Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The last post...for a while

This blog was initiated by Pauline Wilson, an Adelaide based UFO researcher, in 2009. When Pauline's interests moved on to other things, I took over the blog. Since 2009 there have been 896 posts; some short, and some thousands of words in length. Total hits on the site have exceeded 750.000.

Over my 51 years of interest in the subject, I have taken a number of breaks from my research. My shortest break was six months, and the longest was four years. I find these breaks from research to be very useful. It is too easy to get bogged down with keeping up to date; reading books; blogging one's research; answering questions from people who wish to know what it was that they have just seen in the sky; and keeping across some 45 Australian Face Book pages dedicated to hundreds of well meaning, but in the end, inane discussions on the topic. Enough becomes enough at some stage.

Despite all the current excitement about the formerly secret US Department of Defence Pentagon UFO program, it is time for me to take another break. At the moment I do not know how long the break will be.

I thank all my blog readers for sharing the journey so far.

Before I go, I'd like to recommend a new Australian website, called The Australian UFO Archives. It is only in draft form at the moment but it provides links to a large amount of factual, informative, Australian material. You will find it here.

So, this blog will see no new posts until I return from my 'holiday' from UFO research.

Signing off for now.


Keith Basterfield.

1 comment:

  1. There is strange activity NE looking from residential area across adelaide hills through NE road going over hills.
    2 star like objects turning into 3 then flashing .
    Looks like intergalactic battle.
    Strange lights changing brightness & flashing.
    Anyone else report.
    Noticed 5.02am


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