Hi all,
I'd like to start off this post by thanking my co-blogger, Pauline Wilson, for all the hard work she has put into making this a successful blog. I will miss her insightful comments, as well as the expressive ways that she reported on the mundane topic of Adelaide's weather.
In my own blog posts I have focused mainly on a number of specific projects. These have included researching material from the National Archives of Australia; cold cases; and from time to time such areas as contactees. In Pauline's absence, and due to reader feedback which has shown other areas are of interest to you, I will also be reporting on new books and items from a variety of magazines and journals. Pauline's vision for the blog was that it would not simply copy items from elsewhere, but wander over topics that took her interest, stopping here and there to explore, think, and comment. I like that philosophy and intend to follow it in my future posts.
Now to today's topic which is an Australian "contactee" named Peter Maxwell Slattery.
Australian Peter Maxwell Slattery has recently published two books titled "My Awakening" Parts 1 and 2.
Part 1:
"My Awakening is an account of my own paranormal and UFO experiences over the time since I was 12. In this book I document the time line of my experiences from witnessing apparitions, to seeing alien space crafts which are also known as UFOs. Come and join me on my journey into the unknown and my life changing ride, which has shaped and moulded the person I am today. Skeptic or not, my story with photographic evidence to some of my experiences will make you think. Also some names have been withheld and altered to protect their identities. So in saying that, sit back, relax and have an open mind. This is my personal UFO story."
Part 2:
"The story continues in "My Awakening Part 2" of my paranormal experiences with other worldly beings. In this book I document the time line of my experiences from seeing alien space craft which are also known as UFOs, to messages from a 5th dimensional being. This story when put together with other legitimate UFO and paranormal cases makes for the most important story ever told to mankind. So come and join me on my journey into the unknown and my life changing ride, which has shaped and moulded the person I am today. Skeptic or not, my story with photographic evidence to some of my experiences, will make you think. So in saying that, sit back, relax and have an open mind. This is my story, part 1."
A third book:
The website also reveals that there is a third book, written by Peter, and titled "The History of Man: An Alien civilisation." " This book is about man's connection to the stars, how our existence came about and how knowledge was seeded on earth in man with an alien connection. In this book you will read what has been found during investigations of all types that point to man being in contact with aliens for thousands of years. It is now estimated that between 200 and 400 billion planets exist just in our galaxy alone. So to think we are alone would be so delusional."
Further information:
The website contains other information which expands on Peter and his thoughts:
* Peter was born in 1983
* He started having experiences in 1995
* He currently lives in Albury, New South Wales, Australia
* At age 18, near prime he saw a big light the size of a small aircraft, "flying uncontrollably over Glenroy"
* He founded the group "Investigators For The Truth"
* In November 2010 he "captured video footage of a UFO over Nail Can Hill in Albury three times in the past month"
* He took a photograph at Beechworth which shows the ghost of a young girl outside the old jail
* He investigated reports of a "shadow man" walking in and out of the main entrance to the Yackandandah cemetery
* At Albury TAFE he saw a "ghost believed to be of a person who slipped and died on a staircase."
Shi-Ji from Merope:
On one page of the website titled "Pete's Story" we learn:
"Since 1995 Peter Maxwell Slattery has witnessed many UFOs and shadow men (which are also known as ghosts). he has also had encounters with the Greys, light blue light beings (which are a race of beings named "Elohim") and a 5th dimensional ethereal being called Shi-Ji, from the star Merope in the Pleiades.
Pete says that Shi-Ji is helping him raise his vibration frequency and that she is also awakening him to who he really is. He has been told by Shi-Ji, that he and others, all around the world, are to help raise the vibrational frequency of others and to help educate people in the E.T. reality and the spirit realm. Doing this he is told, will help awaken people for the coming spiritual and earth changes that have already started to take place.
Also he has had an insight into how God, Angels, Ghosts, UFOs, Science and all religions and the universe are all connected."
1. Peter's website may be found here.
2. Further information about Peter and his expereinces may be found here
An examination of aspects of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) from a scientific perspective.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Dear readers,
I started up this blog over three years ago, as a way to communicate the findings of my examination of the UFO phenomenon.
During this time, the blog has been a tool to examine the subject of exopolitics; the role of aviation companies; the role of intelligence agencies; take a look at both old and new books, and much more.
In my writing, I have tried to stimulate my blog readers to think about possibilities, as well as to speculate on the origins of the UFO phenomenon.
My co-blogger, Keith Basterfield, came on board two years ago, bringing his own perspective. Keith has taken a fresh look at old Australian UFO cases, as well as reporting on his continuing search for UFO files within the National Archives of Australia. His persistent searching has led to such discoveries as the Valentich file.
However, with this post, I am going to bid you, dear readers, farewell. A recent job offer, and a change of circumstances in my personal life, means it is time to review priorities. For the present, I have decided this means ceasing my contributions to this blog. I am going to leave you in Keith's capable hands.
Thank you for all your comments about blog posts I have written, and please continue to enjoy this blog.
I started up this blog over three years ago, as a way to communicate the findings of my examination of the UFO phenomenon.
During this time, the blog has been a tool to examine the subject of exopolitics; the role of aviation companies; the role of intelligence agencies; take a look at both old and new books, and much more.
In my writing, I have tried to stimulate my blog readers to think about possibilities, as well as to speculate on the origins of the UFO phenomenon.
My co-blogger, Keith Basterfield, came on board two years ago, bringing his own perspective. Keith has taken a fresh look at old Australian UFO cases, as well as reporting on his continuing search for UFO files within the National Archives of Australia. His persistent searching has led to such discoveries as the Valentich file.
However, with this post, I am going to bid you, dear readers, farewell. A recent job offer, and a change of circumstances in my personal life, means it is time to review priorities. For the present, I have decided this means ceasing my contributions to this blog. I am going to leave you in Keith's capable hands.
Thank you for all your comments about blog posts I have written, and please continue to enjoy this blog.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Recent FOI request to Australian government agencies - Air Services Australia
Hi all,
I am not aware of any researcher who has recently submitted a Freedom of Information request to any Australian government agency, seeking documents related to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP.) I therefore decided to submit a few requests myself. The first one was to Air Services Australia.
Who is Air Services Australia?
In Australia, up until 1995 responsibility for air safety lay with the federal government Department of Civil Aviation. In July 1995, that department was abolished and replaced with two separate government bodies, namely Air Services Australia and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
According to its website (click here) Air services Australia "Is a government owned corporation providing safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible services to the aviation industry." It has responsibility for:
* Airspace management
* Aeronautics information
* Aviation communication
* Radio navigation aides
* Aviation rescue and fire fighting services.
My request:
I sought access, under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, 1982, to "any documents held by Air Services Australia, on the subject of "unidentified flying objects."" I would have preferred the term "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP.) " However, common usage is for the term UFO and I decided this was the most appropriate terminology for this FOI request.
The response:
The request produced a number of documents, which I will describe below.
1. Media query:
Tim Vollmer, the night Chief of Staff for the "Daily Telegraph" newspaper, emailed the media area of Air Services Australia on 30 may 2012. "As discussed the following image was taken just before 5pm on Monday at Sylvania Waters. They were facing approximately west. The photographer said there were about five witnesses. They stepped out of the boat and the UFOs were still there. He said they were stationary for about 10-15 minutes before simply disappearing.
The Senior Advisor Communication and media emailed back on 30 may 2012. "Thanks for your email. There were no reports of unusual aircraft activity in the area, however, at just before 5pm on Monday, there were a number of commercial aircraft operating (one flying into Sydney, another through to Newcastle.)
Aircraft movements can also be viewed on our Webtrak system at http://webtrak.bksv.com/syd."
2. IFTT Australia:
There was a series of emails between P. M. Slattery of "Investigators For the Truth", a paranormal UFO Society." The first, dated 30 Mar 2012 asked the Media section "Just wondering if you know of any flights at around 8.05pm coming in from the east into Albury, NSW last night at around a 1000 feet as I got multiple calls about a UFO flying in that area for about 5 minutes last night..."
Air Services Australia responded "There are two regularly scheduled passenger flights into Albury which arrive from that direction at about that time every night (generally between 8 and 8.30pm. With their landing lights on from around 30nm (55km) from the airport, on a clear night they would be visible for up to 10 mins on approach before landing."
3. IFTT Australia:
Email dated 30 Jul 2012. "I was hoping if there was any radar of unusual activity over the north east of Melbourne over the Hume Highway at approx 11.58pm on the 29th of July 2011..."
Email dated 31 Jul 2011. "On the 29th at 6.30pm was there any airplane flying over east of Point Cook Melbourne and also does any aircraft have 6 red lights flashing at independent times on one side. We have video and any info would..."
On 1 Aug 2011 Air Services of Australia replied " Sorry, having re-read your emails, I realised I confused your two inquiries. Our Webtrak system shows that at 6.30pm on 29 July a Cathay Pacific aircraft flew over the Altona area on approach to Melbourne airport. On 29 July at approximately 11.58pm Webtrak does not show any aircraft movement directly over the Hume Hwy, although aircraft can be seen arriving and departing from the airport."
4. "Manly Daily" newspaper;
A series of emails dated 20 Sep 2011 to 21 Sep 2011 concerning "a photo of alleged UFO." The first email is from Carleen Frost, Cumberland newspapers to Air Services Australia. "The person who took this photo says there were originally two of them but the second one flew behind the cloud. He said they were moving left to right across the sky in an irregular motion. The photo was taken at 6am on Sunday morning at Dee Why."
Air Services Australia responded "Not a UFO, unfortunately. This has been quite a common sight in skies over Sydney in recent weeks due to atmospheric conditions and we have had a number of similar reports. It is the condensation trail of a high altitude aircraft highlighted by the rising Sun...If you enlarge the photograph and zoom in you can see the aircraft at the head of the condensation trail..."
5. Event from 2004:
This is by far the most interesting of the documents I received and is "Event report 200402393."
"District: Regional Services
Unit: Desert
Time (UTC) 2004 12 07 23:50
Status: Closed
Event description:
At time 2350 at position 190 SE APOMA, QFA790 F380 reports a WX balloon.
At time 2356 position 32 30 06 S 145 26 54 E QFA702 F400 reports unidentified object crossing west to east, reports too large to be WX balloon and speed not consistent with winds. Pilot estimates a speed of the object to be 150-200kts. Pilot reports a WX radar return and a non-specific visual contact but no TCAS return.
Other aircraft in the vicinity QFA589 F380 and VOZ753 F370 report nothing.
Specific problem: Unidentified object.
Aircraft callsign: NA
Aircraft registration: NA
Aircraft type: NA
Event response:
From verbal notification from Ops Manager.
Executive summary:
Weather balloon/unidentified aircraft report in CBA area.
From replay of audio and Eurocat only.
General information. GRIB winds in area generally 350 degrees average 55kts over vertical cross section. met balloon launched from CBA approximately 2330.
Incident specifics:
QFA790 report of Weather balloon ('a couple of thousand feet below us') was made abeam CBA (aircraft approx 10NM south of CBA, however report did not identify bearing/distance of this balloon) at 2348:40 UTC.
QFA702 reported on frequency shortly after (may or may not have heard the initial report from QFA790.)
At 2352 controller advises QFA589 and VOZ753 of weather balloon report made by QFA790. Subsequently advises QFA402 (intended QFA702) for information that there may be a weather balloon in the VIMAB area. No immediate response. Controller asks QFA702 to confirm that they copied the message, QFA702 advises copied and contact on (weather?) radar.
At 2356:20 QFA702 reports that the "so called weather balloon" has crossed that aircraft's path but that it does not appear to be a balloon. At this stage QFA702 is approximately 80nm south of ( and tracking towards) CBA - the relative position of these aircraft suggest it is unlikely that this is the same object as reported earlier by QFA790.
QFA702 description and updates regarding contact, position, time and speed of object is consistent with that of VOZ753 (YPAB-YBBN.) As VOZ753 was at FL370, it is likely that QFA702 TCAS did not display the target (TCAS parameters approx 2700ft?). It appears likely from review of audio and Eurocat that QFA702 acquired VOZ753 on weather radar and subsequently visually tracked this aircraft."
Waypoint APOMA is at latitude 29 53 53S and longitude 142 40 54E
TCAS is short for traffic alert and collision avoidance system.
YBBN is Brisbane. I couldn't find an airport with the code YPAB.
Eurocat is a computerised air traffic control and management solution.
Comments are welcomed from Blog readers about any of these documents.
I am not aware of any researcher who has recently submitted a Freedom of Information request to any Australian government agency, seeking documents related to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP.) I therefore decided to submit a few requests myself. The first one was to Air Services Australia.
Who is Air Services Australia?
In Australia, up until 1995 responsibility for air safety lay with the federal government Department of Civil Aviation. In July 1995, that department was abolished and replaced with two separate government bodies, namely Air Services Australia and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
According to its website (click here) Air services Australia "Is a government owned corporation providing safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible services to the aviation industry." It has responsibility for:
* Airspace management
* Aeronautics information
* Aviation communication
* Radio navigation aides
* Aviation rescue and fire fighting services.
My request:
I sought access, under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, 1982, to "any documents held by Air Services Australia, on the subject of "unidentified flying objects."" I would have preferred the term "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP.) " However, common usage is for the term UFO and I decided this was the most appropriate terminology for this FOI request.
The response:
The request produced a number of documents, which I will describe below.
1. Media query:
Tim Vollmer, the night Chief of Staff for the "Daily Telegraph" newspaper, emailed the media area of Air Services Australia on 30 may 2012. "As discussed the following image was taken just before 5pm on Monday at Sylvania Waters. They were facing approximately west. The photographer said there were about five witnesses. They stepped out of the boat and the UFOs were still there. He said they were stationary for about 10-15 minutes before simply disappearing.
The Senior Advisor Communication and media emailed back on 30 may 2012. "Thanks for your email. There were no reports of unusual aircraft activity in the area, however, at just before 5pm on Monday, there were a number of commercial aircraft operating (one flying into Sydney, another through to Newcastle.)
