Sunday, July 16, 2023

Robert Bigelow was looking for a second sponsor for the BAASS/AAWSAP


Long-term readers of this blog will be aware that most of my blog articles are based on what interests me, rather than what is currently popular on Twitter, YouTube or other social media platforms. Like most UAP researchers and commentators, I have been following with great interest, the David Grusch story and the efforts of the US Congress.

However, you can read about these topics on multiple media outlets, including, increasingly, mainstream media. So, I don't feel a need to report them here too. Having said that, I continue to mine small pieces of information, from Jacques Vallee's book "Forbidden Science: Volume 5." Today, I learnt about the involvement of a Canadian engineer in the AAWSAP. I was surprised to learn of his role, as I have never read or heard anything about his work for AAWSAP. A second surprise item was that Bigelow was looking for another sponsor for BAASS/AAWSAP above and beyond the Defense Intelligence Agency. Who was that potential co-sponsor? Here are the relevant extracts from FS5.

30 September 2008

Scientific Research & Development Laboratory by Toronto Int. Airport (

Speaking of Robert Bigelow's BAASS/AAWSAP, Vallee wrote: 

"I do hope to find out more from George Hathaway what the prospects are for a more consistent plan when I meet him in Toronto on Monday."


I wrote a blog article about Canadian engineer George Hathaway, his work and research findings, back in 2018.  At one stage, in 1989, Hathaway was employed by Crown Prince Hans-Adam von Liechtenstein, and they were looking at the UAP with a view to discovering new forms of energy production. Hathaway was also the author of two of the 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents prepared for AAWSAP at the request of AAWSAP sub-contractors Hal Puthoff and Eric Davis. In addition, Hathaway Research International had conducted research on at least three occasions between 1992 and 2012 on UAP for unnamed clients, including field work in the US. 

6 October 2008

Shortly after the date upon which Robert Bigelow announced that he had launched a project which turned out to be AAWSAP, funded by the Defense Intelligence Agency, there appeared a diary entry dated 6 October 2008 when Vallee was in Toronto, Canada.

"George Hathaway is in his fifties. He looks like my brother, a cordial fellow with a moustache and a black leather jacket, a keen sense of humor and a quick mind. A father with two daughters in their 30's, he is an engineer, not a physicist, he insists; he just 'gets the equations from Puthoff and works with them.' He kindly picked me up from the airport and took me to dinner at Canoe's a trendy place high on a skyscraper from which we could see the lights of Toronto.

He has been working for his current sponsors since 1979. In 1988 they 'rescued' Hal from the bureaucracy by co-funding his fledgling research Institute, but I told George I thought we couldn't assume the physical answers tend to fit general relativity. Some interesting startups in my backyard and elsewhere were testing radically different formulations of mass and inertia. Hal is quite aware of this.

The main topic of the evening was the BAASS project and we were immediately on the same level, sharing plans but also concerns. Why wasn't there an organizing meetings that could have drawn on the lessons from the shortcomings of NIDS? Why the contradictions between the plan to contact other nations to share data and the expectation of privileged information from Washington? Why the speculation about potential disclosure when a legal decision exists, precluding us from such disclosure?

George, who isn't a US Citizen, isn't fully briefed but he knows that Bob Bigelow wanted a European sponsor to get involved, hence the trip with Hal and Kit, although that eminent contact isn't officially supposed to know the sponsor (as if he couldn't find out with two phone calls). That channel can open doors and the world, so George encouraged me to go and discuss the subject in Europe..."


So, Robert Bigelow wanted a European co-sponsor for his BAASS/AAWSAP. Who could it be? There may be a clue in Vallee's use of the word "eminent." Eminent (of a person) means famous and respected in a particular sphere. Also, when Vallee wrote " if he couldn't find out..." note the use of the pronoun "he," meaning a single male. 

23 November 2008

Vallee travels to Zurich, Switzerland. 


Switzerland is adjacent to the country of Liechtenstein. So, I suspect that one possibility for Bigelow's European co-sponsor would be Hans-Adam.; an eminent individual, with previous links to George Hathaway; and in fact, to Vallee, who had met Hans-Adam some years previously to discuss their respective research. 

24 November 2008

On a train from Zurich.

"Our meeting with our potential co-sponsors was relaxed. They were urbane and simple. We sat by the fireplace in a vast office, while they apologized for the lingering smell of a wood fire.

My appeal for help in reaching cabinet-level people who might have access to the real files in Europe had little result; however, they found closed doors everywhere, so my initial reality-check of Bigelow's plane led to a negative conclusion. They made it clear that few people in political office would take the initiative of opening the real data unless there was a clear, open signal from the United States, which has a history of carelessly exposing its friends..."


 Vallee mentions the pronoun "they," i.e. more than one, which doesn't rule out the presence of Hans-Adam.  

24 December 2008

A conversation between Jacques Valle and Hal Puthoff.

"He told me his first job had consisted of putting together a program plan, timeline and list of collaborators. That had taken 45 days with Eric and George Hathaway..."

16 May 2009

"Hal shares my frustration about the lack of data from Skinwalker Ranch, where we'd proposed installing instruments from George Hathaway, like those already used at Chaco Canyon."

What was the outcome?

Vallee's book doesn't again mention BAASS European sponsors. In addition, I have never read, or heard, anything, anywhere else which reported on such actual co-sponsors. Naturally, I'd be interested to hear from any blog reader who may have further information. 


  1. This may be of some relevance: In Appendix II of "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon The Fürst of Liechtenstein, Hans-Adam, is mentioned as possible preferable sponsor: "The shining examples of privately funded research come from two individuals—Robert T. Bigelow and Prince
    Hans Adam of Liechtenstein. Bigelow’s funding of the National Institute for Discovery Science for eight years was an example of how private funding can lead to groundbreaking research. Likewise, Prince Hans Adam of Liechtenstein provided a stable pipeline of funding over decades for a variety of programs both in Europe and in
    North America."

    No other mentioning of Hans Adam of Liechtenstein in Skinwalkers ... But allegedly (I just took it for granted) in previous FSx with x < 5, meetings between Vallee & Hans Adam of Liechtenstein are mentioned.

    Maybe Hans Adam of Liechtenstein got frustrated over time because his research did not lead to fruition, and because it may be dangerous if one comes "too close" to what the powers that be (including non humans) don't want disclosure. Maybe nowadays Fürst Hans Adam of Liechtenstein could be described as an "armchair flying saucerer" (modified qote from Clark's "Prince Philip: The Royal Flying Saucerer" ) who knows what can be known about these topics, and also knows the unknowables?

    1. Karl, thank you for your insightful comments above.


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