Thursday, July 20, 2017

National Library of Australia's PANDORA Project

PANDORA is the name of a digital archive, originally established by the National Library of Australia (NLA) in 1996. Today, it is a collaboration between the NLA and nine other Australian libraries and cultural collection agencies.

PANDORA is short for Preserving and Accessing Networked Documentary Resources of Australia. It is dedicated to the preserving of, and long term access to, Australian online electronic websites. Its aim is to preserve a selective collection of documents about the cultural, social, and political life, and activities of Australians.

Accessing the PANDORA website you will find a listing of subjects, e.g. arts, media, sciences; a 'complete listing of titles,' or you can search the titles alphabetically.

Naturally, I decided to search under 'U' to see what sources are devoted to the topic of this blog. I found:

1. UFO Research Queensland Inc.

'UFO Research Queensland Inc was selected for preservation by the State Library of Queensland. This title was not selected for re-archiving.'

Archived 21 October 2015.

2.  UFOs - Scientific Research. (Blog of Keith Basterfield.)

'UFOs - Scientific Research was selected for preservation by the National Library of Australia. This title is scheduled to be re-archived regularly.'

Archived 7 February 2014; 10 February 2015; 10 February 2016; 10 February 2017.

3. (Website of Alan Ferguson.)

' was selected for preservation by the National Library of Australia. This title is scheduled to be re-archived regularly.'

Archived 18 December 2015.

These are the only three UFO related websites listed under 'U.' However, if you use the search engine with a variety of other keywords the following sites also appear, as archived by PANDORA.

4. Australian UFO Research Network - archived 4 August 2008; 4 August 2009; 26 August 2011; 26 August 2013.

5. The UFO and Paranormal Research Society of Australia - archived 7 October 2016.

6. Eidolon Paranormal - archived 7 December 2011; 19 December 2012.

7. Weird Australia - archived 16 March 2015; 16 March 2016; 16 March 2017.

8. David Reneke's World of Space and Astronomy - archived 4 April 2014; 4 April 2015; 4 April 2016; 4 April 2017.

9. The Secret Visitors Project - archived 20 August 2015; 20 August 2016.

It is nice to know that websites dedicated wholly, or partly, to our subject are being archived and preserved by the National Library of Australia,

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