Sunday, June 30, 2019

To The Stars Academy's new mobile app to be named SCOUT- some details

The To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSAAS) has been filing regular reports with the US Securities and Exchange Commission  I previously reported on some interesting information in their 30 April 2019 filing, in a blog post dated 10 May 2019.

New filing

On 3 June 2019, TTSAAS filed an "Offering circular" for up to 6,000,000 shares of class A common stock at $5 a share. As part of this filing, there was an accompanying summary, which in part advises of the company's recent and future activities. Included there was:

"The Company's Science Division is a theoretical and experimental laboratory...Through its Advisory Board TTSAAS has access to world-renowned scientists with advanced knowledge to pursue the company's commercially viable research projects in the near-term, including quantum communications technology, the A.D.A.M. (Acquisition & Data Analysis of Materials) Research Project, and THE VAULT (formerly the Community of Interest ("COI"), an artificial intelligence empowered database to be housed in a new mobile application called SCOUT (Signature Collection of UAP Tracker.)"

My comment:

In my 10 May 2019 blog post, I noted the reference to a mobile app. However, at that time the name of the app was not mentioned. Now we know it is to be named SCOUT.

Later in the statement, there is mention:

"Wherever possible we will translate our unique knowledge into a medium that we can responsibly share with our customers and community. This could be accomplished in various ways providing access to a robust database like the THE VAULT, by educating government policy makers so that they can influence changes in official Department of Defense policy like the Navy's recent new guidelines for reporting UFOs, and through informed entertainment media like the docu-series, working title the UNIDENTIFIED: Inside America's UFO Investigation."

Future goals

Under "Our future goals" we find:

"Launch mobile application SCOUT to house THE VAULT, allowing users to access and track data on the move in addition to allowing each user to view each other's contribution and documents posted by TTSAAS."

On page 19, there is further information:

"In furtherance of this plan, in April 2019, TTSAAS acquired the mobile application, social media accounts, website and all intellectual property of Project Capture. Project capture was designed to extract data from reports directly input by users, and serve as a host not only for sophisticated reports, but media content as well. Project Capture was designed with public participation of data collection in mind, which is directly applicable to company's plan for SCOUT. The company is in the process of updating and rebranding Project capture to SCOUT (Signature Collection of UAP Tracker.) 

The SCOUT mobile application will enable data collection directly from the public that will contribute to THE VAULT. SCOUT will allow users to access, track and view other users' data  contributions as well as information published by TTSAAS. We plan to allow data transmissions from larger databases such as the U.S.government, and foreign governments in the future. SCOUT will be made available to the public through the iTunes app store and Google Play later in 2019."

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Advanced Theoretical Physics Project - documents from their first meeting


Following the recent public release of three documents from the files of the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Australian James Rigney, made an appeal in my last blog post, for anyone with further related documents to come forward and place them in the public domain.

At around the same time, I was listening to US researcher, Melinda Leslie, on The UFO Network News show, with co-hosts Frank Stalter and Chant Hannah.  Chant had arranged for Melinda to mention her extensive research on the topic of a number of individuals who repeatedly crop up in the history of our subject, from the 1980's to the present day, and provided some relevant documents.

Melinda referenced a website which carried a video of a presentation she had given on that topic. I watched the video presentation, and afterwards contacted Melinda to follow up on a particular aspect; namely her use of images from some original documents related to the Advanced Theoretical Physics (ATP) project, run by John B Alexander in the 1980's.

Previously available ATP documentation

Several years ago, two pieces of documentation made their way into the public domain. I image these documents below:

The top document is the agenda for the meeting; and the bottom one, a booking "slip" for the "BDM McLean Secure Facility" for the dates of 20-25 May 1985.

Melinda's presentation

During her video presentation, Melinda mentioned that she had obtained her copies of ATP documents, from an individual named Jack Houck.

Who was Jack Houck?

I turned to my invaluable copy of "Forbidden Science: Volume Three" by Jacques Vallee. There I found the following entries about Houck.

Page 200, diary entry dated 30 July 1985

Bill Calvert contacted Vallee and told Vallee about a new group headed by John Alexander. Calvert:

"I heard it from Jack Houck, an engineer at McDonnell in Huntington Beach. He is a student of a friend of mine, a medium in L.A. He keeps bringing her some CIA types who give her coordinates and ask her what she sees...Jack Houck also believes there's a giant UFO base in Brazilian jungles."

Page 218 diary entry dated 23 November 1985

"News about Jack Houck: he will not be involved in UFO research with the government group after all, restricting his activities to PK. He tells me this results from official reactions when it became obvious that news of the Secret Onion's existence had somehow leaked to his New Age friends..." ["Secret Onion" was Vallee's name for the ATP - KB.]

Page 268 diary entry dated 28 November 1986

"Hal tells me that the Secret Onion project is dead. After all those high level meetings, someone who was higher threw a monkey wrench into the gears. I believe they became visible prematurely. The ludicrous episode with Jack Houck has demonstrated that they were incapable of maintaining confidentiality."

For further information about Houck, click here. In addition, please see update below dated 25 June 2019.

New to me images

In my communications with Melinda, she not only provided me with a copy of the "Agenda" document, but multiple additional documents. Melinda described the other documents as copies of overhead transparencies used during the May 1985 ATP conference. I had not seen these additional documents before. Melinda has kindly allowed me to share these. The comments below each image, are solely mine. 

Where did Melinda obtain these documents?

After viewing these additional images, I went back and re-watched her video presentation. At a 1994 MUFON Los Angeles event, Melinda had met Ed Dames. During a conversation between Melinda and Dames, Dames told her all about the ATP, and suggested she talk to Jack Houck about the ATP. Melinda responded that she was taking remote viewing classes from Houck. Melinda became friends with Jack and Jean Houck. After Jack Houck's death, in 2013, Jean Houck spoke to Melinda and Melinda's friend named Steve. Jean Houck invited Melinda and Steve to go through her husband's file boxes. This is where Melinda found the ATP documents. So, this is the source of the 1985 ATP documents I am discussing in this blog post.

The ATP documents sourced from Houck via Melinda

[Note: any highlighting shown, was done by Melinda -KB.]

My comment

Melinda's copy has some handwritten notes, probably by Houck. The previously available copy, imaged at the start of the post, doesn't have these handwritten notes, suggesting that it was sourced from another attendee.

My comments

1. Note the highlighted word "Threat." Moving forward to the year 2017 when we learned of the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP.) Perhaps, this is not too unexpected, for after all both the ATP and AATIP were set in the US Defense Department.

2. There are three data bases mentioned. Were these actual established data bases, or do they perhaps refer to subsets of data? Note the reference to "Abduction data base." In 1985, there was the beginning of great interest in  the abduction phenomenon.

3. Under "Collect new data" there are "Install sensors" and "Overflights." 

4. On "Obtain direct contact" there is "physical" and "psychical or PSI."

My comments

1. Again, on this list we see the Defense oriented "Parry Soviet threat."

2. The area with most sub-points, is the "Obtain technology spinoffs."

My comments

1. A review of the history of the subject would be a must , as no doubt looking at the composition of the ATP membership, there were individual differences in knowledge bases.

2. Vallee, Sturrock, McDonald and Sagan are named in the hand written notes.

My comments

1. Two pages in one image here. 

2. Top image: I would think that the reference to "The Elephant cases" refers either to UFO cases which no one likes to talk about; or the old story of a number of individuals who touch different parts of an elephant, but none of them has the entire picture, and so they don't know its an elephant. 

