Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Kit Green's Defense Intelligence Reference Document unveiled

Another Defense Intelligence Reference Document

A 53 page paper, dated 2009, authored by Dr. Christopher (Kit) Green, titled “Clinical Medical Acute & Subacute Field Effects On Human Dermal & Neurological Tissues” has just been revealed, in an article by researcher TimMcMillan. 

Front cover of the paper

It appears to be the document, which the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) listed as one of the 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRD), products of their 2008-2012 Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP.) It is not in the format of an AAWSAP DIA DIRD, several of which have been released previously. 

A DIA issued DIRD

However, the document appears to be the paper submitted by Green, which would later be issued as a DIA DIRD. Having said that, after acquiring a full copy of the Green DIRD, the purpose of this blog is to take a look at its contents and provide some commentary on what it contains. The quotes are from the paper, the notes are mine. 

The paper

Chapter one: “Definition of Topic and Domain of the study.”

“The objective of the overall program for which this paper has been prepared is to understand the physics and the engineering of advanced aerospace weapon system applications in the future, eg from now through to the year 2050. This study addresses the clinical medical signs and symptoms and biophysics of injury known and expected from near field (mostly ultra-high), NIEMR Microwave, Thermal, from unintentional exposure to anomalous systems.” (Page 6.)

Note 1: This clearly refers to the Defense Intelligence Agency’s AAWSAP put out for solicitation in August 2008.

First page of the DIA solicitation

Chapter two: “Background: What is thought to cause harm?”

“There is a relatively comprehensive literature on reported deleterious effects from exposure at close ranges to perceived anomalous aircraft of apparent advanced design.” (Page 9.)

Note 2: Here, Green refers to John Schuessler’s work; including the Cash-Landrum case; and his 1996 catalogue “UFO-Related HumanPhysiological Effects.” In addition, the work of Jim McCampbell, in this same area, is referenced.

“That is, it is of particular interest in a threat analysis program, regardless of whether anomalous-craft-induced physiological effects of humans are intended or not, to ascertain probable mechanisms…” (Page 10.)

Note 3: “A threat analysis program.” Nowhere in this paper, does Green refer to the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP.) References to the program are clearly to AAWSAP. 

Clear reference to AAWSAP

Another clear reference to AAWSAP appears on page 12:

"Yet, while directionally indicative of interest and intention to understand, the material does not rise to the quality of the initiative of this ADVANCED AEROSPACE WEAPON SYSTEM APPLICATIONS PROGRAM in which this paper serves as one of several dozen analytical examples."

Classified studies

Speaking of classified studies of the effects of RF radiation on humans, Green writes:

“Classified information exists that is highly pertinent to the study of this subject, and only a small part of the classified literature has been released.”

Green then goes on to review the large volume of existing open source literature about the effects of effects from exposure to certain known radiation sources. He concludes:

“In summary, the evidence is solid that the military and aerospace industries’ own classified, proprietary and unclassified literature, as well as the certain evidence of many aerospace RF-related microwave, antenna-related, High-Power (HP) microwave, infrasonic/sonic, and thermal (from any source) energy deposition accidents (vide infra) is congruent with the anomalous vehicle reports. This means that one cannot discount the claimed and often observed imagery of being real-world (although current and likely advanced beyond public information) technologies, and which are causes of these effects and injuries.” (Page 18.)

Note 4: In short, the effects from close range encounters with UAP match those effects from exposure to known radiation sources.

Chapter three: “How damage occurs.”

Here, Green examines how damage occurs from exposure to conventional source of RF energy. Examples of damage are heating, burning, headaches, dizziness, cardiac palpitations, severe anxiety, etc.

“There have been several studies (encompassing about 100 reported cases during acute accidental exposures in military aerospace and communications situations) that have collected data on human exposures to RF of fixed and broad bandwidths. Comparison of this medical literature presents striking overlaps to the claimed clinical injury patterns of several hundred near-field case of anomalous and hostile events being currently analysed for a companion study to this, as described in Appendices One, Two & Three.” (Page 23.)

Note 5: Appendix 1 is a short discussion of the Schuessler catalog of “UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects;" including the provision of a “Table of effects frequency.” In 1996, Schuessler produced a catalog of 365 selected cases from the time frame 1873-1994.

Appendix 2 is a partial listing of 96 cases from the UFO literature, prepared by “Green/Morris” with a time frame of 1952 - Sept 1971 of UAP cases which the authors have coded for ICD codes. [International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.] This is almost certainly related to the database of such events which Green, in a 2018 interview with author Annie Jacobsen, stated that he had been compiling. There are three Australian events in this list (pages 49 and 50), namely:

1. 1952/07/22 Australia, NSW, Sydney.