Aircraft movements can also be viewed on our Webtrak system at http://webtrak.bksv.com/syd."
2. IFTT Australia:
There was a series of emails between P. M. Slattery of "Investigators For the Truth", a paranormal UFO Society." The first, dated 30 Mar 2012 asked the Media section "Just wondering if you know of any flights at around 8.05pm coming in from the east into Albury, NSW last night at around a 1000 feet as I got multiple calls about a UFO flying in that area for about 5 minutes last night..."
Air Services Australia responded "There are two regularly scheduled passenger flights into Albury which arrive from that direction at about that time every night (generally between 8 and 8.30pm. With their landing lights on from around 30nm (55km) from the airport, on a clear night they would be visible for up to 10 mins on approach before landing."
3. IFTT Australia:
Email dated 30 Jul 2012. "I was hoping if there was any radar of unusual activity over the north east of Melbourne over the Hume Highway at approx 11.58pm on the 29th of July 2011..."
Email dated 31 Jul 2011. "On the 29th at 6.30pm was there any airplane flying over east of Point Cook Melbourne and also does any aircraft have 6 red lights flashing at independent times on one side. We have video and any info would..."
On 1 Aug 2011 Air Services of Australia replied " Sorry, having re-read your emails, I realised I confused your two inquiries. Our Webtrak system shows that at 6.30pm on 29 July a Cathay Pacific aircraft flew over the Altona area on approach to Melbourne airport. On 29 July at approximately 11.58pm Webtrak does not show any aircraft movement directly over the Hume Hwy, although aircraft can be seen arriving and departing from the airport."
4. "Manly Daily" newspaper;
A series of emails dated 20 Sep 2011 to 21 Sep 2011 concerning "a photo of alleged UFO." The first email is from Carleen Frost, Cumberland newspapers to Air Services Australia. "The person who took this photo says there were originally two of them but the second one flew behind the cloud. He said they were moving left to right across the sky in an irregular motion. The photo was taken at 6am on Sunday morning at Dee Why."
Air Services Australia responded "Not a UFO, unfortunately. This has been quite a common sight in skies over Sydney in recent weeks due to atmospheric conditions and we have had a number of similar reports. It is the condensation trail of a high altitude aircraft highlighted by the rising Sun...If you enlarge the photograph and zoom in you can see the aircraft at the head of the condensation trail..."
5. Event from 2004:
This is by far the most interesting of the documents I received and is "Event report 200402393."
"District: Regional Services
Unit: Desert
Time (UTC) 2004 12 07 23:50
Status: Closed
Event description:
At time 2350 at position 190 SE APOMA, QFA790 F380 reports a WX balloon.
At time 2356 position 32 30 06 S 145 26 54 E QFA702 F400 reports unidentified object crossing west to east, reports too large to be WX balloon and speed not consistent with winds. Pilot estimates a speed of the object to be 150-200kts. Pilot reports a WX radar return and a non-specific visual contact but no TCAS return.
Other aircraft in the vicinity QFA589 F380 and VOZ753 F370 report nothing.
Specific problem: Unidentified object.
Aircraft callsign: NA
Aircraft registration: NA
Aircraft type: NA
Event response:
From verbal notification from Ops Manager.
Executive summary:
Weather balloon/unidentified aircraft report in CBA area.
From replay of audio and Eurocat only.
General information. GRIB winds in area generally 350 degrees average 55kts over vertical cross section. met balloon launched from CBA approximately 2330.
Incident specifics:
QFA790 report of Weather balloon ('a couple of thousand feet below us') was made abeam CBA (aircraft approx 10NM south of CBA, however report did not identify bearing/distance of this balloon) at 2348:40 UTC.
QFA702 reported on frequency shortly after (may or may not have heard the initial report from QFA790.)
At 2352 controller advises QFA589 and VOZ753 of weather balloon report made by QFA790. Subsequently advises QFA402 (intended QFA702) for information that there may be a weather balloon in the VIMAB area. No immediate response. Controller asks QFA702 to confirm that they copied the message, QFA702 advises copied and contact on (weather?) radar.
At 2356:20 QFA702 reports that the "so called weather balloon" has crossed that aircraft's path but that it does not appear to be a balloon. At this stage QFA702 is approximately 80nm south of ( and tracking towards) CBA - the relative position of these aircraft suggest it is unlikely that this is the same object as reported earlier by QFA790.
QFA702 description and updates regarding contact, position, time and speed of object is consistent with that of VOZ753 (YPAB-YBBN.) As VOZ753 was at FL370, it is likely that QFA702 TCAS did not display the target (TCAS parameters approx 2700ft?). It appears likely from review of audio and Eurocat that QFA702 acquired VOZ753 on weather radar and subsequently visually tracked this aircraft."
Waypoint APOMA is at latitude 29 53 53S and longitude 142 40 54E
TCAS is short for traffic alert and collision avoidance system.
YBBN is Brisbane. I couldn't find an airport with the code YPAB.
Eurocat is a computerised air traffic control and management solution.
Comments are welcomed from Blog readers about any of these documents.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Salisbury and the "cover-up"
Dear readers,
I am returning to the question of, is there an "official cover-up" of the UFO phenomenon? I discussed this in an earlier post (click here.) My re-examination was triggered by my recent reading of Frank Salisbury's "The Utah UFO Display." As a researcher of longstanding, who has recently returned to this field, I wondered what his views were on this question?
In his updated book he poses the question "Is the government really in possession of all the answers? I spent over thirty years in contact with NASA personnel, including serving on three or four NASA advisory panels, and I also had close contact with those studying Mars at NASA Ames. I could never see evidence of conspiracy. At one point I asked if NASA might fund a UFO project if I could submit a good proposal. They said they might, but I never prepared such a proposal." (p.113.)
Later, Salisbury writes "A small part of my conversion to the government-knows-all hypothesis came in a late phone-call just as I returned from the MUFON symposium in August 2009. The call was from Jean Livingston Kamal, who had worked with me in the early 1960's. She told me about her life during the 1950's before she came to work with me. Her husband was an Air Force intelligence officer, first assigned to the Holloman, New Mexico, base. He was sworn to secrecy and never confided to her what he was doing, but as time passed, he became more and more stressed, apparently by his work. He began to drink heavily, and he had a nervous breakdown. At one point, after collapsing from too much alcohol, he muttered to Jean that "UFOs are real!" The stresses led to the breakup of their marriage. Was he working on UFOs at a highly secret level - deeper than Project Sign, Grudge or Blue Book? One evidence in favour of that idea is that he often travelled to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, which, it is now known, has been the central location for Air Force studies of UFOs." (p.148.)
I am returning to the question of, is there an "official cover-up" of the UFO phenomenon? I discussed this in an earlier post (click here.) My re-examination was triggered by my recent reading of Frank Salisbury's "The Utah UFO Display." As a researcher of longstanding, who has recently returned to this field, I wondered what his views were on this question?
In his updated book he poses the question "Is the government really in possession of all the answers? I spent over thirty years in contact with NASA personnel, including serving on three or four NASA advisory panels, and I also had close contact with those studying Mars at NASA Ames. I could never see evidence of conspiracy. At one point I asked if NASA might fund a UFO project if I could submit a good proposal. They said they might, but I never prepared such a proposal." (p.113.)
Later, Salisbury writes "A small part of my conversion to the government-knows-all hypothesis came in a late phone-call just as I returned from the MUFON symposium in August 2009. The call was from Jean Livingston Kamal, who had worked with me in the early 1960's. She told me about her life during the 1950's before she came to work with me. Her husband was an Air Force intelligence officer, first assigned to the Holloman, New Mexico, base. He was sworn to secrecy and never confided to her what he was doing, but as time passed, he became more and more stressed, apparently by his work. He began to drink heavily, and he had a nervous breakdown. At one point, after collapsing from too much alcohol, he muttered to Jean that "UFOs are real!" The stresses led to the breakup of their marriage. Was he working on UFOs at a highly secret level - deeper than Project Sign, Grudge or Blue Book? One evidence in favour of that idea is that he often travelled to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, which, it is now known, has been the central location for Air Force studies of UFOs." (p.148.)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Frank B Salisbury's views
Dear readers,
A day off work recently allowed me to read an updated version of a classic UFO book.
Frank Salisbury earned bachelor's and master's degrees in botany and biochemistry at the University of Utah. In 1955 he obtained his PhD at the California Institute of Technology. He spent time at Colorado State University; and Utah State University, including being department head of the Plant Science Department. Author, or co-author of sixteen books, he has worked on numerous projects. He retired in 1997.
One of the books which he wrote, in 1974, was titled "The Utah UFO Display." It told the story of a series of UFO sightings, in the Uintah Basin, in eastern Utah in the USA, from a scientific perspective. These sightings took place in the date range 1966-1968. At that time he was "...favourable to the possibility of extraterrestrial visitations." (p.14.)
However, by 1970 he writes "...it became more and more difficult for me to be truly scientific (i.e. objective) about UFOs." (p.15.) About 1980, he retired from UFO research. It wasn't until 2010 that he re-entered the field with an update to "The Utah UFO Display." It was published by Bonneville Books, Springvale, Utah. ISBN 978-1-59955-405-1. This post is not a review of the book, and not a look at the Unitah Basin sightings in detail.
This post:
This post is an examination of Salisbury's views on the cause of the UFO phenomenon, and how his current views have been arrived at.
In 1968 he explored details of dozens, of a variety of types of UFO sightings, many gathered by a junior high school teacher named Joseph Junior Hicks. His research included personally interviewing people who had reported sightings. Following this research "In 1974, I could not think of any reasonable explanation to account for the objects sighted in the Uintah Basin, except for extraterrestrial machines..." (p.82.)
Salisbury re-contacted Junior in 2009 and spent some time interviewing individuals, and collecting data about sightings between 1966 and 2009. He also spent some time looking into the "Skinwalker Ranch," and personally checking details contained in the book "The Hunt for the Skinwalker," written by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp. 2005. Paraview Pocket Books. New York.
Salisbury's review of Skinwalker:
Besides a series of "Deseret News" articles by Zack Van Eyck; Salisbury contacted Garth Myers, brother of Kenneth Myers who lived on the ranch for almost sixty years; had discussions with "Tom Gorman (pseudonym for the main witness), and checked accounts from Junior Hicks and some neighbours to the ranch.
What did Salisbury conclude after his research on the ranch and the unusual reports?
* He reports that "Junior Hicks has been visiting the ranch virtually from the time the witness family bought it, and he is thus able to confirm that he heard most of the accounts shortly after the events happened." (p.217.)
* Garth Myers - "...I can tell you unequivocally that up to 1992 there had never been and there never was any sign of that (UFOs and similar activity)" (p.218.) Gorman moved into the ranch in 1994.
* "...the skinwalker version of the ranch's history is badly distorted..." (p.222.)
* The Skinwalker statement that "...the greatest concentration of high strangeness has always taken place at what became the Gorman's 480 acre ranch" is not correct
* "...I assumed that Knapp had many in-depth interviews with the witness while writing the book...the witness didn't even know the book was being written about his family's experiences until skinwalker was published. And he had never met George Knapp...How's that for careful research!" (p.224.)
* "...the witness...said that many things in their book only resembled a true accounting of his experiences." (p.224.)
* "...I want to emphasis that much of Hunt for the Skinwalker is excellent.." (p.242.)
What are Salisbury's current views on UFOs?
Based on his research into the UFO sightings in the 1960's, 1970's, then from 2009; and his acceptance that there were some very unusual events at the Skinwalker ranch (despite some issues with the Skinwalker book), what are Salisbury's views today on the UFO phenomenon?
* "...the UFOs in the Uintah Basin wanted to be seen. They performed for their witnesses. They put on a display." (p.251.)
* "When we examine UFO accounts, however, we encounter events that just don't seem to fit within our understanding of natural laws." (p.253.)
* " I am very uncomfortable with the nuts-and-bolts hypothesis." (p.247.)
* "My long-held, totally unscientific gut feeling is that the intelligence behind the UFO enigma is on display; it wants to be seen by many people - who will only be believed by a few others. It wants to influence the thinking of many of us, but it wants no formal contacts nor tangible proof that would convince the skeptics. And its intelligence is great enough that it can control the situation so that we know only what it wants us to know." (p.232.)
* Speaking of Kelleher and Knapp's work in the "Hunt for the Skinwalker" Salisbury writes "They clearly lean toward the multi-dimension, parallel universe, wormhole/portal idea. And at this point, so do I..." (p.242.)
Three hypotheses are presented as potential explanations for the UFO phenomenon:
1. "the Debunker Hypothesis." The phenomenon can be explained in mundane terms. "But most of us closer to the UFO field can't accept this hypothesis." (p.246.)
2. "the Nuts-and Bolts hypothesis." The ETH. "...this is the idea that comes to the public mind when UFOs are mentioned." (p.247.) Two arguments against it are a. physical laws against interstellar travel and b. "The UFOs don't act like space explorers who have found a new world." (p.247.)
3. "the Star Gate Hypothesis." They come from a parallel universe or another dimension. From earlier comments, this is the one which Salisbury currently supports. "If there are portals or wormholes between alternate realities, all consistent with laws that we simply don't yet understand, it would explain many of the outlandish goings-on hat so many have witnesses. This is the conclusion of Kelleher and Knapp in Skinwalker. It is presently my conclusion..." (p.253-254.)
I really enjoyed reading this book and thinking about the ideas which it discusses. Salisbury appears an open minded scientist, following the evidence which he comes across. I also found his review of the Skinwalker saga of great interest. If you haven't yet read this 2010 book because you thought it was only a reprint of the 1974 book, then I would recommend you do so. There is much here to generate thought and debate.
A day off work recently allowed me to read an updated version of a classic UFO book.
Frank Salisbury earned bachelor's and master's degrees in botany and biochemistry at the University of Utah. In 1955 he obtained his PhD at the California Institute of Technology. He spent time at Colorado State University; and Utah State University, including being department head of the Plant Science Department. Author, or co-author of sixteen books, he has worked on numerous projects. He retired in 1997.