3. Bottom image: In selecting goals for the project, a number of points set out here need to be noted. 

My comment

A good plan will "Have airtight security." Well, as we saw above, the existence of the project was  "outed" at a very early stage.

My comments

1. Dated 21 May 1985, these handwritten notes are probably by Jack Houck.

2. There is mention of individuals, Ron Blackburn and Don Kimbel of Lockheed.

My comments

1. Two pages on one image.

2. Bottom image: "Plan a media release now if cover is blown later." Unfortunately, their cover was blown almost straight away. 

No comment.

My comments

1. From a previous slide, task one is "detector deployment" where they were looking at deploying detectors within 3-4 months. The question arises as to what type of detectors they were talking about.

2. Task one was "Overflights." Targets to be selected, flights arranged, and photographs accessed. But what "overflights" and where we they to be conducted?

3. Under task four which is "classified data" here we see a little detail. Apparently the plan was to select certain individuals and interview them. Presumably for their knowledge of the UFO phenomenon.

4. Task four was "Hi-tech." This seems to refer to "remote viewing," as an approach, as it states "Select viewers" and "targets."

5. Note the bottom line which says "Prepare 100M program." Is this a reference that after the initial trial period, they were looking to institute a M$100 project?

My comments

1. A good result of "overflight" would be "Tight correlation with other observables." Again I ask, aircraft overflights of where and what? 

2. "Assess classified data." Perhaps my earlier thought that they wished to interview people in positions of knowledge, is incorrect. Instead, this leads me to believe they were talking bout accessing individuals in the Defense realm with access to classified sensor systems. Then to ask them to have the sensors available if there were orders given to task them to observe the UFO phenomenon?

3. It seems that someone in the group with knowledge of remote viewing, thought that here, a good result would be maximum return on investment (ROI.)

My comment

Nothing unexpected here.

My comment

This exercise in ranking the top tasks, resulted in the selection of detector deployment; overflights; classified data and PSI contact which are then featured elsewhere in the presentation images.

My comments

1. "Comint from ship" ?

2. "Five base locations." My thought here, is that there have been suggestions that the UFO phenomenon has "bases" on Earth. If so, this would explain why one of the four selected tasks was "overflights." Surveillance photographic flights to see if anything turned up? Note a comment from Vallee's book, cited earlier in this blog post that "Jack Houck also believes there's a giant UFO base in Brazilian jungles."

In summary

A fascinating insight into the ATP conference of May 1985, as shown in copies of the original presentation material from that event.


I wish to again thank Melinda Leslie, and her colleague Randy Koppang, for all their research; and particularly Melinda for sharing the images with me.

Update 1: 25 June 2019

Melinda Leslie pointed out to me, that John B Alexander had written an Obituary for Jack Houck. This appeared in the Journal of the Society for Scientific Exploration, 2013, volume 27, number 2, pages 323-324.

Houck worked as an aeronautical engineer with Douglas Aircraft Company which then became McDonnell-Douglas and then Boeing, between 1961-2003.

In part, Alexander's piece included:

"He managed a number of extremely sensitive defense and intelligence programs...During that period he formed the Advanced research Group that engaged in evaluating data of foreign rockets and associated weapons systems...

" 1980 James McDonnell, then chair of McDonnell-Douglas, asked him to run a remote viewing experiment. In response Jack conducted fully judged, double-blind experiments using latitude and longitude coordinates for targets all over the world...

"...he worked with established material scientists to conduct analysis and documentation of microscopic changes that occur to the material during the PKMB...

"...The work performed by Jack in development of theory, experimentation, and analysis covering a wide range of extraordinary observations was exemplary..."

Update 2: 25 June 2019

An anonymous individual submitted the following comment after the post appeared:

"Five base locations" most likely refers to the alleged UFO bases Pat Price remote viewed and showed to Hal Puthoff in 1973, (in addition to Jack Houck's one in Brazil). I'm sure you know the story - it's well documented in Richard Dolan's "UFOs and the National Security State Volume 2" on page 68. Price told Puthoff that there were four major UFO bases on the planet. There were supposedly located at Mt. Perdido in the Pyrenees Mountains, Mount Inyangani in Zimbabwe, Mount Hayes in Alaska, and Mount Ziel in Australia. Interestingly, in a lecture in the early 2000s Puthoff stated that someone from Australia was called who confirmed that the location Price found was a hot spot for UFO sightings. Puthoff begins the story at 3:31 in this video I'd be interested to hear what you think about UFOs supposedly being frequently sighted near Mount Ziel, Keith. Thanks for the post."

I watched the video presentation, which was part 7 of a talk Hal Puthoff gave at The Arlington Institute, on 1 February 2012. In part, Puthoff stated:

"Pat Price volunteered that he'd found several UFO bases on the planet, and one of them was in Australia. So, somebody in the Agency, called the station chief without telling him why he was asking. He said, can you tell me what's going on over there in the Mount whatever, I forget what it was now, area. And the guy said you mean where all the UFOs coming down."

The reference in Dolan's book includes the following text; speaking of Pat Price:

"He told Puthoff that there were four major underground alien bases, each within a different mountain range...The main purpose of the bases he stated, were to 'reinforce B.T.L. implants, transport of new recruits and overall maintenance function'...

"...The inhabitants of the bases looked like normal human beings, said Price, although the heart, lungs, blood and eyes were different. The four sites were protected from discovery and had very advanced technology. Price also said the inhabitants of these bases used 'thought transfer for mental control of us.'

"...The fourth site was at Mount Ziel, in Australia's Northern Territory. This base had the most personnel, including many from the other three sites, 'like a rest and recreation area.' While viewing this location, Price thought he was detected, so he 'left' and then returned. he noted the base was also the 'homo sapiens introduction point.'"

Update 6 February 2021

One of the Leslie documents was dated 21 May 1985. I located a reference in Vallee's diaries, Volume Four, dated 18 June 1990 which read " Colonel Blackburn was striding across the parking lot when I arrived at the Perfect recipe in Palo Alto this afternoon. He handed me a historic paper from the second meeting of his group, dated 1985. It proposed a compartmented scientific approach, with a small research team composed of Peter Sturrock, Allen Hynek and myself receiving funds (some $150,000 for my part of the research, although I was never consulted about what I would do) for specific phases of activity. But it also contained an absurd map of alleged UFO centers, bases and hypothetical "entry points" at Mount Shasta."

Sunday, June 23, 2019

New Questions and answers - James Rigney


In a blog post dated 12 June 2019, I revealed that I had located the person who had provided Canadian researcher Grant Cameron, with Grant's copy of the Davis/Wilson document. I then published a statement from that individual, who at that time had decided to remain anonymous. However, shortly afterwards, my source revealed his real identity. He is a fellow Australian named James Rigney, who has had a long term interest in the subject of UFOs.

From information provided in the Davis/Wilson document and the two others subsequently released, I had deduced that the original source of James' copies of the documents, was the files of the late Doctor Edgar Mitchell. James has confirmed to me that the source of his copies of the documents, was indeed someone who had obtained them, from the files of Edgar Mitchell.

At his invitation, I have now had an opportunity to pose a further series of questions to James. Below I provide these questions and James' responses to them. After this, he simply wishes to remain in the shadows.

