Sunday, November 22, 2020

The UFO/Abduction collection of Angela Thompson Smith


I have previously published two blog posts concerning U.S. researcher Angela Thompson Smith; her work, and especially her time with the Bigelow Foundation. These posts may be read here and here

A short summary

Angela was born in the United Kingdom; obtained a BSc in Psychology in the U.K. and later, a PhD in Psychology, in San Francisco. She spent the years 1987-1992 as a staff member of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory. Then she worked at the Bigelow Foundation between October 1992 and April 1994, in Las Vegas, Nevada, as a research coordinator. Since then she has worked mainly as a private contractor for businesses in the U.S.A. and overseas. Angela currently works through Mindwise Consulting on remote viewing, as a trainer, consultant and researcher. She has published a number of books in such areas as our-of-body experiences; remote viewing, UFOs and abductions.

While with the Bigelow Foundation, at the specific request of Robert T. Bigelow, she conducted field investigations into local UFO and abduction cases, and cattle mutilation cases in the U.S.A. Her other interest there were UFO detectors; assembling a library; and assisting with the production of a radio show named "Area 2000."


I was recently contacted by U.S. researcher Louis Taylor, who advised me that, in 2002, Angela had offered for sale, her UFO/abduction collection, on eBay. Louis forwarded me an inventory of the material concerned. 

Besides the usual material which you would expect any serious researcher to have in their collection; e.g. UFO periodicals and UFO books, there were other more interesting items. I decided for historical thoroughness, that it would be useful to publish some details of the five boxes of material which was on offer back in 2002. Before I do so, I must add, that I asked Louis is he knew if the material sold, and if it did so, did he know who acquired it? He responded that he was unaware if the collection sold, and did not know of anyone who mentioned, that they now had the collection.

Box A

Publications relating to SETI; Catoe's 1989 Annotated Bibliography; articles on space and SETI; and a number of UFO/abduction books and videos. Abduction material by John Mack, Budd Hopkins and Jean Mundy. There was also a small collection of papers concerning the effects of Extremely Low Frequency electromagnetic biological effects.

Angela stated that she was sent by Robert T. Bigelow, to investigate UFO sightings, abduction accounts and cattle mutilation events. Blog readers should note that this era, October 1992-April 1994 was before the era of the National Institute for Discovery Science and was in the early days of Robert Bigelow's interest in such topics. As such, the contents of the collection tell us much about what material Smith was providing for Robert Bigelow to read. An example in box A was listed as:

"Small artwork done by a 7 year-old boy who's family had experienced Abductions, cattle mutilations on their ranch, helicopters, police cars. Birmingham, Alabama - 1993."

Box B

Newspaper clippings; UFO periodicals; scientific article; transcript of talks; and video tapes regarding UFOs/abductions. Copy of emails regarding a Chinese UFO conference; and cattle mutilations in Nevada in February 1993. Letters from such individuals as psychologist David Gotlib, and researchers Alice Bryant and Richard Hall.

On field investigations, of interest to me, were photographs of "ATS with Ted Oliphant, Fyffe, Alabama, 1993." Oliphant was a police officer who investigated around 35 cattle mutilation cases between October 1992 and April 1993. 

Also, of interest to me, is the list of audio tapes of episodes of the radio show "Area 2000." I have never, anywhere, seen a list of these shows and their guest, so reproduce the inventory list of these, in full. I have provided links to some of these individuals, whose names may not be familiar to blog readers. 

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 7/4/93. Guest: John Alexander. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions.  Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp. Area 2000 Commenced.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 7/11/93. Guest: Linda Howe. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 7/18/93. Guest: Brian O’Leary. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 7/25/93. Guest: Ian Stevenson, M.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/1/93. Guest: Budd Hopkins. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/8/93. Guest: Walter Uphoff. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/15/93. Guest: Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/22/93. Guest: Raymond Moody, M.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 8/29/93. Guest: David Jacobs, Ph.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 9/5/93. Guest: John Carpenter. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 9/12/93. Guest: Michael D. Swords. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 9/19/93. Guest: Stanton T. Friedman. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 9/26/93. Guest: Brian L. Weiss, M.D. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/3/93. Guest: Richard F. Haines, Ph.D.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/10/93. Guest: Angela Thompson, M.S.. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/17/93. Guest: Budd Hopkins. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/24/93. Guest: George Knapp. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 10/31/93. Guest: Don Berliner. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 11/07/93. Guest: Linda Howe. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 11/14/93. Guest: Walt Andrus (MUFON). 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 11/21/93. Guest: Yvonne Smith. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 11/28/93. Guest: Richard C. Hoagland. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 12/5/93. Guest: Raymond Fowler. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 12/12/93. Guest: Ray Boeche. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 12/19/93. Guest: Stanley McDaniel.  2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 12/26/93. Guest: Chad Deetken. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp.

