Saturday, June 1, 2013

German scientists, "flying discs" and Australian UAP

Hi all,

The Internet is full of stories of advanced German World War Two secret weapons, including the possibility of "flying discs."

Nick Cook:

One of the classic  searches for evidence that wartime UAP sightings were "..reflected in work the Germans had been doing in their research facilities and factories ..." (p.63) was undertaken by then aerospace consultant Nick Cook, of Jane's Defence Weekly, as outlined in his 2002 book "The Hunt for Zero Point," published by Arrow of London. ISBN 0-09-941-498-8. (Click here.)

Cook examined Rudolf Lusar's book "German Secret Weapons of World War Two," ( click here) which suggested that the Germans had built "flying discs." He went on to look at the claims in the book by Italian Renato Vesco, (click here) titled "Intercept But Don't Shoot." From there he proceeded to track down a copy of, and read, the official United State's Air Force's file "...on the state of the German Air Forces's secret weapons work at the end of the war." (p.68.) This was the "Luffwaffe Secret Technology" (Lusty) report. (Click here.)

Cook dug deeply into this whole area and concluded "That the Germans had been working on technology that far exceeded published accounts of their aeronautical achievements in the second world war." (p.103.)

His research included a look at the work of German Dr Hans Kammler (click here). Cook travelled to Europe to do so. He met with, and studied the work of, Polish researcher Igor Witkowski (click here.). Cook wrote "Witkowski's research led conclude that a number of these facilities had been used by the SS for nuclear research work." (p.224.)  However, one site seemed different, and to suggest something else had been worked on, in "... a chamber hundreds of metres below ground...a bell-shaped device.." (p.264.)

Finally, Cook located the work of one Viktor Schauberger (click here), and concluded "Couple the Schauberger evidence with what i had seen in the Lusty files and suddenly it wasn't so hard anymore to believe that the Germans had developed prototype remote-controlled vehicles." (p.318.)

Throughout the book, Cook examined the possibility that there was an anti-gravity aspect to all this work, and brought the possibility into the 21st century by interviewing top people currently working in the aerospace industry.

German scientists in South Australia?

After re-reading Cook's excellent book, I recalled a story which I had been told several years ago, by an Adelaide truck driver. A friend of mine, interested in UAP research, arranged for the two of us to meet. The truckie's story was that he had come across a group of German scientists who were experimenting with UAP in the north of South Australia.

The truck driver's account was purely anecdotal, with absolutely no supporting evidence behind it. At the time I filed it in the "We'll never know if any of this is true" basket.

Cook's research made me reflect on the truckie's account. I started to wonder if his story might have some merit after all. The Woomera rocket range was in the north of South Australia. It has been used, almost continuously, since 1947 as an experimental test range for aircraft, missiles, rockets, bombs, pilot less aircraft  and who knows what else?

In the USA, Operation paperclip (click here) , moved German scientists from Europe to the USA where they assisted kick-start the American rocket and missile program. I wondered if the same thing had happened in Australia? Were there any German scientists brought out to Australia to help run the programs at Woomera?

Amazingly, in the National Archives of Australia (NAA) I located a file series 1038/2 control symbol DRAWER 2/26 with the tantilising title of "Shadow Organisation- Top Secret - German Scientists"! In short, the file tells the story that yes, the Australian government did indeed think of importing German scientists to work on various pieces of scientific research in Australia. However, little seems to have come of the idea. It seems we were a little late, following the success of Operation Paperclip and a similar program in the USSR.

I didn't find any evidence that would back up the Adelaide truckie's account. Despite reading a number of NAA files originating from Woomera, and viewing various Internet sites, I couldn't find anything linking German scientists and Woomera.

Westall - a German connection?

I went off to look for any other Internet accounts suggestive of any links between German scientists and Australian UAP. Oddly, I found a comment on YouTube as part of a post by Zoink 555, titled "Greatest UFO Mystery in Australia." (Click here.)

Commenting on the origin of the UAP in question, "oceansandsurf" posed the question "Could it have been German? The Nazis did develop and fly a Bell (can't remember its real name) at end of WWII..And you know those smart Germans - I'm sure another 15 years on and they had developed their technology further."

I then checked the subject matter being commented on, and was surprised to find it was the April 1966 Westall High School object.

Cook's talk of German remote controlled vehicles made me recall a comment on this blog. It referred to a post by more former co-blogger, Pauline Wilson, on the 6 Apr 1966 Westall incident. The comment referred to radio controlled drones. The anonymous comment read:

"In 1966 at Westall Victoria UFOs landed at a primary school. I can say with great confidence that these vehicles were early drone technology to coordinate control around the Earth like a high tech radio controlled plane, these electric machines use Dr Tesla design and highly classified, if you think it's all lies then ask yourself why was the US military there within two hours on Australian soil..."

I searched around the net for similar keywords, and found to my surprise that I was back at the same YouTube post about Westall, where I found:

"I know the truth about Westall, it was early Tesla drone technology developed by the Americans. Remote control drone via satellite, apparently there were about 3 drones that flew around the world to test effectiveness of satellites positioned around the earth during the cold war with the Soviet Union. If you think I'm lying ask yourself the question who was there within 2 hours of the event, no it wasn't Australian Army was an American special unit, its a 12 hour flight."

The mention here of remote controlled drone recalls Nick Cook's page 318 comment about "prototype remote-controlled vehicles" of German origin.