Questions and answers

Q1. There is speculation that you possess additional Mitchell documents. Grant Cameron, on yesterday's Spaced Out Radio interview mentioned the subject of at least one. Do you indeed, have more Mitchell sourced documents? If so, would they add significantly to what has already emerged, or are they of lesser interest? Could you describe them, in whatever manner you prefer?

A1. As I explained in my statement to Richard Dolan, there are more documents, but it would be wrong to assume that these are as significant as the two principle documents. In any event, these are with Grant's lawyer, Michael W. Hall, and may or may not be released in the future. Please bear in mind that the people in control of these decisions share the objective to move things forward as effectively as possible, so that any decision to reveal future documents will be considered in this light.

Q2. Richard Dolan has mentioned that there were some six boxes of Mitchell related material. Is this also your understanding? If so, can you elaborate on what these six boxes contained?

A2. I was once told that there were six boxes of material, although I certainly didn't see these, and I certainly wasn't given access to anything like that number of documents. Six boxes may or may not be a lot of documents, depending on the size of of the boxes.

Q3. On the Spaced Out Radio show, Cameron mentioned that at one point, he suggested you drop the material anonymously onto the Internet, but that you did not. Is this statement correct? May we again, hear directly from you whether or not you dropped the first two documents on to the Internet?

A3. Grant did advise me on a video conference in early May, or thereabouts, that he wouldn't be dropping the documents. We did discuss as to whether I would drop them, and I said I wouldn't. I can categorically state that I did not drop  the documents, or for that matter, pass them on to Richard Dolan. It is evident by mid-May there were a number of people in possession of the documents, along with several others that I know of who have had them for a decade or so.

Q4. Cameron then mentioned that he approached a "group of people" about leaking the first two documents, and they said "we'll take it from here." The implication being, that someone from this group was the anonymous leaker. Are you aware of the identity of this group, and would you be willing to name them? Thus enabling the question to be put to bed.

A4. I have no knowledge of who dropped the documents. Whilst I have heard Grant drop various names on a couple of his recent interviews, he did not discuss anything with me about who was going to, or who had, dropped the documents. Clearly that person wants anonymity, so it would be fitting that people respect that, and further to that, thank them for their efforts.

Q5. Richard Dolan mentioned that he was shown, what he believes were two pages of the Davis/Wilson document, in about 2006. In order that we can understand the timeline since 2002 when the Davis/Wilson document is dated, can you name the year in which you first came into possession of that document?

A5. I was in possession of the documents for a few years before I showed them to Grant in November, 2018. I would prefer not to nominate the exact dates in which I came into possession of the documents.

Q6. Given that it appears that a full set of the documents are held only by Cameron, Hall and yourself; and that neither Hall nor Cameron intend to ever publish them; do you feel comfortable in sharing them with anyone else, in order to have an independent person aware of their contents? Perhaps not to share them in public but to be aware of whether or not they will move the debate forward?

A6. I will not be releasing any documents personally. I doubt that anything new will be coming out anytime soon, if ever. There is already  a huge amount of data to process and a lot of work to be done, so the focus should solely be on that for the near future.

Q7. A number of people have so far come forward and suggested lines of evidence that suggest that the Davis/Wilson document is not genuine. What have you to say about this?

A7. I have watched the discussion around the authenticity of the documents. People are free to believe whatever they want, but I would say, "Follow the evidence." Personally I have seen  no evidence put up so far that would even remotely discredit the documents. I am with Richard Dolan and Grant Cameron, along with many others, in having no doubt that these documents are genuine.
Things are unfolding very quickly, so no doubt there will be more surprises to follow as these stories unfold.

Q8. I have been informed that your source for access to the documents, may have been Bob Staretz, a close friend of Mitchell, and someone who collaborated with Mitchell on his work on consciousness. Without naming the person who provided you with access to the original documents from the Mitchell files, can you provide any further information about them, even if only in general terms?

A8. I would rather not comment on anything in relation to the direct source of the documents due to my verbal NDA. I would hope that people respect this and understand what it has taken to get to the point we are at now.

Q9. At his point, is there anything further that you would  like to say?

A9. Yes. I would like to reiterate and emphasise that while people would no doubt like to know the direct source of the documents, and my role in it, this is now just background noise and of little direct consequence in moving things forward. The authenticity of the documents has now been established beyond reasonable doubt, so if these documents are to be the catalyst that fundamentally changes the discussion, I would urge people to get behind Richard Dolan, Grant Cameron and numerous others now getting on board to get the job done.

If anyone has any information which would add to the discussion, or in fact, any further documents around these, or other issues which they are holding which they feel should be made public, please feel to make contact with us. Thanks. 

Monday, June 17, 2019

Revelations of the third kind - The Bigelow/Mitchell 1996 letter emerges


Recently, on 15 June 2019, on his Facebook page, Canadian researcher Grant Cameron, published a statement:

"For some time now Richard Dolan has encouraged me to become involved in the story of the two leaked UFO documents. I have resisted but Monday morning I will enter the game and make a posting. 

I will post a third document that will begin to explore where these documents came from and what is going on."

The document has now been released by Cameron.


In this post, I want to take a look at this third document. It is a three page letter, dated 13 May 1996, from Robert Bigelow, and addressed to Edgar Mitchell. However, it is clear from the last paragraph of page two, that the letter was sent to all members of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) Science Advisory Board (SAB.)

Bigelow letter page one

The letter opens with:

"Since a lot has happened in the past few weeks, I thought I would take this opportunity to give you a brief update and provide information about the next meeting. You will remember that it is scheduled for the evening of May 31st and the entire day of Saturday, June 1st."

My comment:

In Vallee's book "Forbidden Science: Volume Four," (FSV4) in a diary entry dated 1 June 1996, Vallee writes that he attended the fourth meeting of the NIDS SAB, in Las Vegas.

Bigelow next advises that "One of your members, Jim Whinnery has agreed to address his research on loss of consciousness which encompasses more than twenty years of intense investigation."

My comment:

FSV4, on page 314 notes:

"This fourth meeting...was excellent, thanks to three separate presentations led by General Jim Whinnery. He showed videos of pilots losing consciousness in centrifuges and in actual cockpits..."

The letter then follows with:

"He will be followed by Melvin Morse, a medical doctor who has written several books about near-death experiences..."

My comment:

"The other presenters (one by Edgar Mitchell) also touch on the near-death experience..." writes Vallee on page 314.

Bigelow letter page two 

On page two of the Bigelow letter, Bigelow writes:

"Since the last SAB meeting we have engaged in metallurgical analyzes of selected samples... The process has enabled NIDS to establish a working relationship with Los Alamos National Laboratory..."

My comment:

From FSV4, "The implants from the last session have now been analyzed at Los Alamos."

The Bigelow letter then refers to Phil Corso, and the fact that John Alexander, then a NIDS employee, had spent some time in Washington conducting a background check on Corso.

My comment:

FSV4 on page 307 in a diary entry dated 3 May 1996, states that John Alexander had been in Washington conducting a check on the background of Corso.

Paragraph three, of page two of the letter refers to:

 "The German contact we mentioned at the last meeting. Illobrand von Ludwiger...I have suggested a project to him...We can anticipate that we will be informed about current sightings in central Europe. I also gave his organization a $5,000 contribution."

My comment:

On page 300 of FSV4, diary entry dated 31 March 1996:

"The Institute has also connected with Illobrand von Ludwiger, who investigates abductions in Germany and Austria."

