Hi all,
In 2003 I was fortunate to be able to publish a detailed study titled "The Implant Motif in UFO Abduction Literature," in volume 8 (new series) of the Journal of UFO Studies.
One of the questions which I posed in this article was, when was the first case reported in the literature? I found that three cases vied for the title of the earliest published case. All three were published in 1979.
The three:
They were:
1. The Betty Andreasson case.
2. An unknown experiencer reported by Raymond Fowler.
3. Dona Clelia T.R.
I wrote:
"The third case is a little-known Brazilian event, also first published in 1979 (Portuguese translation in Gevaerd & Stevens, 1987.) In this instance, during a May 2 1976, hypnotic regression session recalling an abduction, a woman (Dona Clelia T. R. ) responded to a question by replying 'I put a hand to my ear and he said no, that I would keep the device [inside] now; that I could not take it out by hand, that this was surgery.'" (Gevaerd & Stevens, 1987, p.143.)
Recently, I received an email from researcher Luis R Gonzalez, with some new information about Dona Clelia T. R.
Luis stated that the case was definitely not an implant one. The revised English translation of the particular questions are sourced from SBEDV Bulletin # 129-131, July-Dec 1979.
Question # 88 (DSL) "What is your impression?"
Answer # 88 (Clelia) "I think it is strange, because the pain has passed. I have put my hand to my ear and he replies that no, no, that I'm gonna have a little scar now. I should not have touched it, that it was surgery."
Question # 89. (DSL) "Surgery? What for?"
Answer # 89 (Clelia) "Because my eardrums have been ruptured. The pain was so strong."
Question # 90 (DSL) "And he gave you some stitches?"
Answer # 90 (Clelia) "The impression I had was that I had my eardrums blown apart, understood? when he spoke of surgery I ...he spoke of surgery and said..it is surgery but not like yours.
Question # 91 (DSL) "Maybe they did not know that such a noise could break your eardrums? It, they were blown up, weren't they?"
Answer # 91 (Clelia) "I do not know."
No implant:
Luis then writes to me:
"Thus, there was no "implant," just a small scar to be left because she had touched her ear, following surgery to repair her broken eardrum ( a somewhat extreme measure because usually eardrums repair themselves in a few weeks.) Surprisingly, (or not) the investigations apparently did not check if there were really was any scar (there should have been two of them...)"
An examination of aspects of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) from a scientific perspective.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Important Department of Supply UAP file digitised by the National Archives of Australia.
Hi all,
An interesting UAP file has just been digitised, at my request, by the National Archives of Australia. File series D174, control symbol SA5644/2/1, barcode 10663583, held by the Adelaide office titled "Unidentified Flying Objects," originated with the former Department of Supply (Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury.) It has a date range of 1966 to 1974.
There is so much material of interest, that I have decided to post a page by page description of the file.
An interesting UAP file has just been digitised, at my request, by the National Archives of Australia. File series D174, control symbol SA5644/2/1, barcode 10663583, held by the Adelaide office titled "Unidentified Flying Objects," originated with the former Department of Supply (Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury.) It has a date range of 1966 to 1974.
There is so much material of interest, that I have decided to post a page by page description of the file.
File cover. File opened
Letter. 28 May 1971. From PRO WRE
Teleprinter. 21 May 71. From World Date Centre to B Harkin –no record of
satellite decay
Teleprinter. From Harkin to World Warning Agency. Any
satellite re-entries
Teleprinter .
Photo of high altitude vapour trail.
Minute. From APD to S/APD. Reporting channels UFOs. Two
channels exist. (1) Sightings at the range. PO/Ranges to Supt/Trails to
DD/Trails to Regional Security Officer Adelaide to Chief Security Officer to
Dept of Air to ? (2) All other
sightings. Supt/APD to Supt/APD to Head Office to Dept of External Affairs to
US Embassy. Trying to delete input to US Embassy.
Memo. Undated. From DD/Trials to Supt Woomera and WRE
Memo. To Supt Woomera from DD/Trials. Subject:
Identification of space vehicle fragments. Re sighting on
Teleprinter. Undated. From Woods Weapons
STARS report form.
STARS report form.
STARS report form.28 Apr 67. 1402hrs +60s. 2/5 secs. I J
STARS report form. Site K12 A2 operator.
STARS report form. Site K9.
STARS report form. L Fox at site 3.
Site 3.
File note
“Report on Aerial Object Observed” form. R Hodge
Photographer. 3 secs.
L D East. Asst Photog. 1100hrs to 1140hrs intermittent.
165 degrees az 45 degrees el. Crossing path of missile in trail EC 23.
