Sunday, January 28, 2024

US DOD Office of Inspector General's UAP related report

New project

 On 3 May 2021, the United States' Department of Defense Office of Inspector General announced a new project, "Evaluation of the DOD's Actions regarding the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena." 

"The objective of this evaluation is to determine the extent to which the DOD has taken actions regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)..."

A classified report was issued on 15 August 2023, then an unclassified summary copy of the report was issued 25 January 2024.

The 16-page 2024 document provides a brief historical background of DOD's interest in UAP since 1947. It then goes on to provide details of Congressional actions between 2019 and 2023 via various National Defense Authorization Acts.

Unclassified Summary of Report No. DODIG-2023-109, “Evaluation of the DoD’s Actions Regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena,” August 15, 2023 (

The review

The review found, inter alia, that:

1. "The DOD does not have a comprehensive, coordinated approach to addressing UAP."

2. "The DOD hasn't issued a comprehensive UAP response Plan."

3. "DOD components have largely excluded geographic combatant commands in UAP processes."

4. "DOD components developed varying processes to detect and report UAP incidents."

5. "The DOD/s lack of a comprehensive, coordinated approach to address UAP may pose a threat to military forces and US national security."


A number of recommendations were made:

1. That the Under Secretary of Defense for Security and Intelligence, and the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) coordinate to issue a DOD policy to "integrate Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena roles, responsibilities, requirements, and coordinating procedures..."

2. That while awaiting action 1 above, that the Secretary of the Army issue interim guidance for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.

3. Likewise, that the Secretary of the navy issue interim guidance o for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.

4. Likewise for the US Air Force.

5, "We recommend that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff issue guidance to the geographic combatant commands regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena detection, reporting, collection, analyzing and identification within their area of responsibility. At a minimum the guidance should include tools to help commands determine the threat posed by Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena."

Pentagon briefing

On the 25 January 2024, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh was asked a UAP related question during her briefing. The question was:

"And then separately, on the - the DOD Inspector General report about UAP, said that there wasn't a comprehensive plan for dealing with UAP and that could pose a security threat. Any response to that?"

To which the response was:

"In terms of the UAP report, I -I'm sorry, I just have to take that question."

Which means that a response will be provided later, to the individual who asked the question.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Enigma Labs LLC -an update

Databases of sightings

In July 2022 I wrote an article about three entities engaged in the compilation of databases of sightings of UAP. One of these was an entity named Enigma Labs LLC, based in New York in the U.S.A. I have continued to update that original story as I came across items relating to Enigma Labs. Enigma Labs LLC was registered on 1 December 2020, filing number 4272722 in the state of Delaware via a registered agent named Corporation Service Company. 

According to their website, Enigma Labs' mission is:

"To advance progress on UAP using cutting-edge technology and social intelligence. Only through thoughtful open-minded study of unidentified phenomena can we get answers. We are focused on building and keeping our team low profile for privacy."

Update on investors

Research, by independent scholar Jensine Andresen in 2023, located the names of two companies/individuals who provided pre-seed funding to Enigma Labs, namely FJ Labs and Kirsten Bertok Touw.

Enigma Labs Company Profile: Valuation, Funding & Investors | PitchBook

A current search of other websites, eg Pitchbook shows Enigma Labs is listed under the media and entertainment market segments. It is shown as having three investors namely, FJ Labs, Kindred Ventures and Centre Street Partners. 

The Enigma Labs website, under the frequently asked questions tabs, asks a question "How are you funded?" The response is:

"To date, 100% of our funding is from startup investors. These include established venture capital funds like Lux Capital, Stellation, Glosso, Haystack, Kindred, Starburst, FJ Labs and also angel investors who understand how to design and scale great consumer products, including Ryan Shea, Ryan Hoover, Balaji Srinivasan, Trevor McFedries, Elad Gil.  Our investors are all US funds and citizens and are people we have known for a long time. They are collaborators who are excited about our mission of demystifying UAP and we are grateful for their support. The company was created by veteran technologists who drive the strategy and product decisions, not investors."