The last paragraph on page 2 includes:

"Enclosed is a copy of an article provided to us by your colleague, SAB member Edgar Mitchell. In addition we note that his new book, The Way of the Explorer is now out in book stores. We are sending you a copy."

My comment:

This paragraph, indicates to me that although the letter was addressed to Edgar Mitchell, it did in fact go out to all SAB members.

Bigelow letter page three

Finally, Bigelow provides a list of scheduled meetings for the NIDS SAB for the rest of 1996. These were on Aug 2-3 (5th); Oct 4-5 (6th) and Dec 6-7 (7th.)

My comment:

A check with FSV4 reveals that it places Vallee in Las Vegas on Aug 3 for the fifth NIDS SAB meeting. However, a check of FSV4 reveals that the sixth meeting did not occur until 10 January 1997, and the seventh meeting not till 9 March 1997.

In summary

The reason that I am comparing the contents of the May 1996 Bigelow letter to Vallee's diaries, only published in January 2019, is to show that the two match in close detail. Thus one can reasonably conclude that the NIDS letter of 13 May 1996 is the genuine thing.

In my opinion, the reason that Grant Cameron has provided us with this letter from Bigelow to Mitchell, is to again focus the debate on the fact that the three released documents; i.e. the Davis/Bigelow memo of 23 March 2001; the Davis/Wilson notes of 16 October 2002, and this latest third document from 13 May 1996, all come from the files of the late Edgar Mitchell.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

On the provenance of the purported Davis/Wilson document

A document comes to light

A document has surfaced, dated 16 October 2002, which purports to be a copy of a set of notes, (not a transcript as so many commentators are saying,) of a meeting, on that date, between Dr Eric Davis and US Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson.


The purpose of this post is to try and set out some known facts about the provenance of this document, and then make some informed deductions. I must firstly state, that I have not obtained any of these deductions from the anonymous source who advised me that he was the individual who supplied a copy of the set of notes, to which Grant Cameron has been referring. These deductions are purely mine, and based on public knowledge.

Known facts

After my first blog on the topic of this meeting, I received a blog comment from US researcher Richard Dolan which, in part, advised that:

"One important thing to add to your analysis is that I was shown two pages of that 15-page document back in 2006...I will never forget reading the statement 'not made by man - not by human hands'..."

The Davis notes, on page 13, contain the statement, attributed to a program manager, " was technology that 'was not of this Earth- not made by man - not by human hands."

So, here is someone who states they saw part of the notes back in 2006, four years after the purported meeting is dated. Dolan has declined to name the individual who showed him these two pages.

Next, Canadian researcher Grant Cameron, who came into possession of a copy of the notes in late 2018, says that he received a copy of the notes from an individual. I have been able to communicate with this individual and obtained a statement from them, which I recently posted in the first blog on this topic. This person advised me that they also, would not name their source of the notes.

In addition, in an interview on the Black Vault Radio show, dated 28 December 2018, Cameron said: "It's a transcript of an interview and the person who had it died, had the transcript, and it comes out of their files."


I am interested in determining the provenance of the notes back beyond my source. The following is my lines of reasoning for putting forward a potential individual's name, as the source of my source's copy.

1. Firstly, going back to the original 1997 Wilson meeting with UFO researchers. Excellent research by journalist Giuliano Marinkovic, has identified that the attendees at this meeting, were:

UFO researchers: Steven Greer; Shari Adamiak; Commander Willard Miller; Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin; Dr Edgar Mitchell.

Government: Admiral Thomas R Wilson; Lieutenant General Patrick M Hughes; Admiral Mike Crawford.

[Source: A privately circulated document, titled "Forsaken Poseidon: Anatomy of the USG UFO SAP Infrastructure," compiled by Giuliano Marinkovic, 2019.]

2. I asked my source, if he had ever met Dr Edgar Mitchell? He replied that he had met him briefly, on several occasions. However, "that the Edgar Mitchell meetings may have nothing to do with the source of the documents." I thought that this wording was odd, "may have nothing," not "didn't have anything."

3. I noted Grant Cameron's audio statement: "It's a transcript of an interview, and the person who had it died, had the transcript, and it comes out of their files."

4. I understand that my source has in fact revealed to Grant Cameron, but not to me, the source of their copy of the notes. On 13 June 2019, on his Face Book page, Grant Cameron posted an unusual link to an old document. It was based on a radio interview which was broadcast on the Australian Broadcasting Commission's network, back in 2008. It featured some claims by Dr Edgar Mitchell in relation to information he had obtained from unnamed sources; and some comments by myself.

To my knowledge, no-one has circulated a link to this 2008 ABC interview, since I did the interview in 2008. It is so obscure an item that most people have never heard of it. The text, by Cameron, which accompanied the link, simply said "The following article is about to come into play." To me, it seems to point to what is clearly an important piece of information, to Cameron. The individuals named in the article are Dr Mitchell and myself. I suggest that Cameron is pointing to Dr Mitchell. Why?

5. Dr Edgar Mitchell was on the Science Advisory Board of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) when Dr Eric Davis was a NIDS employee, and thus were well known to each other.

6. Dr Edgar Mitchell, who passed away in 2016, is central in all of the above information.

My current hypothesis then, is that the source of my source's copy of the notes, was  from the files of Edgar Mitchell.

Confirmation sought

Before publishing this post, I forwarded a copy of a draft of it, to both my source, and to Grant Cameron, and sought their comments on it.

My source responded almost immediately, with a "no comment."

Following my email to him, Grant Cameron then posted the following on his Face Book page.

"For some time now Richard Dolan has encouraged me to become involved in the story of the two recently leaked UFO documents. I have resisted but Monday morning I will enter the game and make a posting.

I will post a third document that will begin to explain where these documents came from and what is going on."

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Notes on a 2002 meeting between Dr Eric Davis and Admiral Thomas Wilson: the source of the Grant Cameron document speaks out


In recent days, there had been much discussion about a document, held by Canadian researcher Grant Cameron, which purports to be a set of notes, concerning a 16 October 2002 meeting between Dr Eric Davis and US Admiral Thomas R Wilson. A copy of this document was uploaded, anonymously to the Internet, on 20 April 2019 according to the date stamp.


To place this document in context, we need to go back to a 1997 meeting between US researcher Steven M Greer, and Wilson,

The original Greer/Wilson meeting

On pages 151-152, of US researcher Steven M Greer's, 2006 book, titled "Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge," it states:

"The day after the Congressional briefings in 1997, I was asked to do a briefing for the head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Tom Wilson. In advance of this important meeting we sent a document to his people. His assistant told me that the Admiral had, in fact, found these code names and code project names and numbers useful; he inquired through channels and found some of the ops in a cell in the Pentagon.

Once Admiral Wilson identified this group, he told the contact person in this super-secret cell: "I want to know about this project." And he was told, "Sir, you don't have a need to know. We can't tell you."

Now you can imagine being an Admiral, J-2, the head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the Pentagon, and being told, "We're not going to tell you"? Well, he was shocked and angry.

I took one of our witnesses, Shari, our military advisor, and the Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell with me to this meeting with the Admiral. It was a stand-up briefing. As the briefing progressed, he began canceling other appointments - he was so interested in the information. The only reason the meeting ended when it did was because Ed Mitchell had to get up to New York for a TV interview. But the Admiral, I know, would have kept it going for some time more.

