Thursday, January 17, 2019

Back to those 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs)

KLAS-TV report

In a KLAS-TV news report, on 25 July 2018, journalists George Knapp and Matt Adams published a list of the 38 DIRDs generated under a contract with the Defense Intelligence Agency, for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP.) Although the source of the list was never revealed, former program manager, Luis Elizondo, confirmed that the list was genuine.

That list was as follows:

1. Inertial Electrostatics Confinement Fusion, Dr George Miley, Univ. of Illinois.

2. Advanced Nuclear Propulsion for Manned Deep Space Missions, Dr F Winterberg, Univ of Nevada-Reno.

3. Pulsed High-Power Microwave Technology, Dr James Wells, Northrop Grumman.

4. Space Access, Dr P Czysz, HyperTech.

5. Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metrics) Engineering, Dr Hal Puthoff, EarthTech International.

6. Biosensors and BioMEMS, Dr Bruce Towe, Unic of Arizona.

7. Invisibility Cloaking, Dr Ulf Leonhardt, Univ of St Andrews.

8. Wormholes in Space Time, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.

9. Gravity Wave Communication, Dr Robert Baker, GravWave.

10. Superconductors in Gravity Research, Dr George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting.

11. Antigravity Studies, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.

12. Field Effects on Biological Tissues, Dr Kit Green, Wayne State Univ.

13. Positron Aerospace Propulsion, Dr Gerald Smith, Positronics Research.

14. Vacuum Energy Applications, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.

15. Improved Statistical Approach to Drake Equation, Dr Claudio Maccone, International Academy of Astronautics.

16. Maverick vs Corporate Research Cultures, Dr George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting.

17. Biomaterials, Dr Bruce Towe, Univ of Arizona.

18. Metamaterials, Dr G Shvets, Univ of Texas-Austin.

19. Warp Drives, Dark Energy, and Dimensions, Dr R Obousy, Obousy Consultants.

20. Brain-Machine Interfaces, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.

21. Material for Advanced Aerospace Platforms, Dr J Williams, Ohio State Univ.

22. Metallic Glasses, Dr T Hufnagel, John Hopkins Univ.

23. Programmable Matter, Dr W McCarthy, Programmable Matter Corporation.

24. Metallic Spintronics, Dr M Tsoi, Univ of Texas-Austin.

25. Laser Weapons, J Albertine, M.S., Directed Technologies.

26. Quantum Entanglement Communication, Dr J Cramer, Univ of Washington.

27. Aneutronic Fusion Propulsion, Dr V Teofilo, Lockheed Martin.

28. Cockpits in the Era of breakthrough Flight, Dr G Millis, Tau Zero.

29. Cognitive Limits on Simultaneous Control of Multiple Unmanned Spacecraft, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.

30. Detection and High Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities, Dr W Culbreth, Univ of Nevada-Las Vegas.

31. Aneutronic Fusion, Dr W Culbreth, Univ of Nevada-Las Vegas.

32. Laser Lightcraft Nanosatellites, Dr E Davis, Earthtech.

33. MHD Air Breathing Propulsion and Power for Aerospace Applications, Dr S Macheret, Lockheed Martin.

34. Quantum Computing and Utilizing Organic Molecules in Automation Technology, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.

35. Quantum Tomography of Negative Energy States in the Vacuum, Dr Eric Davis, Earthtech.

36. Ultracapacitors as Energy and Power Storage Devices, Dr J Golightly, Lockheed Martin.

37. Negative Mass Propulsion, Dr F Winterberg, Univ of Nevada_Reno.

38. Redacted.

"Congressional Record"

Then, in a blog post dated 15 August 2018, it was noted that the "Congressional Record" dated 9 April 2018 contained the following note:

"4381. A letter from the Chief, Congressional Relations Division, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, transmitting a list of all products produced under the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification program contract for the Defense Intelligence Agency to publish, to the Committee on Armed Services.

Nick Pope

On 17 January 2019,  Nick Pope advised on Facebook that "the DIA Office of Corporate Communications released to me the letter DIA sent to Congressional Committees about AATIP." The letter was dated 9 January 2018; addressed to The Honourable John McCain, Senate Committee on Armed Services, and was signed by Christine Kapnisi, Chief DIA Congressional Relations Division.

Attached to the letter were three pages  listing the "38 reports associated with DIA's involvement in the program documented in the list."

The purpose of this blog post is to look at this January 2018 list and compare it to the list previously made available to us by Knapp/Adams. In order to do this in an easy way, I copy the Knapp/Adams list, and below each of their DIRDs I will insert the details of the DIRDs from the 2018 DIA letter.