It is of note that a recent interview with the CEO of Enigma Labs mentions another venture capitalist, namely Josh McFarland

On the question "What is Enigmas monitorization strategy?"

"Data: Enigma will never sell user's personal data or identities to third parties, including social networks.

Ads: When it comes to monetizing the app. we plan to avoid an ad-based business model, which we believe detracts from the user experience. We care about building a frictionless experience that users can enjoy.

Subscription: To ensure our long-term independence and viability as an organization, we intend to generate revenue. Our business model will continue to evolve, but for now we are focused on developing paid premium features and analytic tools for partners. We hope that a subset of our public users will opt in to paying for the features they find valuable to support our work."

X (former Twitter) user @Lesternare in a tweet dated 24 January 2024, raises some interesting questions concerning Enigma Labs' monitorization strategy; return to investors, and who are potential paying customers?


How is Enigma Labs progressing? They have launched an app for iphones which can be used to collect data on UAP sightings made by individuals using a smartphone. As at 15 December 2023 they report having received and processed over 12,000 sightings, submitted both through that app, and via their website; between February and December 2023 and provided an analysis of these. 

The sightings analysis is based on self-reporting from individuals. "Enigma did not independently verify each sighting." The sightings are global in nature from 107 different countries including 2% from Australia. Enigma calculates what it calls "The Enigma score." 

"This can help us to further analyze anomalousness, though the methodology of scoring continues to be regularly refined. Note that the score is a composite of both certainty around the sighting event, as well as how anomalous the object behavior was."

The Company continues to grow the number of employees. Pitchbook shows 13 at the moment. Current job openings are for a "Content Moderator Intern" paying $20/hr part-time and a "Director of Engineering" paying $200-300K full-time.

 The CEO of Enigma speaks out 

Given the secrecy which has surrounded most members of the Enigma Labs team; it was of note that The New Yorker Magazine, dated 22 January 2024, published an article by Matthew Hutson about Enigma Labs titled "The truth is out there, on an app."

It includes quotes from the CEO of Enigma Labs, who refers to herself only a "A." The reason for the pseudonym is given as 'It has allowed me to really focus...because there's so much noise out there. The internet is full of keyboard warriors."

A description of how the app functions is given, and "A" says she expects to inspire a growing movement.

"It's no different from people who go to burning man or are into wellness, meditation, yoga or psychedelics, all that stuff...what we're really banking on is this movement that I think SpaceX, the Webb telescope, all of this, is driving, which is just as interesting - Are we alone."

As to assigning a cause to submitted sightings they "...decided not to mark cases on the app as resolved (when say the U.A.P. is clearly a balloon); they won't harsh anyone's buzz." The article concludes with:

Employees keep their levels of belief to themselves. A isn’t interested in trying to explain stubborn U.A.P. cases; she’s happy to entertain the possibility of ancient aliens, future humans, advanced fighters, billionaires’ antigravity toys, multidimensional projections, or humdrum drones. “U.A.P. is a new field,” she said. “It can’t be a category until you have data to work with. We’re doing the picks and shovels of that. And hopefully we’ll empower a lot of people to come up with their own theories. We’ll leave that to the Nobel Prize winners.”

Update: 7 April 2024

One item I missed in doing the article above was the relationship between Enigma Labs and the Swedish Archives for the Unexplained (AFU.) On 22 January 2023 "AFU Sponsor News #2" dated January 2023 carried the following announcement. 

"Enigma Labs project to digitise reports archives.

AFU Chairman Clas Svehn has negotiated and signed a contract with US Company Enigma Labs - whereby Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) provides digital copies from our rich report archives from many countries. We have started out with the Spanish report files once received from CEI Barcelona. The idea is to create an international UAP (UFO) reporting site that also has in the background a rich database of recorded sightings. These previous sightings will be anonymized by Enigma Labs and translated into English with the help of advanced AI software. 

