Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Defence Science and Technology Organisation records on UAP - part three


This post continues my report on the contents of a newly available Australian government UAP file. I am providing a folio by folio description, plus comments to place the documentation into context.

Folios 69 to 103

Copies of the Department of Air's annual summaries of explanations for UAS, between 1960 and 1971.

Folios 104 and 105

A two page internal DOD minute, subject UFOs, dated 27 July 1971 from R S Royston, Gp Capt DAFI, to S/Air/SS. It provides background to the discussion re the Department of Supply interest.


This minute is previously known from RAAF file 554/1/30 (67.)

Folio 106

A one page memo, dated 5 August 1971, from DOA, Canberra to Mr S T M Johnstone, Defence Science Division, attaching folios 104 and 105.

The memo


1. This is a reply from DAFI/DOA re the DOS idea.
2. SAIRSS is R Cartwright, DOA.

Folios 107 and 108

An article from 'Pix' magazine dated 25 December 1971, pp8-9, titled 'UFos own the world.'

Inquries in the United Kingdom

Folios 109

Is a letter dated 27 January 1972 to Commodore J W McClure, RAN, DST representative in London, from S T M Johnstone, Attached are folios 107 and 108. It asks about the alleged statements attributed to Dr Fred Hoyle.

Folio 110

Appears to be a sample UK government letter to a witness of a sighting.

Folio 111

Appears to be a sample of a UK government letter to someone who asks about UFOs.

Folios 112 and 113

Appears to be a blank UF UFO report form.

Folios 114

Appears to be a table showing UFO sighting stats for the UK 1 January 1959 to 31 December 1971.

Folio 115

Is a response to folio 109, dated 15 June 1972. It includes the following text. 'The officers at MOD are naturally reluctant to show much public interest but a good deal of cataloguing and quiet investigation takes place.'

Folios 116 to 120

Articles from the UFO Subcommittee of the US AIAA organisation.

Folios 121 and 122

A two page memo from Commodore J W McClure in London, to S T M Johnstone, dated 16 November 1972. It describes the UK government's UFO process, and this explains why folios 110 to 114 are on this file.

J Allen Hynek

Folios 123 to 125

A three page article from the magazine 'New Scientist' dated 17 May 1973 titled 'The man who spoke out on UFOs.' It is an article about Professor J Allen Hynek.


In August 1973 Hynek was in Australia and together with Dr M Duggin and Harry Turner, met with DAFI on 24 August 1973. Was someone gathering background material on Hynek prior to his visit here?

Folios 126 to 127

A two page letter from J Allen Hynek, to the Editors of 'Physics Today' dated 15 February 1971.

Folios 128 to 129

A two page letter from the Minister assisting the Minister for Defence to a 'Richard' who had asked the DOD for information on UFOs.

Folios 130 to 133

Various newspaper clippings about the subject.

Folios 134 to 139

A blank DAFI UAS sighting questionnaire.

Moving into 1981 - UAS and a Chinese satellite

Folios 140 to 142

A confidential minute dated 12 June 1981 from A W McMichael, Director of JIO, to FASSIP, DOD. The FASSIP asked for ' outline of the principles and procedures which govern UFO sightings in Australia.'

Part of the minute


Interestingly as part of the minute, JIO stated 'The Missiles, Space and Electronics Section in the Defence Science and Technical Branch JIO maintain a liaison with DAFIS...The RAAF's routine procedures for investigating Unusual Aerial Sightings were extremely valuable in the field investigations associated with the Chinese satellite launch failure and subsequent re-entry in July 1979.'

(Continued in part four.)

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