One of the books which he wrote, in 1974, was titled "The Utah UFO Display." It told the story of a series of UFO sightings, in the Uintah Basin, in eastern Utah in the USA, from a scientific perspective. These sightings took place in the date range 1966-1968. At that time he was "...favourable to the possibility of extraterrestrial visitations." (p.14.)
However, by 1970 he writes "...it became more and more difficult for me to be truly scientific (i.e. objective) about UFOs." (p.15.) About 1980, he retired from UFO research. It wasn't until 2010 that he re-entered the field with an update to "The Utah UFO Display." It was published by Bonneville Books, Springvale, Utah. ISBN 978-1-59955-405-1. This post is not a review of the book, and not a look at the Unitah Basin sightings in detail.
This post:
This post is an examination of Salisbury's views on the cause of the UFO phenomenon, and how his current views have been arrived at.
In 1968 he explored details of dozens, of a variety of types of UFO sightings, many gathered by a junior high school teacher named Joseph Junior Hicks. His research included personally interviewing people who had reported sightings. Following this research "In 1974, I could not think of any reasonable explanation to account for the objects sighted in the Uintah Basin, except for extraterrestrial machines..." (p.82.)
Salisbury re-contacted Junior in 2009 and spent some time interviewing individuals, and collecting data about sightings between 1966 and 2009. He also spent some time looking into the "Skinwalker Ranch," and personally checking details contained in the book "The Hunt for the Skinwalker," written by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp. 2005. Paraview Pocket Books. New York.
Salisbury's review of Skinwalker:
Besides a series of "Deseret News" articles by Zack Van Eyck; Salisbury contacted Garth Myers, brother of Kenneth Myers who lived on the ranch for almost sixty years; had discussions with "Tom Gorman (pseudonym for the main witness), and checked accounts from Junior Hicks and some neighbours to the ranch.
What did Salisbury conclude after his research on the ranch and the unusual reports?
* He reports that "Junior Hicks has been visiting the ranch virtually from the time the witness family bought it, and he is thus able to confirm that he heard most of the accounts shortly after the events happened." (p.217.)
* Garth Myers - "...I can tell you unequivocally that up to 1992 there had never been and there never was any sign of that (UFOs and similar activity)" (p.218.) Gorman moved into the ranch in 1994.
* "...the skinwalker version of the ranch's history is badly distorted..." (p.222.)
* The Skinwalker statement that "...the greatest concentration of high strangeness has always taken place at what became the Gorman's 480 acre ranch" is not correct
* "...I assumed that Knapp had many in-depth interviews with the witness while writing the book...the witness didn't even know the book was being written about his family's experiences until skinwalker was published. And he had never met George Knapp...How's that for careful research!" (p.224.)
* "...the witness...said that many things in their book only resembled a true accounting of his experiences." (p.224.)
* "...I want to emphasis that much of Hunt for the Skinwalker is excellent.." (p.242.)
What are Salisbury's current views on UFOs?
Based on his research into the UFO sightings in the 1960's, 1970's, then from 2009; and his acceptance that there were some very unusual events at the Skinwalker ranch (despite some issues with the Skinwalker book), what are Salisbury's views today on the UFO phenomenon?
* "...the UFOs in the Uintah Basin wanted to be seen. They performed for their witnesses. They put on a display." (p.251.)
* "When we examine UFO accounts, however, we encounter events that just don't seem to fit within our understanding of natural laws." (p.253.)
* " I am very uncomfortable with the nuts-and-bolts hypothesis." (p.247.)
* "My long-held, totally unscientific gut feeling is that the intelligence behind the UFO enigma is on display; it wants to be seen by many people - who will only be believed by a few others. It wants to influence the thinking of many of us, but it wants no formal contacts nor tangible proof that would convince the skeptics. And its intelligence is great enough that it can control the situation so that we know only what it wants us to know." (p.232.)
* Speaking of Kelleher and Knapp's work in the "Hunt for the Skinwalker" Salisbury writes "They clearly lean toward the multi-dimension, parallel universe, wormhole/portal idea. And at this point, so do I..." (p.242.)
Three hypotheses are presented as potential explanations for the UFO phenomenon:
1. "the Debunker Hypothesis." The phenomenon can be explained in mundane terms. "But most of us closer to the UFO field can't accept this hypothesis." (p.246.)
2. "the Nuts-and Bolts hypothesis." The ETH. "...this is the idea that comes to the public mind when UFOs are mentioned." (p.247.) Two arguments against it are a. physical laws against interstellar travel and b. "The UFOs don't act like space explorers who have found a new world." (p.247.)
3. "the Star Gate Hypothesis." They come from a parallel universe or another dimension. From earlier comments, this is the one which Salisbury currently supports. "If there are portals or wormholes between alternate realities, all consistent with laws that we simply don't yet understand, it would explain many of the outlandish goings-on hat so many have witnesses. This is the conclusion of Kelleher and Knapp in Skinwalker. It is presently my conclusion..." (p.253-254.)
I really enjoyed reading this book and thinking about the ideas which it discusses. Salisbury appears an open minded scientist, following the evidence which he comes across. I also found his review of the Skinwalker saga of great interest. If you haven't yet read this 2010 book because you thought it was only a reprint of the 1974 book, then I would recommend you do so. There is much here to generate thought and debate.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
New book alert - "Lightquest" - Andrew Collins
Dear readers,
"Lightquest" is the title of a new book by English researcher Andrew Collins (click here). The book is subtitled "Your Guide to Seeing and Interacting with UFOs, mystery lights and Plasma Intelligences." No details of publisher or an ISBN is given on the author's website, suggesting the book is self-published.
According to his website, the book is "A new way to embrace the UFO phenomenon. Lightquest is a new concept in seeing and investigating the UFO phenomenon. It sees the phenomena observed as the product of sentient light forms and light intelligences that have co-existed with humanity since time immemorial. It reveals what they are, how to see them, where to see them and what to do if you do see them. It acts also as a field guide to some of Britain and the United States' top UFO hot spots."
Have any readers read the book? Would you care to share your thoughts on it?
"Lightquest" is the title of a new book by English researcher Andrew Collins (click here). The book is subtitled "Your Guide to Seeing and Interacting with UFOs, mystery lights and Plasma Intelligences." No details of publisher or an ISBN is given on the author's website, suggesting the book is self-published.
According to his website, the book is "A new way to embrace the UFO phenomenon. Lightquest is a new concept in seeing and investigating the UFO phenomenon. It sees the phenomena observed as the product of sentient light forms and light intelligences that have co-existed with humanity since time immemorial. It reveals what they are, how to see them, where to see them and what to do if you do see them. It acts also as a field guide to some of Britain and the United States' top UFO hot spots."
Have any readers read the book? Would you care to share your thoughts on it?
"The sky is alive"
Dear readers,
The UFO phenomenon generates a large number of ideas as to the origin, or causes, of the phenomenon. The September 2012 issue (FT291 pp 30-34) of the English "Fortean Times" magazine poses the question "...are many UFOs actually atmospheric creatures?" The article is written by Scott Deschaine who is listed as "...head of Customic Comic Services and Discovery Comics..."
The hypothesis:
Deschaine asks "...what if a wide range of creatures moves through the sky for part of their lives?" (p.30.)
The evidence:
The author lists a number of observations to support his hypothesis. Among them are:
1. "In 1988, a young astronomy buff saw a weird object pulsing through the London sky. She alerted police, who also saw the flying object and described it as a "jellyfish." (p.30. Source cited as Graham and Mark Birdsall: "A British Perspective 1988," The UFO Report" ed Timothy Good. Avon Books. New York. 1989 p.8.)
2. Ilinois. 1963. Glowing object seen for about an hour. (Source cited as Francis Ridge: "The Wayne City car Chase" (CEII-E-M), National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phernomena. 5 Aug 2011. www.nicap.org/austin.htm.)
3. 1891. Indiana. "...a bellowing, pulsing, wheezing monster in the sky above their town. Its glowing red "eye" floated, as it seemed to struggle. All who watched it felt it was alive." (Source cited as Gaddis, V H. "Mysterious Fires and Lights." David McKay Company Inc. NY. 1967. pp32-33.)
Deschaine lists "ten parallels between UFOs and marine invertebrates." These include:
* UFOs are often described as shaped like saucers and rockets or cigars. "Saucer-shaped jellyfish and rocket shaped squid area some of the most successful marine invertebrates." (p.32.)
* "Many UFO witnesses report translucent or fuzzy edges around a saucer shape. Marine invertebrates are composed mainly of the medium in which they live. Perhaps aerial inverterbrates are mainly gas and water vapour." (p.32.)
* "Many descend in a 'falling leaf' motion typical of jellyfish." (p.32.)
Th author draws comparisons between people's reactions to a "...range of symptoms when exposed to inverterbrate toxins" (p.38.) and those described by UFO witnesses - including eye irritation; reddening and swelling of skin, and paralysis.
Forteans have long recorded falls of "Organic gelatinous material" from the skies, suggesting supportive evidence to the author.
"The atmosphere is an incredibly varied habitat. Evidence of aerial life seems to be found in likely resource-rich habitats in the sky, at almost every level." (p.33.)
The UFO phenomenon generates a large number of ideas as to the origin, or causes, of the phenomenon. The September 2012 issue (FT291 pp 30-34) of the English "Fortean Times" magazine poses the question "...are many UFOs actually atmospheric creatures?" The article is written by Scott Deschaine who is listed as "...head of Customic Comic Services and Discovery Comics..."
The hypothesis:
Deschaine asks "...what if a wide range of creatures moves through the sky for part of their lives?" (p.30.)
The evidence:
The author lists a number of observations to support his hypothesis. Among them are:
1. "In 1988, a young astronomy buff saw a weird object pulsing through the London sky. She alerted police, who also saw the flying object and described it as a "jellyfish." (p.30. Source cited as Graham and Mark Birdsall: "A British Perspective 1988," The UFO Report" ed Timothy Good. Avon Books. New York. 1989 p.8.)
2. Ilinois. 1963. Glowing object seen for about an hour. (Source cited as Francis Ridge: "The Wayne City car Chase" (CEII-E-M), National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phernomena. 5 Aug 2011. www.nicap.org/austin.htm.)
3. 1891. Indiana. "...a bellowing, pulsing, wheezing monster in the sky above their town. Its glowing red "eye" floated, as it seemed to struggle. All who watched it felt it was alive." (Source cited as Gaddis, V H. "Mysterious Fires and Lights." David McKay Company Inc. NY. 1967. pp32-33.)
Deschaine lists "ten parallels between UFOs and marine invertebrates." These include:
* UFOs are often described as shaped like saucers and rockets or cigars. "Saucer-shaped jellyfish and rocket shaped squid area some of the most successful marine invertebrates." (p.32.)
* "Many UFO witnesses report translucent or fuzzy edges around a saucer shape. Marine invertebrates are composed mainly of the medium in which they live. Perhaps aerial inverterbrates are mainly gas and water vapour." (p.32.)
* "Many descend in a 'falling leaf' motion typical of jellyfish." (p.32.)
Th author draws comparisons between people's reactions to a "...range of symptoms when exposed to inverterbrate toxins" (p.38.) and those described by UFO witnesses - including eye irritation; reddening and swelling of skin, and paralysis.
Forteans have long recorded falls of "Organic gelatinous material" from the skies, suggesting supportive evidence to the author.
"The atmosphere is an incredibly varied habitat. Evidence of aerial life seems to be found in likely resource-rich habitats in the sky, at almost every level." (p.33.)
Friday, October 12, 2012
"After Disclosure" - new book alert - Dolan and Zabel
Dear readers,
South Australia, where I live, recently experienced a very unusual weather event - it snowed in October! At latitude 35 deg south, it very rarely snows at all, let alone in October - our spring. The snowfall was the talk of the city, featuring on hourly news broadcasts. It was certainly, an unexpected event. The fact of an unusual occurrence ties in nicely with the subject of a 2012 published book, which I have just read.
"A.D. After Disclosure" is authored by Richard M Dolan, UFO historian (click here) , and Bruce Zabel, a TV writer. It was published by New Page Books of Pompton Plains, NJ, USA. The ISBN is 978-1-60163-222-7. The subtitle is "When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact."
The book:
After a Foreword by Jim Marrs (click here) and a Preface by Stephen Bassett (click here) the introduction informs us of the book's premise. Firstly, it tells us that it is not a book debating whether or not UFOs are real. It says that "The evidence that something strange has been happening is voluminous and convincing." (p.17.) "Most people...have settled on one conclusion: some UFOs appear to be intelligently controlled physical craft of some kind from some place that is not here." (pp17-18.) This book is different from other UFO books because "Accepting that as our starting point makes our book different." (p.18.)
The authors do add a rider "Although the nature of this book is speculative we have worked hard to keep such speculation informed and supported by solid research." (p.21.)
The work starts with an imagined announcement by the president of the United States that non-human species are visiting Earth. This announcement follows "...recently highly visible sightings of UFOs, including a mass sighting that had been well-documented." (p.25.) The authors use the scenario in an illustrative way, admiting that such an announcement might come from other than the US president, and might be triggered by other than a mass sighting.
The authors decide on their own terminology. The aliens become the "Others"; the people keeping the UFO secret from us become "The Breakaway Group;" and whatever causes Disclosure to occur becomes the "Trigger Event." The authors propose that "Only something unexpected and overwhelming will force the secret-keepers to make some sort of public acknowledgement." (p.32.) They discuss types of Disclosure and their opinions on what would happen following such an announcement.
Chapter 2:
Here the authors start to build up the case for such a secret group. Witnesses to events are theatened; the creation of MJ-12; management of the press; people being ridiculed; and the subject denied by authorities. In addition the use of the Condon Committee is detailed. By 1986, the authors state, "...the concealment of this explosive information had moved beyond the US government structure." (p.66.)
Despite the release of UFO data by numerous countries over the years, the authors contend that "So, yes, there have been "disclosures" of varying types. But these are not "Disclosure." (p.67.)
