Friday, July 28, 2017

UFO resources - periodicals in the State Libraries of Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory

This post continues to explore the periodicals about UAP, held by various State Libraries. Firstly, the State Library of Victoria.


1. Panorama.

Vol 1 no 1 (Mar 1962) to Vol 9 no 5/6 (Nov 1971.)

2. UFO Research Australia Newsletter.

Vol 1 no 1 (Jan/Feb 1980.)

3. Australian Flying Saucer Review (Vic.)

No 1 (May 1964.)

4. Australian Flying Saucer Review.

Vol 1 no 1 (Dec 1959.)

5. Australian UFO Bulletin.

Mar 1985; Sep 1988.

6. Contactee Research.

Feb 1997.

Western Australia

1. Journal of Alternative Realities.

Vol 2: issue 3 (Nov 1994) - 2004.

2. Newsletter of the West Australian UFO Investigation Centre.

Vol 2 no 1 (Mar 1985) - Vol 4 no 2 (Jul 1986.)

3. Journal of the West Australian UFO Investigation Centre.

No 1 (Jul/Aug 1983) - Vol 1 no 5 (Jun 1984.)

4. PSI Magazine.

(1993) - Vol 2 no 1 (1994.)

5. Newsletter Perth UFO Research Group.

Mar 1968 - Sep/Oct 1971; Apr 1981 - May 1984.


1. UFO News. Journal of the Tasmanian Flying Saucers Observers Association.

Nov 1968 - Jul/Aug 1970 (?)

2. UFO Research Australia Newsletter.

Vol 1 no 1 (Jan/Feb 1980) ; Mar/Apr 1984 - May 1989.

Northern Territory

No periodicals about UAP were found in the State Library of the Northern Territory.

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Who is talking about UAP these days?

Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...