Monday, June 11, 2018

Over 150 issues of VFSRS/VUFORS periodicals now digitally available

The Archives for the Unexplained

Last August I announced, that following work by Sweden's Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) ; UK researcher Isaac Koi; myself; Keith Roberts of Tasmania, and Bill Chalker of New South Wales, that a digital archive of Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre (TUFOIC) Newsletters, and periodicals of the UFO Investigation Centre (UFOIC) had been created and was available for access.

Victorian UFO periodicals

Today, I am pleased to advise that following work by the AFU; Isaac Koi; myself, and a former official of the Victorian UFO Research Society (VUFORS), many digital copies of periodicals of VUFORS are now available for access.

VUFORS started life, as the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society (Victorian Branch) on 17 February 1957. Later that year it was renamed the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society (VFSRS.) In 1968 VFSRS became the Victorian UFO Research Society.

The group published a number of periodicals, specifically the Australian Flying Saucer Review (AFSR) (joint editions with the UFO Investigation Centre (UFOIC) of News South Wales, and then separately as  AFSR (Victorian edition). In 1972 when high costs forced the closure of the AFSR, it produced issues of the Australian UFO Bulletin.

Thanks to the work of those cited above, the digital collection now contains all of the Victorian produced issues of the AFSR and most of the Australian UFO Bulletins (1968 - 2007.)

How to access issues

To access an issue of the VFSRS/VUFORS periodicals, simply click here, or paste the link below into a web browser, which will take you to the collection. If you click on any issue and open it up, then click on the ... symbol, you will then be able to download that issue. If you are unable to download for any reason then email me at and I will WeTransfer you that issue(s).

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