1. Inertial Electrostatics Confinement Fusion, Dr George Miley, Univ. of Illinois.

1. Inertial Electrostatics Confinement Fusion, Dr George Miley, Univ. of Illinois.

2. Advanced Nuclear Propulsion for Manned Deep Space Missions, Dr F Winterberg, Univ of Nevada-Reno.

2. Advanced Nuclear Propulsion for Manned Deep Space Missions, Dr F Winterberg, Univ of Nevada-Reno.

3. Pulsed High-Power Microwave Technology, Dr James Wells, Northrop Grumman.

3. Pulsed High-Power Microwave Technology, Dr James Wells, J W Enterprises.

4. Space Access, Dr P Czysz, HyperTech.

4. Space Access, Dr P Czysz, HyperTech.

5. Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metrics) Engineering, Dr Hal Puthoff, EarthTech International.

5. Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metrics) Engineering, Dr Hal Puthoff, EarthTech International.

6. Biosensors and BioMEMS, Dr Bruce Towe, Univ of Arizona.

6. Biosensors and BioMEMS, Dr Bruce Towe, Univ of Arizona.

7. Invisibility Cloaking, Dr Ulf Leonhardt, Univ of St Andrews.

7. Invisibility Cloaking, Dr Ulf Leonhardt, Univ of St Andrews.

8. Wormholes in Space Time, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.

8. Traversable Wormholes, Stargates and Negative Energy, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.

9. Gravity Wave Communication, Dr Robert Baker, GravWave.

9. High Frequency Gravitational Wave Communications, Dr Robert Baker, GravWave.

10. Superconductors in Gravity Research, Dr George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting.

10. Role of Superconductors in Gravity Research, Dr George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting.

11. Antigravity Studies, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.

11. Antigravity for Aerospace Applications, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International. 

12. Field Effects on Biological Tissues, Dr Kit Green, Wayne State Univ.

12. Field Effects on Biological Tissues, Dr Kit Green, Wayne State Univ.

13. Positron Aerospace Propulsion, Dr Gerald Smith, Positronics Research.

13. Positron Aerospace Propulsion, Dr Gerald Smith, Positronics Research.

14. Vacuum Energy Applications, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.

14. Concepts for Extracting Energy from the Quantum Vacuum, Dr Eric Davis, EarthTech International.

15. Improved Statistical Approach to Drake Equation, Dr Claudio Maccone, International Academy of Astronautics.

15. An Introduction to the Statistical Drake Equation, Dr Claudio Maccone, International Academy of Astronautics.

16. Maverick vs Corporate Research Cultures, Dr George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting.

16. Maverick Inventor Versus Corporate Inventor, Dr George Hathaway, Hathaway Consulting.

17. Biomaterials, Dr Bruce Towe, Univ of Arizona.

17. Biomaterials, Dr Bruce Towe, Univ of Arizona.

18. Metamaterials, Dr G Shvets, Univ of Texas-Austin.

18. Metamaterials for Aerospace Applications, Dr G Shvets, Univ of Texas-Austin.

19. Warp Drives, Dark Energy, and Dimensions, Dr R Obousy, Obousy Consultants.

19. Warp Drive, Dark Energy and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions, Dr R Obousy, Obousy Consultants. 

20. Brain-Machine Interfaces, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.

20. Technological Applications to Controlling External Devices in the Absence of Limb-Operated Interfaces, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ. 

21. Materials for Advanced Aerospace Platforms Dr J Williams, Ohio State Univ.

21. Materials for Advanced Aerospace Platforms Dr J Williams, Ohio State Univ.

22. Metallic Glasses, Dr T Hufnagel, John Hopkins Univ.

22. Metallic Glasses, Dr T Hufnagel, John Hopkins Univ.

23. Programmable Matter, Dr W McCarthy, Programmable Matter Corporation.

23. Aerospace Applications of Programmable Matter, Dr W McCarthy, Programmable Matter Corporation. 

24. Metallic Spintronics, Dr M Tsoi, Univ of Texas-Austin.

24. Metallic Spintronics, Dr M Tsoi, Univ of Texas-Austin.

25. Laser Weapons, J Albertine, M.S., Directed Technologies.

38. State of the Art and Evaluation of High Energy Laser Weapons, J Albertine, Directed Technologies. 

26. Quantum Entanglement Communication, Dr J Cramer, Univ of Washington.

25. Space_Communication Implications of Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality, Dr J Cramer, Univ of Washington. 

27. Aneutronic Fusion Propulsion, Dr V Teofilo, Lockheed Martin.

26. Aneutronic Fusion Propulsion, Dr V Teofilo, Lockheed Martin.

28. Cockpits in the Era of breakthrough Flight, Dr G Millis, Tau Zero.

27. Cockpits in the Era of breakthrough Flight, Dr G Millis, Tau Zero

29. Cognitive Limits on Simultaneous Control of Multiple Unmanned Spacecraft, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.

28. Cognitive Limits on Simultaneous Control of Multiple Unmanned Spacecraft, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.

