Sunday, March 16, 2025

Who is talking about UAP these days?


Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In recent times this has broadened to include academics, politicians, defence personnel, members of the intelligence community, private corporations, and learned professional associations. This trend continues with two more items of interest.

National Defense Industry Association

According to their website, the U.S. National Defense Industry Association, which has 1,720 corporate and 67,000 individual members:

"...drives strategic dialogue in national security by identifying key issues and leveraging the knowledge and experience of its military, government, industry, and academic members to overmatch capabilities to threats."

 It was therefore of interest to note that one of the NDIA's Emerging Technology Institute's monthly webinar series, to be held 27 March 2025 is titled "Tech 101: Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.

The description given for the one-hour session is:

"Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) research involves distinguishing between hoaxes, misidentifications, and truly anomalous sightings. While most UAP reports can be attributed to conventional explanations - such as natural atmospheric or man-made objects - some cases remain unresolved, requiring better data for a deeper investigation.

This webinar will explore the challenges of UAP identification, providing an overview of analytical methodologies used to assess sightings. The presentation will include examples of confirmed misidentifications, cases with prosaic explanations, and more complex UAP reports that defy easy resolution. 

In addition, the session will highlight emerging technologies and legislative efforts that could help the public distinguish between prosaic objects and the truly anomalous ones, enabling researchers to focus on the most compelling cases. These advancements could also play a role in addressing the increasing threat by adversarial drone, offering dual-use applications for national security and aerospace monitoring.

By examining both the scientific and technological frontiers of UAP research, this webinar will provide insight into the evolving landscape of aerial phenomenon investigations and the tools shaping its future."

Dr. Douglas Buettner

The speaker is Dr. Douglas Buettner, Deputy Chief Scientist, Acquisition Innovation Research Center, Stevens University. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics and a PhD in aeronautical engineering with over 30 years of industry experience.  On the UAP side, he is a member of the board of directors for the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, and co-founder and chief technologist for, a recent iphone app for gathering data about UAP sightings. For a more detailed bio please click here. 

2025 Paris Defence and Strategy Forum

According to its website, the Paris Defence and Strategy Forum is a major international conference "...devoted to defence and security issues."

An inspection of the Forum's programme reveals that on 13 March 2025, there was a ninety-minute session titled "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena." 

In a 14 March 2025 post on "X" French researcher Baptiste Friscourt advised that:

"It was my honor to represent The Debrief and Sentinel News at the 2025 Paris Defense and Strategy Forum, in a UAP Defense issues panel organized by Francois Mattens, in the halls of the Defense Academy of the Military School, in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Apologies for those that couldn't attend, the conference room was full...Recording and article in The Debrief available soon."

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Who is talking about UAP these days?

Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...