Leif Astrend at AFU will spend the coming year (2023) working for the project assisted by others from the AFU staff, preparing world-wide files for digitizing."

Update: 9 December 2024

Yet another database and UAP sightings collection system is announced.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Department of Homeland Security and a UAP SAP

Scientific American

On 19 January 2024, Scientific American published an opinion piece by the U.S. Department of Defense's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) former Director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick. It was titled "Here's what I learned as the U.S. government's UFO Hunter," and covered a range of items. However, for the purposes of this article I wish to focus on the mention of Special Access Programs by Kirkpatrick.

Firstly then, a lengthy quote from the article:

"In 2009 then Senator Harry Rid asked the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) to set up a SAP (special access program) to protect the alleged UAP/UFO material that AATIP proponents believed the USG was holding. The SECDEF declined to do so after a review by the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (OUSDI), and DIA concluded that not only did no such material exist, but taxpayer money was being inappropriately spent on paranormal research at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. This is well documented in open sources, particularly in recently available on DIA's electronic FOIA Reading Room.

After the negative response by SECDEF, Senator Reid then enlisted the help of then Senator Joeph Lieberman to request that the Department of Homeland Secuity (DHS) set up an SAP for the same purpose. The administrative SAP proposal package was informed by the same individuals who had been associated with AATIP. AARO's archival research has located the administrative proposal for the DHS SAP, complete with the participants, which has been declassified and is being reviewed for public release..."

The 2009 Reid letter

Kirkpatrick, inter alia, wrote:

"In 2009 then Senator Harry Rid asked the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) to set up a SAP (special access program) to protect the alleged UAP/UFO material that AATIP proponents believed the USG was holding."

I will provide the full text of the letter in order that the reader may make their own judgement as to whether or not, Kirkpatrick's assertion above is a correct reading of the content of the letter.

"Beginning this past September, the US Senate has mandated that the Defense Intelligence Agency assesses far-term foreign advanced aerospace threats to the United States. The scope of program interest covers from the present out to forty years and beyond. In order to further our effort in recognizing emerging disruptive aerospace technology, technical studies are being conducted in regard to advanced lift, propulsion, the use of unconventional materials and controls, signature reduction, weaponry, human interface and human effects.

Since the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and study were first commissioned much progress has been made with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace related findings.

Given the current rate of success, the continued study of these subjects will likely lead to technological advancements that, in the immediate near-term will require extraordinary protection. Due to the sensitivities of the information surrounding aspects of this program, I require your assistance in establishing a Restricted Special-Access-Program (SAP) with Bigoted Access List for specific portions of the AATIP.

In order to support this national effort, a small but highly specialized cadre of Department of Defense (DoD) and private sector individuals are necessary. These individuals must be specialized in the areas of advanced sciences, sensors, intelligence/counterintelligence, and advanced aerospace engineering. Given the likelihood that these technologies will be applied to future systems, involving spaceflight, weapons, communications and propulsion, the standard management and safeguarding procedures for classified information are not sufficient. Even the use of conventional SAP protocols will not adequately ensure that all aspects of the project are properly secured.

Although not every aspect of AATIP requires restricted SAP read-on, the following portions should be  maintained at the Restricted SAP level.

'The methodology used to identify, acquire, study and engineer the advanced technologies associated with AATIP.

Specific methodologies used to study unconventional technology may require nuanced approaches that will undoubtedly be of significant interest if not a top priority for adversarial Foreign Intelligence Security Services (FISS).

Undue attention by government or private sector entities, not involved in AATIP or any international interest will directly or indirectly interfere with the daily AATIP mission and perhaps threaten the overall success of the program.

Allocation of personnel, support and oversight.

Due to the highly specialized nature of the personnel involved with AATIP, the overt acknowledgement of their participation in the program will lead to an unnecessary security and counterintelligence risk.

