Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Four more National Archives UAP files digitised

Hi all,

Courtesy of the continuing generosity of Melbourne researcher Paul Dean, four additional UAP files held by the National Archives of Australia, have just been digitised for us all to view.

Department of the Army file:

NAA file series MT1131/1 control symbol A31/1/133, barcode 3226483, is a Department of the Army file titled "Unidentified aircraft over Papua and New Guinea" with a date range of 1958 to 1959. It consists of 9 digital pages. Why the Army should be interested in unidentified aircraft in this area is unknown.

The only possible UAP related sighting, is a memo dated 17 June 1959, from the Department of Territories to the Department of Defence re a "Reported sighting of falling object." by the Assistant District Officer at Baniara in the Milne Bay District.

"Apparently unidentified object sighted from Baniara 1900 sunday 24th May in westerly direction appeared high in sky but commenced to descend erratically in SW direction colour was a brilliant blue alternating at long intervals to a reddish glow and ending with a green flash object disappeared at 2015hrs."

The Department of Defence sent copies to the Department of Air and the Department of Civil Aviation, asking "...if in the meantime, you are able to throw any light on the incident, your advice would be appreciated."

Second Department of Army file:

NAA file series MT1131/1, control symbol A31/1/102, barcode 3226475, is another Department of the Army file with a date range of 1957-1959. This is a 10 page digital file, titled "Request for information, flying objects Raoul & Bandish." An individual named Raoul E Baudish of Lane Cove, New South Wales, on 28 October 1957 wrote in and asked for information about UFOs in connection with military exercises. The Minister of the Army responded on 18 November 1957 that "The matter has been investigated and no reports of sightings have been made to my Department."

RAAF file:

NAA file series A11250, control symbol 5/1/Air Part 1, barcode 3474695, is titled "[No 23 Fighter Squadron] - Intelligence - Unusual Sightings." This file is one of the earliest RAAF files available to us with a date range of 1953-1953. Number 23 Fighter Squadron at that stage was based at RAAF Amberley in Queensland. The digital file is 9 pages long.

It consists of a memo dated 21 November 1953 from HQ Home Command, Penrith, NSW to a distribution list of RAAF Bases in south-eastern Australia. The heading is "Attention Intelligence Officers - Unusual Sightings." The memo states that an original 1951 proforma for reporting unusual sightings has been updated and is attached for future use.A note on the inside cover states "Ref 1A. Make this available where it (can be) read by all pilots - CAF and DAF. Please impress on them to treat as confidential."

Also on the file is an unclassified teletype from Deapaircan to commlist alpha, advising of the expected decay and re-entry of Sputnik III in April 1960. The Department of Air called for observations of the re-entry.

Second RAAF file:

NAA file series A11339, control symbol 5/7/1/Air Part 1, barcode 3526846, is titled "[Base Squadron - Williamtown] - Intelligence - Unusual sightings" with a date range of 1953-1958. This file is 66 pages long.

On it there are:

* Copies of the November 1953 memo updating the RAAF's reporting proforma.

* Numerous reports from the New Lambton area of a 21 January 1954 sighting at about 0745hrs of an elliptical, soft, luminous blue object travelling from the west at 35-40 degrees elevation.
Headquarters Home Command asked Williamtown to interview witnesses. One witness, Mr Mark Howarth of the Grange Mount Observatory who collected observations, was even invited to lunch by RAAF Wing Commander N T Quinn of the Land/Air Warfare, Williamtown to discuss the sightings!

*A newspaper clipping headed "Blazing meteor zips past jet" and told how "A blazing meteor went within 200 feet of a Sabre jet plane flying at 15,000 feet north of Williamtown RAAF base last night."

* Observations by  Flight Sgts C H Peck and H A Collits; and Pilot Officer J I Thomson on 11 October 1956 for 3 seconds at 2015hrs of a blue-green light low down in the sky, moving at a rapid pace across the sky.

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