Thursday, July 6, 2023

Vallee's "Forbidden Science: Volume 5" - items re the DIA and BAASS

I am continuing my re-reading of Jacques Vallee's book "Forbidden Science: Volume 5" and find small items of information which I have not read about anywhere else. They may well be small items of limited interest to others, but I document them here for future reference.

Item 1: A DIA UFO Collection Project?

Vallee, in a diary entry dated 26 March 2004, speaking of Dr. Eric W. Davis writes:

"Eric developed other sources, notably a former DIA senior officer who confirmed that DIA had a UFO collection project at one time. He promised to provide more information but died before they could meet again. His secretary found an envelope inside his desk sealed and addressed to Eric. It contained the man's notes about the project, and the real source of the fake MJ-12papers, with which the field of ufology remains fascinated. The story I was told is this: In 1961 the UFO Project inside the government, was taken over by DIA. By the early 1980's Rear Admiral E. A. Burkhalter, Jr. who was Chief of Staff and acting assistant vice director in the Directorate for Collection Management and his deputy Col. Roy K. Jonkers, USAF, were in charge of the project. They are shown in these positions on an org chart dated March 1981. The same document shows Dr. Jack Vorona as assistant vice-director for Scientific and Technical intelligence.

Burkhalter, calling himself 'Mister X' and a man named Polko, introduced as 'Falcon' decided to spread disinformation about UFOs. Apparently, Dale Graff, who monitored Hal's project on behalf of DIA, wasn't in the know. The remake of the Sandler-Emenegger documentary in which I participated was he correct platform, with the Norton episode, but when Pentagon P.R. man Colonel Coleman told us to 'go out on a limb' to draw out controversial revelations, I fortunately convinced Hynek we shouldn't take the bait.

After I had derailed the first effort to turn us into 'useful idiots,' Rear Admiral Burkhalter and Polko contacted Bill Moore and Linda Howe, and reportedly spread their 'revelations' through a frequently used disinformation channel.

By then the MJ-12 documents had been re-purposed as 'genuine' false documents, based on details that came from old Eagleton's (Sic Angleton?) disinformation files at CIA, and ufologists the world over swallowed the bait. So, everything now ties together. I still fail to see the ultimate point of such shenanigans however."

Item 2: The process by which the AAWSAP contract with the DIA was handled

We know for a fact that the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the DIA's contract for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) was issued by the DIA on 18 August 2008. I was the first researcher who found the RFP on the Internet. The RFP had a response date of 5 September 2008. We also know for a fact that the successful bidder for the contract was Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS.) However, there has always been a debate as to how BAASS became the successful bidder. Some people suggest that the process was set up to ensure only BAASS would be successful. Information in FS5 may assist answer this question.

On page 425 of FS5 in a diary entry dated 23 August 2008, Vallee recounts a conversation with Hal Puthoff and points out that the RFP:

 " a 'set aside for small business' (eliminating Boeing and Lockheed) and demands prior performance in space, which restricts the field to three or four firms, including Bigelow Aerospace."

Vallee then continues, citing Hal Puthoff:

 "The whole program has a back side" I learned...We've been promised access to hardware and physiology data extracted from the current contractors, who are getting nowhere. In fact, their project got so tangled up in their own compartments that 'the senators' decided to turn to Bob's new company, BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies) to do the job."

Adding to this is another diary entry dated 13 July 2008, in which Vallee quotes Robert Bigelow, when talking about the DIA project, as saying:

"I'm writing the response to the RFP now...I've already lined up an administrator...we're still a couple of months away from launching it."


1. The conversation between Hal Puthoff and Jacques Vallee occurred on 23 August 2008; before the DIA officially knew, on 5 September 2008, who was bidding; and before the DIA had to select a successful bidder.

2. "We've been promised access to hardware and physiology data extracted from the current contractors..." What current contractors? Is Puthoff saying there was a pre-existing AAWSAP-like project which AAWSAP was replacing? This is my interpretation of this section of Vallee's diary. 

3. BAASS was actually registered in the State of Nevada on 29 January 2008. 

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