Occasional assistance from specialized individuals within Dod, the scientific community, or academia may be necessary from time to time based on demonstrated subject matter expertise. Adequate protection of their identities and affiliation is critical to avoid unnecessary scrutiny.

Without the appropriate Restricted SAP protection, the cost associated with a compromise would be significantly higher than the cost associated with a properly administered Restricted SAP.

Protection of industry partners and participation is critical. Public awareness of an industry's AATIP affiliation may discourage that industry's further participation with the US Government in this program.

Applications and engineering

The nuanced manner in which some of these technologies will be collected, engineered and applied by the US may require senior level government approval. These decision makers must be afforded the necessary time to make strategic decisions by restricting access to the "big picture" or overall intent of the program to those on a strict Bigoted List.

Associated exotic technologies likely involve extremely sophisticated concepts within the worlds of quantum mechanics, nuclear science, electromagnetic theory, gravitics and thermodynamics. Given that all of these have the potential to be used for catastrophic effects by adversaries, an unusually high degree of operational security and read-on discretion is required.

Due to the expertise required to carry out the objectives of this program, we will require a small, specialized group of Dod personnel, who are dedicated to performing the SAP-related functions and executing programmatic requirements within the program. It is essential that the Government & military personnel who are already involved with this program are assigned to further support this program in a Restricted SAP capacity (See Attachment 1). These individuals all currently possess the appropriate security clearances and are already providing unique support to AATIP.

Ultimately the results of AATIP will not only benefit the US Government but I believe will directly benefit Dod in ways not yet imagined. The technological insight and capability gained will provide the US with a distinct advantage over any foreign threats and allow the US to maintain its preeminence as a world leader.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration of this request. If you or your staff have any questions, please contact Bob Herbert of my staff at (202) 437-3162."

Attachment 1

Sponsoring agency: Undetermined (DEPSECDEF).
Component level SAP central office.
Unclassified nickname: Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
Program length: FY09-FY13 (Preliminary).
Program funding: FY09- O&M, FY10-FY13- TBD.
SAP category designation: Intelligence, Dod Acquisition.
FY10 Preliminary Bigot List of Government personnel:
1. Honorable William Lynn III, Dep Dir of defense (Govt)
2. Honorable Senator Harry Reid of Nevada (Govt)
3. Honorable Senator Daniel Inouve of Hawaii (Govt)
4-11 Redacted.

FY10 Preliminary Bigoted List of Contractor Personnel funded under the AATIP
1-3 Redacted.

This document contains information exempt from mandatory disclosure under the FOIA. Exemptions 1 and 5 apply."


While the 2009 approach by Senator Reid to the Department of Defense for a SAP has been known for quite a while, I was not aware of the request for a SAP for DHS to conduct an Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) like program.

Courtesy Amazon Books

However, it should be noted that the 2021 book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" authored by James T. Lacatski, Colm Kelleher and George Knapp, references the fact that:

"...on February 7, 2011 Lacatski gave a very in depth briefing to colleagues at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate.." 

Lacatski et al went on to say:

"At this point in time, the opportunity arose for DHS to receive $10 million in FY13 funding due to a collaborative effort between Senator Harry Reid and Joe Lieberman (then Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs.)"

Ultimately, DHS did not accept the funding. I could find no reference to a DHS SAP in the book. I therefore turned to Lacatski et al's 2023 book "Inside the Government's Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations."  I found no reference to Senator Lieberman or a DHS SAP request.

In conclusion:

We await the public release of the documentation concerning an DHS SAP mentioned in Kirkpatrick's article, to provide us with yet another link in the AAWSAP story.

Update: 22 April 2024

The AARO website recently published details from the Department of Homeland Security on their proposed project named "Kona Blue" which was to extend the work of the former AAWSAP. The first Lacatski et al book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" appendix two, had previously provided details of this proposed second version of AAWSAP, but without giving its code name "Kona Blue."

