Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Defense Intelligence Agency says it will shortly release AAWSAP/BAASS UAP related material

Letter from the Defense Intelligence Agency

Today, Twitter user @LeeNich40634972 alerted us to an interesting piece of news from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request he submitted to the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA.) In a tweet, he provided details of a response from the DIA which included the following statement:

"Currently, we are in the process of updating our reading room to provide an estimation of 40 additional records referencing AAWSAP and BAASS. This should be available in the next few weeks."


In 2018, dozens of UAP researchers submitted requests under the FOIA, to the DIA, asking, in various ways, for paperwork on the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) and Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS). Although a couple of researchers, e.g. Steven Aftergood in 2019, received a final response, the bulk of requesters are still waiting their own final responses.  

The October 2021 publication of the book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon," by James T. Lacatski; Colm Kelleher and George Knapp, provided a list of over 100 reports, submitted by BAASS to the DIA under the AAWSAP contract. 

Image: Courtesy Amazon Books

So here, it is now 2022 and the DIA has now stated that it is updating its website with "an estimation of 40 additional records referencing AAWSAP and BAASS." 

Note the use of the word "additional."  The current DIA electronic reading room has a tab "Defense Intelligence Reference Documents" (DIRDs) which, when opened, reveals copies of five DIRDs, all of which were previously known. These were prepared under AAWSAP by BAASS.

No further details are available as to what types of records they might be; they could simply be the remaining 33 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents created by the program; or they could be some of the records listed in "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon." At present, no one knows. 

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