During this briefing, the Admiral and I discussed the risk this rogue group - that had shoved him aside - was to the United States, the rule of law and to the national security. I pointed out that the first CIA director, Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoeter, had written a letter in the early 1960's stating that the secrecy related to UFOs - and not the UFOs - were a threat to the national security. I told the Admiral that this illegal, rogue group had ARV technology that can do circles around his B2 stealth bombers. He thought a minute and said, "Well, as far as I am concerned, if you can get people who know about this matter to talk on the record, you have my permission to go to the media with this! This group is illegal!" So when people ask who supported disclosure among others, I tell them the head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff!"

Researchers have used the information provided by Greer, to determine that this meeting took place on 10 April 1997.

Confirmation sought

A number of people contacted Wilson to ascertain what he had to say about the reported meeting, with Greer and others. I am aware of at least two such contacts, besides the purported 2002 meeting between Eric Davis and Wilson.

In October 2006, US researcher Richard Dolan, reached out to Wilson. The following is a quote from part of a Dolan interview with Jimmy Church dated 19 December 2018.

"And then I actually went out of my way and I found Thomas Wilson. It's the only time in my life that I did an ambush interview on anyone. I felt kind of bad about it you know, but not really that bad. Wilson was working for an advanced aerospace company. I cannot remember the name of it but you know...after you leave the military you get roped, you get brought in. Senior VP for all the weaponry and technology for the breakaway civilization and that's really what he was doing. And I contacted him. I was able to find him and I pretended that I was just a regular conventional historian of the US Navy and that I'd learned about his career and I wanted to talk to him. And he was, he allowed me to call him.

And shortly into the phone call I had to say - look this I'm really calling because I'm an historian of the UFO phenomena and your name came up in a conversation, and that got his attention. I told him essentially about the story: the whole meeting with Greer and Edgar Mitchell. He was really funny because - he he'd gone from genial like relaxing in his big chair saying yeah let's have a nice long conversation - to an ultra high-pitched voice. And he was very angry and kept saying my memory is foggy, my memory is foggy. And then said, all of that was poppycock. He said - yes I did meet with them but everything else is poppycock...was his word. So I knew I got to him and then he hung up. He just ended abruptly the conversation. So I feel like that document that I was shown I am inclined to believe it, I think it was probably true. I think it got to Wilson. I got to Wilson."

2. US journalist Billy Cox also contacted Wilson. In an article dated 6 August 2008, Cox, in part, wrote:

"A retired high-ranking military intelligence official rumoured to have been snubbed in his attempts to obtain sheltered UFO data insists he never even bothered to look for it.

"Never," retired Rear Adm. Thomas R Wilson replied Tuesday when asked if he'd ever been barred from retrieving classified material, exotic or otherwise, during his career.

Wilson, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, was head of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1997 when he agreed at meet at the Pentagon with advocates of UFO declassification. Among them, he confirms, was Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. The driving force behind that meeting was North Carolina UFO researcher and medical doctor Steven Greer. Greer founded The Disclosure Project in an effort to grant amnesty to government whistle-blowers willing to violate their security oaths by sharing insider knowledge about UFOs.

At least seven years ago...Greer was telling audiences about extracting a pledge from Wilson during that meeting to investigate special access projects involving UFO technology. But shortly thereafter, Greer claimed Wilson reported that he didn't have the proper security clearance to inspect those files.

As Greer informed a Portland, Ore. audience in 2001, Wilson said 'I am horrified that this is true. I have been in plenty of black projects, but when we tried to get into this one,' he was told, and I quote, 'Sir you do not have a need to know.' The head of intelligence Joint Staffs. You don't have a need to know. Neither did the CIA director, and neither did the president."

This story has been circulating on the Internet ever since, and made it into Greer's book "Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge," last year. But the thing didn't sprout legs until Mitchell began discussing the meeting during what turned out to be a media blitz in July.

Mitchell avoided all mention of Wilson's name, but in a July 4 appearance on "Larry King Live," the moonwalker told CNN audiences he'd learned the admiral "had found the people responsible for the cover-up and for the people who were in the know and were told, I'm sorry, admiral, you do not have need to know here and so, goodbye."

Now an executive with a Minnesota-based defense contractor, Wilson told De Void he accepted Mitchell's 1997 request "because he was a former astronaut and maybe had more credibility than some person off the street." Wilson says he doesn't remember who else attended that meeting, but he admitted "a certain amount of curiosity" about allegations of deep-black UFO projects.

"What is true is that I met with them," Wilson said in a phone interview. "What is not true is that I was denied access to this material, because I didn't pursue it. I may have left it open with them, but it was not especially compelling, not compelling enough to waste my staff's time to go looking for it."

Mitchell told De Void he never heard directly from Wilson after their initial meeting, but he says he trusts the veracity of the unnamed sources who told him of Wilson's inability to penetrate security.

Mitchell said he was "shocked" by Wilson's response to De Void, but added, "I do not wish to engage him on this matter."

Steven Greer refused to back down. "I was there and know what was said," he stated in an e-mail. "I was also informed prior to the meeting that, after sending him a secret document with UFO-related code names and numbers, that he located one of the compartments but was specifically denied access to the operation."

On the Cameron copy of the Davis notes

I have successfully located the person who first obtained the document, and spoken to him; and he has admitted obtaining the document, and of giving it to Grant Cameron.

This individual is, or was, active in the aerospace community. I asked my source if he had ever met Dr Edgar Mitchell? He replied that he had met him, briefly, on several occasions. However, that the Edgar Mitchell meetings may have nothing to do with the source of the documents.

The person I contacted, wishes to remain anonymous for the moment, as he believes that the document is the real story, not how he got hold of it. He has no wish to be involved any further.

This individual wishes it to be known that he had nothing to do with the dropping of the document onto the Internet. He was just as surprised as everybody else when it dropped, as he thought it was some time off. He also, has no idea who dropped it on the net, or who sent it to Richard Dolan. He states, it wasn't him.

My source says, categorically, that Grant Cameron did not drop the document either. My source adds, that he would neither confirm nor deny, that additional documents were given to Grant Cameron.

In conclusion

For now, let us focus on the contents of the document, while not forgetting that the provenance is also important.

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Australian Department of Defence comments on my UAP related questions

In view of the recent US Politico magazine and New York Times articles concerning Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), I approached the Australian Department of Defence for a response to the following questions.

"Background to my questions

1. On 23 April 2019 the US Politico magazine carried a story that the US Navy was issuing new guidelines for the reporting of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

2. On 26 May 2019 the New York Times newspaper carried a story that US Naval aviators had interacted with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena as recently as 2015.

My questions:

1. Has the Australian Department of Defence any current guidelines concerning the reporting by Department of Defence personnel, of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena? If so, may I obtain a copy?

2. If there are no current DoD guidelines, is there any section of the DoD which acts as a collection point for unsolicited reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena which might come from service personnel, e.g. through an aviation hazard reporting system? If so, might I have details?

3. Has the DoD any plans, based on US policy changes, to issue instructions to service personnel to report Unidentified Aerial Phenomena?"

The response, through the DoD media office, to whom I addressed my email, attributed to a spokesperson from Defence, was:

"Defence does not have a protocol that covers recording or reporting of UFO sightings."

Saturday, June 8, 2019

The "Alien Autopsy Memo" - An alleged 2001 National Institute for Discovery Science document surfaces


I have recently been taking a look at the National Institute for Discovery Science, (NIDS) which Las Vegas business man Robert Bigelow created in the mid 1990's; as reported in Jacque Vallee's latest book "Forbidden Science: Volume Four." This provided a great insight into how NIDS operated.