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Civilian air safety and UAP


Over the years, two key aspects have been emphasized in UAP studies, namely 1) they are a threat to national security and 2) they are a threat to the safety of aircraft. In this blog post I wish to address point 2.

Australian context

In Australia there are three government agencies which have a remit for involvement in civilian air safety. These are the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA); Airservices Australia (ASA), and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB).

CASA's role as defined on their website is:

"The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is a government body that ensures the safety of aviation in Australia. We license pilots, register aircraft, certify aerodromes, oversee aviation safety and promote safety awareness. We do this by setting standards and safety outcomes that cover maintenance, airspace, aerodromes, licensing and all types of operations."

Airservices Australia's website states: 

"Airservices Australia is a government-owned organization responsible for the safety of 11 per cent of the world's airspace. We are responsible for the safe and efficient management of Australia's skies..."

 Whereas the Australian Transport Safety Bureau's site says:

"The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) improves safety and public confidence in aviation, marine and rail transport through our independent 'no blame' investigation of transport accidents and safety occurrences..."

UAP research results 

As far back as June 2012 I was writing blog posts about the potential link between UAP and air safety in Australia. The ATSB and ASA had databases of aviation incidents and occurrences which could be keyword searched for references to UFO and UFO-like reports. In 2004 I had already conducted searches and a number of hits came up from the then OASIS ATSB aviation occurrence database. These were dated between 1969 and 1998. 

In October 2012, I reported upon the results of FOIA requests to the three Australian government agencies. From then Air Services Australia I received a number of documents. There were queries from the media, UFO groups, individuals and interestingly an occurrence dated July 2004 where a QANTAS flight filed a report concerning an unidentified object travelling at 150-200 knots not with the wind. Nothing was obtained from either the ATSB or CASA.

The aircraft involved in the 2014 Perth near miss

On 19 March 2014 there was a near miss between a passenger aircraft and an "unknown object" near Perth international airport in broad daylight. The incident was investigated by the ATSB and they issued an official report. Paul Dean and I also conducted an investigation and reported on this in September 2015. 

In 2015 Melbourne researcher Paul Dean sent an FOIA request to Air Services Australia. The request turned up 13 pilot and air traffic control incidents, which included a January 2014 incident near Adelaide airport. 

In around 2022 I submitted an FOIA request to ASA asking for a search of their databases for information on UFO/UAP. When they cited a fee of around $500 I withdrew my request. 


In 2024 ATSB maintains a National Aviation Occurrence Database A keyword search of "UFO and UAP" locates the October 1978 Valentich disappearance; an aircraft registered as VH-UFO; and a March 2015 FOIA request for "unusual; or unidentifiable aircraft or objects i.e. UFOs." On the latter, documents were released but not now available through the database. A similar search of the ASA website revealed no documents; same with CASA. 

On 12 January 2024 Melbourne researcher Grant Lavac reached out to CASA to mention the proposed US Congressional bill re introducing UAP reporting for US Civil aviation pilots and asked;

"1.  If the proposed legislation is passed, what are the implications for CASA in the event US aircraft operating in Australian airspace (unbound/outbound) observe UAP and are required to report to the FAA?

2. Will CASA commit to reviewing its current reporting protocols and consider implementing comparable UAP reporting/recording mechanisms?"

The CASA media team responded with:

"The following can be attributed to a CASA spokesperson. CASA's role as a government body is to regulate Australian aviation safety. The reporting of UAP is currently out of our remit."

The American context

Although there has long been an interest in the air safety aspects of UAP in a US military setting, e.g. near misses off the east coast of the US in 2014 and 2015, in the rest of this blog post I'd like to report on recent events re US civilian aviation safety and UAP.

In February 2022 I reported on the formation of a "Community of interest" (COI) of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) the world's largest aerospace technical society, led by former US Marine pilot Ryan Graves. During the AIAA's 2021 annual gathering a panel discussion spoke to the potential aviation safety issues of UAP. The charter of the COI was:

"To improve aviation safety by enhancing scientific knowledge, and mitigating barriers to, the study of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena."