93. 70/8 or 9 Australia, Sydney, New South Wales

95. 1971/08/01 Australia, Gladstone, Australia
Event 1 was a widely seen green ball of light in the sky. I tracked down a newspaper report in the “Daily Telegraph” Sydney newspaper, Tuesday 22 July 1952 page 3. There appears: “In Sydney, Albert Thomas, 33 of Regent Street, Redfern a night watchman at the NSW railway’s tarpaulin factory, Enfield, said he believed that the light was a flying saucer. “As soon as I stepped out of the door my arms started to tingle. Then an electric shock ran through the whole of my body.” However, from reading the rest of the article, it would seem to me that the green ball of light was a fireball, and thus would not meet Green’s near-field of 10’s of meters distance.

Event 93 was an apparent abduction investigated by this author. It involved a man who experienced an apparent loss of time after seeing a red-orange light at an ill-defined distance. There were no apparent medical injuries involved.

Event 95 was an apparent abduction with effects to a motor vehicle, and “time distortion” to the witnesses. I could find no details of physical injuries being reported by the witnesses.

None of the three Australian cases should really be in such a catalogue.

Appendix 3 provides comment about ICD codes followed by a description of the Vallee classification system for anomalous phenomena.

“What cannot be overly emphasized, is that when one looks at the literature of anomaly cases, including UFO claims from the most reliable sources, the extent and degree of acute high but not necessarily chronic low-level injuries are consistent across patients who are injured, compared to witnesses in the far-field, who are not.” (Page 27.)

Note 6: By near-field Green, defines this on page 28 as “within 10’s of meters.”

“There are no significant differences in either the reported acute effects (symptoms) or the physician observed (signs) between the case of the three antenna engineers or the Cash-Landrum cases.” (Page 27.)

Note 7: For a comprehensive review of the Cash-Landrum case, see the extensive work of researcher Curt Collins at the Blue BlurryLines blog.

Chapter four: “Applicable subacute injury effects.”

Here, Green examines the established literature, taking an in depth look at what is known.

Chapter five: “Cognitive and neural injury mechanisms and effects.”

Green looks at the literature on the possible mechanisms by which RF can alter neuro chemical processes.

In summary

In this paper, Green explores what is medically known about the exposure to various known radio frequency energy sources; and its effects on humans, animals and tissue samples. He then compares these effects with those reported by individuals who have a close encounter with UAP.

Preface to the paper

Note 8: In the “Preface” to the document, Green provides the following quote, citing a November 2007 “Proposal to Analyse Probable ET Generated Specific Near-Field Electromagnetic Emissions.” The proposal was “to Puthoff/Hathaway.” I have not come across this proposal before. An Internet search failed to locate such a paper. 

“As an example of the breadth of the study, certain characteristics of the fields associated with exotic propulsion can with near certainty be gleaned from archival records of their effects on human physiology. Therefore, under consideration is the outsourcing of a medical analysis of the archival data to ascertain probable mechanisms, field strengths etc., involved in the generation of he reported physiological effects.

The intention is to explicate the coupling mechanisms for communicating to human tissue possible in the context of traditional physics from exogenous sources, with as yet unknown signal generation and focusing. The pilot project proposed does not require that the coupled physics be explained only modeled.”

George D.Hathaway, is a Canadian engineer, who operates Hathaway Research International. Hathaway authored two of the 38 DIA DIRDs, namely, “Superconductivity in Gravity Research” and “Maverick vs Corporate Research Cultures.

Overall comment

As this is a 2009 dated paper, it throws some additional light on the work which Green was engaged in between 2005 and 2009, specifically, examining the effects on humans due to close encounters with UAP.

It also demonstrates that the AAWSAP, did indeed concern the subject of UAP. Green, in his DIRD, uses seven different terms, namely:

* Anomalous aircraft
* Anomalous craft
* Anomalous vehicles
* Aerospace objects
* Anomalous aerospace objects
* Anomalous aerospace vehicles.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I´m a huge fan of the blog Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - scientific research and Blue Blurry Lines. I´ve finish now the Christopher Green article for AAWSAP: "Clinical Medical Acute & Subacute Field Effects on Human Dermal & Neurological Tissues". I think a lot of the strange phenomenon the skinwalker ranch people report, are very like, the efects of the electromagnetic radiation on the human brain, that Kit Green says exist, in so called psychotronic warfare! Perhaps the Ranch is nothing more than a human experimentation. The radiation exists so all the fear and "voices in my head" could be the effects of this radiation. Thanks for the time


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