Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Unidentified Submerged Objects and sensor detection systems

One of the elements of the November 2004 USS Nimitz encounters, which is often overlooked, is the fact that several pilots from the Nimitz reported seeing an unusual disturbance on the surface of the ocean. 

Douglas S. Kurth

The first to report this was the Commanding Officer of Marine Hornet Squadron VMFA-232 Lt. Col. "Cheeks" Douglas S. Kurth. Operators on the USS Princeton asked him to investigate an unidentified airborne contact. Princeton then asked Kurth to stay above 10,000 feet as two other Hornets had been sent to investigate. Kurth's radar picked up the Hornets but no other contacts. The ocean surface at that time was calm and glassy. Kurth reported seeing a disturbance on the ocean surface - round in shape, turbulent, and about 50-100 meters in diameter. It was the only area and type of "whitewater" in that area. It looked to him as if there were something below the surface. He overflew the disturbance. As he turned away, and the other Hornets arrived, the whitewater cleared.

Fravor et al

There were two crew in each of the other Hornets. One pilot, David Fravor, reported that he noticed whitewater on the surface of the ocean, the approximate size of a 737 aircraft. He took his F-18 lower. As he descended through about 20,000 feet he saw a white object moving just above the frothing water. It was a white featureless, oblong shaped object, making lateral movements over the turbulent circle of water. 

In an interview on the TTSA website Fravor stated:

"I look out the right side and I see something in the water. And it looks like about the size of a 737 in the water pointing east. So you don't see an airplane, but if you've ever been out to sea with like an underwater sea mountain, as the waves come and there's something right under the surface, they'll break. Same thing that happens on shore. They’ll break and you'll get whitewater. So this thing looks kind of like that shape. Looks, you know… like if you put a 737 about 10 to 15 feet under the water. The waves are gonna crash over the top and you're gonna get this whitewater."

In another  interview on the TTSA website the female pilot of the other Hornet described what she had seen:

"...noticed a small patch of water, approximately 60 feet wide by 80 feet in length. It appeared choppy and turbulent against a calm sea. The disturbance was unusual in that there was no apparent cause. The area was generally the shape of an oval and appeared to be "rolling." Towards the center of the disturbance, water appeared to be lighter in color and smooth again, as if an unknown object had recently submerged beneath the surface. She then noted a small, elongated, white object, 30-40 feet in length...(when the incident had concluded) looked back at the ocean but the water was again smooth and calm..."


Perhaps the best fit for an explanation for the ocean disturbance, was either that the small, white, "Tic-Tac" shaped object had emerged from beneath the surface of the ocean; or that some other object had also been there and submerged, leaving the airborne "Tic Tac" there alone. 


On a number of occasions, Luis Elizondo, when discussing the "five observables" of UAP, includes one of these as "Multi medium travel." For example, at the October 2018 Centro Ufologico Nazionale conference talk which he gave in Rome, he referred to "Multi Medium travel," i.e. that UAP can operate in a vacuum, or in atmosphere; and in water, without changing their physical properties.


There have been some excellent efforts at collecting together reported observations of UAP from seagoing service, e.g. Jan L Aldrich's "Updated Draft Catalogue of UFOs/USOs Reported by Seagoing Services." 

What U.S. large scale underwater sensor systems exist?

If there are unknown objects traversing our oceans, underwater, what underwater sensor systems exist which might detect them? The U.S.A. has the following:

1. Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS)

SOSUS consists of high-gain, long length fixed arrays of hydrophones, on the ocean bottom, which relay data to onshore facilities where that data is analysed. SOSUS and SURTASS are now part of IUSS. 

2. Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System (SURTASS)

A number of seagoing vessels use a towed sonar array.  It is a non-military program, used to detect submarines and also used in drug surveillance operations. 

3. The Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS) uses the Fixed Surveillance System (FSS), the Fixed Distributed System (FDS) and the Advanced Deployable System (FDS.) IUSS is under the operational command of the U.S. Navy's Commander Undersea Surveillance. 