The COI held its first technical session as part of the AIAA Aviation 2022 forum on 29 June 2022. 

In November 2022, the AIAA "...recognized our UAP community of interest as a fully empowered AIAA UAP Integration and Outreach Committee dedicated to scientific study of UAP." This committee presented at the Aviation23 AIAA conference. 

In 2023 Ryan Graves went on to co-found an organization called "Americans for Safe Aerospace" with co-founder Brad Crispin. Graves, as the Executive Director of the organization went on to speak at the 26 July 2023 US Congressional hearing on UAP.


On 11 January 2024 US Congressional House of Representatives members Robert Garcia and Glenn Grothman introduced a bill, H.R.6967 titled "Safe Airspace for Americans Act." H.R. 6967:

"To require the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to establish procedures and reporting requirements for incidents relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena, and for other purposes." 

Under this Act, if passed, the legislation would apply to US civilian pilots, FAA air traffic controllers, flight attendants, maintenance workers, dispatchers and airlines. Reports would initially go to the FAA and then onto the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

Friday, January 5, 2024

The Sol Foundation for Advanced Scientific and Policy Research

Dr. Jensine Andresen

In her October 2023 book "Hyperconvergence" Dr. Jensine Andresen wrote, inter alia, about the establishment of The Sol Foundation, a relatively new U.S. entity involved with UAP studies. 

Image courtesy Amazon Books

Sol Foundation Alabama

Dr. Andresen noted that there is an entity named The Sol Foundation listed in the register of business names records of the Secretary of State for Alabama, in the U.S.A. This Sol Foundation, one of many entities with the name Sol Foundation, is file number 001-041-463 with a registration filing date of 23 September 2022. Its "registered agent" is shown as Ignite Fueling Innovation Inc. with an address of 530c Discovery Drive NW Huntsville, Alabama. Ignite was founded in 2001 and is an aero-defense service firm with military customers.  

According to Andresen, "Directors of The Sol Foundation include Saul Mercado and Garry P. Nolan. The Incorporator is listed as Garry P. Nolan." Andresen's research indicated that Saul Mercado has been a Foreign Service Officer at the U.S. Department of State since 2011. His LinkedIn profile includes that he is a former academic with background in anthropology and linguistics.

Fact checking

In fact-checking the above I utilized a number of Internet websites including "opencorporates." These confirmed the existence of a corporate non-profit corporation with the name The Sol Foundation, registered in Alabama, formed on 23 September 2022, company number 001-041-463. Its business classification text reads "The Sol Foundation supports research into and the understanding of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena." Its agent name is indeed listed as Ignite Fueling Innovation Inc. of 530C Discovery Drive, NW Huntsville, Alabama. Saul Mercado Ph.D. is shown as a director of The Sol Foundation, as is Christopher Mellon.  A check with LinkedIn locates an account showing that one Saul Mercado was indeed a US diplomat between May 2011 and January 2023 with a background in anthropology. A check on what an " Agent name" means found that it refers to "...a person or business designated to receive service of process and other official documents by mail or in-person on behalf of a company." 

The Sol Foundation California

However, my own further research located details of another The Sol Foundation, this time in California. According to the business names records of the Californian Secretary of State, The Sol Foundation for Advanced Scientific and Policy Research reserved that name on 28 June 2023, then registered that name on 7 July 2023. Entity number 5810665. Its agent' name was Incorporating Services Ltd. Its officers are listed as Garry P. Nolan, CEO; Peter Skafish Secretary; and Jonathan Berte, Chief Finacial Officer. Article II of its articles of incorporation, includes the text "The specific and primary purpose ...including but not limited to supporting research into and the understanding of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena." 

