Friday, June 21, 2013

New study of UAP reports around the time of the Valentich disappearance

Hi all,

In June 2012 I located the Australian government Department of Transport's file, in the National Archives of Australia (NAA), about the disappearance of pilot Frederick Valentich in 1978. (Click here to read details) After reading it, I thought to myself that I must make some time to take a look at all the surrounding UAP reports.

At about the same time, I also found the RAAF's 1978 UAP file, NAA file series A9755, control symbol 4, which contained UAP reports made to the RAAF at that time, October 1978.

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to make the time to take a look at these observations from October 1978. I did a literature search, and was very surprised to learn that no-one, in the 35 years since that event, had ever compiled a catalogue of these reports. I was less surprised to find that no-one had published an analysis of these reports from that era.

So, with the assistance of a number of other Australian researchers, I have compiled a catalogue of UAP reports from the states of Victoria and Tasmania, here in Australia. I then undertook an analysis, report by report. As with any series of sightings, some proved to be explainable in conventional terms, while others remained in the "unknown" category. You will be surprised at some of my findings.

The Project 1947 website has kindly added this new study to their collection of others I have previously compiled. You can read a copy of my new study by clicking here.

I welcome comments, corrections, additional cases etc, on both the catalogue and my analysis. These can be directed to me either via the "comments" area on the blog, or by email to

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