They argue that "...an international UFO phenomenon needs a coordinated international cover-up." (p.67.) Using the analogy of international co-operation in the Echelon intelligence gathering system (click here); they propose a similar program of global UFO secrecy. Their conclusion is "Considering the obvious importance of the UFO phenomenon and the need for a secret infrastructure to deal with it, a detached analyst can assume that there are several UFO related black budget programs, and that some of the lost money has gone into funding them." (p.70.) They conclude that a clandestine group has advanced technology; know of the Others; and operate from secret bases.
Chapter three:
Essentially this chapter, titled "Endgame," boils down to the question "What will it take to create a condition where all the secret keepers can do is simply to get it over with?" (p.93.) The authors offer a list of nine possible "Trigger Events" with their most likely being "...a decision taken by the Others themselves." (p.94.) Each possibility is discussed.
"Threat Analysis":
Chapter four tackles the question of "Who ar they?"; "What do they want?"; and "Are we safe?" It takes a detailed look at various possible responses to each of these questions.
Tantilisng but anecdotal stories, provide some of the author's evidence for their main hypothesis namely the global cover-up group and the fact that Disclosure is inevitable. Here we find an account of a Dr Eric Walker (click here) and tales of recovered "machines" and "Four normal looking males were with it..." (p.147.) Evidence retireved by remote viewing also comes up at this point.
In chapter 5 speculation piles on speculation. The authors try and forcast the consequences of "Disclosure." "In the immediate aftermath, the world will go on red alert." (p.165.) Shops will close. Hoarding and looting will occur. "Sales of guns will be up at least 500 per cent from the previous year." (p.167.) 'There will be great fury directed at the governments of the world." (p.169.)
Chapter six:
This chapter opens with "Day One will unlease the same primal forces triggered by the assasination of President Kennedy and the Vietnam War during the 1960's. Insecurity will rule..." (p.203.) This is followed by a discussion of a variety of circumstances for families; academia; political science; economics and popular culture. Again, speculation, of what might happen.
"Paradigm shift":
This chapter explores the possible reaction in terms of how humanity sees its place in the universe, after Disclosure. "Many anlysts have concluded that the announcement of intelligent life in the universe would destroy traditional religious faith." (p.236.)
The reaction of "Science" is explored, with questions asked such as "How did the Others manage to get here?" (p.245.) Pages 254-255 take a look at the sort of scientific questions which humanity still has to answer, which might be resolved if the Others co-operate with us.
Here we are also reminded that "As with all our examples, the claim is not that this particular chain of events will occur. Rather, by outlining one specific possibility, it is easier to understand the post-Disclosure dynamics that will be at work." (p.245.)
Exoploitics rising":
Chapter eight is a review of the roots of "Exopolitics" as written and talked about by such people as Alfred Webre (click here); Stephen Bassett (click here); Michael Salla (click here) and Steven Greer (click here.)
Here again, we find stories from unnamed 'insiders" such as "One inside source has told the authors of his "Professional knowledge" that Presidents Reagan and Bush (senior) were briefed on UFOs and extraterrestrials...' (p.277.) Another story involved a retired officer who relates how he interviewed a dying man about the man's observations of non-human bodies.
Final chapter:
The final chapter is titled "Open letters." Here the authors directly address the "Keepers of the secret"; the Others and the readers of the book.
The first letter, to the "Keepers of the secret" in part, asks them "Do you really believe that only you have the right to know this information?" (p.306.) "Have you developed new technology that put humans on a better footing with the Others?" (p.308.)
To the Others their letter includes "The day will come when you are forced to deal with us in some manner more substantial, more mature, than you have hitherto." (p.310.)
To readers of the book, the authors say, among other things, "Now is the time to begin the transition from an Internet collected group of "conspiracy theorists" to a potent force of openness and honesty." (p.311.)
The book has 12 pages of source notes, and an index.
It is a pity that this book is so US focused, despite the authors putting forward that the hypothesised "Breakaway group" which keeps the secret, is global and not solely US, based.
I also tired of the "insider" accounts which continue the conspiracy approach so dominant in the US. There is a world outside the US, and various non-US governments have opened up their UFO files. It is not our fault that some US researchers feel that their government is keeping secrets. There are other approaches, such as the French Government's example through the current GEIPAN (click here.)
All in all, for me, the work was a disappointment. I feel it will appeal only to the same conspiracy theorists of which the authors write "Now is the time to begin the transition from an Internet collected group of "conspiracy theorists" to a potent force of openness and honesty." (p.311.)
South Australia, where I live, recently experienced a very unusual weather event - it snowed in October! At latitude 35 deg south, it very rarely snows at all, let alone in October - our spring. The snowfall was the talk of the city, featuring on hourly news broadcasts. It was certainly, an unexpected event. The fact of an unusual occurrence ties in nicely with the subject of a 2012 published book, which I have just read.
"A.D. After Disclosure" is authored by Richard M Dolan, UFO historian (click here) , and Bruce Zabel, a TV writer. It was published by New Page Books of Pompton Plains, NJ, USA. The ISBN is 978-1-60163-222-7. The subtitle is "When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact."
The book:
After a Foreword by Jim Marrs (click here) and a Preface by Stephen Bassett (click here) the introduction informs us of the book's premise. Firstly, it tells us that it is not a book debating whether or not UFOs are real. It says that "The evidence that something strange has been happening is voluminous and convincing." (p.17.) "Most people...have settled on one conclusion: some UFOs appear to be intelligently controlled physical craft of some kind from some place that is not here." (pp17-18.) This book is different from other UFO books because "Accepting that as our starting point makes our book different." (p.18.)
The authors do add a rider "Although the nature of this book is speculative we have worked hard to keep such speculation informed and supported by solid research." (p.21.)
The work starts with an imagined announcement by the president of the United States that non-human species are visiting Earth. This announcement follows "...recently highly visible sightings of UFOs, including a mass sighting that had been well-documented." (p.25.) The authors use the scenario in an illustrative way, admiting that such an announcement might come from other than the US president, and might be triggered by other than a mass sighting.
The authors decide on their own terminology. The aliens become the "Others"; the people keeping the UFO secret from us become "The Breakaway Group;" and whatever causes Disclosure to occur becomes the "Trigger Event." The authors propose that "Only something unexpected and overwhelming will force the secret-keepers to make some sort of public acknowledgement." (p.32.) They discuss types of Disclosure and their opinions on what would happen following such an announcement.
Chapter 2:
Here the authors start to build up the case for such a secret group. Witnesses to events are theatened; the creation of MJ-12; management of the press; people being ridiculed; and the subject denied by authorities. In addition the use of the Condon Committee is detailed. By 1986, the authors state, "...the concealment of this explosive information had moved beyond the US government structure." (p.66.)
Despite the release of UFO data by numerous countries over the years, the authors contend that "So, yes, there have been "disclosures" of varying types. But these are not "Disclosure." (p.67.)
They argue that "...an international UFO phenomenon needs a coordinated international cover-up." (p.67.) Using the analogy of international co-operation in the Echelon intelligence gathering system (click here); they propose a similar program of global UFO secrecy. Their conclusion is "Considering the obvious importance of the UFO phenomenon and the need for a secret infrastructure to deal with it, a detached analyst can assume that there are several UFO related black budget programs, and that some of the lost money has gone into funding them." (p.70.) They conclude that a clandestine group has advanced technology; know of the Others; and operate from secret bases.
Chapter three:
Essentially this chapter, titled "Endgame," boils down to the question "What will it take to create a condition where all the secret keepers can do is simply to get it over with?" (p.93.) The authors offer a list of nine possible "Trigger Events" with their most likely being "...a decision taken by the Others themselves." (p.94.) Each possibility is discussed.
"Threat Analysis":
Chapter four tackles the question of "Who ar they?"; "What do they want?"; and "Are we safe?" It takes a detailed look at various possible responses to each of these questions.
Tantilisng but anecdotal stories, provide some of the author's evidence for their main hypothesis namely the global cover-up group and the fact that Disclosure is inevitable. Here we find an account of a Dr Eric Walker (click here) and tales of recovered "machines" and "Four normal looking males were with it..." (p.147.) Evidence retireved by remote viewing also comes up at this point.
In chapter 5 speculation piles on speculation. The authors try and forcast the consequences of "Disclosure." "In the immediate aftermath, the world will go on red alert." (p.165.) Shops will close. Hoarding and looting will occur. "Sales of guns will be up at least 500 per cent from the previous year." (p.167.) 'There will be great fury directed at the governments of the world." (p.169.)
Chapter six:
This chapter opens with "Day One will unlease the same primal forces triggered by the assasination of President Kennedy and the Vietnam War during the 1960's. Insecurity will rule..." (p.203.) This is followed by a discussion of a variety of circumstances for families; academia; political science; economics and popular culture. Again, speculation, of what might happen.
"Paradigm shift":
This chapter explores the possible reaction in terms of how humanity sees its place in the universe, after Disclosure. "Many anlysts have concluded that the announcement of intelligent life in the universe would destroy traditional religious faith." (p.236.)
The reaction of "Science" is explored, with questions asked such as "How did the Others manage to get here?" (p.245.) Pages 254-255 take a look at the sort of scientific questions which humanity still has to answer, which might be resolved if the Others co-operate with us.
Here we are also reminded that "As with all our examples, the claim is not that this particular chain of events will occur. Rather, by outlining one specific possibility, it is easier to understand the post-Disclosure dynamics that will be at work." (p.245.)
Exoploitics rising":
Chapter eight is a review of the roots of "Exopolitics" as written and talked about by such people as Alfred Webre (click here); Stephen Bassett (click here); Michael Salla (click here) and Steven Greer (click here.)
Here again, we find stories from unnamed 'insiders" such as "One inside source has told the authors of his "Professional knowledge" that Presidents Reagan and Bush (senior) were briefed on UFOs and extraterrestrials...' (p.277.) Another story involved a retired officer who relates how he interviewed a dying man about the man's observations of non-human bodies.
Final chapter:
The final chapter is titled "Open letters." Here the authors directly address the "Keepers of the secret"; the Others and the readers of the book.
The first letter, to the "Keepers of the secret" in part, asks them "Do you really believe that only you have the right to know this information?" (p.306.) "Have you developed new technology that put humans on a better footing with the Others?" (p.308.)
To the Others their letter includes "The day will come when you are forced to deal with us in some manner more substantial, more mature, than you have hitherto." (p.310.)
To readers of the book, the authors say, among other things, "Now is the time to begin the transition from an Internet collected group of "conspiracy theorists" to a potent force of openness and honesty." (p.311.)
The book has 12 pages of source notes, and an index.
It is a pity that this book is so US focused, despite the authors putting forward that the hypothesised "Breakaway group" which keeps the secret, is global and not solely US, based.
I also tired of the "insider" accounts which continue the conspiracy approach so dominant in the US. There is a world outside the US, and various non-US governments have opened up their UFO files. It is not our fault that some US researchers feel that their government is keeping secrets. There are other approaches, such as the French Government's example through the current GEIPAN (click here.)
All in all, for me, the work was a disappointment. I feel it will appeal only to the same conspiracy theorists of which the authors write "Now is the time to begin the transition from an Internet collected group of "conspiracy theorists" to a potent force of openness and honesty." (p.311.)
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The former Australian Department of Supply and UAPs
Hi all,
During the course of Disclosure Australia Project research into the involvement of Australian government agencies, we looked at the former Department of Supply (DOS.)
This Department came into being on 17 Mar 1950. It was responsible, among other things for:
* the control of materials used in producing atomic energy (1950-1953)
* operation and management of space tracking stations (from 1959)
* participation in firing of European Launcher Development Organisation rockets at Woomera (from 1962)
* operation of the Joint United-Kingdom-Australia Weapons Research Project
* operation and management of space tracking stations and certain other facilities on behalf of the government of the USA.
Between 1950 and 1969 Melbourne was the location of the DOS Central Office, after which it moved to Canberra. The Department was abolished on 12 Jun 1974, and most of its functions passed to the Department of Manufacturing Industry.
UAP files:
A number of DOS UAP files were located by the DA Project. These were:
1. NAA file series D174 control symbol SA5281 titled "Unusual Occurrences Flying Saucer at Woomera." The file has a date range of 1952-1955. It belonged to the Long Range Weapons Establishment, South Australia. The 25 page file, documents a number of observations made at the Woomera test range.
2. NAA file series D250 control symbol 56/483 titled "Reports on unidentified aircraft, strange occurrences etc" with a date range of 1952-1968. The file originated with the Weapons Research Establishment, South Australia. The 139 page file contains numerous reports from Woomera about unidentified aircraft near the range, as well as observations of UAP.
3. NAA file series D174 control symbol SA 5644/2/1 titled "Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects" with a date range of 1966-1974, registered to the Weapons Research Establishment, South Australia. This 114 page file contains a number of inquiries from members of the public and some observations of UAP at the Woomera range.
4. NAA file series A6456 control symbol R029/284 titled "Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) -Salisbury - Dept of Supply - Maralinga Project - General Policy and Administration." It is a 45 page file and contains 7 pages on a 1960 observation of an UAP.
5. NAA file series D250 control symbol 56/3568 Part 1 titled "Scientific, Technical and Astronomical Research Society." This 100 page file relates to the fact that between 1966 and 1968, there was a group of individuals at Woomera interested in the subject of UAP, who formed an organisation, STARS, to look at the subject.
Central Office DOS files?
You will note that none of the above files is a DOS Central Office file. Was the DOS Central Office keeping track of UAP reports? The answer is yes, and we know this because:
1. According to a memo on file SA5644/2/1 dated 13 Dec 1967 there were two UAP reporting systems in place. Reports from the Woomera range were sent to the RAAF; while reports from locations outside Woomera went through the DOS Central Office, for transmission through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs to the US Embassy in Australia. This latter system was established in 1962 after the US had asked for observations which might be used in the identification of space vehicle fragments.
2. In addition, according to file SA5644/2/1, following a series of observations in 1967 by Woomera staff, there was an exchange of correspondence between the Deputy Secretary R & E, Supply, Melbourne and the WRE.