4. The Deep reliable Acoustic Path Exploitation System (DRAPES)

In 2016 the Office of Naval research awarded a contract to design, and install three DRAPES arrays, with the work to be completed by 2020. It is designed as a fixed, passive listening system which can transmit its data onshore for processing by one of three remaining Navy Operational Processing Facilities, which also process data from SOSUS and SURTASS. 

5. Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance Network (PLUSNet)

This aims to create a semi-autonomous controlled network of fixed bottom and mobile sensors.

6. Distributed Agile Submarine Hunting Program (DASH)]

Collaborative sensor platforms to detect and track submarines over large areas.  

Have we any well documented occurrences of USOs arising from use of the above sensors? The short answer is, no we do not.

The National Underwater Reconnaissance Office (NURO)

A recent Tweet on Twitter dated 31 October 2020, directed at a number of people including myself, asked the question as to whether or not we had directed a request to NURO re UFO/USO? In this Tweet was mention of a recent B. R. Inman talk. (Link given at the end of this section.)

Are there any U.S. Intelligence Agencies specifically established to look at underwater reconnaissance? Indeed, there is. I recently came across discussion about the US National Underwater reconnaissance Office on Twitter, and wondered what it was. I turned to Jeffrey T. Richelson's classic work "The U.S. Intelligence Community" (7th. ed. 2015) for information. As the entry was short, I will cite it in full, below:

"In 1969, as a result of an agreement between the CIA and U.S. Navy, an underwater counterpart to the NRO, the National Underwater Reconnaissance Office (NURO), was established, with Secretary of the Navy, John Warner, as its first Director.

The office served as a means of managing the conduct of submarine intelligence missions and the exploitation of their product.

Those missions involved the recovery of sunken submarines (The Soviet K-19), taping of underwater Soviet communications cables (The IVY BELLS program), ocean floor mapping (under a program designated DESKTOP,) and images and SIGINT collection from submarines ( a program at one time designated the Special Navy Control program.) Some of the covert US submarine operations were allegedly conducted in the territorial waters of non-Soviet bloc waters, sometimes with consent, including Sweden, to test the nations defenses.

The existence of the NURO was classified at its inception and remains so today."

In a YouTube video retired U.S. Navy Admiral, Bobby Ray Inman states that one of the roles which he had, in 1974, was as Director of NURO. 

Some claimed USO observations 

1. In June 1954 in the Atlantic Ocean/Pacific Ocean, [APRO Bulletin, July 1954, p.7.]

2. On 13 March 1958 near Bodega Bay, California. An unidentified undersea object was spotted by Navy Pilots. Despite a search nothing was found. [Associated Press, March 18, 1958.]

3. 23 May 1968 near the Azores, Atlantic Ocean. Crew of USS Monrovia, reported a large, submerged object. Ovoid in shape, luminescent orange in color, with a translucent quality. USO matched several course and speed changes. radar, compass and other equipment rendered inoperable until object disappeared. [Feindt, C W  "UFOs and Water" p. 395.]

4. 1969. Gulf of Tonkin, off Vietnam. Ensign Will Miller was on the USS Leary, and saw a light which moved from above to below the waterline and approach the ship. It passed underneath the vessel. Not recorded on sonar or surface radar. [Good, T. "Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence,' p 215.]

5. Ca. 15 July 1974. Mediterranean Sea. An E-2 Signalman on the bridge of the USS Forrestal, an aircraft carrier, reported seeing a bright underwater light through binoculars. There was no sonar contact. The light moved back and forth across the bow at 60 mph, all underwater. It suddenly pulled away and disappeared into the depths. [NUFORC 6/5/2004.]

One first hand account comes from MUFON's Marc D'Antonio n around 2013. D'Antonio related the account to journalist Emma Parry of the English "The Sun" newspaper at a conference in the USA in 2017. Stating that he was on a US nuclear submarine at the time, D'Antonio says he heard the sonar operator shouting "fast mover, fast mover." The operator estimated the object was travelling at "several hundred knots." Four years after the event, when D'Antonio asked a senior figure in the US Navy about the Fast Mover program, and the man responded "Marc, I can't talk about that program."

