Sunday, October 18, 2009

Psychic close encounters -2

Sunday once more! Time to write up more from Budden's first book.

Speaking of artificial EM radiation -from TV transmitters ets. "It is evident that these electromagnetic fields register in the human body and are then represented by it as hallucinatory or apparitional phenomena, including UFOs and aliens."

"The ESH argues that the unconscious frequently responds to these fields during altered states, and presents perceptions and/or realities that are dramatic representations of interactions with aliens and their technology; the pur[poses of which it to establish an acceptance of the unconscious in society." p 24.

Why the 'unconscious"?
"It is in touch with the inner store imagery, experiences and beliefs of the individual..."p29. "The unconscious in any one indivdual scans the immediate environment around it on a more or less permanent basis, and when it detects such an energy, it uses it to create an apparition, vision or CE experience." p 29.

"It would seem, then, that when houses or buildings are saturated with ambient electrical fields, poltergeists occur; and when wider areas in the landscape are electromganetically affected, UFO encounters occur." p76.

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