Wednesday, July 26, 2017

UFO periodicals in the State Libraries of South Australian and New South Wales


In a previous post, I documented a listing of UAP periodicals to be found in the State Library of Queensland. In this post, I list UAP periodicals which are held by the State Libraries of South Australia and New South Wales.

South Australia

1. Australian Flying Saucer Research Society Magazine.

Vol 6 No 2 (Jun 1972) - Vol 12 no 3 (Dec 1978.)

2. Saucer Newsletter.

Vol 1 no 1 (Dec 1966.)

3. Australian Saucer Record.

Vol 1 no 2 (2nd quarter 1955) - Vol 9 no 1 (Mar 1963.)

4. Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research.

No 1 (Nov 1978) - issue 113 (Nov 2006.)

5. Panorama.

Vol 1 no 1 (Mar 1962) - Vol 10 no 5/6 (1971.)

6. The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies.

Vol 3 no 5 (Sep/Oct 1982) to Vol 6 no 6 (Nov/Dec 1985.)

7. Bi-Monthly UFO Report.

No 2 (Feb 1971); No 3 (Mar/Apr 1971); Aug 1971- May 1973.

8. Newsletter - UFO Research Australia SA Inc.

No 27 (Sep/Oct 1977) to Vol 6 no 4 & 5.

An unusual find

Besides the above periodicals, I found another listing, simply titled 'UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA.' This find consists of eight boxes of material. Besides a range of Australian and overseas periodicals, there are some interesting items. What are we to make of:

Confidential AFSRS1959 Onwards Part1
Confidential AFSRS1959 Onwards Part2
Confidential AFSRS1959 Onwards Part3
Correspondence 1973 - 1974 Part 1
Correspondence 1973 - 1974 Part 2
George Adamski File?

Who donated this material to the State Library of South Australia? There have always been rumours about the final resting place of some of the material which South Australian researcher Colin Norris left behind. Is this part of his extensive collection?

I know of no-one who has been into the State Library of South Australia, and examined these eight boxes of material. The following are the listed contents of these boxes. Naturally, I will be shortly heading of to the State Library of South Australia to take a look for myself.

Box 1

UFO Research Australia Newsletter 1982 - 1984
Newsletter : Australian International UFO (Flying
Saucer Research) 1975 - 1976, 1978 - 1980
ACOS Bulletin 1975 - 1979
Newsletter : UFO Research (S.A.) Inc
UFOIC Newsletter, 1964, 1966, 1967-1971
Australian Flying Saucer Review 1966, 1970-1972

Box 2

Australian UFO Review 1969
UFO Encounter 1976 - 1980
UFO Observer 1972
Australian Centre for UFO Studies 1980
Australian. UFO Researcher 1978
Unidentified Flying Objects Investigators
Organisation 1975
UFO Research 1979
UFO Newsletter 1976-1977
Australian UFO Report 1971 - 1973
Tasmanian Flying Saucer Observers' Association 1970 - 1976
Australian UFO Bulletin 1970 - 1977
Network News 1974 Gemini 1972
UFO Chronicle 1969 - 1970
BUFORA Journal 1975 - 1976

Box 3

Ancient Skies 1974 - 1975
Various Danish magazines including UFO contact
Swedish magazines:
Phenomenes Spatiaux 1971 - 1974
UFO - nyt 1972 - 1975
Lumieres Dans La Nuit 1975 - 1976
UFO information 1974 - 1975
Centre for Short-Lived Phenomena 1968 - 1974

Box 4 

Canadian UFO Report 1972 - 1974
Gosssafnog Bulletin 1979
N.I.C.A.P. Reporter 1963, 1965
Understanding 1975 UFO-mation 1959
UFO Investigator 1956 - 1965
UFO Chronolog 1969 - 1970
The Apro Bulletin 1968 - 1976
Data - Net 1967
The MUFON UFO Journal 1976 - 1977
Cos-mos 1969
Cos-mos Sirius 1971
Spacelink 1969 - 1970
Unidentified Flying Objects Investigators
Organisation 1975
Perth UFO Research Group 1955 - 1968
Bi-monthly UFO Report 1971
The Invader 1973