A "Popular Mechanics" magazine article dated 9 October 2019, authored by Kyle Mizokami, titled "The Weird History of Unidentified Submerged Objects" reminded us that there has been a long history of objects reportedly going in and out of the ocean. Citing Ivan Sanderson's 1970 book "Invisible Residents," Mizokami gives details of a typical sighting of this type:

"19 April 1957, crew members of the Kitsukawa Maru, a Japanese fishing boat, spotted two metallic silvery objects descending from the sky into the sea. the objects, estimated to be ten meters long were without wings of any kind. As they hit the water they created a violent turbulence."

Another incident in Sanderson's book,  recounts that during an anti-submarine exercise off the coast of Puerto Rico in 1963, involving a number of U.S. Navy ships, including the aircraft carrier Wasp, that one of the submarines involved had pursued an unknown object travelling at over 150 knots. The object was reportedly tracked for four days, to depths of 27,000 feet. 

What do U.S. submariners have to say on the subject?

Another 2019 article by Tyler Rogoway, titled "What U.S. Submariners Actually Say About Detection of So Called Unidentified Submerged Objects" appeared on's "The Warzone." Rogoway contacted a number of individuals who serve(ed) on U.S. submarines and found:

"What we learned is that yes, unexplained noises and even tracked contacts do pop up on submariners' sonars, some of which seem to move at incredible speeds, but it is rare and the data is often inconclusive as to what was actually detected. But maybe most interesting and peculiarly so, is that the Navy doesn't actually have a way to classify these strange sounds as unknown and tag them for further review."

Carl W. Feindt

One of the few books devoted to looking at the broader topic of UFOs and water, which does relate some USO observations, is the work "UFOs and Water" by Carl W. Feindt, published in 2010.

Other countries


Have there been reported USO observations by other countries? Yes, there have. A 2020 book titled "Russia's USO Secrets," by authors Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, details a variety of observations by Russian sources, for example:

1. In 2009Yury Beketov, said to be a former Russian nuclear submarine commander, related an account of instrumented detection of objects travelling at 230 knots.

2. Another incident where depth charges were dropped in front of a USO, which then changed direction and left the area.

3. A crew which watched a cigar shaped object slowly descend into the ocean, some half mile from their submarine.


Admiral Jorge Martinez Bush, former Commander in Chief of the Chilean Navy is cited by Timothy Good in the book "Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence" referencing J. Antonio Huneeus, "UFOs in Chile and Peru" Fate, Vol. 56 No. 1, January 2003, pp6-7 as saying:

"There have been submarine contacts impossible to identify, with the characteristics of a submarine - metallic sound and rapid displacement. There are inexplicable things that require a profound study..."

Freedom of Information Act requests

I wondered if anyone had submitted a request under the FOI Act for data from U.S. underwater sensor systems? I looked around but couldn't find any, that's not to say there haven't been any, just that I was unable to find any such requests.

In summary

There are numerous accounts in the UAP literature of objects being seen rising from or disappearing into the sea. There are a smaller number of observations of mysterious objects seen underwater. Fewer still are accounts of instrumented detection of such USOs. What is really lacking are official government documents providing detailed descriptions and analysis of USOs which defy conventional explanation.


Thanks to Melbourne based researcher Paul Dean for research assistance with this post. 


  1. is a collection of these types of events. One in 1962 seems to be exactly like the tic tac.

  2. #1
    This is the hypothesis, the empirical indicates something else.
    All systems, even the most advanced cross-matrix and multi-detector systems, are sound-based, all of them.
    With or without artificial intelligence, the use of satellites and subtellites, and complex media from the seabed, other ships, the coasts and the air, everything is based on finding "that sound" that big or small allows operators to shout, " I catch you".
    But look, you have to change the perspective.
    If you can't catch the UAPs in the air, or photograph them decently, do you think you're going to do it under the ocean?
    Get dreaming!
    Surely you heard about the incident of the Argentine submarine S-42 ARA San Juan, which sank along with its entire crew and was not found until 1 year later.
    Many nations participated in that search, including the United States, Great Britain, Germany and Russia among others, none could find it.
    The case of the United States is special, how is it possible that with so many systems deployed in the ocean, which you mention here, they could not find the submarine on the oceanic coast of an area in territorial dispute of one of its strategic military allies (Falklands / Malvinas Islands) ?.
    Imagine if it would have been a USO, they would have laughed in their faces.
    You omitted the records of USOs in 1958 to 1961, called "the Frondizi submarines", a series of sightings that nobody until now could explain, in the Golfo Nuevo (PenĂ­nsuna Valdez) and nearby areas.

