Monday, November 30, 2020

Paper on UAP published by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at the Bar-Ilan University in Israel


Franc Milburn is a geostrategic and national security analyst, with a specialization in UAP. One of his aims is to inject discourse on the geostrategic, national security and weapons technology implications of various phenomena, into mainstream academia. He is a former intelligence officer, and an alumnus of Sandhurst and the London School of Economics.

Milburn poses the question: "Why are strategic, national security and modern international history courses at universities not covering UAP when they have clearly occupied the major powers for decades?"

Previously, Milburn has written on the Middle East and strategic issues, and now he has had a paper published on UAP, by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA Center) at Bar-Ilan University in Israel.

The center

According to its website, the BESA Center " an independent, non-partisan think tank conducting policy-relevant research on Middle Eastern and global strategic affairs, particularly as they relate to the national security and foreign policy of Israel and regional peace and stability."

The paper

The paper is listed as "MidEast Security and Policy Studies Paper #183" and is titled "The Pentagon's UAP Task Force." In preparing the paper, the author communicated with a range of individuals, both in the UAP field ( e.g. Dr. Jack Sarfatti; John B. Alexander)  and in academia (e.g. Dr. Lani Kass, senior fellow at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.) 

It opens by introducing the Pentagon's UAP Task Force (UAPTF), and poses the question as to why the lead agency isn't the US Air Force? It discusses the contents of the 17 June 2020 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on UAP and the UAPTF.

Milburn then explores the question of whether UAP might be "...exotic American tech, near-peer adversary platforms, or something else entirely." This is followed by a discussion of the five observables of UAP, and a quote from Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, that: "...These are not American or Russian or Chinese vehicles."

Other topics discussed in the paper are, crash retrievals; the threat; a series of emails to/from Dr. Eric Davis; the 2004 Nimitz tic-tac encounter; the Scientific Coalition for UFOlogy's Nimitz encounter report; old school UFO weapons theories; the declassified December 2000, United Kingdom Defence Intelligence 55 UAP report; the Russian Thread 3 papers; non-human entities; the Wilson/Davis document; and then Disclosure. 

Returning to the question of near-peer adversary knowledge, Milburn writes:

 "The Chinese will be following the work of Davis and the UAPTF and have seemingly already approached Jack Sarfatti, and DI55 noted their interest in UAP two decades ago."

All, in all, an important paper, summarizing a range of sub-topics in the study of UAP. Especially so, when you note where the paper was published and its anticipated readers.  Milburn is to be congratulated for writing this paper; and the BESA Center is to be thanked for publishing the paper. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The UFO/Abduction collection of Angela Thompson Smith


I have previously published two blog posts concerning U.S. researcher Angela Thompson Smith; her work, and especially her time with the Bigelow Foundation. These posts may be read here and here

A short summary

Angela was born in the United Kingdom; obtained a BSc in Psychology in the U.K. and later, a PhD in Psychology, in San Francisco. She spent the years 1987-1992 as a staff member of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory. Then she worked at the Bigelow Foundation between October 1992 and April 1994, in Las Vegas, Nevada, as a research coordinator. Since then she has worked mainly as a private contractor for businesses in the U.S.A. and overseas. Angela currently works through Mindwise Consulting on remote viewing, as a trainer, consultant and researcher. She has published a number of books in such areas as our-of-body experiences; remote viewing, UFOs and abductions.

While with the Bigelow Foundation, at the specific request of Robert T. Bigelow, she conducted field investigations into local UFO and abduction cases, and cattle mutilation cases in the U.S.A. Her other interest there were UFO detectors; assembling a library; and assisting with the production of a radio show named "Area 2000."


I was recently contacted by U.S. researcher Louis Taylor, who advised me that, in 2002, Angela had offered for sale, her UFO/abduction collection, on eBay. Louis forwarded me an inventory of the material concerned. 

Besides the usual material which you would expect any serious researcher to have in their collection; e.g. UFO periodicals and UFO books, there were other more interesting items. I decided for historical thoroughness, that it would be useful to publish some details of the five boxes of material which was on offer back in 2002. Before I do so, I must add, that I asked Louis is he knew if the material sold, and if it did so, did he know who acquired it? He responded that he was unaware if the collection sold, and did not know of anyone who mentioned, that they now had the collection.