Box 5

Space Review 1963
Mister 1975
Flying Saucer News 1956
Interplanetary News 1969
Flying Saucers and Mysticism
New Age Prophecies
New Age Expositor 1962
Spacecraft convention 1957
The Saucers Report 1957
The Unknown 1970
UfOarb 1969
UFO Analysis & Research Bulletin Special Issue 1968
Les "Extra-Terrestres" 1974
OISC 1971
They Believe in Flying Saucers
"Constellation Orion" by B. Perkins
UFO News Special Report 1974
"If you have been left behind" by D.E. Stanton
Where will you spend Eternity?
America in Space : Venus Observed
The Voice of the House of the Hidden Places by J.E. Vener
Uranus 1961
Official UFO 1976
The Fire Came By
Algo 1975
Panorama 1968 - 1969
Central Coast Research Bureau 1973 - 1975
Australian Flying Saucer Research Society, Adelaide 1967 - 1974
File : Correspondence from Belgium
UFO News 1974
Club 1971
The Black Hole
The Loch Ness Monster
Memorial de l'office Nationale Meteorologique de France 1935

Box 6 

UFO Conference One 1975
UFO Conference Two Part 1
UFO Conference Two Part 2
Report Forms for Standardised Australian UFO Report Project
Confidential AFSRS1959 Onwards Part1
Confidential AFSRS1959 Onwards Part2
Confidential AFSRS1959 Onwards Part3
Correspondence 1973 - 1974 Part 1
Correspondence 1973 - 1974 Part 2

Box 7

Reports of sightings 1952 - 1956
Reports of sightings 1957 - 1962
Correspondence, etc.
Book Lists
Sighting Chronologies
Western Australia
Various reports (Australian)
UFO Info
The Australian UFO Computer File Codebook and Parameter table

Box 8 

George Adamski File
UFOCAT Australian Chronology
RAAF reports
Papers from ANZAAS - SA Symposium on "The Unidentified Flying Object
Perth and Tasmania
Miscellaneous Australian Reports Part 1
Miscellaneous Australian Reports Part 2
Miscellaneous Australian Reports Part 3
Australian UFO Computer File

New South Wales

1. UFOIC Newsletter.

No 22 (Feb 1964) to no 50 (Jan/Feb 1977.)

2. Australian UFO Researcher.

No 56/57 (Jan/Feb 1979) to No 58/59 (May/Jun 1979.)

3. UFO Newsletter.

No 51 (May 1977) - 54/55 (Jul/Aug 1978.)

4. INUFOR Digest

Vol 1 no 1 (Jun 1995) - Vol 9 no 1 (Jul 2003.)

5. Flying Saucer Review

Vol 33 no 1 (Mar 1988) - Vol 54 no 3 (2009.)

Vol 8 no 6 (Nov/Dec 1962) - Vol 32 no 6 (1987.)

6. Australian Flying Saucer Magazine

Mar 1954.

7. Australian Flying Saucer Review

Vol 1 no 2 (Apr 1960) - Vol 2 no 8 (Jun 1965.)

8. UFO Research Australia Newsletter

Vol 1 no 1 (Jan/Feb 1980) - Vol 5 no 5 (Sep/Oct 1984); Vol 6 no 1 (Apr 1988.)

9. Australian UFO Review

No 10 (Dec 1969.)

My notes:

There seem discrepancies in some of these entries, in terms of the title of the periodicals.


  1. Is anyone digitizing these? Is there a place to obtain the digital copies of publications you have collected. This is also a huge passion of mine. And am always looking to add to my library. Things like this are not quite as Easy to get physical copies of, so people digitizing them and uploading is very important current and future generations to have access to this date. I buy up everything I can and have spent a small fortune building a library of ufo (And related) items. But old case files and periodicals typically get donated to places like AFU and research library at the museum in roswell. So digital access to pdfs of these things is something that needs to be done

  2. Hi Jeff, Unfortunately, State Libraries do not seem to have any plans to digitze their holdings of Australian periodicals. AFU have digitized some Australian periodicals and they have a download site where you can download copies for yourself. Take a look at and for my contributions.


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