Thursday, February 10, 2022

John Ramirez interviewed by George Knapp

Coast to Coast

On 30 January 2022, an ex-CIA employee, John Ramirez was interviewed by George Knapp, on Coast to Coast AM. Here is a set of my notes from that interview. Every time I hear John Ramirez interviewed, I learn a little bit more about his work in the UAP arena, as well as something about his own experiences, views and opinions. 

John Ramirez

The notes

George Knapp (G): John Ramirez served in the CIA between 1984 and 2009. Science and technology area. Ballistic missile defence and radar analyst. Prior to the CIA he was in the Navy. Can you share how you came to work for the CIA?

John Ramirez (J): While growing up I was always interested in the Intelligence Community. In the Navy I was in electronic warfare. Wrote to the CIA while I was in the Navy. Finished the Navy and got a degree, then I saw a newspaper ad for the CIA. One year later, I was being polygraphed and on 18 June 1984 joined the CIA. In a way its like working for a news organisation. 

Personal experiences

In my childhood, when I was aged 4, parents got me my first telescope. I felt I should just be out there. I didn't belong here. Experiences of mine included  being examined by a doctor and nurse in a house. I remember reading books - one book had illustrations of a man and a woman. In the woman's hand was a modern human baby. Above them were two flying saucers. The message to me was where we come from.  Got an astronomy book. Felt message - somewhere, someone was looking at me. All through my life - as a teenager, wanted to be 'taken.' Felt I belonged to somewhere else.

One occasion was when a tall being took me through a window - I saw inside the craft - circular. I was placed on an examing table. Groin markings found next day.

G: Did you tell the CIA about this?

J: They were on only interested in lifestyle. Is there anything in your life which an enemy could use against you? 

G: Did you share UFO information within the CIA?

J: Absolutely. I met other experiencers in the CIA. Also NSA folks. One guy told me his brother and he saw a craft land as a child. People were inside. I went to UFO conferences. Prior to going, I gave details to the relevant inhouse CIA area. I went as a private citizen. The CIA never requested me to spy on people. After the first three years, and then every five years, you undergo reinvestigation. You are asked what hobbies you have? I told them about my UFO interests.

G: Anything more formal? Briefings? Discussions?

Russian encounters

J: No. There is no CIA office door that says "UFOs." My job was ballistic missiles. There were instances where Russian radar "would detect unusual craft." Their strategic rocket forces went on alert, coincident with a detection of something over their air space.  I was the analyst for a certain Russian large phase radar looking over the north pole. It detected something. I wrote a memo for the Deputy Secretary of Defense John Deutch, so that would place it in the Clinton administration in the 1990's.

Also I did see something occurring in Russia when they interacted with a craft. Russian government knew about the phenomenon. Purposely wanted to lure it down. Major General in Russia "Alexaef" [phonetic spelling - KB] said they used lasers and radar. They used the radar I was the anlayst for. Profoundly interesting, but I can't talk about it.

G: No CIA door saying "UFOs." Does it exist somewhere?

J: Gerald Haines, official historian for the CIA, wrote a paper about the CIA and UFOs between 1947 and 1990. There was always some part of the CIA interested in the topic. I think the Life Science area was the most interested. Medical people studying UFOs. Why? Bodies - I dont know. They also looked into remote viewing and the paranormal. They looked at what Russia waas doing in these areas.

G: Petrozavodsk case in Russia. 1977 jellyfish. That started a 10 year long study by Russia until 1987. I met the guy running it. Was that on your radar?

J: Yes it was. First heard of the case through open source article in Aviation Week. Purple domes of light. Soviet air defence systems would be triggered by these domes. Coincident with rocket tests.

S band radar would track the missile and artefacts travelling with the missile. FTD believe it could be counter measures - masking a first strike. Russians treated it as a UAP. IS 25 and 27 missiles. There were domes associated with them - exhausts. Not like the domes seen earlier. One time an American aircraft was monitoring tests near Kamchatka when one of the pilots described a wall of white light coming towards him at 6200 mph, from ground level to high up. Robert S. Hopkins. Analysts still believed it was counter measures to obscure tests.

G: Could Russia or China be responsible for what the Navy saw?

J: I dont believe so. Drones do not exhibit the five observables. It is not foreign technology.

G: Where were you when you saw the Gimbal video?

J: Unusual - as for a sensor malfuction - no.

G: Do you jump into Twitter conversations?

J: Not just Navy aircraft. Seen by advanced sensors. KH11 satellites - NRO - I would believe the government has very good data. I am led to believe that we have better data.

Congressional knowledge

G: Has Congress seen this stuff?

J: Armed Services and Intelligence Committees of the House and the Senate would have access to this data. They fund these satellites.

G: There are lots of guesses by armchair people - tic tac, spheres, Gimbal, pyramids, which say they are all US tech. I can't imagine the military lying to committees.

J: I don't think that can happen. The tech being exhibited - if they had this tech we aren't going to tease our own side.

G: Thoughts on who they are? Why they are here? Are we ever going to know? Stepping forward.

J: It was important for me to come forward after Dec 2017. I had my 74 slide show presentation cleared by the Office of Pre-publication. It came back all unclassified. I see highly evolved beings which come from a reptilian ancestry. Othe experiencers in government see mantis types. Government has addressed who is behind flying craft. I have three groups 1) strangers, 2) visitors, 3) residents. Perhaps it is because of what we have done to the planet. They are interested in our nuclear weapons - they might not want that to hppend to their creation.

Nukes and UAP

Malstrom USAF base incident. Robert Salas. The phenomena disabled missiles on 16 March 1967. Miniutemen. That summer Johnson as President met with the Rusians and started to look at reducing the number of nuclear missiles. Since then there has been a decline in numbers, and we advise each other of test launches and we look into this.

G: Would they intervene?

J: I would hope they would. Hastings' book - Navy - deploy nuclear capable ships. No surprise to me that we have reports of USOs.

G: You mentioned Russia tried to lure UAP. I have heard rumors that the US Navy also tried to lure UAP.

J: I don't know. Not heard about that. in NADAA 2022 - has language about capturing a UAP. That suggest we might shoot one down. Better way would be non-kinetic.

Russia reported that they attracted one on the ground. Put arm up - UAP went up. Leaned one way, craft leaned that way.

G: Why the Navy?

Chase Brandon

J: It is unusual that the USAF is absent. Navy had nuclear vessels. Probably why. 13/7/12 - Chase Brandon on C2C. He said that they were transmedium and tracked seven craft - sounds like he was informed. He was CIA and did write a novel but with the facts in there. Non human beings in the Roswell files at the CIA. 

Chase couldn't write it as a factual book. Cleared by Pre-publication. Catalysmic event in the future might need aliens to intervene. DNI Gates said he had a lot of respect for Chase.

G: Melinda Leslie. Did you go on her tour and did you see anything?

J: Yes. Two weeks ago. Saw orbs through military grade nightscope. Saw craft. Satellites do not skip. One did just that. String of five closely spaced lights. Particiapnts given lasers to alert each other. Melinda told him that on a subsequent tour, a structured craft was seen. Go to Sedona for the tour.

G: Beings - more than one intelligence. Can we figure it out?

J: I am encouraged by what Avril Haines said - extraterrestrially. Government says there are things we can't explain. Former Intelligence community leaders have made statements. Tend to believe they are benevolent. Havana syndrome. Tends to happen to IC officers.

The session then opened to phone questions, during which John says that he has been trying to locate Chase Brandon and that George should interview Brandon. 

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