon, the work of Joe Schurman.  

Vallee has an unusual experience

In a diary entry dated 27 October 2018 (pages 471 and 483) Vallee describes a personal unusual experience;

"Nine days have passed, uneventful, but something brief and terrifying happened last night, far more tangible than a nightmare. As I review it, I have to accept an experience outside my body. All I know is that in the middle of the night I found myself propelled away into the kitchen, a tall being between me and the window. I couldn't see a face, but it was tall like me, human-like, solid. A few seconds later woke up suddenly, back into my lying body, panting and whimpering, terrified. 

It had been absolutely, shockingly real No transition, none of that slow lifting of the soul people describe. I had been translated from the bedroom, standing up, next to the entity that hovered bear me without touching, yet encompassing me in a formidable presence. This is as close to a full out-of-body experience as I have ever had. it left me whimpering and scared." (page 471.)

" Then I think of the entity that pulled me out of my body on 27 October last year, and I realize that like a bad student, I failed to note some of the details. The unique feeling of terror has remained with me. There was no overt threat from the tall being, but the wrenching out of my sleep and of my body was brutal, as if I had been summoned to the place where we'd spent hours trying to set up 'precipitation experiments.' that we thought didn't pan out. We had carefully covered the southern-facing window with thick drafting paper, and we had used various devices to invite a materialization or an apport..." (page 483.) 

In summary

As with the other five volumes in the series, this volume provides fascinating bits of information, on both the phenomena and also those who research it. There are two excellent, detailed indexes to the material in the book, namely one for people and one for subjects. As I have with the previous volumes, after a while I will read this volume more slowly taking in the delights of Vallee's work and personal life experiences. 

Update: 16 February 2025

Courtesy of US researcher D. Dean Johnson we have a copy of post hearing questions and answers directed to/from Luis Elizondo. I was particularly interested in question and answer 7:

7. Question: “Can you confirm or deny the attempt to transfer non-human technology to Bigelow Aerospace from Lockheed Martin during your time at AATIP?”

Response: Yes. I can confirm that specific facilities were identified to enable Bigelow Aerospace to acquire and securely store recovered UAP materials as the new custodian, following their transfer from Lockheed Martin. These facilities included locations in the Las Vegas area and a newly built hangar at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station (“PAX”). Specifically, the PAX River hangar was designed to facilitate the transfer of future materials via air and river. The hangar was purpose-built to meet the requirements of a Special Access Program Facility (“SAP-F”) and was capable of accommodating materials at any classification level. I was informed that funding for the hangar, approximately $10 million, 4 was allocated at the request of then-Representative Steny Hoyer. I have visited this facility; however, as it was a new construction at the time, no materials had yet been transferred.

Comment: There was a statement that after the BAASS AAWSAP ended in 2010, and after a failed effort to re-launch AAWSAP version 2 with the Department of Homeland Security, and version 3 with Arete, that there was a further attempt to launch AAWSAP version 4 with a sub entity of the Navy. The above response by Elizondo confirms this.


  1. How disappointing to see that this post starts off promoting Bishop's book, which only pushed all the weirdness that came about -after- Paul had been stuffed with as much disinfo as could take by the AF and Moore-Doty (major background sources for Bishop as well as his close friends, btw). This post, as well as Vallee's as claims reported here, will only help to continue misleading others into assuming that the revisionist history being promoted by these individuals is correct. That's like coming back ten years from now and telling everyone that the truth of what started the LA fires is not important. What about the objects Paul saw and filmed that started it all!!? Was that Soyuz too?
    Vallee's credibility has already been called into serious question, and if he has now decided to profess special knowledge of Paul Bennewitz intercepting secret Soyuz transmission in his 2010-2019 diary, is he presenting this as new information he learned while working closely with his AAWSAP/Navy/CIA group acquaintances...definitely a trustworthy bunch of sources. To cite misleading and untrustworthy sources doesn't help with credibility, Keith.

    1. I think everybodys credability has been called into question. Elizondo was a no go from the start. Greer can say crazy things like all "abductions" are from military. Nolan is Pentagon contractor. Keel was sloppy with facts and Vallee has never made up his mind re the phenomena, which is reasonable I guess.

  2. There are more than a few suggestions in the book that Jacques thinks that some incarnation of MK-Ultra is currently active and involved in shaping the UFO narrative. He's hinted at this before.


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