"Popular Mechanics" article:

Fellow member of the Australian UFO Research Association, Jeff Fausch, pointed out to me that an Australian connection was raised in the November 2000 edition of the magazine "Popular Mechanics." It carried an article titled "America's Nuclear Flying Saucer." (Click here for article.)

The article in part, stated " seemed reasonable to U.S. Defence planners that the Soviet Air Force, which lacked a nuclear bomber, would try to adapt German disc technology. The United States, was after all, doing exactly the same thing with the V-2 and Nazi rocket scientists, it had spirited away in Operation Paperclip." (p.67.)

The article concerned the Lenticular Re-entry Vehicle (LRV) which was proposed as a US manned nuclear bomber in earth orbit. The magazine wrote "In our July 1997 cover story "Roswell Plus 50" Popular Mechanics detailed how Air Force interest in duplicating Nazi technology led to two American flying disc projects... Project Silver Bug...Project Pye Wacket (click here) ...Documents declassified since then point to a third secret project, a 40ft "flying saucer"..." (p.68.)

"The project is managed out of Wright Patterson Air Force base in Dayton, Ohio, where German engineers who had worked on the rocket plane..." (p.68.) The article was therefor suggesting that German scients may have worked on the LRV.

Was the LRV ever built? The magazine suggested a line of evidence to propose that it might have been. What was the evidence? Interestingly, they said it came from Australia! "However, what is far the most compelling evidence that the LRV, or a flying prototype was actually built comes from Australia." (p.71.) What occurred for the magazine to conclude this?

"In 1975, Jean Fraser found an odd bit of honeycomb-like debris on her family's ranch south of Brisbane. The area was in the vicinity of what was then a secret Australian test range where the British and American's conducted some of their most secret atomic experiments." (p.71.)

"Local legends claim the honeycomb was debris from a flying saucer which exploded over the test area in 1966." (p.71.)

"PM became interested in revisiting the Australian debris analysis when we noticed a similarity between a photograph of the mysterious honeycomb and a cross-section diagram in the LRV engineering study." (p.71.)

To summarise at this point, the Popular Mechanics article reported on a proposed US spacecraft, which had links to German scientists. Furthermore, the magazine suspected that the LRV had been built, because of material found in Australia, which they then imply, but do not openly state, may have come from an exploding LRV.

Alien honeycomb:

Can we find anything more about this suggested link with Australia? Indeed, we can, from a book titled "Alien Honeycomb: the First Solid Evidence of UFOs" written by John Pinkney and Leonard Ryman, published by Pan Books, London in 1980. ISBN 0-330-27003-6. (click here.) Here we learn:

* In Late Nov 1966 a Mrs Fraser of Greenbank, Queensland, just 29 kms from Brisbane, reported seeing a light, noiselessly passing over her property

* In early 1968, Mrs Fraser's husband found a piece of honeycomb-like material, with more found at the end of 1968

* In 1975, farmers in North Queensland found fragments from an aerial object which was analysed by a Paul Brixius of the Queensland University.

No explosion is mentioned in the 1966 account. However, Mr Fraser is quoted as saying "...whatever these pieces came from must have exploded in the air because we found them spread over more than 3 kilometres."

The Popular Mechanics article mixes these pieces of information together. Nothing was actually seen to explode in 1966, but this possibility is deduced from the distance over which the found material was distributed.

Secret test range?

A search both off and on the net, failed to find any evidence of a "secret Australian test range" in the vicinity of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The British government did test nuclear bombs at both the Monte Bello Islands, off the coast of Western Australia ( click here) and at Maralinga, South Australia (click here) in the 1950's.

A review of a file in the National Archives of Australia, file series M1148 control symbol "USA- General" barcode 31415823 titled "USA-General" which contained details of all known American projects based in Australia, found no projects relevant to such a secret test range.

One item, however, which was potentially relevant to this post, was dated 14 Jun 2001. The New Scientist magazine in the UK published an article in which it claimed that a nuclear bomb may have been detonated in Queensland in 1963. Could this have been at our secret test range?

However, it turned out that this was referring to a joint project between Australia, the UK, Canada and the USA which detonated 50 tons of TNT on 18 Jul 1963 at Iron Range, North Queensland rain forest to simulate a nuclear explosion. The Operation was named Blowdown (click here) and you can read an account of it in the National Archives of Australia on file series A5268 control symbol 1962/660, which is available in digitised format. In addition, there are some videos of it on YouTube (click here.)

In conclusion:

Where does this leave us on the subject of German scientists, flying discs and Australian UAP?

* An unconfirmed anecdote from an Adelaide truck driver

* A question "Could it have been German " on a YouTube video about the 1966 Westall object, plus additional comments mentioning remote controlled objects and Westall

 * A suggestion in "popular Mechanics" that a proposed US nuclear manned earth orbiting bomber, with possible German scientists scientific assistance exploded over Queensland in 1966.

Have any blog readers come across any other material suggestive of a link between Australian UAP and German scientists?


  1. I live at Green bank Qld. just a km. from the Fraser's old property, I now have for the third time a copy of Alien Honeycomb, most of the area is covered with houses but there is still a few green corridors for wildlife that I thought might yeald a price of this material !!! This is all starting to get really interesting for me, for I to am looking for some awnsers ! I'm going to go for some Sunday walks when I get the time and we'll just see what's left !!! Your research has dampened my thought's that this is real UFO debris though ......... contact. markhorsey200@ gmail .com

  2. I have a German 2 seat aircraft that was sent out to Australia in the 60s for use around Woomera by a German named Rolf
    Its in the log book so the Germans were in Woomera thats for shure!


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