Saturday, April 7, 2018

Kit Green in "Phenomena" - the book by Annie Jacobsen

Dear readers,

Further to my two latest posts, about Christopher (Kit) Canfield Green, I found a copy of Annie Jacobsen's 2017 published book "Phenomena" (Back Bay Books, New York.) As I suspected there is more here about Green's UAP work, than I had previously found.

In order not to paraphrase her words, the following is the complete text from pages 394-400. In between quoting these pages, I will intersperse my own comments and questions (in italics) generated in my mind by her reporting. 


To interview Kit Green, I travel to Detroit, where Green has returned to private practice and also serves at the Wayne State University School of Medicine, in Michigan. Over the past thirteen years, Dr.  Green has been a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Radiology at the Harper University Hospital, and the Detroit Medical Center, and served as the medical school's executive director for Emergent Technologies (i.e. forensic brain scanning applications). Green's career path is unusual for a former intelligence officer. He returned to medical practice after a long, meritorious government career. "These new positions afford access to state-of-the-art technology in high-field brain, MRI's, neuroradiology, and software," Green says. And he exploits this technology, he explains, in order to pursue an area of research that he had not shared publicly until our interviews for this book.

Comment 1

As it appears that Green commenced this line of work in 2005, this means that for 10 years, until Jacobsen interviewed him, that we were unaware of this work. One wonders if we did not have Jacobsen's interviews to go by, whether we would ever have heard of this work?

Green's identity as a CIA officer remained secret until 2007, when he appeared in an episode of the PBS series Secrets of the Dead. The episode, called "Umbrella Assassin," was a Cold War case file involving the murder of Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov, killed at a bus stop in England in 1978.

Comment 2

In fact,Christopher Green's involvement with the CIA, was revealed as early as 1992 by Armen Victorian [aka Henry Azadehdel] in the British UFO Magazine Vol. 11 No. 3 [Vallee, J. Forbidden Science Volume 2;notes, chapter seven, note 23.] However, I wouldn't expect Jacobsen to have known this. 

If we hadn't suspected Markov had been murdered by the KGB," says Green, "his death would have likely been written off as 'cause unknown,' or 'death from natural causes.' " But because Green and his CIA colleagues had a strong hypothesis to work from, they went the extra mile in the laboratory. "Our Intelligence services found a tiny plutonium-iridium pellet in Markov's leg and removed it. We prescribed specialized blood tests and identified ricin, which we looked for because of the victim's signs and symptoms. An assassin used a weapon disguised as an umbrella," says Green. For his work breaking this and other forensic medical cases over the next five years, Green was awarded the National Intelligence Medal.

After Green officially left the CIA in 1985, he worked for General Motor's Research labs, and was eventually promoted to Chief Technology Officer for Asia-Pacific. he has remained an active military and intelligence science advisor for the CIA and the Department of Defense, serving on more than twenty Defense science and advisory boards. His positions have included chairman of numerous National Academy of Sciences Boards and Studies; Fellow, American Academy of Forensic Sciences; founding member, Defense Intelligence Agency Technology Insight-Gauge-Evaluate, and Review Committee; chairman of the independent Science Panel for the Undersecretary of the Army for Operations Research and later for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Matters. He also recently served as chairperson of a nineteen-member National Research Council effort to examine the future of military-intelligence science and brain research over the next twenty years. Green's bonafides are clearly not lacking. In 2016 he was asked to join a classified science advisory board for James R. Clapper, director of National Intelligence (to whom the directors of all seventeen US intelligence agencies and organizations report) and the man who, in the 1990's, as director of DIA, criticized the anomalous mental phenomena programs calling them "just too far out at the leading edge of technology."