The other day, on 4 June 2019, a document surfaced on which purports to be a memo from former NIDS staffer Dr Eric Davis, addressed to Bob Bigelow, dated 23 March 2001. I will scatter the eleven page memo throughout this post, so readers will have the original source document to review.

The memo is titled "Kit Green's professional evaluation of the 'Alien autopsy (from the Roswell Incident) Film/Video' and other related information."


Amongst the text in the memo, is information about a number of briefings which were attended by Green:

"Briefing #2: Unofficial briefing at the Pentagon ca 1987/88. After Kit left the CIA he was called into the Pentagon by a person in uniform. This person showed Kit the alien autopsy photos and reports etc. The photos of the alien cadaver Kit saw were consistent with the cadaver seen in the 1995 Santilli film/video. Kit was asked to professionally evaluate the material provided to him at this particular briefing."

"Briefing #3: Official briefing at CIA Ca 1991/92. While at General Motors, Kit was called into the CIA. The CIA people wanted his medical/forensic pathology expertise to examine and analyze some autopsy reports. The nature of these reports was left ambiguous during the briefing, but Kit was fully expecting them to be the alien autopsy reports he saw in briefing #2. But then no action took place after this briefing occurred and Kit was left hanging."


The document contains an email dated 5 August 1999 from Green to Puthoff which includes the words"

"Yes, I have read autopsy reports...I thought I had discussed with you and Jacques in San Diego in the fall of 1988."

I wondered if the "Jacques" here was Jacques Vallee, and if so, had Vallee mentioned anything about alien autopsies in either "Forbidden Science: Volume Three," or "Forbidden Science: Volume Four"?

From "Forbidden Science: Volume Three."

23 June 1985

Regarding Richard Niemtzow. "His ambition is to be the first physician to uncover the existence of Aliens, and he dreams of the day when the first alien autopsy report can appear in a medical journal. He is in touch with Leonard Stringfield who promised to introduce him to a doctor who had done such an autopsy, so he mentioned the conversation to Kit, who got angry at what he saw as his naive acceptance of the claims.: 'Tell Stringfield to drop the whole thing!' Kit told Richard."

4 December 1988

Re the "Cover-Up" TV program and speaking about Fred Beckman. "He has spoken at length on the telephone with Hal Puthoff, who reportedly hinted that his high contacts were convinced of the genuine nature of the photos."

29 January 1989

Valle speaking to Kit Green. "How are you doing with your investigation into alleged autopsies...The doctor you heard about?"

Green. "It turns out the doctor in question exists: indeed he was hired by the Government for consulting work, but he never did any autopsy. He only reviewed some alleged results consistent with reports dating back to Leonard Stringfield, stating that the aliens had two floating ribs in their chests. He's a thoracic surgeon with all the right clearances. He spent a month somewhere on a highly classified project. Now my guys are trying to find out if he's really getting a monthly check from the US Treasury."

15 February 1989

Speaking about Richard Niemtzow. "When the conversation turned to the possibility that the U.S. was hiding Aliens in its freezers was surprised to find him ready to believe the undocumented anatomical descriptions circulated by Stringfield.

Richard assures me he was once within one phone call of a doctor who had done an autopsy of an alien. Of course 'being within one phone call' means nothing: as Kit had told me, the doctor in question had not done an autopsy, but was  only asked to review the alleged results, quite a different thing."

15 April 1989

Vallee meets Green. "The doctor who is said to have reviewed the alien autopsy data is a Dr Crowley, a thoracic surgeon who  lives in Lancaster near Los Angeles. But it turns out he isn't receiving a monthly check from the government, after all. Again, who is lying?"

13 June 1989

Vallee. "I have tracked down Len Stringfield, who has been researching the 'dead Alien' angle for 12 years. He confirmed to me that in 1978-79 he was in touch with two doctors who allegedly did some autopsies, but he's unable to get anything from them anymore. 'They're retired and they just won't talk,' he told me."

5 July 1989

Vallee talks to Kit Green. ""By the way I asked him, 'you never did tell me what got you interested in these rumors about Alien bodies in the first place.'"

'It goes back to the seventies,' he answered. 'When the first alleged autopsy pictures came out, all that stuff by Len Stringfield.'

The pictures turned out to show bodies In coffin-like boxes with wires and pipes running into them, a bad joke."

30 July 1989

Vallee and Niemtzow speak about Valerie Ransone, who was mentioned in a conversation with Kit Green where Niemtzow mentioned Ransone.

Niemtzow. "'When I revealed to Kit, over lunch, that I knew her affiliation, he practically chocked on his lunch. He told me never to mention her again at the restaurant. I've only had that reaction from him twice in all the time I've known him.'

'Let me guess: the other time was in connection with Len Stringfield and the doctor who had done the autopsy, I suggested.'


9 October 1989

Valle writes. "There's nothing new with Dr William Crowley, of Lancaster, who was alleged to have preformed autopsies on Alien bodies. Kit points out again that the man is not a pathologist, therefore he could not have done such procedures himself, anyway, but he may have been asked to provide expertise as a thoracic surgeon who was also a cleared Air Force consultant. The autopsies are said to have been performed In the basement of the Guggenheim Foundation in New York city."

"Forbidden Science: Volume Four."

26 August 1990

Vallee writes. "Today a man named Armen Victorian called from England...The caller...started going down a list of topics that included Alien autopsies, various doctors (he mentioned a Dr Crowley)..."

10 April 1992

Kit Green says: "Yet I've never seen anything biological that was anomalous."

26 February 1994

Vallee talks with Robert Emenegger. Vallee: "I mentioned the absurd new yarn of Hynek witnessing autopsies. more disinformation, we agreed, managed from Washington. 'Something like that happened to me too,' he said, "I had a meeting at my home with a Colonel Phil 1947 three things came across his desk: a bad photograph of an autopsy of what looked like Aliens..."

17 January 1995

Vallee writes. "Messages on the Internet propagate a new meme from England. It was initiated three days ago by Reg Presley, lead singer of the rock group The Troggs: he claims that a videotape has been discovered, showing the autopsy of an Alien at Roswell. He said there were fifteen such videotapes, totalling 150 minutes of footage, dated 1947. The media aren't buying it. Videotapes had not been invented in 1947."

13 March 1995

Rumors from Fred Beckman, that while in Brazil, "the military down there showed you some films of alien autopsies...they think you saw the same films that surfaced in England..." Vallee thinks the rumors are a joke.

7 October 1995

Vallee was at the Omega Communications Conference. "I saw...Stanton Friedman...He expounded on the alien autopsy 'film,' taking it at face value, although of course there's no film, only a video."

3 February 1996

Vallee was at a NIDS Science Advisory Board meeting in Las Vegas. "In other words, we only work on what we choose to work on; we don't drop everything just because someone shows up with a film of extraterrestrial autopsies..."

1 April 1996

Hal Puthoff and John Alexander interview Phil Corso. "Corso claims that he was given...various autopsy reports from Walter Reed Hospital."

3 May 1996

Vallee interviews Corso. Corso says "We had autopsy reports from Walter Reed."

"What did those say?"

"The beings had scaly skin. Their brains had two frontal lobes. By the way on the autopsy movie the brains do have these extra lobes. And the double eyelids. ..."

"Anything else?" John asked.

""They had atrophied sex organs."

