Thursday, March 4, 2010

"What's that up in the sky?"

The March 2010 issue of the "Australasian Science" magazine, Volume 31:2 page 44 has an article "What's that up in the sky?" by Peter Bowditch, immediate past president of the Australian Skeptics Inc.

It discusses the December 2009 Norway light show. It comments about "experts" who pronounced the light display due to aliens; a wormhole; or a black hole from the Large Hadron Collider. The Russians then said that it was actually a failed missile launch of theirs.

Bowditch went on to state "...problems can arise if we approach anomalies or novelties with a predetermined context or a standardised explanation." He comments that "UFO believers apply a different error...There is something in the sky that they don't understand so again they see what they want to see..."

1 comment:

  1. "UFO believers apply a different error...There is something in the sky that they don't understand so again they see what they want to see..."

    If it can't be identified against known phenomena, and it isn't falling to earth what else should we call it but an unidentified flying object?


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