Thursday, September 24, 2009

Australian disclosure programs 1

There have been/are currently, a number of disclosure style efforts underway in Australia

The first may be found at: and is run by Tony Lambert in Western Australia.

The website describes Tony as an ex-musician, author of several books and that he has traveled in Japan. He recorded a music album "We are not alone" triggered by the crop circle phenomenon. In October 2005 he and Mary Rodwell traveled in WA on a crop circles and contact lecture tour. Tony says he has been an experiencer since early childhood.

The site hosts a number of letters which Tony has sent to a variety of Australian political figures in an effort to raise their consciousness on the issue of UFOs and disclosure. One letter, dated 17 June 2009 was sent to the Governor-General of Australia. The thrust of the letter is that "the witness testimony clearly asserts that our constitutional government is compromised by the illegal secrecy shrouding technologies known to provide pollution free energy devices."

Tony has forwarded copies of the US Disclosure DVD to "The Prime Minister's office along with all national political party leaders, foremost science personnel and prominent media investigators" for comment but received no responses.

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