13 January 1997

Vallee writes. "Colonel Corso called me at home this morning...he appears troubled by the fact that the analyzes he saw, reportedly coming from Walter Reed Hospital were very superficial and 'just didn't seem right.'"

7 September 1998

Vallee. "When I heard...that a new television program would soon describe in detail the 'Alien autopsies of the KGB,' I did feel like throwing up."

My comments

1. Concerning the Green/Puthoff email, dated 5 August 1999,  reference to "Jacques" and "fall of 1988." I cannot find any matching details in Vallee's diary entries for that time period.

2. Likewise, I found no mention of a 1987/88 briefing of Kit Green's "alien autopsy photos and reports etc" in Vallee's diaries.

3. In addition, I found no reference in the diaries, to a Kit Green CIA briefing in 1991/92.

4. There are various references in both volume three and volume four, where Kit Green and Vallee talk about the subject of alien autopsies, but nothing seems to match the details given in the memo.

5. In summary, Vallee's diaries are silent on the topic of Kit Green's briefings, as discussed in the 2001, Eric Davis to Bob Bigelow, NIDS memo, that appeared recently.

Update: 6 July 2019

There are a few unfamiliar names mentioned in  this document, so I undertook a little research to determine who they were.

1. Jim Westwood

I found a reference to a James Westwood in Vallee's "Forbidden Science: Volume Four" page 438, with an entry dated 1 January 1999. Here Vallee wrote:

"Bob got even angrier when he realized that Bob Wood was analysing the MJ-12 documents, but Wood had suggested that NIDS sponsor his effort, only to be rebuffed. Actually, Hal hired James Westwood, former CIA expert on fake Soviet documents who had created similar fakes for disinformation. He paid him to bring his services to Bob Wood's project. 'Jim's verdict was that the "Eisenhower briefing document," cornerstone of the UFO coverup argument, had all the earmarks of a fake, an American disinformation document once meant to fool the KGB.'"

2. Bill McGarity

Paragraph four on page two of the document, mentions a Bill McGarity as contacting Phillip Mantle re the alien autopsy film, so who was McGarity? The same paragraph mentions that "...and Bill McGarity when Bill came to visit us in June 2000."

I found an online website which provided a resume for one Thomas W McGarity, who worked (up to at least January 1998) at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The reason that I think this is the correct Bill McGarity, is that John Alexander, NIDS employee, worked at that Laboratory after he left the Department of Defense.

3. Kristin B Zimmerman

On page 10 of the document, there is an email, #4, dated 5 August 1999, which mentions a Kristin B Zimmerman. Who is this? In addition, on page 11, the email dated 1 August 1999, which is from Hal Puthoff to Kit Green, starts off "Kit, Kristin."

On page 293 of Vallee's "Forbidden Science: Volume Four" he mentions a "Kristin" as being the life partner of Kit Green, and mentions that she worked at General Motors, the same firm Kit Green then worked for. In addition, on page 325, Vallee mentions that Kristin and Kit were married in January 1998.

An Internet search on the name Kristin B Zimmerman turned up the following information. Kristin B Zimmerman worked at the General Motors Research and Development Center between 1993-1997, in the area of advanced engineering and design. In 1999, she founded Med:For Inc., a consulting firm spanning forensic medicine (Kit Green's area of expertise) and engineering mechanics.

Update 15 July 2019

US Researcher Richard Dolan, advised on a message on his website, that he had been in communication with Dr "Kit" Christopher Green. Dolan stated:

"One thing that I think is very important, and I don't think that Dr. Green would object to me saying this is that he "absolutely" confirms the authenticity of the eleven-page "alien autopsy" email that was leaked in June...the other fact of note at the present time is that he emphatically does not believe the being in the Santilli film is an alien."

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The "creature" and the "portal" at the Skinwalker ranch - some concerns


Readers of this blog will be aware, that I have recently spend quite an amount of time examining details contained in Jacques Vallee's latest book "Forbidden Science: Volume Four." I did this, because, Vallee is recording history as it happened, in the form of diary entries. For some of the material found in the book, this is the only record we have of particular events or meetings.

One of my blog posts concerned the National Institute for Discovery Science. One aspect which interested me was the happenings at a ranch in Utah (commonly referred to as the "Skinwalker ranch.") My attention was drawn to one observation at the ranch, which is mentioned both in "Forbidden Science: Volume Four" and in the 2005 book, authored by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp, titled "Hunt for the Skinwalker."

The incident as described in "Hunt for the Skinwalker"

Source: Amazon Books

"Chapter 19
The Tunnel
August 25, 1997. The night was warm, clear and beautiful. The NIDS team was sitting silently on the edge of a bluff...Two colleagues were about a mile away on the far side of the property monitoring another hot spot. Mike and Jim had been in specific contact with them every couple of hours...

Some four hours into the watch, Jim the most experienced investigator, had quietly climbed down into the small pasture and had sat in the middle of the field to meditate. He had found over the years that meditation sometimes activated the "phenomenon," what ever that was, although it had happened too few times to be anything other than an anecdotal observation. Nothing happened.

At 2.30am, after a six hour watch, they decided to move their operation to a different part of the ranch. Quickly, they began to disassemble the camera from its tripod and pack up the two equipment containers filled with the tools of the scientific investigator's trade. Cameras, portable magnetic field detectors, and night-vision binoculars. In 1997, their generation-three binoculars were considered state of the art. They worked by amplifying low-level ambient light through a series of high tech photomultiplier tubes. They were far superior to the usual Russian night-vision equipment that looked just in the infra-red. Through these night vision binoculars, the scene appeared to be in daylight with sharp, crisp outlines, not the fuzzy wavy image visible through Russian equipment.

Just as Jim was thinking that his meditation hadn't produced a damm thing, his eye caught a very faint light on the track 150 feet below him. He watched, mildly puzzled, thinking that it might be a  small piece of glass on the track that was reflecting the ambient light. It was a faint yellowish color, and as he watched, it appeared to grow brighter. Twenty seconds later, he nudged Mike. It was definitely getting brighter and as both of them watched, it seemed slowly to be getting bigger.

"Hand me the camera," Jim muttered. At the same time, Mike quietly and efficiently unpacked the night-vision binoculars he had just put away. Jim set up the tripod and positioned his camera loaded with infra-red film in line with the light that had now grown to six inches in diameter. It was still a dull yellow but had definitely grown brighter. Carefully, Jim set the shutter to thirty seconds, reasoning that a long exposure might capture this mystery light on the freshly loaded roll of infra-red film. He was ready to pop off all thirty six shots if necessary.

As Mike brought the binoculars to his eyes, Jim heard the sharp sucking in of breath. Jim could see that the light was now more than a foot wide and was still growing larger. This was very obviously not a reflection. The dirty yellow expanding light seemed to be positioned above the ground, rather than directly on the ground, but Jim could not be sure.

"It's a tunnel, not just a light," Mike whispered. Jim ignored his partner's growing agitation as he increased the length of time exposures to forty then fifty seconds.

Mike was now standing up. "Jesus Christ," Mike said hoarsely. "Something's in the tunnel!"

Jim looked carefully at the light below. It had now expanded to more than two feet. Something that big should definitely register on his film. "Oh, my God," Mike said suddenly thoroughly frightened. "There is a black creature climbing out. I see his head. " Jim felt alarm. His companion was plainly bordering on panic.

