Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New book alert - "UFOs Over Poland" - Piotr Cielebias

Hi all,

I am always interested to read a book about UAP observations from other countries. I had the opportunity recently, with Cielebias, P. 2015. "UFOs Over Poland: The Land of High Strangeness. Published by Flying Disk Press. Pontefract, England. ISBN 978-0-9934928-8. Cielebias holds an MA in history, a BA in Political Sciences, and is a writer and journalist. The book covers crash stories; entity cases; flying triangles; historical and photographic cases; and numerous close encounters.

Polish research

Image courtesy of Amazon Books.
As to research into the subject:

* "In 1961 the first Polish book featuring the UFO problem appeared. It was Latajace talerze (Flying Saucers) of Janusz Thor." (p.29.)

* "From 1978...according to Piechota's and Rzepecki's estimates, there were more than 400 reported accounts of unidentified flying objects in Poland with 1979 as the hottest year..." (p.35.)

* "In five years after the Emilcin encounter [1978-KB] there appeared around thirteen new UFO research groups all over Poland..." (p.53.)

Official responses include:

* "According to many military informants, the Polish Air Force of People's Polish Army issued a special protocol for potential UFO observers in uniform." (p.61.)

* "Official Polish government/military UFO files remains a controversial topic. If these ever existed they were surely not related to any specific project on unidentified aerial phenomena. " (p.61.)

* There is no doubt that the Polish Army has kept its eye on ufologists in the past and is still doing so even today." (p.63.)

In summary

Overall, Poland experiences the full range of aspects of the phenomenon as in many other countries.

I found the book easy to read; entertaining; informative; and well worth purchasing a copy to obtain a non-US perspective, which so often gets overlooked.

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