Sunday, September 19, 2021

Luis Elizondo , ICER, and that San Marino conference


On 27 October 2018, the Italian UAP research group Centro Ufologico Nazionale held a conference in Rome, Italy. One of the speakers was Luis Elizondo. I wrote up details of his presentation in a blog post dated 31 October 2018.


A triple symposium, again run by CUN, was held between 11-12 September 2021. Themes were UAP; space and paloeastranautics. The event was held in the microstate of San Marino, which is a small state, surrounded by north central Italy, population 34,000. 

The CUN website advertised that two of the speakers on the 12 September would be Luis Elizondo and Chris Mellon. The details shown on the website at that time were:

"ICER, cover up and disclosure

0900 Gary Heseltine

1015 L Elizondo

1200 C Mellon

1230 R Pinotti."


ICER is short for International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research. A 28 May 2021 media release advised that 

"ICER is a not-for-profit organization, is comprised of scientists, academics and leading UFO/UAP researchers from 27 countries on 5 continents who are unanimous in their recognition that we are not alone in the cosmos."

"ICER believes that all countries now need to prepare for confirmation that the Earth is being engaged by non-human intelligences and proposes awareness programs be established..."

"ICER aims to take this discussion to the highest level of governance, including the United Nations."

Gary Heseltine and ICER

"Gary Heseltine, a researcher (and former police detective) based in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, has been sufficiently emboldened by the forthcoming report [ODNI report to Congress -KB] to set up the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) in order to coordinate the global response and 'prepare awareness classes for the public.'"

"Heseltine, met with Luis Elizondo prior to ICER's launch on 25 May...and says the former AATIP programme director is 'fully supportive' of the group's global approach."

What was in Elizondo's presentation?

I looked for an online video of Elizondo's presentation at San Marino, but failed to locate one. I asked around my networks and no one else has come across one yet. I did however, come across a series of interviews with Elizondo, by Max Moszkowicz, a film maker and journalist from the Netherlands. In one of those interviews, Moszkowicz, asks the question of why Elizondo was in San Marino, and answers his own question when he titled the interview "Luis Elizondo in San Marino to build international UFO disclosure coalition."

During that interview, when asked what he would be presenting at his San Marino symposium session, Elizondo responded that he would be covering what had been achieved during the last three years, and what could be achieved in the future. This strongly suggests that his San Marino presentation would be similar to his talk at the recent International UFO Conference , where his presentation included three slides labelled " Yesterday;" "Today;" and "Tomorrow." If any blog reader has a link to an actual video of the presentation I'd be happy to receive that. 

Update: 21 September 2021

There was a change in the list of speakers, Chris Mellon's name was deleted and in place there was Col. Roberto Doz. 

Colonel Roberto Doz is a former Italian Air Force officer, head of the Italian "UFOs and Pilots" study team. 

The CUN website also revealed that the event had Governmental patronage of the Secretariats of State for Tourism and Culture, of the Republic of San Marino. 

Elizondo chatted with Gary Heseltine, Max Moszkowicz and Sean Raasch in a Youtube video, where Elizondo referred to meeting various officials. 

Update: 29 September 2021

ICER carried a short report on the event. 

Update: 30 October 2021

I understand that this is the presentation which Luis Elizondo made at San Marino. 

Update: 16 January 2022

For the latest on this subject, and Project Titan, click here.

Update: 31 July 2022

There has been a change of strategy for Project Titan. For a look at what is now going to happen, click here. 

Update: 29 January 2023

For an interview with Paolo Guizzardi concerning the news that the San Marino parliament had approved Project Titan, click here. 


  1. Dear Keith, I just listened to an interview CUN's director Roberto Pinotti gave to CUN Radio, but there was absolutely nothing new to be learned from this. In the last part of the interview Pinotti talked about Elizondo's presentation and about the use if artificial intelligence to analyse UFO videos. But Pinotti did this in such a general way that the listener wouldn't even know that a piece of Software has been developed by Lue and his associates and is currently being tested, if he or she had not heard about it in other recent interviews with Lue. M.Markert Switzerland

  2. There is an abyss between digital automation technology -DAT-, or redundant random analysis technology -RRAT-, or lateral cross anisotropic processing -LCAP-, among others, and interactive dynamic analysis by artificial intelligence -IDA / AI- which is what is used in practice for video analysis.
    Any current professional, commercial, industrial, military or intelligence technology for video analytics at this level starts out costing $ 3.5 million for hardware and $ 4.6 million for software.
    Depending on the demand, these values can add up to 2 zeros, and that for what exists today and is manufactured to order.
    The appropriate technological development using artificial intelligence for video analysis needs to include modules of cognitive AI, dynamic AI, adaptive AI, among other modules.
    This is due to the fact that to analyze videos it must be contrasted with field analysis geometric projection tracers, since digital analysis does not analyze the video as a unit, but rather analyzes each micro / nano component of it, the way it interacts with the remaining and each step of the process cumulatively.
    What's more! An analysis with AI implies an adequate processing platform, a basic technological architecture at the level of the requirement, and above all, professionals trained to solve problems on demand.
    This AI technology is in the order of 25/75 million dollars for hardware and for scientific exclusivity from 50/150 million dollars for software, and the fees paid to the professionals who operate it are at the level of those of a corporate CEO.
    But mainly, to analyze UFO videos with AI, you need THE ORIGINAL VIDEO, and none of the videos available today since Nimitz 2004 are original, NONE, since they were recorded in UHDV 720/1080 and higher, but they were "declassified" in 240 Pixels, which was disrespectful to all of society.
    You also need the FULL videos, and none of them are.
    Lue and his associates are just making waves in a bathtub, still, if they have that technology SHOW IT NOW AND STOP TALKING SO MUCH that the world is tired of so many advertisements and no concrete achievements.
    With all due respect, people deserve after 5 years of speech, more serious, truthful and reliable presentations.

    1. Why is artificial intelligence necessary to study these phenomena?
      Are they UFOs or are they something else?

  3. here is the recording from the conference


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