Saturday, March 23, 2019

The passing of Cynthia Kathleen Dickmann

Cynthia Kathleen Dickmann

Following so shortly after the passing of well known South Australian UAP researcher Ray Brooke, I am sad to advise that another South Australian colleague, Cynthia Kathleen Dickmann, has recently, and unexpectedly, passed away.

Many current Adelaide UAP researchers may not have heard of "Kathy" as she was known to her colleagues. She liked to work behind the scenes, keeping a low personal public profile. Kathy was a quiet achiever, in her life-long interest in the subject. From early childhood, her inquiring mind wanted to know all about the "big picture" of our existence. This interest continued throughout her life.

Overseas conferences

For many years, Kathy attended numerous overseas UAP conferences, particularly in the USA and the United Kingdom, and she made extensive connections with UAP researchers in these, and other countries. At one stage, her published articles in the English "Flying Saucer Review" led to her being asked if she would take on the role of FSR's Editor. She declined.

When her husband Douglas travelled to a number of countries with his work, Kathy would take the opportunity to go along with him, and make local inquiries about the UAP subject. In this way, she became known to individuals in such diverse places as Cuba and Mongolia. Once, when on a transpacific air flight, she even got invited up into the cockpit of an airliner, and asked the crew if they had ever seen anomalous phenomena. They confirmed they had. On another occasion, Kathy rolled up to the front gate of Pine Gap, and asked to hand in a video she had with her. She recognized the individual who came out to the gate to speak to her. She had previously seen him at a UFO conference in Brisbane!


I attended Kathy's funeral in Adelaide today, along with my wife Jane; and UAP colleagues Helen Danby, Debbie Payne; Mike Howley; and Colin Paule and his wife. We had all worked at some time with Kathy. on projects of various kinds; including the five year program of researching the Australian Government's UAP files. Another colleague, Roger Koch, was unable to attend, owing to ill health.

Besides her passion for the UAP subject, Kathy read widely on astronomy and space science; enjoyed her gardening; was an excellent cook; trained in Taekwondo; loved to help others in need; and enjoyed travelling to such places as Machu Picchu; Cuba; Mongolia; the UK and USA; and South America.

Kathy is survived by her husband Douglas; her son Anton; her daughter Astrid; and a multitude of other family members.

Her inquiring mind will be missed.

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