3. Scattered over the various files are references to DOS files Y123/3/12; Y111/12/1 part 4; Y121/1/1; Y123/3/17; YA26/9/2; Y10/5/1; A12/3/2; A12/3/3; 6/12/1; 5/110/Z; 6/121/1; 8/10/2; 5/126/5 and D5492/1/1. From the context these file references were used in, some appear to be DOS Central Office UAP files.
There are also indications that someone in the DOS Central Office, Canberra, was interested, in 1971, in the subject. This is known because:
1. NAA file series A703 control symbol 554/1/30 part 2 pp 30-31.
There is a memo on the RAAF UAP policy file dated 27 Jul 1971 from the Directorate of Air Force Intelligence to S/AIR/SS - and includes the following. "You spoke to me recently on the matter of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and you mentioned that the Department of Supply may be interested in investigating this subject. This minute provides a brief historical sketch of this subject and my reaction to the proposal." There is nothing else on this file about this subject.
However, another file not released until much later, does add to the above information.
2. NAA file series JIO63 control symbol 3092/2/000 titled "Scientific Intelligence - General - Unidentified Flying Objects" was a file with a date range 1957 to 1971, held by the Joint Intelligence Organisation, Department of Defence.
In a memo dated 27 May 1971, from JIO Director R W Furlonger to Deputy Secretary B, we read in part:
"The Department of Supply has personnel with an appropriate range of scientific and technical expertise and laboratory and field facilities that could suitably be employed on UFO investigations.
I suggest that Department of Defence should consider passing responsibility for investigation of Australian UFO sightings from the RAAF to the Department of Supply..."
No other documents have yet surfaced to clarify what, if any, further discussions occurred between the Department of Defence and the DOS. In addition, the only DOS Central Office individual named on any files I looked at, is a "Morrison." A search to locate further information on Morrison has been unsuccessful. If any blog reader has additional information on Morrison it would be appreciated.
A DOS link to Westall?
Do we have any sources which indicate that the DOS was more deeply involved in research into UAP than suggested by the material outlined so far in this post? Indeed we do.
At the May 2012 AURA seminar held in Adelaide, Canberra researcher Shane Ryan presented a large volume of material about the 6 Apr 1966 Westall High School case. One area of the presentation was "A summary of the Local, State and Federal government agencies' responses to the Westall incident."
One of the agencies listed was the Department of Supply. Shane's slide included the information "Assistant Controller of Aircraft, Weapons and Guided Missiles involvement at Westall, and his department's response. Information supplied by man's children."
A keyword search, by me, of the text of all the known publicly available documentation on Westall, reveals no mention of the DOS. No one at the time of the event, or for years later, suggested the involvement of the DOS.
So, there is a suggestion out there that the DOS was involved somehow in the Westall "flying saucer" incident. However, the sole source of the suggestion of DOS involvement in Westall, comes through Shane's source, stated at the AURA seminar, namely the children of the Assistant Controller of Aircraft, Weapons and Guided Missiles, DOS. It would be nice to be able to locate some independent line of evidence that this was so. I would welcome any information from blog readers which could point us in the direction of any independent confirmation that the DOS was definitely involved in the Westall event.
My review of DOS files has also thrown some light on the subject of an earlier blog post. On 29 Feb 2012 I mentioned that "James E McDonald wrote to Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society member , Paul Norman, on the eve of McDonald's trip to Australia...in regard to some intriguing sightings, involving staff at scientific facilities in Woomera..." McDonald's Australian trip commenced on 25 Jun 1967. In the post I wondered what Woomera sightings, around Jun 1967 were being referred to, and failed to come to any firm conclusion. However, I believe I now know the answer.
You will recall, that earlier in this post, I mentioned the STARS group of scientific personnel based at Woomera who started up a UAP group. According to NAA file series D250 control symbol 56/3568 part 1, an Apr 1966 memo from Colonel J D Honeysett, STARS was "...to be associated with ...Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society." This link between Woomera scientific staff and VFSRS could explain how McDonald knew of sightings "at scientific facilities at Woomera."
Were there any significant sightings just prior to Jun 1967 at Woomera? Indeed, there were.
NAA file series D174 control symbol SA5644/2/1 gives details about a series of observations made on 28 Apr 1967 during a Skylark rocket launch. Multiple observations by experienced tracking staff were made, of a dull white, saucer shaped object. Members of STARS documented the sightings which were also a source of discussions between WRE Adelaide and Central Office, DOS in subsequent weeks.
It therefore seems highly likely to me, that these were the sightings of which McDonald was aware.
In summary:
Areas of the former Department of Supply, as did many other government bodies, kept files on UAP. Whether this had any deeper meaning is difficult to ascertain based on the information to hand.
Can any readers, perhaps former employees of the Department of Supply, provide any additional information?
During the course of Disclosure Australia Project research into the involvement of Australian government agencies, we looked at the former Department of Supply (DOS.)
This Department came into being on 17 Mar 1950. It was responsible, among other things for:
* the control of materials used in producing atomic energy (1950-1953)
* operation and management of space tracking stations (from 1959)
* participation in firing of European Launcher Development Organisation rockets at Woomera (from 1962)
* operation of the Joint United-Kingdom-Australia Weapons Research Project
* operation and management of space tracking stations and certain other facilities on behalf of the government of the USA.
Between 1950 and 1969 Melbourne was the location of the DOS Central Office, after which it moved to Canberra. The Department was abolished on 12 Jun 1974, and most of its functions passed to the Department of Manufacturing Industry.
UAP files:
A number of DOS UAP files were located by the DA Project. These were:
1. NAA file series D174 control symbol SA5281 titled "Unusual Occurrences Flying Saucer at Woomera." The file has a date range of 1952-1955. It belonged to the Long Range Weapons Establishment, South Australia. The 25 page file, documents a number of observations made at the Woomera test range.
2. NAA file series D250 control symbol 56/483 titled "Reports on unidentified aircraft, strange occurrences etc" with a date range of 1952-1968. The file originated with the Weapons Research Establishment, South Australia. The 139 page file contains numerous reports from Woomera about unidentified aircraft near the range, as well as observations of UAP.
3. NAA file series D174 control symbol SA 5644/2/1 titled "Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects" with a date range of 1966-1974, registered to the Weapons Research Establishment, South Australia. This 114 page file contains a number of inquiries from members of the public and some observations of UAP at the Woomera range.
4. NAA file series A6456 control symbol R029/284 titled "Weapons Research Establishment (WRE) -Salisbury - Dept of Supply - Maralinga Project - General Policy and Administration." It is a 45 page file and contains 7 pages on a 1960 observation of an UAP.
5. NAA file series D250 control symbol 56/3568 Part 1 titled "Scientific, Technical and Astronomical Research Society." This 100 page file relates to the fact that between 1966 and 1968, there was a group of individuals at Woomera interested in the subject of UAP, who formed an organisation, STARS, to look at the subject.
Central Office DOS files?
You will note that none of the above files is a DOS Central Office file. Was the DOS Central Office keeping track of UAP reports? The answer is yes, and we know this because:
1. According to a memo on file SA5644/2/1 dated 13 Dec 1967 there were two UAP reporting systems in place. Reports from the Woomera range were sent to the RAAF; while reports from locations outside Woomera went through the DOS Central Office, for transmission through the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs to the US Embassy in Australia. This latter system was established in 1962 after the US had asked for observations which might be used in the identification of space vehicle fragments.
2. In addition, according to file SA5644/2/1, following a series of observations in 1967 by Woomera staff, there was an exchange of correspondence between the Deputy Secretary R & E, Supply, Melbourne and the WRE.
3. Scattered over the various files are references to DOS files Y123/3/12; Y111/12/1 part 4; Y121/1/1; Y123/3/17; YA26/9/2; Y10/5/1; A12/3/2; A12/3/3; 6/12/1; 5/110/Z; 6/121/1; 8/10/2; 5/126/5 and D5492/1/1. From the context these file references were used in, some appear to be DOS Central Office UAP files.
There are also indications that someone in the DOS Central Office, Canberra, was interested, in 1971, in the subject. This is known because:
1. NAA file series A703 control symbol 554/1/30 part 2 pp 30-31.
There is a memo on the RAAF UAP policy file dated 27 Jul 1971 from the Directorate of Air Force Intelligence to S/AIR/SS - and includes the following. "You spoke to me recently on the matter of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and you mentioned that the Department of Supply may be interested in investigating this subject. This minute provides a brief historical sketch of this subject and my reaction to the proposal." There is nothing else on this file about this subject.
However, another file not released until much later, does add to the above information.
2. NAA file series JIO63 control symbol 3092/2/000 titled "Scientific Intelligence - General - Unidentified Flying Objects" was a file with a date range 1957 to 1971, held by the Joint Intelligence Organisation, Department of Defence.
In a memo dated 27 May 1971, from JIO Director R W Furlonger to Deputy Secretary B, we read in part:
"The Department of Supply has personnel with an appropriate range of scientific and technical expertise and laboratory and field facilities that could suitably be employed on UFO investigations.
I suggest that Department of Defence should consider passing responsibility for investigation of Australian UFO sightings from the RAAF to the Department of Supply..."
No other documents have yet surfaced to clarify what, if any, further discussions occurred between the Department of Defence and the DOS. In addition, the only DOS Central Office individual named on any files I looked at, is a "Morrison." A search to locate further information on Morrison has been unsuccessful. If any blog reader has additional information on Morrison it would be appreciated.
A DOS link to Westall?
Do we have any sources which indicate that the DOS was more deeply involved in research into UAP than suggested by the material outlined so far in this post? Indeed we do.
At the May 2012 AURA seminar held in Adelaide, Canberra researcher Shane Ryan presented a large volume of material about the 6 Apr 1966 Westall High School case. One area of the presentation was "A summary of the Local, State and Federal government agencies' responses to the Westall incident."
One of the agencies listed was the Department of Supply. Shane's slide included the information "Assistant Controller of Aircraft, Weapons and Guided Missiles involvement at Westall, and his department's response. Information supplied by man's children."
A keyword search, by me, of the text of all the known publicly available documentation on Westall, reveals no mention of the DOS. No one at the time of the event, or for years later, suggested the involvement of the DOS.
So, there is a suggestion out there that the DOS was involved somehow in the Westall "flying saucer" incident. However, the sole source of the suggestion of DOS involvement in Westall, comes through Shane's source, stated at the AURA seminar, namely the children of the Assistant Controller of Aircraft, Weapons and Guided Missiles, DOS. It would be nice to be able to locate some independent line of evidence that this was so. I would welcome any information from blog readers which could point us in the direction of any independent confirmation that the DOS was definitely involved in the Westall event.
My review of DOS files has also thrown some light on the subject of an earlier blog post. On 29 Feb 2012 I mentioned that "James E McDonald wrote to Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society member , Paul Norman, on the eve of McDonald's trip to Australia...in regard to some intriguing sightings, involving staff at scientific facilities in Woomera..." McDonald's Australian trip commenced on 25 Jun 1967. In the post I wondered what Woomera sightings, around Jun 1967 were being referred to, and failed to come to any firm conclusion. However, I believe I now know the answer.
You will recall, that earlier in this post, I mentioned the STARS group of scientific personnel based at Woomera who started up a UAP group. According to NAA file series D250 control symbol 56/3568 part 1, an Apr 1966 memo from Colonel J D Honeysett, STARS was "...to be associated with ...Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society." This link between Woomera scientific staff and VFSRS could explain how McDonald knew of sightings "at scientific facilities at Woomera."
Were there any significant sightings just prior to Jun 1967 at Woomera? Indeed, there were.
NAA file series D174 control symbol SA5644/2/1 gives details about a series of observations made on 28 Apr 1967 during a Skylark rocket launch. Multiple observations by experienced tracking staff were made, of a dull white, saucer shaped object. Members of STARS documented the sightings which were also a source of discussions between WRE Adelaide and Central Office, DOS in subsequent weeks.
It therefore seems highly likely to me, that these were the sightings of which McDonald was aware.
In summary:
Areas of the former Department of Supply, as did many other government bodies, kept files on UAP. Whether this had any deeper meaning is difficult to ascertain based on the information to hand.
Can any readers, perhaps former employees of the Department of Supply, provide any additional information?
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Cold case investigation - Frankston, Vic - July 1972 - Part three
Hi all,
This is the third and final post in a series about events reported by a Victorian woman, Maureen Puddy.
RAAF file:
The RAAF file refers to media appearances. Investigators Garry Little and Bill Stapleton's report advises that on the 26 Jul 1972 Maureen telephoned three television stations and one interviewed her. Radio station 3AW had her speak on an open-line program, during which two other callers confirmed having seen something in the area at the time. The first, the wife of a man leading a cow, called to say that her husband had seen a blue light, but didn't go back to have a look. The second was one of a couple who reported having seen a blue light in the sky.
More events:
On or about 22 Feb 1973 Maureen says she heard the voice again, as it called out all night long. In the morning, she felt an eerie presence following her around. She received some type of "flash" telling her to go back to the place of contact. She rang Little and Stapleton but could get neither of them. She then contacted another UFO group and two of their investigators arranged to meet her at the spot.
While she was driving to the place of contact, a "man" appeared in the passenger seat of her vehicle, right beside her. The "man" had long, blonde hair and wore a ski suit of a fabric looking like white satin, tucked in at the arms. The trousers went over his feet and were baggy. He was sitting there looking straight ahead, legs together and hands placed on his knees. Maureen says she nearly ran the car off the road and almost crashed out of sheer shock. She noted that the headlights of oncoming cars shone "through him." After a while he just wasn't there any longer.
She arrived at the spot where she was to meet the two investigators and found they were already there. One of them got into her car on the front passenger's side and stated that there seemed to be a "presence" in the car. Their hair stood on end. Maureen then related what had happened to her on the way there.
All three sat in her car. The "man" appeared again on the side of the road, but only Maureen could see him. She thought that the "man" was motioning for her to get out of the car but she refused to do so.
The "room":
The "man" came over and stood right by the car. One of the investigators got out of the car and walked to where the "man" stood, but the "man" moved away from him. Maureen was asked to see whether she could make the "man" appear to them as well. She did this but the "man" shook his head.
