Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The APRO Bulletin - references to Australian material

Hi all,

My previous post, spoke of a recent little project of mine,to document references to Australian material, in the English Flying Saucer Review, between 1955 and 2004. Following this, I decided to do the same for all the issues of the APRO Bulletin. I found several dozen such references.

Some well-known Australian sightings were promptly reported to the Bulletin by such individuals as Peter E Norris, Bill Chalker, and myself. Among them were:

* Moe, Victoria, 'Saucer panics cattle.' (July 1963 p.1)

* Balwyn, Victoria, 'The Balwyn photo.' (September 1966 p.1)

* The Valentich disappearance, 'Australian pilot missing.' (October 1978 p.1)

* Tully, Queensland, 'Those "saucer nests."' (March 1966 p.4)

Other interesting items, were articles, including:

* 'ANZAAS UFO Symposium' (November 1971 p.1)

* 'Australian scientist on extraterrestrial life.' (May 1973 p.2)

* 'RAAF statement on Gill sighting.' (March 1960 p.2)

* 'What did Cooper see?' (November 1963 p.1)

* 'Australian mystery rings.' (May 1973 p.5)

I am happy to provide readers with an Excel spreadsheet of my findings, upon receipt of an email request to keithbasterfield@yahoo.com.au

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