Thursday, August 8, 2013

UAP file 5/113/Air Part 10 - Department of Defence

Hi all,

The second Department of Defence file I recently received, was titled "Unusual Aerial Sightings" and has a date range of 28 Aug 1991 and 23 Dec 1992 and was originally held by Headquarters No. 82 Wing RAAF Base Amberley, Queensland. I received the file in four part PDFs, which together total 171 pages.

The file contains numerous completed "Report of Unusual Aerial Sighting" RAAF forms. These include reports of lights in the sky. Of most interest are the following observations:

* A letter dated 30 July 1991 from the Eurella Street, Morven, Queensland police station to Amberley. "Please find enclosed one video cassette on which is recorded the 'UFO'...the filming took place at two different locations along the Warrego Highway. The first was approximately 5kms west of Mitchell near Boringo Downs station entrance and the second approximately 10kms west of Mitchell at a truck stop. The owners of the video would like it returned when you have finished. Hope you find it interesting..." There are no other documents on the file which seem to relate to the video.

* A 1 January 1991 Hervey Bay, Queensland, at 0400hrs for 10 seconds. During a severe electrical storm at 30 degrees north, last seen  30 degrees east. Witness reported one, white light, size of a  small plane/Cessna, no engine noise. "Heard the UAS 2 seconds before she actually saw it. Oval shape with "More then 20 white lights on edge (bottom)." "Extraordinary fast." "Whooshing noise as it past, similar to car on a wet road." The form says "Reported to CAA late 01 Jan 92 then rang RAAF base."

* A 25 Dec 1991 2045hrs 15 minutes observation from Peregian Beach, Queensland. On a clear, calm, dark night witness reported an object seen in the east heading north-north-west. "A bright red to orange triangular shape object appeared in the east heading NNW. A second object of similar colour and shape appeared approx 3 minutes after the first object and followed the same path and heading. No sound or noise accompanied these sightings."

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