Box A

Publications relating to SETI; Catoe's 1989 Annotated Bibliography; articles on space and SETI; and a number of UFO/abduction books and videos. Abduction material by John Mack, Budd Hopkins and Jean Mundy. There was also a small collection of papers concerning the effects of Extremely Low Frequency electromagnetic biological effects.

Angela stated that she was sent by Robert T. Bigelow, to investigate UFO sightings, abduction accounts and cattle mutilation events. Blog readers should note that this era, October 1992-April 1994 was before the era of the National Institute for Discovery Science and was in the early days of Robert Bigelow's interest in such topics. As such, the contents of the collection tell us much about what material Smith was providing for Robert Bigelow to read. An example in box A was listed as:

"Small artwork done by a 7 year-old boy who's family had experienced Abductions, cattle mutilations on their ranch, helicopters, police cars. Birmingham, Alabama - 1993."

Box B

Newspaper clippings; UFO periodicals; scientific article; transcript of talks; and video tapes regarding UFOs/abductions. Copy of emails regarding a Chinese UFO conference; and cattle mutilations in Nevada in February 1993. Letters from such individuals as psychologist David Gotlib, and researchers Alice Bryant and Richard Hall.

On field investigations, of interest to me, were photographs of "ATS with Ted Oliphant, Fyffe, Alabama, 1993." Oliphant was a police officer who investigated around 35 cattle mutilation cases between October 1992 and April 1993. 

Also, of interest to me, is the list of audio tapes of episodes of the radio show "Area 2000." I have never, anywhere, seen a list of these shows and their guest, so reproduce the inventory list of these, in full. I have provided links to some of these individuals, whose names may not be familiar to blog readers. 

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 7/4/93. Guest: John Alexander. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions.  Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp. Area 2000 Commenced.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 7/11/93. Guest: Linda Howe. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 7/18/93. Guest: Brian O’Leary. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 7/25/93. Guest: Ian Stevenson, M.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/1/93. Guest: Budd Hopkins. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/8/93. Guest: Walter Uphoff. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/15/93. Guest: Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/22/93. Guest: Raymond Moody, M.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/29/93. Guest: David Jacobs, Ph.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 9/5/93. Guest: John Carpenter. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 9/12/93. Guest: Michael D. Swords. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 9/19/93. Guest: Stanton T. Friedman. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 9/26/93. Guest: Brian L. Weiss, M.D. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/3/93. Guest: Richard F. Haines, Ph.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/10/93. Guest: Angela Thompson, M.S.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/17/93. Guest: Budd Hopkins. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/24/93. Guest: George Knapp. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/31/93. Guest: Don Berliner. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 11/07/93. Guest: Linda Howe. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 11/14/93. Guest: Walt Andrus (MUFON). 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 11/21/93. Guest: Yvonne Smith. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 11/28/93. Guest: Richard C. Hoagland. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 12/5/93. Guest: Raymond Fowler. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 12/12/93. Guest: Ray Boeche. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 12/19/93. Guest: Stanley McDaniel.  2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 12/26/93. Guest: Chad Deetken. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 1/2/94. Guest: Bruce Goldberg. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp. Show Discontinued.

Box C

Most of the material in this box relates to the abduction phenomenon, e.g. there is much material about TREAT conferences. Other material includes scientific articles on physics; UFO;, UFO detectors; ELF generators; and on Operation Right to Know. There were also photographs of a 2001 U.K. crop circle taken by Smith; the front of Bigelow Foundation headquarters in Las Vegas; and Angela presenting a talk in December 1992 at the Las Vegas Library. There is also a collection of the Journal of Scientific Exploration and a number of books.

Box D

In here there was a folder on the subject of "implants" including articles by such researchers as Martin Cannon,  Nicholas A. Rieter, and John Powell. Other material included newspaper articles; US patents; items regarding abduction related Roper polls; abduction periodicals and books.

On field investigations, of interest to me were:

"Press release and Report from Sand Mountain, Alabama presented by the Fyffe Police Department, Fyffe, Alabama. Entitled Report on cattle mutilations, April 7, 1993."

"Report on Two Significant Cases and descriptions of metallic elements found at the scene of cattle mutilations, Sand Mountain, Fyffe, Alabama, April 1993."

Box E  

A major part of the box is information relating to the subject of crop circles; including newspaper articles; letters;  articles from various periodicals; scientific articles; and reports. Other material relates to Area 51; UFO detectors; papers by Hal Puthoff; video tapes and audiotapes. On abductions, there are copies of the 1991 and 1992 Roper abduction polls.