Suddenly, Maureen went into a trance-like state, holding on to an investigator's hand. Maureen related that she was no longer in the car but instead was in a "round room.The 1.6m tall "man" was also there. There was a strange "thing" in the room with them. The man suddenly disappeared. The "thing" was described as mushroom stemmed, with a flat top and a dome on top of this. There was a half-sphere inside, apparently floating around in fluid. Roman numerals, with what looked like Egyptian hieroglyphics were on it. This "machine" was swaying from side to side.
The "man" appeared again, telling Maureen to describe what she saw, which she did. The two investigators, sitting in the car, heard her describe where she was. Then Maureen became upset because she could not see any doors out of the room, nor any windows. There were no visible sources of illumination, yet the room was well lit. She started to panic and began to cry, then woke up from the trance-like state.
No recall:
Maureen told the two investigators that she could not remember anything she had just said to them. The investigators recalled what she had just told them. They all then went back to Maureen's house for a cup of tea. While at home, Maureen again found herself in the mysterious "room." However, on this occasion Maureen was simultaneously aware of being both in this room, and at home. This duality lasted only a short time.
A week later:
About a week later, on a rainy day, Maureen was out driving with her son, who by this time was out of hospital. The "man" from the "room" suddenly appeared, sitting between Maureen and her son, on the front bench seat of Maureen's car. The "man" then simply disappeared. They were on the Mooraduc Road at the time, this time in broad daylight. While the "man" had been there the rain seemed to stop and visibility was good. As soon as he had gone the rain returned. In somewhat of an understatement, Maureen, said that "This was not a normal event."
My comments:
Here is an event which started off along similar line to that of Yerecoin and Boyup Brook, but then became very complex. It remains one of the oddest Australian cases of its type. We have two encounters with an unsual aerial phenomenon; odd voices speaking to Maureen; a being appearing on a number of occasions, and several other reports from the night of one of the encounters.
3 Jul 1972 - Initial encounter with an object.
25 Jul 1972 - Second encounter. Vehicle reportedly stopped itself. "Message" given to Maureen.
Ca 22 Feb 1973 - Eerie presence at home. Called back to the location. "Man" appears in her car. "Man" appears while she is in presence of two investigators who cannot see him. Maureen lapses into an altered state of consciousness and describes being in a "room" somewhere.
Ca 29 Feb 1973 - "Man" again appears in her car.
According to the sources I consulted there were multiple witnesses to other events on the 25 Jul 1972.
1. Main Ridge - 38.4S 144.97E. Ca10km S of Dromana. Mr and Mrs Beale. Ca 10pm. Light travelling W to E at high speed. Whirring/humming noise. 2 minutes. Marked fluctuation in electric power.
2. Montrose - 38.8S 145.35E. Ca40km NNE of Frankston. Mr and Mrs Toal. After 8pm. 50 secs. Glow in sky to SSW. 5 deg elevation. Blue white object. No sound.
3. Knoxville - Mr and Mrs Davis. Between 2100-2200hrs. Object travelling NW to NW. High speed. 3 seconds. Blue/red/yellow lights.
4. Mooraduc Road -Man with cow. Saw blue light.
Only 4. ties in closely with Maureen's report. Unfortunately, no one interviewed this witness. It is said his wife called in to the 'talk back' show.
A check of the night sky for the 25 Jul 1972 at around 2115hrs confims that the Moon was full, and some 64 degrees above the ENE sky.
All in all, this is a perplexing example of the "core" phenomenon.
I'd be pleased to hear from anyone who can suggest any explanation for this series of events.
This is the third and final post in a series about events reported by a Victorian woman, Maureen Puddy.
RAAF file:
The RAAF file refers to media appearances. Investigators Garry Little and Bill Stapleton's report advises that on the 26 Jul 1972 Maureen telephoned three television stations and one interviewed her. Radio station 3AW had her speak on an open-line program, during which two other callers confirmed having seen something in the area at the time. The first, the wife of a man leading a cow, called to say that her husband had seen a blue light, but didn't go back to have a look. The second was one of a couple who reported having seen a blue light in the sky.
More events:
On or about 22 Feb 1973 Maureen says she heard the voice again, as it called out all night long. In the morning, she felt an eerie presence following her around. She received some type of "flash" telling her to go back to the place of contact. She rang Little and Stapleton but could get neither of them. She then contacted another UFO group and two of their investigators arranged to meet her at the spot.
While she was driving to the place of contact, a "man" appeared in the passenger seat of her vehicle, right beside her. The "man" had long, blonde hair and wore a ski suit of a fabric looking like white satin, tucked in at the arms. The trousers went over his feet and were baggy. He was sitting there looking straight ahead, legs together and hands placed on his knees. Maureen says she nearly ran the car off the road and almost crashed out of sheer shock. She noted that the headlights of oncoming cars shone "through him." After a while he just wasn't there any longer.
She arrived at the spot where she was to meet the two investigators and found they were already there. One of them got into her car on the front passenger's side and stated that there seemed to be a "presence" in the car. Their hair stood on end. Maureen then related what had happened to her on the way there.
All three sat in her car. The "man" appeared again on the side of the road, but only Maureen could see him. She thought that the "man" was motioning for her to get out of the car but she refused to do so.
The "room":
The "man" came over and stood right by the car. One of the investigators got out of the car and walked to where the "man" stood, but the "man" moved away from him. Maureen was asked to see whether she could make the "man" appear to them as well. She did this but the "man" shook his head.
Suddenly, Maureen went into a trance-like state, holding on to an investigator's hand. Maureen related that she was no longer in the car but instead was in a "round room.The 1.6m tall "man" was also there. There was a strange "thing" in the room with them. The man suddenly disappeared. The "thing" was described as mushroom stemmed, with a flat top and a dome on top of this. There was a half-sphere inside, apparently floating around in fluid. Roman numerals, with what looked like Egyptian hieroglyphics were on it. This "machine" was swaying from side to side.
The "man" appeared again, telling Maureen to describe what she saw, which she did. The two investigators, sitting in the car, heard her describe where she was. Then Maureen became upset because she could not see any doors out of the room, nor any windows. There were no visible sources of illumination, yet the room was well lit. She started to panic and began to cry, then woke up from the trance-like state.
No recall:
Maureen told the two investigators that she could not remember anything she had just said to them. The investigators recalled what she had just told them. They all then went back to Maureen's house for a cup of tea. While at home, Maureen again found herself in the mysterious "room." However, on this occasion Maureen was simultaneously aware of being both in this room, and at home. This duality lasted only a short time.
A week later:
About a week later, on a rainy day, Maureen was out driving with her son, who by this time was out of hospital. The "man" from the "room" suddenly appeared, sitting between Maureen and her son, on the front bench seat of Maureen's car. The "man" then simply disappeared. They were on the Mooraduc Road at the time, this time in broad daylight. While the "man" had been there the rain seemed to stop and visibility was good. As soon as he had gone the rain returned. In somewhat of an understatement, Maureen, said that "This was not a normal event."
My comments:
Here is an event which started off along similar line to that of Yerecoin and Boyup Brook, but then became very complex. It remains one of the oddest Australian cases of its type. We have two encounters with an unsual aerial phenomenon; odd voices speaking to Maureen; a being appearing on a number of occasions, and several other reports from the night of one of the encounters.
3 Jul 1972 - Initial encounter with an object.
25 Jul 1972 - Second encounter. Vehicle reportedly stopped itself. "Message" given to Maureen.
Ca 22 Feb 1973 - Eerie presence at home. Called back to the location. "Man" appears in her car. "Man" appears while she is in presence of two investigators who cannot see him. Maureen lapses into an altered state of consciousness and describes being in a "room" somewhere.
Ca 29 Feb 1973 - "Man" again appears in her car.
According to the sources I consulted there were multiple witnesses to other events on the 25 Jul 1972.
1. Main Ridge - 38.4S 144.97E. Ca10km S of Dromana. Mr and Mrs Beale. Ca 10pm. Light travelling W to E at high speed. Whirring/humming noise. 2 minutes. Marked fluctuation in electric power.
2. Montrose - 38.8S 145.35E. Ca40km NNE of Frankston. Mr and Mrs Toal. After 8pm. 50 secs. Glow in sky to SSW. 5 deg elevation. Blue white object. No sound.
3. Knoxville - Mr and Mrs Davis. Between 2100-2200hrs. Object travelling NW to NW. High speed. 3 seconds. Blue/red/yellow lights.
4. Mooraduc Road -Man with cow. Saw blue light.
Only 4. ties in closely with Maureen's report. Unfortunately, no one interviewed this witness. It is said his wife called in to the 'talk back' show.
A check of the night sky for the 25 Jul 1972 at around 2115hrs confims that the Moon was full, and some 64 degrees above the ENE sky.
All in all, this is a perplexing example of the "core" phenomenon.
I'd be pleased to hear from anyone who can suggest any explanation for this series of events.
Cold case investigation - Frankston, Vic - July 1972 - Part two
Hi all,
This post continues the intriguing story of a Victorian woman who reported two close encounters over a short period of time in July 1972, as told to me by investigators Bill Stapleton and Garry Little who conducted several interviews with the witness at the time. In addition, for the first time, the RAAF's account of these events is also discussed, with their perspective taken from now available RAAF files.
A voice calls her name:
Maureen Puddy visited her son in hospital every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The first encounter with the unusual object had been on Monday 3 Jul 1972. She continued this sequence of visits to her son, until the week beginning Monday 24 Jul 1972. In this week there was a petrol shortage, and she altered her schedule that week, intending to visit her son on Tuesday, and Thursday to conserve petrol.
Therefore, she was home on the evening of Monday 24 Jul, with her husband and daughter. At approximately 8pm, she thought she heard someone calling her name. She checked with both her daughter and her husband but it was neither of them. They had heard nothing to account for the voice. At 11.30pm Maureen went to bed, but throughout the night she was unable to sleep properly, because of a female voice calling her name slowly. It was definitely not her daughter.
Thinking it might be an old lady she knew from down the road, Maureen went outside to look, but no-one was there. Upon reflection, she believed that the voice may have been in her head, not coming from outside, like normal audio input. This voice sounded human, not mechanical.
The second encounter:
On Tuesday 25 Jul 1972 Maureen was again travelling home from the hospital, when, at the same location and about the same time as the event on 3 Jul 1972, another incident happened.
At the railway crossing she had stopped her car to let a man leading a cow cross first, then accelerated away. This placed her a few hundred metres from the crossing when the road was again lit up by a blue light. She recalls thinking "My God, it's back," then deciding she wouldn't stop for anything, and accelerated away from the location.
Suddenly, the vehicle's engine cut out, as it would if the ignition key had been turned to the off position. Maureen tried turning the key off, then on again, but this had no effect. The car glided to the side of the road and stopped, all by itself. During this brief period when it was gliding, its direction could not be changed by turning the steering wheel; pumping the brake was to no avail, and putting the gears through various positions did nothing. However, the vehicle's lights remained on all the time.
The message:
Maureen maintains that there was no usual road bumps as the car came to a stop. In fact, there was no sensation of the road being under the wheels. Naturally, by this time, Maureen was terrified. All sound "drained out of the air" and there was an eerie silence. She felt as though she was "sitting in a tube - a completely closed, vacuum tube." Next, she felt she was receiving some audio impressions, but could not understand them. She then heard the impressions in "perfect English," making them perfectly understandable.
She later stated that this voice or impressions sounded too perfect, just like a mechanical recording. It seemed to be inside her head. The voice said "All your tests will be negative," then there was a 2-3 second pause, then "Tell the media. Do not panic. We mean no harm." Then another pause estimated as a minute long, and finally the voice said "You now have control."
During this entire period, which lasted an estimated minute and a half, Maureen had sat with her two hands clutching the steering wheel. She believed she could have moved if she had wanted but decided to remain still. As the audio impressions finished, the car's engine started by itself, the blue light went away and the object was gone. It was no longer visible through the top of the windscreen. At this moment another motor vehicle approached along the road.
Report to the police:
Maureen put the car into gear and once more drove to the Rosebud police station to report seeing the object. The police took her statement. When she reached home she called the RAAF and they sent her out another form to complete and return.
RAAF files:
We now have access to the RAAF files, which were not available in 1972. I located this second report form on National Archives of Australia file series A703 control symbol 580/1/1 Part 7.
Page 91 of the file is a memo from Headquarters Support Command to Directorate of Air Force Intelligence dated 21 Aug 1972. "Attached are questionnaire forms completed by Mesdames Puddy, Beale and Toal, giving their impressions of unusual aerial sightings on 25 Jul 1972. The three reports have been treated as one and the C Intel's remarks appear as part 2 of the pro-forma" This memo was signed by Wing Commander W C Keitz.
File pages 91-93 are Maureen's report. The date of the event is 25 Jul 1972. Time 9.15pm (within 10 minutes). The duration "Approx 5 minutes." Location "Mooraduc." Weather "Fine." Object was "Above car." A "Blue light" attracted her attention. "Irredescent (sic) blue light." No obvious method of propulsion. No sound. 100ft up. "It did not move." Duration of stationary phase "5 minutes." Last observed "Above car." "Just vanished."
To the question "How many witnesses to the sighting?" she wrote "1 man said he saw the light, other reports of light being seen." A sketch was drawn and shows an oval object "70ft approx" high and width "60-70ft" compared to the "24ft macadam strip of roadway." The report was signed M Puddy and dated 28 Jul 1972.
Other sightings:
Pages 96-98 are a report by a William Beale, aged 63, and Mary Beale of Browns Road, Main Ridge, Vic. At about 10pm 25 Jul 1972 they observed, for two minutes, as they went outside the house; then from inside with window open, in perfect weather conditions, an unusual aerial object.
It was first observed to the West of their property. Their attention was drawn by the "fact that this object seemed to appear suddenly over tree-tops." "The object seemed surrounded by light." "Pinkish glow."
To a question about "any method of propulsion obvious?" the answer was "Rapid movement but not jet-like." Any noise "Sort of hum. No engine noise." It was never stationary and was last seen heading east," rising steadily." There was a final handwritten comment "Sorry this is so brief, but so was our sighting, but we are both quite sure of what we did see." The form was dated 31 Jul 1972.