    1. Hi, about the ARA San Juan, the place where it landed was found by a scientific ship of the navy of Chile 20 days after it sank, but for whatever reason de argetineans didn't do anything about this place until a year later. But i guess your point still stand.

    2. Maybe Miss Lea from the organization that controls LINE-ocean, who helped us understand some things in other posts, can give us some first-hand information about the technology for the detection of USOs and what happened in relation to the search of the Argentine submarine, we await her comment.

    3. Lea - Global JWRED System - TechDesk 813November 20, 2020 at 12:57 PM

      Thanks for the trust Robert.
      About USOs, our organization tracks Ocean Anomalies and Events (OAEs) and within it there are different qualifications, some related to geology, others to oceanic fluid mechanics, and certainly to the detection, identification, tracking and interaction with, Non-Local Submarine Events (NLSEs), within this category are USOs and others.
      The mapping, location and operation architecture is done with multiple resources, whose data flows intersect, in such a way the target is always engaged.
      Since 1991 we have been working with innovation technology, designed and manufactured by our development centers and specialists, one of the new devices that had excellent performance in atmospheric, surface and underwater ocean environments, is a system that involves quantum entanglement processes in relation to to matter and energy.
      The first system that our organization put into practice for the observation of oceanic phenomena was a primitive complex of underground lines that captured manifestations in the coasts of Patagonia in 1908, its name was UWDTS (for Underground Wireline Detection and Tracking System).
      On oceanic application technology, there are many advanced developments, but the vast majority are confidential because they are applied to the naval forces of the countries, we must not forget that humanity knows more about the Lunar surface than the Earth's oceans.
      Something is certain, and have no doubt about this, the NAVYs of oceanic countries hide most of their records, and some that show only do so with crumbs.
      Regarding the submarine ARA San Juan, I am really sorry, but nothing I can tell you, our Team Leader declared all the contents confidential, to respect the families of the crew and in accordance with strict enforcement of governmental and judicial regulations.
      The submarine incident was very hard for all of us, we saw from zero hour that nobody wanted to take over and that the phones were always off the hook.

    4. Elena (I am just a teacher)November 21, 2020 at 4:05 AM

      It is the third time that I read this word "interaction" in relation to this organization and the UAPs / USOs, we are used to other terms such as "capture", "pursue", "hide", but here it seems someone is talking about dialogue and exchange , remarkable, I think we should pay more attention to this.

  3. #2
    USOs use similar properties in water as those used in the atmosphere, one of which is low observability.
    This until new systems appeared that play in private, in reserve and off the radar, in which many put their doubts but in reality they work.
    One of them, already mentioned on this website, directly in relation to USOs, is the LINE-ocean system, part of the global LINE observation network.
    LINE-ocean uses specialized sensors, but they do not only look for "sounds", because USOs "usually do not emit sound, do not displace liquid and do not leave thermal marks that allow their tracking" as explained in its web spot.
    And it adds "the USOs, anomalies and underwater events (AUE) for us, they move in the water as if they were part of it, this is the same as they do in the atmosphere but with greater stealth".
    This was written in 2006 when they presented advanced prototypes of sensors on their private network, today out of class for users, at a cost of US $ 4.6 million per detection and tracking station.
    I'm not going to tire you with details, but I will tell you a few basic things.

