Tuesday, July 25, 2017

UFO resources of the State Library of Queensland


As part of a Project to gather together digitised copies of Australian UAP periodicals, I have been researching the holdings of various state libraries. Today, I present the holdings of the State Library of Queensland (SLQ). Brisbane blog readers are encouraged to visit the SLQ to at least read these fascinating publications. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who does visit the SLQ for this purpose.

A listing

1. Light-  Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau - Mar 1957- Jan/Mar 1960.

2. QUFO - Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau - 1963-1964 (imperfect run.)

3. The Australian Flying Saucer Digest - Allied UFO Groups of Australia - Jan/Dec 1965.

4. Newsletter (QFSRB) - Jan/Feb 1966 - May/Jun 1973.

5. Contact -QFSRB - Issues from Jul/Dec 1973.

6. UFO Encounter - UFO Research (Queensland) - Oct/Nov 1977 onwards.

7. UFO Connection: We are not alone - UFO Investigation Network (Loganlea) Dec 1992/Feb 1993.

8. UFOlogist - UFO Investigation Centre Qld Jan/Mar 1997 onwards.

A note

A number of digitised copies of UFO Encounter have been uploaded by UFO Research (Qld) to the ISSUU website, namely issues 249-270; 275; 278; 279. Sheryl Gottschall of UFOR (Qld) advises me they are planning to slowly upload additional issues.

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