Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Keith's "holiday" concludes

In a previous post dated 20 December 2017, I advised that I was taking a break from UAP research. I have now been absent from UAP research for just over three months, and am returning mentally refreshed. Each break I have taken, has allowed me the ability to pursue other interests during that time. I have renewed my long-term enjoyment of astronomy, meteorology, and SETI, which I will continue alongside my UAP research.

Now for a word about my co-blogger, Pauline Wilson. Pauline wishes me to advise readers that she is withdrawing from public UAP research, citing the lack of any real research efforts taking place here in Australia. You will have gathered from her posts since January, that after examining the current state of Australian UAP research, that she has become disillusioned with it. I fully understand her position, as many of her sentiments reflect my own views. I wish to thank her for her time in contributing to our joint blog, firstly in the late 2000's, and just recently. She has always preferred to work "in the shadows" and she is returning to that place.

I will shortly be recommencing contributing posts to this blog.

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