Thursday, June 22, 2023

Was the Department of Homeland Security keen to take on the AAWSAP?


I have written much about Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) and the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP.) Simply type these acronyms into this blog's search function to read as much as you wish.


French researcher Marc Cecotti submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, on 8 December 2021. In it he sought:

"...a copy of all records, including but not limited to emails, reports, memorandum, presentations, mentioning : "Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program" or the acronym "AAWSAP," "Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies" or the acronym "BAASS." Date range for record search from 1/1/2008 to 12/31/2012."

The DHS response was a one page document with the following text:

"BAASS goals 2011/2012

Area 1:

1. Advanced Technology Analysis Center - analyze recovered AAV technology in collaboration with aerospace companies. Construct extremely secure underground lab facility.

2. Conscious interactions with, and control of, advanced AAV technology.

3. Extend Remote Communications Programs to communicate and retrieve data across dimensional/space-time barrier. Target multiple locations.

4. Identify anomlaous activity in select areas of the United States and establish field research laboratories and remote communication programs on site.

Retrieve and integrate all historical data on AAVs from retirees (oral history.)

Area 2:

1. Liaison with IC, FBI, State, Local and tribal Police, FAA, DoD (including AFOSI), National Laboratories and with US Aerospace companies.

2. Collect data, including classified data, from IC/DoD entities, e.g. cockpit flight recordings of AAV performance, communications, medical autopsy reports, weapons use, AAV trajectory records (from NORAD.)

3. Classified data collection from AAV interactions with Nuclear Wepons Storage Facilities - (Northern Tier and other AFB AAV incidents.)

Area 3:

Note: unclassified seperate organization.

1. Create an open organization for collection of data on AAV performance.

2. Liaise with civilian groups for AAV data collection."


In their 2021 book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" Lacatski, Kelleher and Knapp, had a section on AAWSAP and DHS. Lacatski presented to DHS' Science and Technology Directorate. The book records that Senators Harry Reid and Joe Sender and Lacatski, worked on securing a $10M AAWSAP-like program through DHS. However, leadership at DHS didn't accept this funding.

The book also provides details of BAASS's original proposal for funding from the Defense Intelligence Agency.There were nine areas of work proposed:

1. Global data collection.

2. Contact people with knowledge of novel technologies.

3. Lab program - Skinwalker Ranch as a "living lab."

4. Collect oral history.

5. Potential use of Bigelow space platforms.

6. Existing data that the DIA had.

7. Biological effects of advanced technolgy.

8. Remote sensing.

9. Expert analysis and synthesis.

The DIA for the first year of AAWSAP approved areas 1-4, 6 and 9.


1. You can see from the two nine point plans, that they are somewhat similar.

2. Area 1:1. Analyze recovered AAV technolgy - to my knowledge, no such recovered material ever found its way to AAWSAP, and therefore none was ever analyzed.

3. Area 1:2. Conscious interactions. Robert Bigelow, the creator of BAASS, during the era of the National Institute of Discovery Science (NIDS), was keen to pursue the study of consciousness and the phenomena. So, it is perhaps not surprising to see consciousness mentioned here.

4. Area 1:3. Remote communications programs. We know from individuals who worked as security guards at Skinwalker Ranch between 2010 and 2016, that there were a number of attempts at communication with non-human intelligence.

5. Areas 2:1 and 2:2. These read very much like the current goals of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO.)

6. An interesting find by Marc Cecotti. A little bit more information on AAWSAP and BAASS to add to the puzzle.

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