Sunday, September 6, 2009

Vallee's new book post one

Well, Jacques Vallee has recently published a new book. This one is his journals between 1970-1979, and titled "Forbidden Science Volume 2." Published by Documentica Research, LLC in the US, the ISBN number if you want to order it is 978-0-615-24974-2.

Any book by Vallee is a delight to read. However, the focus of this post will be the role which the intelligence agencies have played in UFO research. Did they undertake any real scientific work?
I have been fascinated by this question ever since I examined the material available at which documents the work of Australian UFO researcher Keith Basterfield, who lives here in Adelaide, and his team.

In 1972 Vallee met one Howell McConnell who worked for the NSA. "...we keep an eye on things." p159. "He asked me if I'd ever heard of a group based at Wright-Patterson, which is supposed to do secret analyses on behalf of the Air Force."

In 1973, psychic researcher Hal Puthoff told Vallee that he had found the leader of a CIA group that monitored the UFO scene. p214. "Hal's contact...Dr Christopher Green, nicknamed Kit...the most important thing I learned was that Green had counterparts in every branch of the Executive. Like Howell McConnell, they mainly operated 'out of personal interest' with the blessing of higher-level managers. They occasionally exchanged data, but he claimed little was done with it." Vallee stated that the CIA had never set up a serious UFO research project.

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