Monday, May 23, 2022

Account of an 1986 abduction in Adelaide, South Australia


"Synchronicity" is defined as the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related, but in fact have no discernible causal connection. These type of events rarely happen to me, but one occurred in the last few days.

As part of a long-term research project,  I have recently been quietly communicating with a small number of abduction experiencers in the USA. I haven't studied this topic in any detail, since the mid 2000's. As part of the research project, I re-read Budd Hopkins' book "Intruders." One of the sections of the Hopkins' book speaks to accounts of men, who experience abductions with a sexual aspect.

Image courtesy Amazon Books

Within two days of reading the book, out of the blue, I received an email from a man who related an intimate encounter, in 1986, in my home town of Adelaide. I will call him "Jim" for the purposes of relaying the details of what he told me. The sighting which Jim refers to in the opening of his email, is to be found in a 2005 catalogue of South Australia sightings on the Project 1947 website. The scant details of which I was aware at the time are:

2 May 1986, Adelaide, SA. Witnesses at the top of Kensington Road (Aldana?) saw a low, slow moving white light going south of Adelaide and heading downwards. (Source: Darryl Tiggeman of Adelaide, 2004.)

Jim's account

I can shed some possible light with regards to the sighting by witnesses at the top of Kensington Road  (Aldana) back on May 2, 1986. I commenced my security night shift on the Thursday night 1st of May, 1986 just before midnight at the ETSA Building situated on Greenhill Road, Eastwood which are now high rise residential apartments. I worked for MSS back in the 1980's. I commenced my first routine foot patrol of the entire building and outside grounds both external and internal shortly after midnight.

Around 0115 hours I needed to have a short power nap as I had been working long hours through the same week prior to commencing this night shift. I lay on top of the single bed in the sick bay room situated on the 1st floor which was a small room with only a single bed and a small table at the side of the bed. I had a maglite torch, the building keys and a Motorola HT440 two way radio to call the MSS 24/7 Control room at half past the hour every hour. (From 20minutes past the hour to 20 minutes to the hour.)

At approximately 0120 hrs now Friday 2nd of May I placed my routine call to the control room (Base 3.) The ETSA Eastwood Guard Post call sign was Tango 35. After putting in my routine call I lay on top of the single bed in my uniform and I listened to the other guards and patrolmen placing their routine calls.

At approximately 0130 hrs whilst I lay on top of the bed I heard a humming sound and I became paralyzed commencing first at my toes and feet working up my legs, then my torso and head. I could not move or talk and then I felt a dull prodding in my right hand side lower leg and upper thigh area then I began to levitate off the bed and I was being pulled through the wall behind the bed and upwards.

Next I recall laying on a cold metal table surrounded by beings who I would describe as typical greys with large oval shape heads with big black eyes, small nose and a slit mouth as well as long thin arms etc. The room was very brightly lit. I recall the being who stood behind me telepathically saying we will not harm you, you will be okay ( not the exact word however words to that effect.) There was about 3 to 4 of these aforementioned beings surrounding me were they performed some types of medical procedures on me. I must say that I was feeling very uneasy at the time and I was not a person who scared easily and the dark did not worry me when I was working as a static guard and patrolman back then on my own. The medical procedures were very painful.

Once they had finished their medical procedures on me the next thing that I remember was being in a small room seated and there was something happening to my genital region then I recall another being a female sitting astride of me until I ejaculated inside her and I do recall that there was no pleasure felt and it was cold and clinical. I was then taken to another area inside the space craft / flying saucer were I did observe two (2) small beings / greys wearing one piece jump suits sitting at the controls of the space ship, they glanced at me for a few seconds.

In this same area there was a male person who appeared to be a human being of average height and build approximately 40 to 50 years of age wearing a coat. He pointed to a wall inside the space craft and then a large tv like screen appeared and I was shown a terrible future catastrophic event here on our earth and possibly not too far away from our current time. now.

I do recall seeing the surface of the earth on fire, it looked liked molten lava, I could hear people below screaming in fear and crying and voices saying why have you done this and I was told by the male human being in appearance wearing the coat standing next to me that man or mankind does not learn. I also did see several high mushroom clouds on the large tv screen and mention of nuclear. It was very disturbing to watch and listen to.

