Friday, February 7, 2025

More things I learned from Jacques Vallee's "Forbidden Science 6."


In my last blog article, I compiled pieces of information, new to me, after reading Jacques Vallee's latest book "Forbidden Science 6: Scattered Castles." Since then, I have been slowly re-reading the volume and have found further interesting pieces of data. Here, then are some additional items, plus my commentary.

MRIs at Skinwalker Ranch

In a diary entry dated 5 February 211 (page 67) Valle writes about Skinwalker Ranch and the fact that a number of ranch security guards had asked to be reassigned due to their concerns about events at the ranch. 

"Bob suggested it would be a good idea to do MRIs, and several guards who hadn't reported any phenomena were later added in double-blind fashion. Results were considered consistent with a new syndrome. At the moment there are sixteen cases. As a precaution, three Senators, including Reid, who'd asked to visit the Ranch were turned down because their safety couldn't be guaranteed."

Comment: Bob is Robert Bigelow. This information re MRIs being organized for BAASS Ranch security staff fits in with previous information which I discussed in a 21 January 2021 blog article. On 20 September 2019, US researcher Erica Lukes had interviewed two BAASS Skinwalker Ranch security guards, namely Chris Bartel and Chris Marx. Both had undergone brain MRI scans at a clinic in Reno, Nevada, at the request of BAASS. Bartel stated:

"I remember asking Lauren Hoffman why we were having MRIs done and he said to see if there were something in our brains which allowed us to have an experience."

BAASS orb video

At some point in the last few years, a video circulated purporting to show an "orb" inside a room at Bigelow Aerospace. The video surfaced without any context. Interestingly, therefore, in a diary entry dated 17 March 2012 (pages 121-122) when Vallee was in Las Vegas for a meeting of the LoneStars:

"We began with an infra-red video of an orb floating in a locked room dedicated to radiation studies. There was a cobalt source on the table. One could see the light source circling above, as if inspecting the room."


Between 8 November 2011 and 7 May 2018, there were a total of eleven meetings of a core group of individuals who had been associated with the BAASS AAWSAP, at locations as diverse as Toronto, Canada, Austin, Texas, Las Vegas, Nevada and Vienna, Austria. The core group started off with such individuals as Jacques Vallee, Hal Puthoff, Eric Davis, George Hathaway, Bob Bigelow, Kit Green, and later expanded to include Garry Nolan and others. One unnamed person, only referred to as the European sponsor, attended meetings in Vienna. 

As related by Vallee, topics discussed at these meetings ranged from abductions, the SERPO hoax, various US and European cases; blue orbs, implantation of sounds and thoughts from a distance, skin markings, the Collins elite; crash retrievals and reverse engineering.

The European sponsor

In an entry on page 241 dated 15 July 2017, after a meeting of the LoneStars held in Vienna, Austria, 

"As we assembled our suitcases for the return trip on Friday, we learned that our sponsor had decided his funding would come to an end in one year, as his age made it necessary to change his role."

Later, on page 409, 14 July 2017: "George Hathaway, the advisor to our sponsor."

Then on page 447, 7 May 2018 at a Toronto meeting of the LoneStars, we read:

"As for Earthtech, it has been funded since 1989 but the support may terminate as their European supporter retires."

Comment: There has always been a question as to the identity of this European sponsor. In blog articles dated 24 July 2017 and 16 July 2023, I deduced that the sponsor was in fact Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein. The entries in "Forbidden Science 6" only go to support this deduction. 

New York Times article

In an entry dated 17 December 2017 about the famous New York Times UAP article by Leslie Kean et al, Vallee notes the revelations of a USM$22 Defense Intelligence Agency UAP study which Vallee participated in. Curiously there is a paragraph in the book:

"Associated projects were Project Abel Gray, Project Sierra Doors-KIM, Project Orion and Project Flight Mock. It's all public now, I'm told."

Comment: Four AAWSAP associated projects? I don't recall ever hearing of this before.

Department of Defense UAP videos

Page 415 dated 10 September 2017. 

"Chris Mellon has called me on the web. He's obtained three official videos from friends in the DOD, showing UFOs, including recordings from the Nimitz encounter."

Page 434 dated 30 January 2018:

"Chris Mellon has wisely sequestered the tapes from AATIP. Only three of them will be broadcast; the Nimitz tape and two others."

Comment: The 2018 Vallee note, suggests that as early as January 2018 Mellon had secured more than three DOD UAP videos. As we are all aware three, and only three videos, acknowledged by the DOD to be genuine DOD material were released. 

Understanding the phenomena

During the decade 2010-2019 what was Vallee's assessment of the nature of the phenomena? This is revealed in a diary entry dated 13 May 2015 page 301:

"I now think it represents a global conscious system outside humanity, sharing the planet. It needs us for its function and works by imitating or anticipating us."


  1. You're probably already aware that Chris Bartel is convinced he was a guinea pig for non lethal DEW ,the reason for the MRis and the higher ups refusing to go on property (Kit green?) If I recall correctly he is skeptical of anything supernatural at the Ranch. Makes sense, considering KitGreens past and expertise in mkultra type radiation testing. I found a 1980s congressional public testimony by a woman who testified being tested on by Green. I would have dismissed outright as I'm not a fan of "targeted individuals/mk ultra" type outrageous conspiracies, except she repeatedly mentions DrGreen, brain beam tech, and location of project, which fit Kits location and expertise

  2. Hi! Thanks for these summaries and snippets. Could you tell me if there are any mentionings of a case in Switzerland, ca 2015/2016?

    1. Can't see anything about this in the book.

    2. OK-- thanks for checking!

    3. Accoring to amazon preview there's mentioning of a case in Lausanne, Switzerland on pages 186, 439, 445, 466 (probably the one I'm looking for)... I was directly involved in solving this and was wondering what Jacques wrote about it. Whether he took the fantasy explanation or the true cause of the UFO. If it's not too much trouble, could you take a quick look and write what the conclusion was?

    4. P466. “I lean toward a very unusual natural explanation.” No mention of what that is. What was your conclusion?.

    5. Part deliberate hoax, part misidentification... no "unusual" natural phenomena, no real ufo there...


English university to hold UAP symposium

 Academic articles In a recent article on this blog , I explored the work of a number of academics who have, over the years, published artic...