Overhead. Silver white like aircraft without wings. 45 degrees el slightly
arced path. “Did not track long as trial imminent.” Clear blue sky.
P Howard. Asst Photog. 1135hrs Fraction of a sec. Through
12x tracking scope of Congreves camera from site 6 K35. Travelling across
path of a Jindivik aircraft. Ap 40-45 degree el very fast. Northerly
direction gaining height. Went out of FOV. Clear blue sky. Object appeared to
be closer to K35 than Jindivik.
M Randel. Asst Photog. 11 to 1140 Intermittent. 165az 45
degree el at 1100 cross path of missile in trial. Overhead. Intercom talk
alerted. 45 degree slow to very fast. Went towards range head. Trial EC23.
M Wallbanks. Asst Photog.
I Neill. Asst Photog.
Asst Photog.
1100-1115hrs. 10-15mins. K15. Overhead. Six to 12 objects white. All
shaped. Travelled in all directions. Straight path. First sighted 80 degrees
el. Faded into distance. Photographed at K15 for approx 5 seconds.
P Ratcliffe. Assist Photog.
Minute. To PRO from ? As 95
Letter 2 Mar 67
from J N Stephens. Report received from a Mr Woodhouse Wollongong
sighting 2015hrs EST 11 Feb 67 very bright object in the sky.
Memo to Chief Scientist from WRE re UAS
Memo. To PRO from Satellite Tracking Gp.
File note.
Memo. RAAF
Letter from Mr Clark Victor Harbor SA. 2025hrs S to SE sky
30 degrees elevation. Star moved to E. 5mins. Then went up.
File cover.
Label-Ast. Archives.
"UFOs:Food for Thought" - An Australian novel about UAP
Hi all,
This is only the second time that this blog has featured a novel about UAP. The first was "UFOs in her eyes" by author Xiaolu Guo and set in China (click here to read the post.) Later in this post, I will reveal why I am mentioning this Australian novel.
John Meskell:
The novel is called "UFOs:Food for Thought" by Queenslander John Meskell. It was published in 2009 by Zeus Publications, Burleigh, Queensland. ISBN is 978-1-921674-24-5. Although it is a few years old now, I have never made the time to track down a copy and read it. However, I recently located a copy through my local library and rectified my omission.
The storyline:
Cecelia Patton and her daughter, Gail, encounter a UAP near Charleville, Queensland, and an abduction event ensues. A friend, Ted Skinner, also observes the UAP. Cecelia's husband, Bill, is a police officer and makes an official report about the incident.
Enter government investigator, Maxwell Carter, who is assigned to look into the incident. While in dialogue with his off-sider, Carter cites the details of such real life sightings as Boianai (1959); Bougainville Reef (1965); Tully (1966); a Townsville detective's sighting, and the Valentich disappearance (1978.)
Carter and his partner, Harold Barlow; Lieutenant Humphries, Military Intelligence, Australian Army, a RAAF representative, people from the CSIRO and three other Army staff go off to investigate the Patton's abduction.
Carter and Barlow then go on to investigate other cases, including one in Western Australia involving three men who appear to have been abducted. From there, the story develops. You will have to get a copy of the book to find out what unfolds from there.
John Meskell's UAP interests:
"UFOs: Food for Thought" is a work of fiction, but I would like to draw your attention to the author's interest in UAP. John Meskell was a central participant in the reporting of the 1965 Bougainville Reef aircraft encounter (click here and here for my posts on this intriguing event,) and the Townsville detective's story in the novel, is actually Meskell's own sighting. In addition, Meskell had another sighting in 1967 which he reported to the RAAF (click here.)
Back to the novel:
I enjoyed the novel, and suggest that it would be well worth your while to find a copy of the novel and read it for yourself.
This is only the second time that this blog has featured a novel about UAP. The first was "UFOs in her eyes" by author Xiaolu Guo and set in China (click here to read the post.) Later in this post, I will reveal why I am mentioning this Australian novel.
John Meskell:
The novel is called "UFOs:Food for Thought" by Queenslander John Meskell. It was published in 2009 by Zeus Publications, Burleigh, Queensland. ISBN is 978-1-921674-24-5. Although it is a few years old now, I have never made the time to track down a copy and read it. However, I recently located a copy through my local library and rectified my omission.
The storyline:
Cecelia Patton and her daughter, Gail, encounter a UAP near Charleville, Queensland, and an abduction event ensues. A friend, Ted Skinner, also observes the UAP. Cecelia's husband, Bill, is a police officer and makes an official report about the incident.
Enter government investigator, Maxwell Carter, who is assigned to look into the incident. While in dialogue with his off-sider, Carter cites the details of such real life sightings as Boianai (1959); Bougainville Reef (1965); Tully (1966); a Townsville detective's sighting, and the Valentich disappearance (1978.)
