Thursday, May 19, 2011

Adelaide contactee - 1955


You may be aware of my interest in the subject of contactees, from previous posts on this blog. I recently found such an account from right here in Adelaide.

Courtesy of Jerry Clark in the USA I recently obtained a copy of an article titled "UFOs and parapsychology" written by H. S. W. Chibbett, which appeared in the English "Flying Saucer Review" Special Issue Number 3, dated September 1969. (Click here.)

Harold Chibbett was a paranormal investigator in the United Kingdom. In 1956 he came across a copy of the "Australian Saucer Record" (ASR) (Volume 1 number 4, 1955) which contained an article on page 12 titled "Janet."


"Janet" was the name given to a 10 year old Adelaide girl who was being treated by a hypnotist for a slight nervous disorder. On one occasion, when the hypnotist asked "Where are you now, Janet?" she replied "In a flying saucer."

The ASR article stated "The astonished hypnotist questioned her further and received a running commentary on a trip inside a saucer to another planet. She described the landing, the people and a kind of city - all as though it were actually happening and she were merely describing what she saw.

Members of the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society sat in on another hypnotic session. "Questioned by the hypnotist and three committee members in turn, she described a city and people, and even spoke to the people and asked them questions. We made many tests to discover if the whole thing was a hoax, finally establishing that, whatever the case might be, it was not a consciouses hoax on the part of Janet."

The article concluded:

"Janet is a normal schoolgirl, of average, or perhaps a little above average, intelligence; no more interested than most girls of her age in space travel or science fiction. Her interests lie in the direction of music and drawing rather than reading. During the experiment, she spoke in her normal voice. We give the story to our readers without further comment, beyond an assurance that the facts are completely accurate and adequately documented."

My comments:

I found this account, from the very early days of South Australian UFO Research of interest to my contactee studies.

Firstly, because it involved the use of material gained under hypnosis. You will no doubt be aware of the great debate about the value of information retrieved from abductees under hypnosis. Some UFO researchers believe hypnotically retrieved information to be tainted by the process used to retrieve it.

Secondly, the year was 1955. A recent search of Adelaide newspapers by myself, for the years 1954 and 1955 have revealed a greater number of published "flying saucer" reports than I had previously been aware of.

My catalogue "South Australian UFO Reports Listing" now contains 17 reports from the year 1954 alone.

If any reader would like a personal updated copy of the South Australian UFO reports listing, send me an email to and I will forward you a copy.


  1. i wonder why aliens are so shy. What i never understood why governments hide these things. I never heard any contactee ever described whats inside ufo or got any photographs. Only thing they know which makes them super hero is anti gravity propulsion system and telepathy.

  2. i wonder why aliens are so shy. What i never understood why governments hide these things. I never heard any contactee ever described whats inside ufo or got any photographs. Only thing they know which makes them super hero is anti gravity propulsion system and telepathy. ernments hide these things. I never heard any contactee ever described whats inside ufo or got any photographs. Only thing they know which makes them super hero is anti gravity propulsion system and telepathy.


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