Kit Green finds advising the Defense Department and intelligence community stimulating and challenging, he says, but what interests him most is his work for eleven years now in his private practice. "I'm interested in the notion of people injured physically by anomalous events," Green tells me. "Often these events are perceived as [involving] unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, drones, high energy radio frequencies that confront people face-to-face and cannot be explained." In an earlier age, some UAP's were known as UFOs. Green does not agree with the use of that term "because it is imprecise," he says. But the nomenclature change helps to destigmatize the research. [Hilary Clinton spoke of UAPs while on the 2016 campaign trail.] The impetus of Green's work, he says, can be traced back to an unresolved component of the CIA's psychic research program in late 1974. The notion of people touched by anomalous events was a concept that Green was first confronted with when working with Uri Geller and the nuclear scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

"These individuals carried top-secret clearances that were as high as mine" says Green, including Q clearances for nuclear secrets. "And yet they told me they saw things that could not be easily explained. They reported seeing raven-like birds on their bedpost...orbs floating down the hallways of their homes. A disembodied arm hovering in the air. These individuals were not crazy," he says. To paranormalists, these close-contact sightings are known as close encounters. "The idea of close-encounters touches upon a lot of pathologies," says Green, "but not all encounters involve pathologies." This mystery plagued him for decades, he says. In 2005, he began working on a research project to address this enigma. he began creating "a structured database of individuals that were suffering enigmatic injuries, burns, skin lesions, cancers, diseases-and who also had face-to-face encounters with UAPs," says Green.

"We would comb through each narrative," remembers Green. "Compare statistics. Pare the information down. Pull out people with pathologies. What was left? Many very interesting cases. Cases that could not be easily explained." After two years of data analysis, in 2007, Green took his research project from academic to operational. "I began performing much pro bono work," he says, "forensic investigation and diagnosis of patients injured by multiply witnessed physical anomalous events with UAPs, drone, and other visible physical devices."

Green accepted his patients carefully. "They are all high-functioning individuals, many prodigious savants, most of whom carry a high security clearance," he says. "They are members of Special Forces, members of the intelligence community, employees of aerospace companies, officers in the military, guards of military bases, policemen. Often injuries take place of a military bivouac, [which is] an overnight mission at a secure location for the purpose of guarding, reconnaissance, or some kind of exploration...Common injuries are from something that is airborne [Something] that emits some kind of a light or a beam. Some orbs."

Green takes on patients who already have a thick physician case file, and whose doctors have been unable to  determine what injured them. "My patients were physically injured by something. They have signs on their body. Markings. Illness," he says. They agree to give Green access to their medical history and permission for him to speak with their other doctors. None have mental illness. "They and their physicians have exhausted many avenues and find themselves at the end of their rope," says Green. "These patients are by majority not prone to conspiracy or PTSD. This kind of thinking would interfere with their career path. They and usually their superiors come to me because my speciality is forensic medicine. I try to determine diagnosis from very little and often highly incomplete data." Like the assassinations he investigated while in the CIA.

Using the technology available to him. Green orders brain scans, specialized blood, DNA and endocrine test and compiles the results. At present he has more than one hundred active patients. His original hypothesis was that a majority of his patients had "been exposed to technology from black programs," he says, that is, advanced state-of-the-art, high-energy technologies developed in Special Access Programs. "Nonlethal weapons programs. Holograms. Cloaking devices. Drones. Twenty five percent of my patients die within five to seven years of my diagnosis, and I have no idea of how any programs I knew about years ago can do these things," Green says.

To advance his hypothesis, based on the demographics and high-functioning of his patients, Dr Green teamed up with the Nolan Lab at Stamford University, run by Garry Nolan, one of the world's leading research scientists specializing in genetics, immunology and bioinformatics. Nolan trained under the Nobel Prize-winning biologist David Baltimore, has published over 200 research papers, and holds twenty biotechnology patents. Age fifty-five, he has been honoured as one of the top twenty inventors at Stanford University. His research is funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Cancer Institute and others. In 2012, Nolan was awarded the Teal Innovator Award from the Defense department, a $3.3 million grant for advanced cancer studies. The Nolan Lab is perhaps best known for pioneering advances in large-scale mapping of cellular features and human cells at an unprecedented level of detail. "We are building on technologies that are just coming into existence," Nolan told me in 2016. Dr Kit Green and his colleagues sought out Garry Nolan for help.

Garry P Nolan

For Garry P Nolan's curriculum vitae click here.

"I have met and worked with many of Kit's patients," Nolan confirms, "and I have looked deeply at the relevant medical data. These people were injured. I have seen the physiological consequences of the harm they've endured. He agrees with Kit Green that in many cases it looks as if it is an electromagnetic field of some sort." It has led to inflammation and other biomarkers in their bodies that can be seen on MRIs, tisue, blood. We are now working on both the gentics and epigenetic components," Nolan says. "I am relatively certain we are the only individuals in the field doing this." Using mapping technology the Nolan Lab is renowned for, technicians are mapping Green's patients' DNA and their immune systems. They are looking for patterns among the patients, using biological data to create an integrated theory.