On field  investigations, there are:

"Report on UFO sightings at Clearlake, California by Angela Thompson, July, 1993."

"Report on visit to Fyffe, Alabama, March 1993 by Angela Thompson: Abductions, crop circles, cattle mutilations."

 An intriguing item is:

"UFO files given to Angela Smith by a member of a government contract company."

Email to Angela 

I reached out to Angela Thompson Smith by email and asked her  "...if the collection was indeed sold, and if so, and you don't mind , are you able to tell me, the name of the individual who purchased it?"

Angela advised "Yes, indeed I did sell all of my UFO materials on eBay. The logic behind it was that I was following two paths: UFO and RV and needed to focus on one... I honestly do not remember the name of the but it wasn't anyone well known in the UFO/abduction community." 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Unidentified Submerged Objects and sensor detection systems

One of the elements of the November 2004 USS Nimitz encounters, which is often overlooked, is the fact that several pilots from the Nimitz reported seeing an unusual disturbance on the surface of the ocean. 

Douglas S. Kurth

The first to report this was the Commanding Officer of Marine Hornet Squadron VMFA-232 Lt. Col. "Cheeks" Douglas S. Kurth. Operators on the USS Princeton asked him to investigate an unidentified airborne contact. Princeton then asked Kurth to stay above 10,000 feet as two other Hornets had been sent to investigate. Kurth's radar picked up the Hornets but no other contacts. The ocean surface at that time was calm and glassy. Kurth reported seeing a disturbance on the ocean surface - round in shape, turbulent, and about 50-100 meters in diameter. It was the only area and type of "whitewater" in that area. It looked to him as if there were something below the surface. He overflew the disturbance. As he turned away, and the other Hornets arrived, the whitewater cleared.

Fravor et al

There were two crew in each of the other Hornets. One pilot, David Fravor, reported that he noticed whitewater on the surface of the ocean, the approximate size of a 737 aircraft. He took his F-18 lower. As he descended through about 20,000 feet he saw a white object moving just above the frothing water. It was a white featureless, oblong shaped object, making lateral movements over the turbulent circle of water. 

In an interview on the TTSA website Fravor stated:

"I look out the right side and I see something in the water. And it looks like about the size of a 737 in the water pointing east. So you don't see an airplane, but if you've ever been out to sea with like an underwater sea mountain, as the waves come and there's something right under the surface, they'll break. Same thing that happens on shore. They’ll break and you'll get whitewater. So this thing looks kind of like that shape. Looks, you know… like if you put a 737 about 10 to 15 feet under the water. The waves are gonna crash over the top and you're gonna get this whitewater."

In another  interview on the TTSA website the female pilot of the other Hornet described what she had seen:

"...noticed a small patch of water, approximately 60 feet wide by 80 feet in length. It appeared choppy and turbulent against a calm sea. The disturbance was unusual in that there was no apparent cause. The area was generally the shape of an oval and appeared to be "rolling." Towards the center of the disturbance, water appeared to be lighter in color and smooth again, as if an unknown object had recently submerged beneath the surface. She then noted a small, elongated, white object, 30-40 feet in length...(when the incident had concluded) looked back at the ocean but the water was again smooth and calm..."


Perhaps the best fit for an explanation for the ocean disturbance, was either that the small, white, "Tic-Tac" shaped object had emerged from beneath the surface of the ocean; or that some other object had also been there and submerged, leaving the airborne "Tic Tac" there alone. 


On a number of occasions, Luis Elizondo, when discussing the "five observables" of UAP, includes one of these as "Multi medium travel." For example, at the October 2018 Centro Ufologico Nazionale conference talk which he gave in Rome, he referred to "Multi Medium travel," i.e. that UAP can operate in a vacuum, or in atmosphere; and in water, without changing their physical properties.


There have been some excellent efforts at collecting together reported observations of UAP from seagoing service, e.g. Jan L Aldrich's "Updated Draft Catalogue of UFOs/USOs Reported by Seagoing Services." 

What U.S. large scale underwater sensor systems exist?

If there are unknown objects traversing our oceans, underwater, what underwater sensor systems exist which might detect them? The U.S.A. has the following:

1. Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS)

SOSUS consists of high-gain, long length fixed arrays of hydrophones, on the ocean bottom, which relay data to onshore facilities where that data is analysed. SOSUS and SURTASS are now part of IUSS. 

2. Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System (SURTASS)

A number of seagoing vessels use a towed sonar array.  It is a non-military program, used to detect submarines and also used in drug surveillance operations. 

