Monday, October 2, 2023

Two more BAASS AAWSAP documents emerge


In a blog dated 30 September 2023, I reported on a number of documents which we have so far seen, which were generated by the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) contract for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) and submitted to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). These documents were all listed in appendix 1 to a 2021 book authored by James T. Lacatski; Colm A. Kelleher and George Knapp.

Back in July 2022 I also reported on the emergence of a number of UAP databases which seemed to be created using many of the UAP databases contained in the BAASS AAWSAP CAPELLA data warehouse; as listed in the Lacatski et al book. 

I posed the question of where these BAASS AAWSAP documents were coming from, so many years after the closure of the AAWSAP? In addition, I wondered who had re-issued, and was now using the CAPELLA look-alike data warehouse?

Further BAASS AAWSAP documents

I have acquired two additional BAASS AAWSAP documents which are not listed in the Lacatski et al,  appendix 1. 

1. "CAPELLA Data Warehouse: Dominique Weinstein's Pilots' Database Completion Summary." Final version - July 16, 2009. Revised - April 21, 2010.

This three-page document:

"Summarizes the Dominique Weinstein Pilots' database as contained within the BAASS data warehouse...the final BAASS version of the Dominique Weinstein Pilots' database is a Microsoft Excel file named "Capella+Pilots-8.xlsm."

The document provides details on the background to the Pilots' database, and the changes made to the original for BAASS purposes; restructuring some data fields, adding additional fields and assigning all reports a Vallee classification. 

The total number of Pilots' sightings shown in the document is 483. This is the same number of cases listed in the Lacatski et al, appendix 1. There is an analysis of these 483 records by Vallee classification, AN1 to CE5; together with a pie chart showing division into Vallee classification.

Courtesy: anonymous

Interestingly, all three pages contain a footnote which reads "D. S. Kurth July 15, 2009." We know from Jacques Vallee's "Forbidden Science: Volume 5" that former U.S. Marine pilot Douglas S. Kurth (onsite for the 2004 Nimtz encounters) managed the work on the BAASS AAWSAP CAPELLA data warehouse.

2. "Canada Database Information." 

This is another three-page document, although this one is not assigned an author, and is undated. 

"This database was built from cases extracted from the Canadian Release of Records on the web." Total cases 14,935 "(regularly changing with new records found, duplicate records removed.)"

There is a pie chart of these cases divided by Vallee classification. Out of the 14,935, 3,655 were described as IFO and 4,850 were labelled 'Not classified.'

Courtesy: anonymous

It is noted in the document that "BAASS will only put the Yellow CAPELLA format (608 cases)" plus 137 from the Orange category.

Checking with appendix 1 to the Lacatski et al book, I note that there the "Canadian release spreadsheet 1971-1981" has 795 cases. This suggests that this document may be an interim and not a final version.

CAPELLA data warehouse - NIDS

In looking at the appendix 1 to the Lacatski et al book, I note that there is reference to a NIDS spreadsheet containing 1,570 cases which was sent to the DIA. It was titled "CAPELLA Data Warehouse - NIDS Database Completion Summary. BAASS, 17 June 2009 (2 pages). I have not yet acquired a copy of this document. 

I welcome communications from anyone who may have copies of BAASS AAWSAP documents which I have not reported upon in my recent blog posts. 

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