"It has no face," whispered Mike. "Oh, my God, it just climbed out." Jim rubbed his eyes and shook his head. All he could see was a dirty yellow light, now about four feet in diameter, a hundred feet below him. Why couldn't he see what Mike was seeing? Suddenly it dawned on him. The binoculars. He motioned for Mike to hand them to him, but not before increasing the time exposure to ninety seconds.

Mike ignored him. "It's on the ground," he said, "Oh, my God, it walked away." As Mike danced on the ledge a few feet away, plainly in a panicky state, Jim could see the light decreasing in size. Within thirty seconds, the dull yellow light had shrunk to about half its full diameter and was losing intensity.
In the meantime, Jim pulled Mike over close to him and asked, "What happened?"

"A big black creature just crawled through that tunnel, got onto the ground, and walked away," Mike said. "That's what happened. And its lurking around here somewhere."

Jim felt a chill. "I only saw that yellow light," he said doubtfully, "Are you sure?"

"Jesus Christ, of course, I'm sure," Mike replied. "The night vision turned the light into a three-D tunnel, and a large creature, I am thinking maybe four hundred pounds, at least six foot tall, just crawled out of that damm tunnel." quickly, but he seemed to be regaining control over himself.
Mike was sweating profusely and still breathing quickly but he seemed to be regaining control over himself...By that time, the yellow light had gradually faded and was no longer visible...

After fifteen minutes or so, they grabbed some detectors and clambered as quietly as possible down the steep rock-filled ground below them...But once near the track, a strong odor assailed their nostrils...It seemed to be centred on the spot where the light or tunnel had been. Jim felt slightly nauseous from the pungent smell. Quickly, Mike scanned the ground in a twenty foot diameter circle for any signs of radiation...only background levels were detectable. Meanwhile, Jim scanned the area with a trifield meter to detect any unusual magnetic spokes. Nothing registered...The team spent the next day searching for footprints...but the ground was hard and none were visible...The photos were disappointing, showing only a single very faint light on one..."

In summary. One person saw a yellow light which grew brighter, and larger, then decreased in size. A second person, in the same spot, using night-vision binoculars reported seeing a tunnel, from which a creature crawled out on to the ground and then moved off.  There were no unusual radiation nor magnetic disturbances. Both smelt a pungent odor at the site of the light. 

My comments

1. The event occurred at 0230hrs on 25 August 1997 at latitude 109 deg 31 mins west and longitude 40 deg 27 mins north. Near Roosevelt, Utah. 

2. According to the Stellarium astronomy software program, at this time the Moon was at an elevation of 37 degrees; in the ESE (azimuth 101 degrees.) The Moon was at last quarter, thus, providing a degree of lighting sufficiently to see something at 100-150 feet away. 

3. The maximum size of the light was estimated as four feet, at 100 feet distance (though earlier in the text it said the light was 150 feet away.) Using the 100 foot distance, its maximum angular size was 2.3 degrees, almost five times the diameter of the full moon seen in the sky. Using the 150 foot distance, the maximum angular diameter would have been 1.5 degrees, three times the diameter of the full moon in the sky. Quite a large size, at either distance.

4. It seems to me, that a person looking at a 1.5-2.3 degree diameter light at a 100-150 foot range, should have visually noticed a dimming of the light, as a six foot black creature emerged from it. However, Jim did not report seeing anything of this kind.

5. I note that no noise was reportedly heard from the light or creature at any time.

6. It is a pity that we do not have the field of view in degrees of the binoculars, and an estimate of how much of the diameter of field of view both the light and the creature occupied, as an independent measure of actual, as opposed to estimated angular size.

7. The observation of the creature was reported by a single person, who described it to another person, to which it was not visible. 

Jacque Vallee's recollection of the event

Image courtesy of Amazon Books

On page 391 of Vallee's "Forbidden Science: Volume Four" in a diary entry dated 18 October 1997, Vallee reports on the 10th NIDS Science Advisory Board (SAB) meeting. This was the first meeting of the SAB since July 1997, and thus the first opportunity for Vallee to learn of the event. 

"There was an incident at the ranch on 28 August about 2am when Chad Deetken and Terry Sherman  saw a light from the ridge. Chad saw a glow and his photos show nothing, but Terry observed a ring of light, opening up above the ground and a black creature emerging from it. Going to the site later they found no tracks: ghost stories, after all.

During the observation Terry, a big strapping cowboy, was reportedly trembling with intense fright. Chad, who had looked through the same night vision system, saw nothing. This triggered a technical discussion among the physicists, and it caused Bob Bigelow to make an emotional speech to suggest that 'they' might be using means beyond our physics."

My comments

1. Note that the date given by Vallee is three days after the date given by Kelleher and Knapp.

2. According to Kelleher and Knapp, the observers were named "Mike" and "Jim." Whereas, Vallee names them as Chad Deetken and Terry Sherman. "Jim" equates to Deetken; while "Mike" equates to Sherman.

3. Terry Sherman was the real name of the ranch owner (before Bigelow bought it.) "Hunt for the Skinwalker," says that Sherman, whom they called Tom Gorman, had long thought that some of the lights he had seen, were "doorways" to other dimensions. Quoting, "Hunt for the Skinwalker":

"Tom felt like it could have been a tear or a rent in the sky about a mile away, and through the rent he could see a different world, or perhaps a different time."

"This incident convinced Tom that his ranch was the site of some kind of dimensional doorway..."

4. Who was Deetken? Vallee's book mentions him a few times:

a. Page 301. Deetken had been sent by NIDS to Puerto Rico to research crop circles and mutilations.

b. Page 391. "Chad Deetken always prayed to protect himself when he keeps watch at night."

c. Page 392. "Chad Deetken gave an impassioned but unscientific description of the English crop circles..."

5. Vallee states that both Terry Sherman and Chad Deetken looked through the night-vision binoculars. Terry Sherman reported seeing a black creature, but Chad Deetken saw nothing. 


What to make of the observation of a "creature" and a "tunnel." The fact that there was a quarter Moon illuminating the scene; that Jim, in my opinion, should have been able, visually, to see some alteration of the relatively large diameter light, if something came out of it, but didn't; plus the statement from Vallee that Jim (Deetken)  "...had looked through the same night vision system, saw nothing," provides me with concerns about this observation.


I thought I would do a bit of research about Chad Deetken.

I found an article dated 1 October 2014 in the "Salmon Arm Observer" which provided some details. It reported that Deetken became interested in the subject of crop circles in 1990, upon watching an episode of the TV series "Unsolved Mysteries." He then went on to investigate circles in his native Canada.

"In 1992, Deetken was invited to go to the stone monuments of Avebury in South Central England. Part of an investigative team, Deetken visited every year, but has given up going." Noting that hoaxing had become a part of the crop circle scene, the paper went on to say "...Las Vegas billionaire who invited Deetken to work for his National Institute for Discovery Science has since quit funding research in England."

I then found a number of crop circle websites with articles written by Deetken.

1. 1998. "Crop Formations and the Secrets of Deception"

2. 1998. "Crop Formation at Vanderhoof"

3. 1999. "The 1999 Avebury Avenue 3-D cubes. Another scam?"

4.  2005, Deetken featured in a documentary titled "Star Dreams: Exploring the Mysteries of the Crop Circles."

5. 2010, Deetken was still lecturing on the topic, and was cited here, as a "Recognized crop circle authority."

6. 2014, there was the "Salmon Arm Observer" article. 

Who is talking about UAP these days?

Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...