3. The Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS) uses the Fixed Surveillance System (FSS), the Fixed Distributed System (FDS) and the Advanced Deployable System (FDS.) IUSS is under the operational command of the U.S. Navy's Commander Undersea Surveillance. 

4. The Deep reliable Acoustic Path Exploitation System (DRAPES)

In 2016 the Office of Naval research awarded a contract to design, and install three DRAPES arrays, with the work to be completed by 2020. It is designed as a fixed, passive listening system which can transmit its data onshore for processing by one of three remaining Navy Operational Processing Facilities, which also process data from SOSUS and SURTASS. 

5. Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance Network (PLUSNet)

This aims to create a semi-autonomous controlled network of fixed bottom and mobile sensors.

6. Distributed Agile Submarine Hunting Program (DASH)]

Collaborative sensor platforms to detect and track submarines over large areas.  

Have we any well documented occurrences of USOs arising from use of the above sensors? The short answer is, no we do not.

The National Underwater Reconnaissance Office (NURO)

A recent Tweet on Twitter dated 31 October 2020, directed at a number of people including myself, asked the question as to whether or not we had directed a request to NURO re UFO/USO? In this Tweet was mention of a recent B. R. Inman talk. (Link given at the end of this section.)

Are there any U.S. Intelligence Agencies specifically established to look at underwater reconnaissance? Indeed, there is. I recently came across discussion about the US National Underwater reconnaissance Office on Twitter, and wondered what it was. I turned to Jeffrey T. Richelson's classic work "The U.S. Intelligence Community" (7th. ed. 2015) for information. As the entry was short, I will cite it in full, below:

"In 1969, as a result of an agreement between the CIA and U.S. Navy, an underwater counterpart to the NRO, the National Underwater Reconnaissance Office (NURO), was established, with Secretary of the Navy, John Warner, as its first Director.

The office served as a means of managing the conduct of submarine intelligence missions and the exploitation of their product.

Those missions involved the recovery of sunken submarines (The Soviet K-19), taping of underwater Soviet communications cables (The IVY BELLS program), ocean floor mapping (under a program designated DESKTOP,) and images and SIGINT collection from submarines ( a program at one time designated the Special Navy Control program.) Some of the covert US submarine operations were allegedly conducted in the territorial waters of non-Soviet bloc waters, sometimes with consent, including Sweden, to test the nations defenses.

The existence of the NURO was classified at its inception and remains so today."

In a YouTube video retired U.S. Navy Admiral, Bobby Ray Inman states that one of the roles which he had, in 1974, was as Director of NURO. 

Some claimed USO observations 

1. In June 1954 in the Atlantic Ocean/Pacific Ocean, [APRO Bulletin, July 1954, p.7.]

2. On 13 March 1958 near Bodega Bay, California. An unidentified undersea object was spotted by Navy Pilots. Despite a search nothing was found. [Associated Press, March 18, 1958.]

3. 23 May 1968 near the Azores, Atlantic Ocean. Crew of USS Monrovia, reported a large, submerged object. Ovoid in shape, luminescent orange in color, with a translucent quality. USO matched several course and speed changes. radar, compass and other equipment rendered inoperable until object disappeared. [Feindt, C W  "UFOs and Water" p. 395.]

4. 1969. Gulf of Tonkin, off Vietnam. Ensign Will Miller was on the USS Leary, and saw a light which moved from above to below the waterline and approach the ship. It passed underneath the vessel. Not recorded on sonar or surface radar. [Good, T. "Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence,' p 215.]

5. Ca. 15 July 1974. Mediterranean Sea. An E-2 Signalman on the bridge of the USS Forrestal, an aircraft carrier, reported seeing a bright underwater light through binoculars. There was no sonar contact. The light moved back and forth across the bow at 60 mph, all underwater. It suddenly pulled away and disappeared into the depths. [NUFORC 6/5/2004.]

One first hand account comes from MUFON's Marc D'Antonio n around 2013. D'Antonio related the account to journalist Emma Parry of the English "The Sun" newspaper at a conference in the USA in 2017. Stating that he was on a US nuclear submarine at the time, D'Antonio says he heard the sonar operator shouting "fast mover, fast mover." The operator estimated the object was travelling at "several hundred knots." Four years after the event, when D'Antonio asked a senior figure in the US Navy about the Fast Mover program, and the man responded "Marc, I can't talk about that program."