    1. Sorry Juan Carlos, a clarification.
      I have saved a narrative of the 2006 BBC specials (below).
      There it implies that each detection and tracking station is made up of multiple nodes, in each of them many towers, and in each tower all the devices are installed.
      The value you indicate is the same, but only for a group of nodes, although it does not say how many towers each node has.
      I found it interesting to clarify because the radio spoke at some time, that US $ 2 billion had been invested in private coastal properties to equip them with the system, only in England.
      Apparently there is talk of the same organization, which was criticized by orthodox groups in relation to its origin.

  4. #3
    LINE-ocean operates based on oceanic principles from the species that inhabit the ocean, on physics and on factors as simple as the chemistry of water.
    From the bottom of the ocean they can detect imperceptible changes in the electromagnetic spectra of everything that passes over them, something similar to what we do by looking at the stars waiting for a planet to pass in front of it to be able to see it.
    But they also use the principles of quantum entanglement in relation to the presence of objects and shapes that alter the properties of the underwater environment.
    And the laser scanning, and the interruption of infrasonic transmissions with which they can even configure the shape of the object at great distances, and the non-acoustic physical reverberation that can even detect the heartbeat of a whale at dozens of kilometers, and others like the ocean volumetric displacement assessment that is not even in the science books.
    When the S-42 ARA San Juan incident occurred, all these systems were put into motion and the head of the organization ultimately responsible for the LINE-ocean system published some articles.
    And then he disappeared from the scene.

  5. #4
    When they found the submarine the news agency published:
    The original article is this:
    And there is a Pdf document embedded in Scribd:
    Please look at the last image of that Pdf document on Scribd, it's going to tell you a lot.

  6. #5
    In that document and other images presented in the half dozen notes in the same news agency, the position of the submarine is marked with subtlety, something that navy technical officials would understand, this methodology was used because "all the contents were previously informed to the federal justice, which did not even answer the letters "(2019 statements).
    The Argentine submarine S-42 ARA San Juan was found almost immediately after the incident of its sinking by the LINE-ocean system in exact form, something that later transpired through the Chilean and United States Navies, who verified their own data with the data transferred from LINE-ocean privately.
    Such was the indignation of the omission of the LINE-ocean data, that its owner wrote a note exposing the Argentine president:
    JW SofĂ­a explained in one of her free video conferences in August 2019 "the reality of global sightings does not depend on how many or which media publish them, or who end up being the protagonists of the news, it goes through the fact that these manifestations are move in planetary environments as if they were part of them, in the case of the oceans their movement is almost undetectable because, worth the analogy, they move in the ocean water as if they were oceanic drops of water, stand in front of your glass of water and tell me if you can make out a particular drop there, and then turn around and look at the vastness of the ocean. "
    And he added "our activity is private, our resources are, I know that we have moved many structures and generated many contingencies, but we will always use this for science dedicated to research, we know that many do not like us and they are busy whispering in the ear of others how bad we are, but it is not up to us to limit their expression, although we hope that the intelligence of whoever hears these whispers will be greater than the hatred with which they are made, we will continue working as we are doing. "
    And he ended after a 2-hour talk "How is it possible that since the 1940s, the governments of the world have spent hundreds of billions, and have not yet adopted underwater surveillance systems, underwater resource prospecting systems marine systems, urban and industrial sewage treatment systems, fishing gear and early warning systems capable of anticipating threats, that are not capable of respecting the plant and animal life of the oceans, which are the livelihood of humanity? With the technology that humanity has and the technology that it is capable of developing, if I were an extraterrestrial and saw what they do with their oceans, surely I would not want to show myself how I am, and I would go to an oceanic trench to vomit in disgust. This is about science, not magic, not figuration, not mysteries that give money, it is science applied to research and there is nothing simpler than that, with it Man went from manufacturing stone date points to manufacturing devices to produce oxygen on Mars. " .
    Excuse me Keith, that's what I think, I hope I don't offend someone.

