Sunday, February 13, 2011

New book alert - Harris

Hi readers

This post is to alert you to a new book by investigative journalist Paola Harris (click here for her website.)

The book is titled "Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality" published through authorhouse a leading self publishing company, released this month, ISBN 978-1-4567-2220-3. 328 pages. (Click here to go to authorhouse.)

It was recently reviewed by Michael E Salla, on the Exopolitics Institute website. In part Salla writes: "In her newly released book...she discusses nine protocols for extraterrestrial contact...her work in documenting whistleblowers and experiencer testimonies has made her one of the founders of the new academic discipline of exopolitics which she believes is the key to forging a new international political reality."

When asked by Salla why focus on whistleblowers and experiencer testimony, Harris responded "They make the field credible. Most are military and pilots and scientists working for Black Projects."

Although I have not yet seen a copy of the book, Paola's wesbite gives some clues as to whom these military personnel and experiencers are. The website shows she has interviewed:

- A "Colorado Doctor" who had kept an audio recording of a telephone conversation with Colonel Phillip Corso in 1998

- Captain Robert Salas

- Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer

- Experiencer Stan Romanek.

I await reading the book with interest.

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