A "Popular Mechanics" magazine article dated 9 October 2019, authored by Kyle Mizokami, titled "The Weird History of Unidentified Submerged Objects" reminded us that there has been a long history of objects reportedly going in and out of the ocean. Citing Ivan Sanderson's 1970 book "Invisible Residents," Mizokami gives details of a typical sighting of this type:

"19 April 1957, crew members of the Kitsukawa Maru, a Japanese fishing boat, spotted two metallic silvery objects descending from the sky into the sea. the objects, estimated to be ten meters long were without wings of any kind. As they hit the water they created a violent turbulence."

Another incident in Sanderson's book,  recounts that during an anti-submarine exercise off the coast of Puerto Rico in 1963, involving a number of U.S. Navy ships, including the aircraft carrier Wasp, that one of the submarines involved had pursued an unknown object travelling at over 150 knots. The object was reportedly tracked for four days, to depths of 27,000 feet. 

What do U.S. submariners have to say on the subject?

Another 2019 article by Tyler Rogoway, titled "What U.S. Submariners Actually Say About Detection of So Called Unidentified Submerged Objects" appeared on's "The Warzone." Rogoway contacted a number of individuals who serve(ed) on U.S. submarines and found:

"What we learned is that yes, unexplained noises and even tracked contacts do pop up on submariners' sonars, some of which seem to move at incredible speeds, but it is rare and the data is often inconclusive as to what was actually detected. But maybe most interesting and peculiarly so, is that the Navy doesn't actually have a way to classify these strange sounds as unknown and tag them for further review."

Carl W. Feindt

One of the few books devoted to looking at the broader topic of UFOs and water, which does relate some USO observations, is the work "UFOs and Water" by Carl W. Feindt, published in 2010.

Other countries


Have there been reported USO observations by other countries? Yes, there have. A 2020 book titled "Russia's USO Secrets," by authors Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, details a variety of observations by Russian sources, for example:

1. In 2009Yury Beketov, said to be a former Russian nuclear submarine commander, related an account of instrumented detection of objects travelling at 230 knots.

2. Another incident where depth charges were dropped in front of a USO, which then changed direction and left the area.

3. A crew which watched a cigar shaped object slowly descend into the ocean, some half mile from their submarine.


Admiral Jorge Martinez Bush, former Commander in Chief of the Chilean Navy is cited by Timothy Good in the book "Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence" referencing J. Antonio Huneeus, "UFOs in Chile and Peru" Fate, Vol. 56 No. 1, January 2003, pp6-7 as saying:

"There have been submarine contacts impossible to identify, with the characteristics of a submarine - metallic sound and rapid displacement. There are inexplicable things that require a profound study..."

Freedom of Information Act requests

I wondered if anyone had submitted a request under the FOI Act for data from U.S. underwater sensor systems? I looked around but couldn't find any, that's not to say there haven't been any, just that I was unable to find any such requests.

In summary

There are numerous accounts in the UAP literature of objects being seen rising from or disappearing into the sea. There are a smaller number of observations of mysterious objects seen underwater. Fewer still are accounts of instrumented detection of such USOs. What is really lacking are official government documents providing detailed descriptions and analysis of USOs which defy conventional explanation.


Thanks to Melbourne based researcher Paul Dean for research assistance with this post. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What was Bigelow's "Center for Advanced Cognitive Science."

 Elaine Douglass

Earlier today, I was looking through a 700+ page PDF of documents originating with the late U.S. researcher, Elaine Douglass.  One of the sets of documents in her papers was a list of companies registered by Las Vegas entrepreneur Robert T. Bigelow. While I was familiar with almost all of his non-budget suite businesses; such as the Bigelow Foundation; Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS); and the Mt. Wilson Ranch; there was one name I hadn't come across before, namely, the "Center for Advanced Cognitive Science, LLC." Now, cognitive science is "the interdisciplinary scientific method of the mind and intelligence."

Official Nevada records

I therefore went to the Nevada Secretary of State website and looked up business entity information.  The following are snapshots of what I found.

The Center for Advanced Cognitive Science LLC, was registered in Nevada on 14 May 2009. The business is listed as "Domestic-Limited-Liability-Company." The current operating status is "revoked." The commercial agent who registered it was Rickie L. Golightly, the same agent who has registered all of Bigelow's companies since the 1980's. Subsequent papers were lodged, up until 29 May 2013, with nothing shown beyond that date.

