Sunday, December 30, 2018

More on how the US Department of Defense acknowledged the existence of AATIP

Yesterday, I complied a blog post on how four DoD spokespersons; namely Crosson; White; Ochoa and Harris, had communicated aspects of the AATIP to both media and UAP researchers.

This morning, while reviewing the extensive amount of material written about the AATIP, I came across much more information sourced to DoD spokesperson Harris.

Source: Source:
WIRED magazine's Sarah Scoles, wrote a 17 February 2018 extensive article about AATIP, quoting Harris many times as her source. The following text, extracted from Scoles' article is illuminating:

"Its purpose was to investigate flying foreign weapon threats - ones that exist now or could be developed in the next 40 years. The product of legislation cosponsored by Senator Harry Reid of Nevada and Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, the program, according to Pentagon spokesperson Audricia Harris, was primarily executed through a contract with Bigelow Aerospace - a company owned by Reid's constituent and donor Robert Bigelow...but Harris does confirm that he [Elizondo -KB] worked for the Defense Department.)...while the details of the program weren't widely known, Harris says that the program files the Pentagon has poured over so far - Pentagon staffers have been reviewing AATIP documentation since around the time The Times story broke - were unclassified ...

So why would a secret program looking at aerial anomalies - "aerodynamic vehicles engaged in extreme maneuvers, with unique phenenomology," says Harris - remain unclassified?...

First of all, Harris maintains the Pentagon isn't the source of the videos. "The official who is authorized to release the video on behalf of DoD did not approve the release of this video," she says. She's adamant: "I stand firm that we did not release those videos"...

To the Stars did show WIRED some paperwork suggesting that the videos had gone through the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR).. "It means that one of the steps for the review of the product has been completed, says the Pentagon's Harris. But that documentation doesn't actually clear material for release. An approval from DOPSR does not equate to public release approval, says Harris. "


1. As will be seen from a comparison of the words quoted as coming from Harris, versus the text of emails to US researcher John Greenwald, and Swedish researcher Roger Glassel, (cited in yesterday's blog post); we now know, that the text of Glassel's email from Harris, had been revealed by WIRED in February 2018. This was ahead of Greenwald's April email from Harris; and also ahead of Glassel's May email from Harris.

2. A question still remains in my mind, as to where the words "aerodynamic vehicles engaged in extreme maneuvers, with unique phenenomology," comes from? Typing these words into Internet search engines reveals only references by UAP researchers, nothing from the DoD.

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