An attachment to the Articles of Association states:

"The specific purpose of this corporation includes but is not limited to supporting research into and the understanding of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. Any amendment to these Articles of Incorporation shall require the written approval of each of Garry Nolan, Peter Skafish and Dave Grusch, if they are still living, have not become incapacitated, and have not been declare dead by a court of law."

Note the name "Dave Grusch" which is the David Grusch who made news by becoming a whistleblower on UAP in general and specifically with claims relating to knowledge of crash retrieval and reverse engineering activities by the U.S. government.  Grusch's cv includes the following:

"May 2023-Present, Chief Operating Officer (COO), The Sol Foundation • Managing day-to-day operations for a 501c3 federally recognized non-profit. The premier center for research in the natural and social sciences, engineering, and the humanities, but also extends activities to advisory and policy work for the U.S. government/public outreach."

The May 2023 date is interesting in that of the two known iterations of The Sol Foundation, only the Alabama registered one was active in May 2023. The Californian iteration wasn't active until 7 July 2023. 

Update: 6 January 2024

Steve Te.🔭👀🌎🇺🇦🇮🇱 (@Steve_uap2020) / X ( advised me in a tweet dated 6 January 2024 that "the first iteration of the Sol Foundation (incorporated in Alabama) was ultimately dissolved on Sept 15,2023." 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Dr. Jensine Andresen 's UAP books


In a post, dated 13 November 2023 I commented that: "We seem to have reached a 'tipping point' as regards the involvement of academia in UP studies," noting the increasing numbers of academics publishing article and books about the subject. Earlier, in another post, dated 12 September 2023, I wrote about the UAP related published work of Australian scholar Carole Cusack.

Dr. Andresen

Dr Jensine Andresen, an American academic has a Ph.D. from Harvard University; an M.A. from Columbia University and a B.S.E. from Princeton University; Her general topics of interest are the academic and societal implications of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and other issues which relate to the Earth and space. She has recently published two UAP related books. The two books are:

1. "Hyperconflation: Recommending a Relational Alternative to the DataCentric Approach to UAP." July 2023. Independently published.

Image courtesy of Amazon Books

2. "Hyperconvergence: Religion, Politics and UFOs." October 2023. Independently published.

Image courtesy of Amazon Books.

The two books are inter-related. The first takes a look at the approach adopted by the U.S. Department of Defense, and the U.S. Intelligence Community, while the second examines the approach taken by whistleblowers and the U.S. Congress. Andresen believes that "People participating in both of the aforementioned trajectories are experiencing errors of perception."


"A main thesis of this book is that a datacentric approach to UAP is not appropriate for investigating extraterrestrial UAP."

 "Conflating Human Made UAP with Extraterrestrial UFOs and USOs" notes that in early 2023, the mainstream media switched back from the term UAP to the term UFO and suggested that all UFOs were nothing more than conventional human made craft, and not extraterrestrial.  

"Conflating Military with Civilian Data Collection" looks at the nature of UAP data collection. In December 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense created:

"...the office of Strategic Capital [OSC] to connect companies with perceived vital national security technology, with venture capitalists who could fund such companies."

Andresen points out that some OSC part-time employees also work part-time for venture capital companies, thus creating a potential conflict of interest. Andresen cites the case of an individual named Kirsten Bartok Touw, an aerospace and defense investor who works both for a venture capital company and the OSC.  Illustrating the connection to UAP, Andresen's research found that the private entity Enigma Labs Inc. received pre-seed funding from two sources, namely FJ Labs and Touw. 

"Conflating the UAP topic with the Counterterrorism (CT) Problem." Back in 1994 the CIA created its own way of investing in start-up companies, via the establishment of In-Q-Tel (IQT.) Data mining of open-source materials, combined with information from classified sources was used in the fight against terrorism. 

"A main objective of the IQT-VC partnership is 'prediction'...anticipating technology questions so the USG remains ahead of the technology curve..."

Andresen uses the company named Palantir, founded by Alex Karp and Peter Thiel as a case study of technology that was converted to use as an anti-terrorism tool.

