Sunday, March 27, 2022

A timeline for AAWSAP/BAASS, and beyond


Given all the information so far obtained about Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) and the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP); the data contained in the 2021 book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon;" and the recent release of relevant Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents, I thought it was time to attempt to timeline this, for my own understanding. I have not included all of the BAASS products delivered to the Defense Intelligence Agency, as listed in the rear of "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon," as we have not yet received copies of most of these products. Updated material addded 26 June 2022 from Lue Elizondo's complaint to the Inspector General. Marked with an **

** June 2008 - Elizondo approached by Jay Stratton and another person, both associated with AAWSAP.

** July 2008 - Elizondo met with Lacatski

**August 2008 - Elizondo was informed of a specific portfolio area within AAWSAP - collection of military sightings, area called AATIP

* 18 August 2008 - DIA AAWSAP broad area announcement seeking bidders for contract.

* 4 September 2008  - closing date for DIA AAWSAP contract bidders.

Fiscal year 09. 1 October 2008 - 30 September 2009. Year 1. $M10 funding

* 1 October 2008 - the BAASS AAWSAP contract commences.

* 16 December 2008 - Briefing - DIA FOIA released file titled "DI_brief_2008."

* 2 January 2009 - Briefing - "DR_Reid_Mtg_Jan09."

* April 2009 - BAASS/Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) sub-contract commences.

* 4 May 2009 - Briefing - "DR_Reid_Mtg_May09."

* 8 May 2009 - Briefing - "DI-Brief_2009."

* 8 May 2009 - Briefing - "DR_Reid_Brief_May09."

* 24 June 2009 - Senator Reid forwards letter to Department of Defense seeking Special Access Program status for AATIP.

Credit: Edison Boaventura Jr. 

* 24 August 2009 - Technical paper results - "Contract_Studies_24Aug09."

* Circa September 2009 - "Contract_FY10."

* Circa September 2009 - Technical documents review - "U-429-09-DWO-IM."

* Circa September 2009 - FY10 deliverables - "Contract_Status_Briefing."

FY10. 1 October 2009 - 30 September 2010. Year 2. $12M funding

* November 2009 - Meeting "DR-Reid_Mth_Nov09."

* December 2009 - April 2010 - Some Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs) delivered and published.

* 11 December 2009 - James T. Lacatski et al, brief Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI.)

* January 2010 - BAASS/MUFON sub-contract terminated by BAASS.

** April 2010 - Elizondo assumes role of both AAWASAP and AATIP Director.

* May - August 2010 - most BAASS AAWSAP contract staff terminated.

FY11. 1 October 2010 - 30 September 2011. Year 3. No funding available

Although no US government funding was available, it has been said, in some sources, that Robert Bigelow self-funded BAASS to continue beyond 30 September 2010. As can be seen below, some BAASS employees stayed on beyond 21 December 2010. 

* 1 October 2010 - BAASS contract extended until 21 December 2010 at no cost to US government (Skinwalkers at the Pentagon.)

* November 2010 - January 2011 - The rest of the DIRDs are received and published.

* January 2011 - BAASS AAWSAP employee, Research analyst/French translator, Daniel Maily ceased work. 

* 7 February 2011 - Lacatski et al, brief Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on the AAWSAP program.

* July 2011 - 30 September 2011 -Science and Technology area of DHS works with BAASS on a proposed new BASS-like program but within DHS.

* July 2011 - BAASS AAWSAP employee, Senior Engineer Jason Viggato ceased work. 

* September 2011 - BAASS AAWSAP employee, lead investigator Joel Logan ceased work.

FY12. 1 October 2011 - 30 September 2012. Year 4. Money available but no contract in place

* 1 October 2011 - 31 December 2011 - Science and Technology area of DHS works with BAASS on a proposed new BASS-like program but within DHS.

* May 2012 - BAASS AAWSAP employee, Director of Investigations and Security, Loran Hoffman ceased work.

* 2012 - BAASS AAWSAP employee, Deputy Administrator, Colm Kelleher ceased work. 

* FY12 - no definitive date - "For FY12 DIA leadership had tried to transfer the program within the DOD, but without success." (Skinwalkers at the Pentagon.)

FY13 1 October 2012 - 30 September 2013. Year 5. $M10 available but not taken up by DHS

* June 2013 - BAASS AAWSAP employee, Douglas Kurth ceased work. 

End note

As further DIA released BAASS/AAWSAP papers emerge, I will amend the above timeline. 

** $10M obtained for FYs13 & 14 for AATIP. Money hijacked withion OUSD(I).

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