Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wine and UFOs

Hi readers

It has been a couple of weeks since my last post. I have been away at two conferences in Perth, Western Australia.

I found Perth to be a wonderfully vibrant place, and attending conferences freshens up one's professional life. However, the highlight of my trip was an opportunity to spend time with a close friend and colleague, who knows and shares my UFO interests. Like me, they have never belonged to a UFO group, doing their own research at their own pace.

It was nice to be able to lower my guard in her presence. As you might guess, we spent hours over a glass or two of fine Margaret River wine "chewing the fat." We reflected on a number of things.

1. How difficult it is to find up to date articles on UFOs published in a recognised, peer reviewed science journal. This led us to recognise how difficult it is for UFO researchers to get published in such journals. In reference to Australian researchers we could only think of one such article, by Robert Bartholomew, Keith Basterfield and George Howard back in the early 1990's (for details click here.)

2. That it is hard to locate detailed technical documents on individual Australian UFO cases. There are cases on various websites belonging to Australian UFO groups, but not detailed enough for our liking. UFO groups cannot expect scientists to look at the topic without providing good documentation. I'd recommend UFO groups in Australia publish such material.

3. Judging by much of the material available on the internet today, it is no wonder scientists steer clear of the UFO phenomenon.

4. How individuals such as ourselves, professional career women, have to tread very carefully with our UFO interests. Dear reader, you have probably worked out by now that "Pauline Wilson" is a pseudonym and "medical researcher" is a very generic description of my actual profession. I offer no apologies for these mild deceptions, as the internet is full of such ways of protecting one's privacy.

Rachael, my friend in Perth, asked me why I had chosen to blog anonymously? I told her that it was one way I could contribute to the debate on UFOs. A fresh look at what is available is always useful. From the feedback I have received, it appears that my observations have made some points.

A couple of readers have asked if they could meet me, but I have declined. I feel that my anonymity in no way decreases the validity or value of my contribution,.

As we drained another glass of excellent Western Australian wine, we wondered if anything will change; and if and when science will embrace the UFO phenomenon?

Cheers for now!

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