In reference to data mining, Andresen references Enigma Labs with an interest in UAP databases. Andreen notes an 18 January 2023 article by U.S. journalist Bryan Bender stating that NASA was holding a UAP summit and that Enigma Labs was invited to attend; and also that the U.S. Defense Department's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) would be partnering with Enigma Labs to evaluate Enigma's "...application, data stream and filtering capabilities..."

Andresen expresses concern about lack of privacy aspects of Enigma's input processes when collecting data on global UAP sightings; whilst the company remains silent on who runs Enigma. 

"Conflating Data with Knowledge" continues the theme of the use of data mining of large databases by providing details of the activities of Enigma Labs, UPDB; PhenomAInon, To The Stars, and the Capella data warehouse, generated by the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP.)

"Conflating the Business of National Security with Genuine National Security and Actual Safety." Here Andresen states her position that she does not think a datacentric approach to UAP is useful:

"A datacentric approach reduces what is a relational issue between humankind and ETI to the process of 'collecting.'"

She does not accept the premise that data collection will help "...forge a constructive relationship with the ETI operating in our midst." We should be focusing on "...creative ways to communicate...the ET is trying to help."

She again expresses concern that the U.S. government is collecting UAP reports from civilians on a global basis via such pathways as via Enigma Labs and AARO.

"On Conflating Prediction with Wisdom." Andresen reinforces her message that collecting data on UAP could lead to attempts to shoot down UAP, bait UAP, or exploit UAP technology, and that this is the wrong approach. The correct way, in her opinion is:

"To obtain wisdom, we must learn to participate with one another in both in intraspecies and interspecies contexts...Instead of conflating, we must...participate with the magnanimous ETI, in our midst now."

Hyperconvergence- broad themes

In the second of her books, Andresen takes a look at a number of themes including:

1. The search for the secret of UAP technology versus Andresen's approach which would:

"...focus on creative acculturation with ETI rather than on extraterrestrial technology. That is because if extraterrestrial tech is weaponized, it could wipe out our species."

2. The three groups of people involved in the unfolding of the UAP narrative, namely the U.S. National Security establishment: a supranational elite group of wealthy and connected individuals interested in UAP tech; and thirdly the intelligence services of other countries.

In exploring these broad themes, Andresen covers a lot of ground including:

* An extensive analysis of the activities of whistleblower David Grusch, and long-term researcher Steven Greer. Andresen lists Grusch as:

"Propagating a non-human intelligence (NHI) threat narrative; while Greer articulates his very specific variant of the benevolent extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) narrative."

* UAP related aspects of the National Defense Authorization Act 2024. Andresen does not support this legislation, suggesting that providing access to USG crash retrieval programs would potentially lead to espionage leaks to foreign entities.

* Andreen's own belief that the ETH is the best explanation for UAP. Not interdimensional or demons, but simply Extraterrestrial visitors. 

* The work and ideas of such researchers as John Keel; Jacques Vallee; Hal Puthoff and David J. Bohm.

* An examination of the concept of "demons" and how this relates to the topic of UAP.

* The long-term UAP interests of such wealthy individuals as Robert Bigelow and Hans Adam II.

* An exploration of the available public information on the SOL Foundation.

* The potential for the use of the UAP "threat narrative" to be used to seek more money for the U.S. military space weapons. Andersen has written elsewhere about her desire to seek the demilitarization of space.

* Aspects of religious beliefs including views on the potential extinction of the human race; apocalyptic thinking and eschatology.

* Andersen's view that:

"The fastest possible way to make the world ready for extraterrestrial to reduce and ultimately eliminate violence in our own species..."

In summary

I found these two books to be a very useful summary of the status of UAP research today; its various perspectives and provided much food for thought. In addition, Andresen's research added to my own knowledge of the background to Enigma Labs Inc. and the SOL Foundation. 

For a video interview of Dr. Andresen discussing the work in both books, please click here. 

Who is talking about UAP these days?

Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...