Page 99-101 are a report by Florence May Toal, 53, of Montrose, Vic. After 8pm on 25 Jul 1972 (within 30 minutes) for 50 seconds, at home she saw, on a clear moonlit night, a glow in the sky. It was first seen in the sky, direction south-south-west at an angle of 5 degrees, "What first attracted observer's attention?" "A glow against the dark Dandenongs." It was a "Blue white glow." Its brightness was said to be a "Blue light headlight at 300 yards." There was no sound. There were two other witnesses, her husband and daughter. At the end of the form was a handwritten statement.
"I saw the light through my back window and called my husband and daughter to look because we are always conscious of the likelihood of a plane crash in the dark. I walked out in the yard to hear what it was but there was no sound at all. My daughter and I stayed and watched then turned to go inside as we did not see it travel at all. The reflection of the filament inside a 60 watt fixture of globe was approximately the size of the light. If it was at the Frankston area at the time it would be 15 miles from here sot it would have been quite a size." The report form was dated 1 Aug 1972.
RAAF evaluation:
Page 102 is "Page 4 -Part 2 - Unit evaluation." The observer's location is given as 3814S and 14510E. Wind was calm. No temperature invesrions.
Page 103 is page 5 Q40 "The cause (or likely cause) of this sighting cannot be determined." Q41 "The object reported probably was/may have been..." "Unknown."
There is then a lengthy handwritten note by the RAAF investigating officer, which continues on pages 104-105. "The information supplied by Mrs Puddy on the attached proforma differs markedly from that reported to the Duty Officer on the evening...On that occasion Mrs Puddy reported as follows:
She said that the object, like two saucers together, silvery blue in colour, appeared above the road emitting blue lights. The object "Took control of the car" so that Mrs P pulled over to the roadside but could not open the doors, nor could she restart the engine. She reported that she "sensed" but did not hear the following message. "All your tests will be negative. Tell the media not to panic. We mean no harm. You now have control." The UFO then vanished and a very scared Mrs P started the car and headed home via the Rye police station. It subsequently transpired that she had reported the incident to the Rosebud police station. Senior Constable Cox of Rosebud told me that Mrs P was known to him, and appeared to be a rational woman not given to great flights of fancy. He was somewhat amazed when Mrs P asked him the meaning of the word "media." She said she had never heard it before. Senior Constable Cox also advised that a Mr and Mrs Beale of Brown's Road, Main Ridge had advised him that while watching TV at about 2200 the same night there was a marked fluctuation in the electrical power which caused him to leave the house and check the emergency power in his poultry shed.
While outdoors (the Constable continues) Mr Beale said he saw an object over the hills which illuminated the whole area with a blue light. Const Cox said the B described the appearance of the object in similar terms to those used by Mrs P.
I telephoned Mrs Beale who stated that her husband, while doing a check of the temperatures in his poultry sheds at about 2200, saw a peculiar light travelling from west to east at high speed, emitting a whinning/humming sound. He rushed indoors, switched off all lights and tried to focus on the object with binoculars. The object disappeared before it could be focussed on. Mrs Beale said she would have put the matter out of her mind had she not heard Mrs Puddy talking on a radio "talk back" show.
The "talk back" show also prompted Mrs Toal to phone on Wednesday 26th to say that " Some time after 8pm" she had seen a blue light through gap in the lower Dandenongs to the south of Montrose. She said she would have ignored it had she not heard Mrs P on the radio "talk back" show.
A Mrs Davis of 61 Kathryn Street Knoxville ( who has not so far returned a proforma sent to her) also phoned to say that on the night in question between 2100 and 2200 while outdoors with her husband they saw an object travelling at "enormous speed" from NE to NW. The object was visible for about 3 seconds and appeared to have blue, red and yellow lights. Conditions were cloudless sky with bright moonlight, or in Mrs Davis' words "a (unreadable word) Moon." Her report was prompted by hearing a news item on the radio referring to an unexplained light in the Rye/Rosebud area.
On the previous occasion when Mrs Puddy reported sighting a UFO she showed reluctance to become involved with any investigation at official level; however on this occasion she talked freely with the announcer conducting the "talk back" show. Efforts to contact Mrs Puddy by telephone on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday following the alleged sighting were unsuccessful, however I believe she also talked to representatives from the press.
This report has been delayed awaiting the part 1 report, which was not received until 17 Aug 72."
Dated 21 Aug 1972.
(To be continued.)
This post continues the intriguing story of a Victorian woman who reported two close encounters over a short period of time in July 1972, as told to me by investigators Bill Stapleton and Garry Little who conducted several interviews with the witness at the time. In addition, for the first time, the RAAF's account of these events is also discussed, with their perspective taken from now available RAAF files.
A voice calls her name:
Maureen Puddy visited her son in hospital every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The first encounter with the unusual object had been on Monday 3 Jul 1972. She continued this sequence of visits to her son, until the week beginning Monday 24 Jul 1972. In this week there was a petrol shortage, and she altered her schedule that week, intending to visit her son on Tuesday, and Thursday to conserve petrol.
Therefore, she was home on the evening of Monday 24 Jul, with her husband and daughter. At approximately 8pm, she thought she heard someone calling her name. She checked with both her daughter and her husband but it was neither of them. They had heard nothing to account for the voice. At 11.30pm Maureen went to bed, but throughout the night she was unable to sleep properly, because of a female voice calling her name slowly. It was definitely not her daughter.
Thinking it might be an old lady she knew from down the road, Maureen went outside to look, but no-one was there. Upon reflection, she believed that the voice may have been in her head, not coming from outside, like normal audio input. This voice sounded human, not mechanical.
The second encounter:
On Tuesday 25 Jul 1972 Maureen was again travelling home from the hospital, when, at the same location and about the same time as the event on 3 Jul 1972, another incident happened.
At the railway crossing she had stopped her car to let a man leading a cow cross first, then accelerated away. This placed her a few hundred metres from the crossing when the road was again lit up by a blue light. She recalls thinking "My God, it's back," then deciding she wouldn't stop for anything, and accelerated away from the location.
Suddenly, the vehicle's engine cut out, as it would if the ignition key had been turned to the off position. Maureen tried turning the key off, then on again, but this had no effect. The car glided to the side of the road and stopped, all by itself. During this brief period when it was gliding, its direction could not be changed by turning the steering wheel; pumping the brake was to no avail, and putting the gears through various positions did nothing. However, the vehicle's lights remained on all the time.
The message:
Maureen maintains that there was no usual road bumps as the car came to a stop. In fact, there was no sensation of the road being under the wheels. Naturally, by this time, Maureen was terrified. All sound "drained out of the air" and there was an eerie silence. She felt as though she was "sitting in a tube - a completely closed, vacuum tube." Next, she felt she was receiving some audio impressions, but could not understand them. She then heard the impressions in "perfect English," making them perfectly understandable.
She later stated that this voice or impressions sounded too perfect, just like a mechanical recording. It seemed to be inside her head. The voice said "All your tests will be negative," then there was a 2-3 second pause, then "Tell the media. Do not panic. We mean no harm." Then another pause estimated as a minute long, and finally the voice said "You now have control."
During this entire period, which lasted an estimated minute and a half, Maureen had sat with her two hands clutching the steering wheel. She believed she could have moved if she had wanted but decided to remain still. As the audio impressions finished, the car's engine started by itself, the blue light went away and the object was gone. It was no longer visible through the top of the windscreen. At this moment another motor vehicle approached along the road.
Report to the police:
Maureen put the car into gear and once more drove to the Rosebud police station to report seeing the object. The police took her statement. When she reached home she called the RAAF and they sent her out another form to complete and return.
RAAF files:
We now have access to the RAAF files, which were not available in 1972. I located this second report form on National Archives of Australia file series A703 control symbol 580/1/1 Part 7.
Page 91 of the file is a memo from Headquarters Support Command to Directorate of Air Force Intelligence dated 21 Aug 1972. "Attached are questionnaire forms completed by Mesdames Puddy, Beale and Toal, giving their impressions of unusual aerial sightings on 25 Jul 1972. The three reports have been treated as one and the C Intel's remarks appear as part 2 of the pro-forma" This memo was signed by Wing Commander W C Keitz.
File pages 91-93 are Maureen's report. The date of the event is 25 Jul 1972. Time 9.15pm (within 10 minutes). The duration "Approx 5 minutes." Location "Mooraduc." Weather "Fine." Object was "Above car." A "Blue light" attracted her attention. "Irredescent (sic) blue light." No obvious method of propulsion. No sound. 100ft up. "It did not move." Duration of stationary phase "5 minutes." Last observed "Above car." "Just vanished."
To the question "How many witnesses to the sighting?" she wrote "1 man said he saw the light, other reports of light being seen." A sketch was drawn and shows an oval object "70ft approx" high and width "60-70ft" compared to the "24ft macadam strip of roadway." The report was signed M Puddy and dated 28 Jul 1972.
Other sightings:
Pages 96-98 are a report by a William Beale, aged 63, and Mary Beale of Browns Road, Main Ridge, Vic. At about 10pm 25 Jul 1972 they observed, for two minutes, as they went outside the house; then from inside with window open, in perfect weather conditions, an unusual aerial object.
It was first observed to the West of their property. Their attention was drawn by the "fact that this object seemed to appear suddenly over tree-tops." "The object seemed surrounded by light." "Pinkish glow."
To a question about "any method of propulsion obvious?" the answer was "Rapid movement but not jet-like." Any noise "Sort of hum. No engine noise." It was never stationary and was last seen heading east," rising steadily." There was a final handwritten comment "Sorry this is so brief, but so was our sighting, but we are both quite sure of what we did see." The form was dated 31 Jul 1972.
Page 99-101 are a report by Florence May Toal, 53, of Montrose, Vic. After 8pm on 25 Jul 1972 (within 30 minutes) for 50 seconds, at home she saw, on a clear moonlit night, a glow in the sky. It was first seen in the sky, direction south-south-west at an angle of 5 degrees, "What first attracted observer's attention?" "A glow against the dark Dandenongs." It was a "Blue white glow." Its brightness was said to be a "Blue light headlight at 300 yards." There was no sound. There were two other witnesses, her husband and daughter. At the end of the form was a handwritten statement.
"I saw the light through my back window and called my husband and daughter to look because we are always conscious of the likelihood of a plane crash in the dark. I walked out in the yard to hear what it was but there was no sound at all. My daughter and I stayed and watched then turned to go inside as we did not see it travel at all. The reflection of the filament inside a 60 watt fixture of globe was approximately the size of the light. If it was at the Frankston area at the time it would be 15 miles from here sot it would have been quite a size." The report form was dated 1 Aug 1972.
RAAF evaluation:
Page 102 is "Page 4 -Part 2 - Unit evaluation." The observer's location is given as 3814S and 14510E. Wind was calm. No temperature invesrions.
Page 103 is page 5 Q40 "The cause (or likely cause) of this sighting cannot be determined." Q41 "The object reported probably was/may have been..." "Unknown."
There is then a lengthy handwritten note by the RAAF investigating officer, which continues on pages 104-105. "The information supplied by Mrs Puddy on the attached proforma differs markedly from that reported to the Duty Officer on the evening...On that occasion Mrs Puddy reported as follows:
She said that the object, like two saucers together, silvery blue in colour, appeared above the road emitting blue lights. The object "Took control of the car" so that Mrs P pulled over to the roadside but could not open the doors, nor could she restart the engine. She reported that she "sensed" but did not hear the following message. "All your tests will be negative. Tell the media not to panic. We mean no harm. You now have control." The UFO then vanished and a very scared Mrs P started the car and headed home via the Rye police station. It subsequently transpired that she had reported the incident to the Rosebud police station. Senior Constable Cox of Rosebud told me that Mrs P was known to him, and appeared to be a rational woman not given to great flights of fancy. He was somewhat amazed when Mrs P asked him the meaning of the word "media." She said she had never heard it before. Senior Constable Cox also advised that a Mr and Mrs Beale of Brown's Road, Main Ridge had advised him that while watching TV at about 2200 the same night there was a marked fluctuation in the electrical power which caused him to leave the house and check the emergency power in his poultry shed.
While outdoors (the Constable continues) Mr Beale said he saw an object over the hills which illuminated the whole area with a blue light. Const Cox said the B described the appearance of the object in similar terms to those used by Mrs P.
I telephoned Mrs Beale who stated that her husband, while doing a check of the temperatures in his poultry sheds at about 2200, saw a peculiar light travelling from west to east at high speed, emitting a whinning/humming sound. He rushed indoors, switched off all lights and tried to focus on the object with binoculars. The object disappeared before it could be focussed on. Mrs Beale said she would have put the matter out of her mind had she not heard Mrs Puddy talking on a radio "talk back" show.
The "talk back" show also prompted Mrs Toal to phone on Wednesday 26th to say that " Some time after 8pm" she had seen a blue light through gap in the lower Dandenongs to the south of Montrose. She said she would have ignored it had she not heard Mrs P on the radio "talk back" show.
A Mrs Davis of 61 Kathryn Street Knoxville ( who has not so far returned a proforma sent to her) also phoned to say that on the night in question between 2100 and 2200 while outdoors with her husband they saw an object travelling at "enormous speed" from NE to NW. The object was visible for about 3 seconds and appeared to have blue, red and yellow lights. Conditions were cloudless sky with bright moonlight, or in Mrs Davis' words "a (unreadable word) Moon." Her report was prompted by hearing a news item on the radio referring to an unexplained light in the Rye/Rosebud area.
On the previous occasion when Mrs Puddy reported sighting a UFO she showed reluctance to become involved with any investigation at official level; however on this occasion she talked freely with the announcer conducting the "talk back" show. Efforts to contact Mrs Puddy by telephone on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday following the alleged sighting were unsuccessful, however I believe she also talked to representatives from the press.
This report has been delayed awaiting the part 1 report, which was not received until 17 Aug 72."
Dated 21 Aug 1972.