Comment 3

Has Garry Nolan published anything about this joint UAP work with Green? I have not been able to find anything.

"All kinds of trauma can be picked up by the immune system," Nolan says. "Every event that happens to you is recorded by your immune system," which in turn creates a biological data-base of the self. "Every surgery or bee sting," he says, every incident of HIN1 flu, head cold, allergy or chicken pox "is all sensed and recorded by the immune system." With the technology that is emerging from the Nolan lab, doctors will likely soon be able to take a snapshot of a person's blood and read the historical record of a person's physiological life. Access to this kind of high technology nonsubjective biological data would have been impossible to imagine in any other age.

But what, I ask Garry Nolan, does this have to do with anomalous mental phenomena research? With ESP and PK? With Uri Geller and hallucinations experienced by scientists at the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Laboratory? "We are also mapping [DNA and immune systems] people and their families who claims to be remote viewers  or have anomalous perception," Nolan confirms. For example, Joe McMoneagle is part of their research program; he provided them with a sample of his DNA, and the team is considering how to access the DNA of his sister, who was also allegedly a remote viewer, says Nolan. "Whether real, perceived or illusion, there appears to be a genetic determinant." And while Dr Green maintains that his patients' injuries may have come from high energy devices or their components, both Green and Nolan think there is more to it than that. "Some people [seem to] repeatedly attract the phenomena or the experiences," Nolan says. "They act like an antenna or are like lighthouses in the dark."

For some it might be a blessing, Nolan speculates. They are comfortable with these experiences and make it work in their lives (think Uri Geller, Joe McMoneagle, Angela Dellafiora, and Paul Smith). For others its a curse (for example, Green's injured patients and the Livermore nuclear scientists who quit their jobs). Nolan makes clear that his ideas are only hypotheses, but he explains that the raw data from which his hypotheses have been drawn are clear. "It's important to remember that DNA doe not invent stories," he says. Gene mapping and advanced single-cell analysis techniques reveal biological truths. "Imagine if you could understand how all this connects to mentation [ie mental activity], "Nolan says. Nolan says of claimed UAP encounters and ESP or PK abilities, "You could make a drug to block [the genetic aspect] for those who don't want it - or even enhance it for others."

In effect, Kit Green and Garry Nolan are searching for a gene for paranormality. Or as Green prefers to say, "The genomics of supernormality."

Comment 4

While detailed reviews of the book 'Phenomena' have appeared in such places as the Journal for Scientific Exploration, e.g. McMoneagle;  Marwaha; these pieces have concerned themselves with the remote viewing aspects of the book. I have yet to come across anyone who has reviewed the portions of the book concerning Green and Nolan's work on UAP experiencers. Have any readers come across such material? 

Comment 5

Have anyone other than Jacobsen provided accounts of Green and Nolan's UAP experiencer work? I have seen plenty of material citing Jacobsen's interviews, but nothing by anyone else.

Linda Moulton Howe and John Burroughs

A blog reader informed me that there was a series of three interviews between Linda Moulton Howe; John Burroughs and Annie Jacobsen, which I have now listened to. In addition there is a transcript available of the first interview in the series. 

In part of that transcript Jacobsen says "I had some information that I had, and I asked Green about it, and over time he - we developed a rapport in our ongoing hours and hours of interviews that apparently made him comfortable enough to discuss this program further with me. And I felt quite privileged to have this story because I was aware that no one else had been told at that length."

It would appear that no one else has reported on this aspect of Green's work since the book "Phenomena" appeared. If any blog readers are aware this is incorrect would they kindly point me in the direction of any such available material?


  1. Correct/edit...You mean Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA not Stamford University; I believe ?

  2. This IS Armen Victorian. My sources on names I unmasked are concrete, and I stand by every word I made public. In my new forthcoming book, Trinity of EVIL, I am unmasking the true nature of USA that puts even Satan to shame!

  3. Hi Pauline
    It was a platinum-iridium pellet, not plutonium that would have been radioactive.
    Worth correcting thanks for this though


English university to hold UAP symposium

 Academic articles In a recent article on this blog , I explored the work of a number of academics who have, over the years, published artic...