Carter and his partner, Harold Barlow; Lieutenant Humphries, Military Intelligence, Australian Army, a RAAF representative, people from the CSIRO and three other Army staff go off to investigate the Patton's abduction.
Carter and Barlow then go on to investigate other cases, including one in Western Australia involving three men who appear to have been abducted. From there, the story develops. You will have to get a copy of the book to find out what unfolds from there.
John Meskell's UAP interests:
"UFOs: Food for Thought" is a work of fiction, but I would like to draw your attention to the author's interest in UAP. John Meskell was a central participant in the reporting of the 1965 Bougainville Reef aircraft encounter (click here and here for my posts on this intriguing event,) and the Townsville detective's story in the novel, is actually Meskell's own sighting. In addition, Meskell had another sighting in 1967 which he reported to the RAAF (click here.)
Back to the novel:
I enjoyed the novel, and suggest that it would be well worth your while to find a copy of the novel and read it for yourself.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Australian government UAP files - why bother?
Hi all,
The other day, via private email, one of the readers of this blog, asked a fair enough question. "Why are you bothering with old files?"
Who is aware?
My initial response was that many people are simply not aware of the contents of the RAAF, CSIRO, Met. Bureau, ASIO, the former Department of Civil Aviation, Army and Navy files on UAP, held in the National Archives of Australia (NAA.)
Some of these files were digitised by the NAA in the period between 2003-2008 during the Disclosure Australia Project. Others have been digitised (for a fee) following requests by myself. More recently, Melbourne researcher Paul Dean has spent money getting most of the remaining known files digitised. Once digitised the material on all these files (about a hundred now) are available for anyone to read. The more people who read these files, the more people there are to discuss and debate their value and meaning.
There are good reports:
Secondly, the files do contain some startlingly good UAP reports, which the RAAF etc. documented but never really analysed. Occasionally, when yet another file is digitised, some more interesting material comes to light.
Newer files:
Thirdly, the old files lead on to newer files. The Archives Act at the moment only allows us to reach back to 1984. I am currently seeking RAAF UAP files for the period 1984 to 1994. The latter date is when the RAAF rounded up all its UAP files from its various bases around the country, closed them off and deposited them into the National Archives. I have already secured copies of two of these files and have requested three more from the RAAF via the Freedom of Information Act. I will post on their contents in due course.
Fourthly, the current staff of the Department of Defence themselves, do not know the contents of their own UAP files. You may recall news media coverage a couple of years ago which stated that the DOD had "lost" its UAP files. At that time I sent the DOD FOI Unit a list of all the Australian government UAP files of which I was aware. Only by someone like me making the time to document the government holdings, can we assist educate current DOD staff about the topic. My reasoning here, is that the more they know on the subject, the more they can assist us with our enquiries.
That is why I continue to document these "old" files.
The other day, via private email, one of the readers of this blog, asked a fair enough question. "Why are you bothering with old files?"
Who is aware?
My initial response was that many people are simply not aware of the contents of the RAAF, CSIRO, Met. Bureau, ASIO, the former Department of Civil Aviation, Army and Navy files on UAP, held in the National Archives of Australia (NAA.)
Some of these files were digitised by the NAA in the period between 2003-2008 during the Disclosure Australia Project. Others have been digitised (for a fee) following requests by myself. More recently, Melbourne researcher Paul Dean has spent money getting most of the remaining known files digitised. Once digitised the material on all these files (about a hundred now) are available for anyone to read. The more people who read these files, the more people there are to discuss and debate their value and meaning.
There are good reports:
Secondly, the files do contain some startlingly good UAP reports, which the RAAF etc. documented but never really analysed. Occasionally, when yet another file is digitised, some more interesting material comes to light.
Newer files:
Thirdly, the old files lead on to newer files. The Archives Act at the moment only allows us to reach back to 1984. I am currently seeking RAAF UAP files for the period 1984 to 1994. The latter date is when the RAAF rounded up all its UAP files from its various bases around the country, closed them off and deposited them into the National Archives. I have already secured copies of two of these files and have requested three more from the RAAF via the Freedom of Information Act. I will post on their contents in due course.
Fourthly, the current staff of the Department of Defence themselves, do not know the contents of their own UAP files. You may recall news media coverage a couple of years ago which stated that the DOD had "lost" its UAP files. At that time I sent the DOD FOI Unit a list of all the Australian government UAP files of which I was aware. Only by someone like me making the time to document the government holdings, can we assist educate current DOD staff about the topic. My reasoning here, is that the more they know on the subject, the more they can assist us with our enquiries.
That is why I continue to document these "old" files.
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