Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New book alert - Webb

Hi all,

This is a short, 80 page length book titled "UFOs," by Stuart Webb, published by Rosen Publishing, New York, in 2013. ISBN is 978-1-4488-7176-6. (Click here to read about Rosen.)

It provides a simplified, non-sourced overview, of a range of  classic cases, including Kenneth Arnold (1947); Mantell (1948); Trinidade (1958); Exeter (1965); Bentwaters (1956); and Cash/Landrum (1980.)

Interestingly, for Australian readers, and fairly unusual for a US published book, it also covers rather a high number of Australian cases. These are, the Yerecoin, Western Australia (1967); (Click here for my own blog post on this event); Tayene, Tasmania (1974); Tully, Queensland (1966): and Valentich (1978) cases.

The book would make a good gift for someone who wanted to quickly gain a very broad overview of the phenomenon. However, there is nothing in the book cover to tell us, who Stuart Webb is, nor his qualifications or reasons for writing this book.

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