(To be continued.)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Cold case investigation - Frankston, Vic - July 1972 - Part one
Hi all,
My last couple of cold case investigations have both involved single witnesses in a motor vehicle, when an unusual object has approached them, as opposed to cases where a witness comes across a landed object.
In the 15 Nov 1967 Yerecoin, WA event, Alan Pool was in his land rover when a grey, 3.6m diameter, 1.5m high object rapidly approached him and hovered close by his vehicle. It left vertically, at speed. There was no effect on the vehicle and Pool reported his encounter to police.
The 30 Oct 1967 Boyup Brook, WA event involved a man on his own, in a motor vehicle. His vehicle suddenly stopped and all electrical systems failed. A tube of light shone on him, from a 9m diameter, oval shaped object, some 30m above the car. The object left at speed. The witness told the police about the encounter.
When researching these two cases I immediately thought back to a similar event which happened in the state of Victoria in 1972. Here, the witness in this case reported two encounters and some really unusual side events. She reported the incidents to the police and to the RAAF. However, at the time of the events no researcher had ever seen the material which lay in the RAAF files until many years later. In this post I report on the case; including the RAAF material, which will be new to most readers.
The first encounter:
On 3 Jul 1972, 37 year old Maureen Puddy, a resident of Rye, in Victoria, Australia, was driving her station wagon near a railway crossing on the Mooraduc Road, between Frankston and Dromana, when an unusual event occurred.
The following details were provided to me by investigators Garry Little (now deceased) and Bill Stapleton of Melbourne who conducted a number of interviews with Mrs Puddy at the time the events were happening to her.
At 9.15pm local time (GMT plus 9hrs) Maureen was driving home alone in her 1963 Holden station wagon, after visiting her son who was in hospital in the Melbourne suburb of Heidelberg.
Just after she had passed the railway crossing, a blue light lit up the road. At first, she thought the light was coming from a helicopter, of the sort which had airlifted her son to hospital. So, she didn't take too much notice of it, though later, she recalled that she had heard no noise which was strange if it had been a helicopter. Even so, it was too low for a normal flight, so she became alarmed and accelerated trying to get ahead of the light. This didn't work, so she tried slowing down thinking that the light would be lost in this way. Instead, the light stayed with her.
Eventually she stopped the vehicle, reasoning that the helicopter pilot might have been trying to attract her attention for some reason. Maureen later said that stopping in the isolated locality is something she would not have normally done.
The object:
Shielding her eyes against the light, she looked up to see an object in the sky which was not a helicopter. She panicked, for it was shaped like "two saucers placed lip to lip." It appeared stationary, some 20-30m behind the car, at an estimated height of about 20-30 metres, thus making it at a 45 degree angular elevation in the sky.
At this location, the road is some 8m wide. Using this as an estimate, she thought the object was 32-40m across and 5-6m high. It had no seams, windows, aerials or other protruberances of any kind. A silver-blue iridescent light radiated from it and it was this that had lit up the road. When Maureen got out of the car she said she heard a low volume, humming noise, which she likened to a moving elevator (lift.)
Her immediate reaction was to get away from it as fast as she could, so she got in her car and drove off at high speed. As she was driving away, she noted that the object was visible through the driver's window and also through the top of the windscreen. In fact, the object appeared to be keeping station over the car. This situation continued on for 12 kilometres, after which the object moved backwards; there was a "streak" of light, and the object was lost to view.
As the Rosebud police station was nearby, Maureen drove there and reported seeing the object. The next day she called the RAAF and reported the encounter to them. They sent out a report form to her which she completed and returned.
RAAF form:
The form which Maureen completed can now be found in the National Archives of Australia on file series A703 control symbol 580/1/1 Part 7 pages 26-28. I have never seen this detail published before so it is well worth recording here.
The form identified the witness as Maureen Puddy, age 37 of Rye, Victoria. She gave her occupation as "housewife." The date is shown as 3 Jul 1972, and the time as 9pm. To the question "How accurate is the time of start?" she wrote "10 mins either side." The duration is given as "15 to 20 minutes." The location is stated as "Mooraduc level crossing (train)." Maureen wrote she had an "excellent" familiarity with that location.
The weather at the time is described as "Very good. Weather clear." The object was first sighted "Above car, 20ft forward." "Approx 45 deg angle." Her attention had been first attracted by "Irrodescent (sic) blue light." The object had been "Light blue" in colour. It was "exceptionally bright." Apparent size at closest approach is given as "Approx 100ft up. Size 2 stories high. Wide than the road." "No" was the answer ro "16. Was any method of propulsion obvious.?"
Asked about sound, she wrote "Light sound. Similar to elevator." It was "Approx 100ft off the ground." "Hovering." To "Give duration of any stationary phase" she wrote "2 minutes." Then "followed car." There was no trail, exhaust, vapour, or light seen. It was last observed at "Junction Mooraduc & Nepean Highway."
The form asked "What natural phenomenon...would be nearest to explaining your observation?" Maureen wrote "Nothing." "Nothing known like it or seen like it." A sketch is then provided showing an oval object - height "Approx 20ft." The form was signed M Puddy and dated 7 Jul 1972.
Page 29 of the RAAF file is a handwritten note by Maureen, which reads:
"First indication was blue light across road. Thought it was helicopter landing speeded to pass out of light. Kept up with me. I then slowed to approximately 20mph. It slowed down too. I speed up again light followed. I then pulled to the side of the road thinking helicopter was in trouble. Got out and there it was approx two light poles high off the ground and the only noise was a light purring sound like a lift.
I froze for about 2 minutes then got into the car and took off at high speed to escape. It followed me approx 8 miles according to the police at Rosebud to whom I reported it at aprox 9.15pm Monday 3rd July 1972.
Enclosed is a drawing I did on arriving home while it was still very clear in my mind. No portholes or windows only a very bright light."
Page 25 of the file is a sketch. Its shows an oval shaped object, 16-20ft high. There are hand written notes which say "Noise sound like moving lift. Not loud." Also, "static blue light. No smoke. No flashing lights. No portholes or windows."
Page 30 is Part 2 of the form headed "Unit evaluation." This is for the RAAF's investigating officer to complete. It shows there were no military or civilian aircraft in the area at the time. The observer's locations is given as about 38.13S, 145.04 long E. A meteorological balloon had been launched from RAAF Laverton at 2300hrs. Wind profile is shown as ' N6000 W1000 - WSW 10000. Maximum height tracked 10,000ft at 2300+."
Page 31 is a hand written note by Flt Officer R O Gibbs dated 11 Jul 1972. HQSC which reads "No military helicopter operating. Checked with DCA and local helicopter operators. Only traceable IFR helicopter based at Sale. When Mrs Puddy made initial sighting report by phone she expressed a wish not to be interviewed."
Page 23 is a memo dated 11 Jul 1972 from HQSC to DAFI which reads:
" Attached is a report received from Mrs M Puddy of Rye, giving her impressions of an alleged object sighted in the Mooraduc (Vic) area on 3rd July 1972.
2. This headquarters has no further comments to add to the information ssupplied at part 2 of the questionnaire." The memo was signed by Wing Commander W C Keritz.
(To be continued.)
Posted on behalf of Keith Basterfield due to posting problems.
My last couple of cold case investigations have both involved single witnesses in a motor vehicle, when an unusual object has approached them, as opposed to cases where a witness comes across a landed object.
In the 15 Nov 1967 Yerecoin, WA event, Alan Pool was in his land rover when a grey, 3.6m diameter, 1.5m high object rapidly approached him and hovered close by his vehicle. It left vertically, at speed. There was no effect on the vehicle and Pool reported his encounter to police.
The 30 Oct 1967 Boyup Brook, WA event involved a man on his own, in a motor vehicle. His vehicle suddenly stopped and all electrical systems failed. A tube of light shone on him, from a 9m diameter, oval shaped object, some 30m above the car. The object left at speed. The witness told the police about the encounter.
When researching these two cases I immediately thought back to a similar event which happened in the state of Victoria in 1972. Here, the witness in this case reported two encounters and some really unusual side events. She reported the incidents to the police and to the RAAF. However, at the time of the events no researcher had ever seen the material which lay in the RAAF files until many years later. In this post I report on the case; including the RAAF material, which will be new to most readers.
The first encounter:
On 3 Jul 1972, 37 year old Maureen Puddy, a resident of Rye, in Victoria, Australia, was driving her station wagon near a railway crossing on the Mooraduc Road, between Frankston and Dromana, when an unusual event occurred.
The following details were provided to me by investigators Garry Little (now deceased) and Bill Stapleton of Melbourne who conducted a number of interviews with Mrs Puddy at the time the events were happening to her.
At 9.15pm local time (GMT plus 9hrs) Maureen was driving home alone in her 1963 Holden station wagon, after visiting her son who was in hospital in the Melbourne suburb of Heidelberg.
Just after she had passed the railway crossing, a blue light lit up the road. At first, she thought the light was coming from a helicopter, of the sort which had airlifted her son to hospital. So, she didn't take too much notice of it, though later, she recalled that she had heard no noise which was strange if it had been a helicopter. Even so, it was too low for a normal flight, so she became alarmed and accelerated trying to get ahead of the light. This didn't work, so she tried slowing down thinking that the light would be lost in this way. Instead, the light stayed with her.
Eventually she stopped the vehicle, reasoning that the helicopter pilot might have been trying to attract her attention for some reason. Maureen later said that stopping in the isolated locality is something she would not have normally done.
The object:
Shielding her eyes against the light, she looked up to see an object in the sky which was not a helicopter. She panicked, for it was shaped like "two saucers placed lip to lip." It appeared stationary, some 20-30m behind the car, at an estimated height of about 20-30 metres, thus making it at a 45 degree angular elevation in the sky.
At this location, the road is some 8m wide. Using this as an estimate, she thought the object was 32-40m across and 5-6m high. It had no seams, windows, aerials or other protruberances of any kind. A silver-blue iridescent light radiated from it and it was this that had lit up the road. When Maureen got out of the car she said she heard a low volume, humming noise, which she likened to a moving elevator (lift.)
Her immediate reaction was to get away from it as fast as she could, so she got in her car and drove off at high speed. As she was driving away, she noted that the object was visible through the driver's window and also through the top of the windscreen. In fact, the object appeared to be keeping station over the car. This situation continued on for 12 kilometres, after which the object moved backwards; there was a "streak" of light, and the object was lost to view.
As the Rosebud police station was nearby, Maureen drove there and reported seeing the object. The next day she called the RAAF and reported the encounter to them. They sent out a report form to her which she completed and returned.
RAAF form:
The form which Maureen completed can now be found in the National Archives of Australia on file series A703 control symbol 580/1/1 Part 7 pages 26-28. I have never seen this detail published before so it is well worth recording here.
The form identified the witness as Maureen Puddy, age 37 of Rye, Victoria. She gave her occupation as "housewife." The date is shown as 3 Jul 1972, and the time as 9pm. To the question "How accurate is the time of start?" she wrote "10 mins either side." The duration is given as "15 to 20 minutes." The location is stated as "Mooraduc level crossing (train)." Maureen wrote she had an "excellent" familiarity with that location.
The weather at the time is described as "Very good. Weather clear." The object was first sighted "Above car, 20ft forward." "Approx 45 deg angle." Her attention had been first attracted by "Irrodescent (sic) blue light." The object had been "Light blue" in colour. It was "exceptionally bright." Apparent size at closest approach is given as "Approx 100ft up. Size 2 stories high. Wide than the road." "No" was the answer ro "16. Was any method of propulsion obvious.?"
Asked about sound, she wrote "Light sound. Similar to elevator." It was "Approx 100ft off the ground." "Hovering." To "Give duration of any stationary phase" she wrote "2 minutes." Then "followed car." There was no trail, exhaust, vapour, or light seen. It was last observed at "Junction Mooraduc & Nepean Highway."
The form asked "What natural phenomenon...would be nearest to explaining your observation?" Maureen wrote "Nothing." "Nothing known like it or seen like it." A sketch is then provided showing an oval object - height "Approx 20ft." The form was signed M Puddy and dated 7 Jul 1972.
Page 29 of the RAAF file is a handwritten note by Maureen, which reads:
"First indication was blue light across road. Thought it was helicopter landing speeded to pass out of light. Kept up with me. I then slowed to approximately 20mph. It slowed down too. I speed up again light followed. I then pulled to the side of the road thinking helicopter was in trouble. Got out and there it was approx two light poles high off the ground and the only noise was a light purring sound like a lift.
I froze for about 2 minutes then got into the car and took off at high speed to escape. It followed me approx 8 miles according to the police at Rosebud to whom I reported it at aprox 9.15pm Monday 3rd July 1972.
Enclosed is a drawing I did on arriving home while it was still very clear in my mind. No portholes or windows only a very bright light."
Page 25 of the file is a sketch. Its shows an oval shaped object, 16-20ft high. There are hand written notes which say "Noise sound like moving lift. Not loud." Also, "static blue light. No smoke. No flashing lights. No portholes or windows."
Page 30 is Part 2 of the form headed "Unit evaluation." This is for the RAAF's investigating officer to complete. It shows there were no military or civilian aircraft in the area at the time. The observer's locations is given as about 38.13S, 145.04 long E. A meteorological balloon had been launched from RAAF Laverton at 2300hrs. Wind profile is shown as ' N6000 W1000 - WSW 10000. Maximum height tracked 10,000ft at 2300+."
Page 31 is a hand written note by Flt Officer R O Gibbs dated 11 Jul 1972. HQSC which reads "No military helicopter operating. Checked with DCA and local helicopter operators. Only traceable IFR helicopter based at Sale. When Mrs Puddy made initial sighting report by phone she expressed a wish not to be interviewed."
Page 23 is a memo dated 11 Jul 1972 from HQSC to DAFI which reads:
" Attached is a report received from Mrs M Puddy of Rye, giving her impressions of an alleged object sighted in the Mooraduc (Vic) area on 3rd July 1972.
2. This headquarters has no further comments to add to the information ssupplied at part 2 of the questionnaire." The memo was signed by Wing Commander W C Keritz.
(To be continued.)
Posted on behalf of Keith Basterfield due to posting problems.
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