Audiotape. Robert Bigelow Foundation presents Area 2000 with Art Bell. 1/2/94. Guest: Bruce Goldberg. 2 hours. Quantum Software Solutions. Plus current UFO News with Linda Howe and George Knapp. Show Discontinued.

Box C

Most of the material in this box relates to the abduction phenomenon, e.g. there is much material about TREAT conferences. Other material includes scientific articles on physics; UFO;, UFO detectors; ELF generators; and on Operation Right to Know. There were also photographs of a 2001 U.K. crop circle taken by Smith; the front of Bigelow Foundation headquarters in Las Vegas; and Angela presenting a talk in December 1992 at the Las Vegas Library. There is also a collection of the Journal of Scientific Exploration and a number of books.

Box D

In here there was a folder on the subject of "implants" including articles by such researchers as Martin Cannon,  Nicholas A. Rieter, and John Powell. Other material included newspaper articles; US patents; items regarding abduction related Roper polls; abduction periodicals and books.

On field investigations, of interest to me were:

"Press release and Report from Sand Mountain, Alabama presented by the Fyffe Police Department, Fyffe, Alabama. Entitled Report on cattle mutilations, April 7, 1993."

"Report on Two Significant Cases and descriptions of metallic elements found at the scene of cattle mutilations, Sand Mountain, Fyffe, Alabama, April 1993."

Box E  

A major part of the box is information relating to the subject of crop circles; including newspaper articles; letters;  articles from various periodicals; scientific articles; and reports. Other material relates to Area 51; UFO detectors; papers by Hal Puthoff; video tapes and audiotapes. On abductions, there are copies of the 1991 and 1992 Roper abduction polls.

On field  investigations, there are:

"Report on UFO sightings at Clearlake, California by Angela Thompson, July, 1993."

"Report on visit to Fyffe, Alabama, March 1993 by Angela Thompson: Abductions, crop circles, cattle mutilations."

 An intriguing item is:

"UFO files given to Angela Smith by a member of a government contract company."

Email to Angela 

I reached out to Angela Thompson Smith by email and asked her  "...if the collection was indeed sold, and if so, and you don't mind , are you able to tell me, the name of the individual who purchased it?"

Angela advised "Yes, indeed I did sell all of my UFO materials on eBay. The logic behind it was that I was following two paths: UFO and RV and needed to focus on one... I honestly do not remember the name of the but it wasn't anyone well known in the UFO/abduction community." 


  1. Perhaps, like so many other quality private collections on the subject, this one ended in Patagonia Argentina, if so, hopefully it will be digitized in a few years and made visible on the private network of these people.

  2. I do not understand, how coldly to sell part of her personal history, I do not criticize her but because of the inventory that appears here, it was a lot, a lot of work, how can someone choose to put something like that in the hands of a stranger, what happened there ? Where are the documents now? Is there a story behind this story? Is it a personal story like so many in ufology?

    1. I think, in this rainy and dark morning, that Angela let the UFOs go, because she is simply a great humanist, a woman with a beautiful intelligence who tries to discover together with others how the human mind, spirit and consciousness work.
      Her books talk about her, her conferences do, I don't think she has something to hide, nor is she part of a conspiracy, she was born in 1946 and therefore she is 74 years old, at that age in life after having traveled many roads and lived many experiences, you choose "what to do the rest of your life".
      Perhaps, with the new players on the board of the UFOs, the government reserve, and the old organizations already caring for would-be off-Earth visitors, Angela chose the path that began long before 1999 and never left, the remote viewing.
      There are no "hidden stories" here, it's just a life decision, or at least that's what I think.
      To understand something else:

  3. I think I have read something very interesting (in Spanish) about documentation, I will look for it, Keith thanks for your great contribution to the knowledge of the mystery.

  4. Typo: Lynn Catoe's bibliography was obviously published in 1969, not 1989

  5. There comes an age in life that one has to let go of some things, there is nothing strange about that.

  6. Thank you so very much for this comprehensive list of AREA 2000 shows.
    I can't begin to tell you how much this list means to me plus how wonderful you are for providing it! Thank you so very, very much !!! JS


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