    1. I was moved by a phase of the news "ARA San Juan / Islas Malvinas, something smells rotten in the Casa Rosada", in the final paragraph it says "The submarine is a set, fractionated or not, of more than 2000 static tons of steel in some place on the seabed, so to another with those Chinese tales that the Argentine people are not stupid "
      I would like to highlight "fractionated or not", the news was written more than eight months before finding the submarine.
      And the submarine was found like this:
      The use of the term is not random, it is used to describe underwater wrecks when they are scattered on the ocean floor.
      I have no doubt that this person knew the status of the submarine when he wrote the news, and the only possible way is to have come down to see it by proximity sonar or robotic image.
      My condolences to the family members of the crew, as a naval officer I think that no one deserves to experience something like this.

  7. Let me do a cross-sectional analysis of the article and the comments.
    It must be terrible, emotionally painful for someone, to have critical and vital information about a situation that could save lives, and to see everyone go out of the way blaming each other, and doing nothing useful to resolve the situation.
    In the end, governments end up forgetting about these situations, those who suffered in them, and those who proposed solutions but were ignored, over and over again.
    What motivation or return of respect could the same people have, to expose tetimonios about sightings of UAPs and USOs?
    Does this happen with sailors, airmen, officials, etc. etc. etc., around the world ?.
    Maybe this is not all about "them and us", we probably have to solve our own problems first, with ourselves and our conflicts.

  8. On 08/02/20 I posted on Twitter:
    In light of L Elizondo’s assertions that UFOs have been detected and sighted underwater, per USN experiences, many in the UFO field may not be aware that in addition to the USG National Reconnaissance Office, there is a National Underwater Reconnaissance Office The NURO deals with submarine related issues as well as mapping of the ocean floor. Interestingly, the very existence of the NURO is classified. Ref: Richelson, The US Intelligence Community, 7th Edition, pp. 49, 58; “In response to a September 2013 Freedom of Information Act request, the CIA refused to confirm or deny the existence of the office.”

    1. About NURO, it seems to happen the same as AREA-51, be it called that way or change the name one day, someone has been doing the work since Holland VI (USS Holland or SS-1) that also remained secret for years (from 1886?), and was "introduced" in 1897.
      Regarding Elizondo's statements, you give him too much credit, he's just a minor player here, does he have a lot of visibility? It is true, but his spy games, and the infinite repetition of the same thing, show that he only learned a script for the tv shows where he appears.
      Since he took over the 5 observables ... "of Elizondo" without saying who were the researchers who postulated those theories, he is a doubtful person in the scientific and intelligence community.
      In my opinion Elizondo is an improvised, do you remember your original position in the TTSA "Director of Global Security", what is that?!

    2. Hi Tom, Thanks for this. Seems I must have missed that Tweet.

  9. It's worth noting that Cmdr Fravor also related an interesting story told to him by a US Navy helicopter pilot involving USOs stealing training torpedoes. Quite why they would want to is another question!

    1. Thank you for reminding us about this account, Tristan E.

  10. Here in Ushuaia, we often see oceanic drones, they are similar to the one in the link below but more advanced and usually circular in shape, they belong to Patagonia researchers who many years ago came here and now have facilities in Antarctica, and on the islands of South Atlantic.

    1. Like this?
      "Circular shape", what does it mean?

  11. Lea - Global JWRED System - TechDesk 813November 24, 2020 at 12:38 PM

    To Arthur from London.
    Not really, our devices are not like that.
    # 1 Ours have a spheroidal torus shape, people see it as "circular" from their point of observation, usually out of water, our devices are called SUAUS for Surface and Underwater Advanced Unmanned System, the radius is variable and its maximum extension reaches 2.3 feet, can navigate on the surface of the ocean in extreme conditions, and dive to unlimited depths, and does not represent any risk to navigation, and is equipped with autonomous operation, assisted by adaptive and cognitive artificial intelligence, all units are always under surveillance of our command and control center.
    # 2 SUAUSs usually operate outside the internal waters, territorial sea and contiguous zone, but they can do so and in this case we report each time to the specific authorities of the country of that jurisdiction, sometimes we were asked for assistance in search and rescue operations, evaluation of oceanic contamination, facilitation of accumulated data in relation to narcocrime and terrorism and occasionally as a guide link for aircraft and ships with irrecoverable technical communication problems, our SUAUSs do not monitor, nor accumulate information regarding geographic areas, naval units, or government operations, classified as military or intelligence secret, we are very respectful about it.