Under "Officer Information" where you normally expect to see the names of individuals behind the company,  appears "Mortgage Menu Realty, LLC." Mortgage Menu Realty was registered 14 January 2009; has officer information of "Mortgage Menu Service Corp", registered 9 April 1982, which lists Robert T Bigelow as "President" of that Corporation. Meaning the Center for Advanced Cognitive Science LLC was a Bigelow company.

As with many of the non-budget suite Bigelow business companies, there is nothing else shown on the Nevada State documents which tells us what the Center did.

What was going on in May 2009 to cause Robert Bigelow to register such a company?

BAASS was registered in January 2008, and later that year, was successful in winning the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) contract for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications program (AAWSAP.) By May 2009, many of the employees to be hired by BAASS, had been engaged, and were busy at work. 

Now, one of the 11 aspects of the DIA AAWSAP contract was to study what was referred to as the "human interface." In fact, one of the 38 DIA Defense Reference Documents (DIRDs) commissioned by BAASS employee Hal Puthoff, was titled "Cognitive limits on simultaneous control of multiple unmanned spacecraft" written by Dr. R. Genik of Wayne State University.

In addition, if we go back to September 2008, and the time of the commencement of BAASS' work on AAWSAP, and taker a look at what jobs were being offered at BAASS, we find:

"Several positions are also available for research scientists in the disciplines of: Biological Cognitive Interaction, Psychology, Social Psychology; Sociology."

Further research 

Is there anything about the Center to be found on the Internet? A search for "Center for Advanced Cognitive Science" only leads us back to the Nevada business entity.

A search for "Center for Advanced Cognitive Science" + "University of Nevada" located a 1993 paper titled "Environmental Modulation And Statistical Equilibrium in Mind-Matter Interaction," by Dean I Radin, cited as from the Center for Advanced Cognitive Science, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

The Central Intelligence Agency commissioned a 1994 report titled "Phenomenological Research and Analysis" Radin is mentioned in the report as at the Center for Advanced Cognitive Science, University of Nevada.

Radin worked for the Bigelow Foundation between 1993-1996; and between 1993 and 1997 he was Director Consciousness Research Division of the Harry Reid Center  for Environmental Studies at University of Nevada-Las Vegas. 

If there was a Center for Advanced Cognitive Science at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, around 1993, why was Robert Bigelow registering a company with he same name in 2009? For what purpose was this company created? Did it have a relationship with BAASS?

Friday, November 6, 2020

Chris Mellon and those videos

 Alejandro Rojas

On 23 October 2020, Alejandro Rojas published an article written by himself, titled "How US Intelligence Community Insiders Got the Senate's Attention Regarding UFOs." Regarding the source of two USN UAP videos given to the New York Times for its November 2017 article, Christopher Mellon is cited as stating:

"I received the videos. the now-famous videos in the Pentagon parking lot, from a Defense Department official. I still have the packaging." 

Now, that last bit of the statement is interesting, namely, that Christopher Mellon says "I still have the packaging." This is because on 7 August 2018 Twitter user @Jay09784691 posted several tweets about the existence of a number of images, which had been found on a US website belonging to Christopher Mellon. One of these was the image below:


If this is the packaging referred to by Mellon, then can we glean anything further from the image? "Chris Mellon 16000 9/7/17" This is possibly the date and time when Mellon received the package, as this would be useful for creating a chain of custody of the material in the package. 

Another image from Mellon's website, is the following:

This image appears to be a set of four CD-R's lying on a package. Many in the UAP community have assumed these CD-R's contained copies of the videos. Note that the CD-R's contain "Unclassified" material. The USN said at one stage that the videos were unclassified. There is also the number "9/5" which is probably 5th September, two days before the date on the Mellon package. 

Who is R. Essex?

At about 22m20s In a YouTube video discussion dated September 2019, between Canadian researcher Grant Cameron, and U.S. researcher Richard Dolan, there was mention made of the manner in which the initial two United States Navy Unidentified Aerial Phenomena videos had been "released?" Cameron states that he had seen the images of the material from Mellon's website. He had noted the name on the package which was not Elizondo's or Mellon's.  Cameron went on to say that he had checked out this individual via a contact he had in the Pentagon. It turned out that there was such an individual at the Pentagon; it was a female, in Public Relations. 

Despite a check via FaceBook; LinkedIn and Radaris, etc., I have been unable to locate such an individual. Has any blog reader any additional information?

Who is talking about UAP these days?

Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...