30. Detection and High Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities, Dr W Culbreth, Univ of Nevada-Las Vegas.

29. Detection and High Resolution Tracking of Vehicles at Hypersonic Velocities, Dr W Culbreth, Univ of Nevada-Las Vegas.

31. Aneutronic Fusion, Dr W Culbreth, Univ of Nevada-Las Vegas.

30. Aneutronic Fusion Propulsion II, Dr W Culbreth, Univ of Nevada-LasVegas. 

32. Laser Lightcraft Nanosatellites, Dr E Davis, Earthtech.

31. Laser Lightcraft Nanosatellites, Dr E Davis, Earthtech.

33. MHD Air Breathing Propulsion and Power for Aerospace Applications, Dr S Macheret, Lockheed Martin.

32. Magnetohydrodynamices (MHD) Air Breathing Propulsion and Power for Aerospace Applications, Dr S Macheret, Lockheed Martin. 

34. Quantum Computing and Utilizing Organic Molecules in Automation Technology, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.

33. Quantum Computing and Utilizing Organic Molecules in Automation Technology, Dr R Genik, Wayne State Univ.

35. Quantum Tomography of Negative Energy States in the Vacuum, Dr Eric Davis, Earthtech.

34. Quantum Tomography of Negative Energy States in the Vacuum, Dr Eric Davis, Earthtech.

36. Ultracapacitors as Energy and Power Storage Devices, Dr J Golightly, Lockheed Martin.

35. Ultracapacitors as Energy and Power Storage Devices, Dr J Golightly, Lockheed Martin.

37. Negative Mass Propulsion, Dr F Winterberg, Univ of Nevada-Reno.

36. Negative Mass Propulsion, Dr F Winterberg, Univ of Nevada-Reno.

38. Redacted.

 37. State of the Art and Evaluation of High Energy Laser Weapons, J Albertine, Directed technologies. (Formerly classified SECRET/NOFORN.)

In summary

As will be seen from this comparison, the titles of many of the DIRDs as listed in the DIA letter are the same, or very close to those listed by Knapp/Adams. The matter of the 38th redacted DIRD is now resolved. There was both an unclassified, and a classified version of the paper  State of the Art and Evaluation of High Energy Laser Weapons, J Albertine, Directed Technologies. 

In addition, the question of what the "products" were, as referenced in the "Congressional Record" is now resolved. The "products" were the 38 DIRDs. This is disappointing as some researchers seem to have believed that the "products" would be all of the paperwork that AATIP generated over the years. Regretfully, this is not the case, and we still await the outcome of FOIA applications for the whole of the AATIP paperwork.


I wish to thank US researcher Nick Pope for releasing this letter and attachments, so promptly. A number of us, including myself, are still waiting for a DIA response under the FOIA, where we have also asked for a copy of this letter and list.


A check of LinkedIn shows an entry for Christine Kapnisi, to have been the Congressional Liaison for the last 16 years.

Updates 18 January 2019

Researcher Roberto Labanti drew my attention to a blog post on the website of the Federation of American Scientists.  In a piece entitled "More Light on Black Program to Track UFOs" author Steven Aftergood, writes about the public release, to him, under the FOIA, of a copy of the Letter from the DIA to Congress.

The EarthTech International website has a list of Eric Davis's DIA DIRDs. These are:

Davis, E. W. (2011), “Quantum Tomography Of Negative Energy States In The Vacuum,” Defense Intelligence Reference Document, Defense Futures, DIA-08-1102-007, Technology Warning Division (DWO-4), Defense Warning Office, Directorate For Analysis, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC.

Davis, E. W. (2010), “Laser Lightcraft Nanosatellites,” Defense Intelligence Reference Document, Defense Futures, DIA-08-1011-001, Technology Warning Division (DWO-4), Defense Warning Office, Directorate for Analysis, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC.
Obousy, R. K. and Davis, E. W. (2010), “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions,” Defense Intelligence Reference Document, Acquisition Threat Support, DIA-08-1004-001, Acquisition Support Division (DWO-3), Defense Warning Office, Directorate for Analysis, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC.
Davis, E. W. (2010), “Concepts for Extracting Energy From the Quantum Vacuum,” Defense Intelligence Reference Document, Acquisition Threat Support, DIA-08-1004-007, Acquisition Support Division (DWO-3), Defense Warning Office, Directorate for Analysis, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC.
Davis, E. W. (2010), “Antigravity for Aerospace Applications,” Defense Intelligence Reference Document, Acquisition Threat Support, DIA-08-1003-018, Acquisition Support Division (DWO-3), Defense Warning Office, Directorate for Analysis, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC.
Davis, E. W. (2010), “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy,” Defense Intelligence Reference Document, Acquisition Threat Support, DIA-08-1004-004, Acquisition Support Division (DWO-3), Defense Warning Office, Directorate for Analysis, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC.

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