    1. Thanks Lea.
      I can confirm what you say because I work for a government contractor in the defense area, and we have seen how the technology that you explain here operates.
      But we talk in this news about USOs, also about the ocean and how governments investigate.
      Your input is short and okay, but I would like your organization's leader to be able to make a public statement about how you approach this issue.
      Is that possible?.
      Is it possible that Keith, the owner of this website, could allow something like this to be published here?
      I know your private network, and little comes out of it, but this topic is very important to many of us, and what better way than to include it in one of the best websites in the world that addresses the matter from a scientific and objective perspective.
      Thank you, perhaps many of us, readers, governments, companies, researchers, are not seeing the other side of the coin of the oceans and USOs ... Can you show it?

    2. I think it can be a good contribution, many of us can see only one side of this mystery and the science that is being applied to discover it, good for you Will.

    3. Carol Meredith Frankel (USDIA-WDC)November 27, 2020 at 6:26 PM

      Will put a good point on the table there! We are talking here of an organization that has a global deployment of systems, but that operates from one of the richest regions in natural resources and less industrialized in the world: Patagonia, I agree, I would like to know what your leader thinks about the oceans, USOs and own and third party scientific research.

  12. Lea - Global JWRED System - TechDesk 813November 26, 2020 at 12:00 PM

    To Will Calahan.
    Thanks to you, for your attention and concepts.
    I think the same as you regarding this web page and its owner, the analyzes are always accompanied by links to access the sources, opinions and rational questions and previous analyzes, and respect in each writing and in the participation of the readers.
    What you ask of me is not in my hands, moments ago I transmitted your questions to our Team Leader, Mr. J.W. Sofia, I also believe that the oceans and what happens in them is very important to all of us, but I cannot speak for him.
    I cannot speak for the owner of this website either, but it is my opinion that if Mr. Basterfield requests a statement from our Team Leader, he will respond as quickly as possible.
    As a footnote, it is rare for our Team Leader to contribute on the public web, but he always did so when invited to do so.

  13. People, honestly, look for answers to the mysteries that surround them, but there are many influences in the process, good and bad, in relation to USOs and it is difficult to explain something to those who know little about the ocean.
    I'm going for another example: the monolith in Utah, what was said in the last two days is exhausting, we were there and in the piece of stainless steel metal you can see the joints and rivets, and in the place where it is it looks like He worked with very human tools like grinders, but every minute more are added that say he is alien.
    Take that process to the middle of the ocean, to the ocean trenches, to the underwater canyons, to the abyssal plains.
    Sure, a statement will serve to say what, how and in what way things are done, but it must be borne in mind that most people are not guided by reason, but by other factors that tend to build cryptic knowledge and create theories.
    It is true that something swims in the ocean, flies over our heads and walks barefoot at night through our suburbs, but we really want to know the truth?

  14. Perhaps the problem is not the silences of those who research the oceans, perhaps the problem is a lack of publications of quality and responsibility.
    The vast majority of websites have 10% information and 90% ego and business.
    Luckily this website provides resources so that each one can form their own criteria, it does not push us to believe "something" certain and it is not constantly asking us for money.
    In Patagonia a lot is investigated in the depths of the ocean, I personally would like the publications to be open, but I understand why it is not like that.

  15. I have no hope that we get answers over ufos and usos, this makes me mad, i must know the truth! I want to know everything about this. Greetings from Germoney

  16. The 2013 Aguadilla affair is interesting as there is an aerial AND a submerge phase of movement.
    The SCU has published a study :
    Debunkers states that it's likely a chinese lantern.Problem: No known object like a hot air balloon are capable of been submerged and then resume its aerial flight.
    Based on the data given by SCU, a simple calculation gives the power needed to move the USO : 8.5 Mega Watt
    The propulsion system needs to work in air and water. Magneto-hydrodynamic could be an answer but should be discarded in my opinion as it does not work in a vacuum and its efficiency is too low.


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