The same male person wearing the coat said when or near to this time they would come back for me again and others and that we will assist in helping people to escape or evacuate to safety from this same catastrophic event were we calm the same people and help them to board the space craft were we will be taken to a safe location or another planet etc. I do recall being told a date when this catastrophic event will happen on earth, it may have been 2025 or 2026 or around those dates.

I then said to the male wearing the coat I need to go now and he said okay or words to that effect and then a being escorted me down a corridor off the main control room to a door were I stood then the next thing is I am back in the sick bay room laying on my back on the bed. I then got off the bed, I picked up the building keys, two way radio and maglite torch which I shone inside the room and there was no one else in the room.

I walked outside the room and then one of the control room operators called me  and I immediately answered his call and he and his fellow control room operator were both very concerned about my safety and welfare. I had a look at my wrist watch and it was almost 0430 hrs so I had experienced 3 hours of missing time. Next the Guards Inspector turned up on the ground floor and I opened the front main entrance door to let him in.

He was not too impressed as I had to try and explain the reason as to why I did not put in my routine calls at 0230 hrs and 0330 hrs. I could not tell him about my alien abduction encounter for obvious reasons. He was also genuinely concerned about my safety and welfare, I made him a cup of coffee and he more or less believed the reason for not putting in those two aforesaid routine calls, I said the battery on the two way radio must have been flat and he could see the log book had not been filled in since the commencement of my night shift anyway I did not lose my job and he was okay with me.

In conclusion was the slow moving white light seen over Adelaide by the witnesses at the top of Kensington Road Aldana or heading south over Adelaide CBD ? and going downwards the same ufo that I was abducted in? I would say yes as the time, location and date probably coincided with my alien abduction Also bearing in mind back then Adelaide had a much smaller population and on weeknights the main roads were very quiet after 2300 hrs not like they are today. Eastwood is very close to the Adelaide CBD and across the road from the Victoria Park Race Course.

I recall the outside weather on that night / early morning hours to be partly cloudy, cold, some wind and with a few passing showers and I was wearing my winter issue uniform including a bomber jacket. I did not sleep on my back in bed for many years after that incident.

Over time I did tell a few people / friends who believed me. So Keith my aforementioned experience may shed some light on what those witnesses had seen on that same night / early morning. I was going to report this incident years ago. I was one month short of my 30th birthday when this happened. I will be 66 next month in late June and I am RH negative for your information.

Another experience

About 1 to 2 weeks prior to the ETSA Eastwood alien abduction I experienced a few strange experiences 2 nights in row whilst I was working at the ETSA Dry Creek Power Station as an MSS security guard. I was sitting inside the ETSA day workers lunch room being a long Atco site hut, this was at approximately between 0200 hrs to 0300 hrs in the early morning hours in mid to late April, 1986. I was sitting in a chair inside the aforesaid site hut near a west facing window and I heard a humming sound and I could feel my body being lifted from the chair and being pulled towards the window, I strongly resisted and this happened again around the same time on the next night shift. 

To the best of my knowledge on those two nights I was not abducted, in hindsight I would say it was two attempted alien abductions.I stayed inside the hut for about 5 minutes after both aforementioned incidents and I then went outside on a routine foot patrol looking around at ground level and up into the sky and I could not see any ufo's etc. I felt a bit uneasy however not scared. It was a very isolated industrial location back then with no nearby houses.

UFO sightings

I have seen numerous ufo's since my childhood and I believe that I was abducted when I was a young boy although I don't have any real detailed memory that far back in time. I do recall when I was about 11 or 12 years of age sitting in my neighbours back yard at Somerton with my mother and her friend I did see a ufo on a hot summers night flying low over Brighton Road, the object was silent and moving slow and heading south and that was way back in 1967/68.

I had a strange white light follow me home one night at Somerton when I was about 13 or 14 as I was walking along Salisbury Street on my own near Sacred Heart College my former old school and the white light was about 200 feet above me with no sound.

I have had many dreams of ufo's and meeting aliens in the same dreams since I was a young boy. I also did a lot of astral travel when I was young boy and also as an adult.

In 1967 my family and I visited my grandparents most Sundays and they were living at Renown Park in Adelaide back then and on this particular Sunday before lunch time I went for a walk on my own to watch the trains at nearby Dudley Park.

I recall climbing up a tree near the railway line near the corners of Pym Street and Exeter Terrace and just before I climbed the same tree there was 3 to 4 humanoid beings in what appeared to be wearing white space suits with a helmet and black screen and they did not walk they floated or hovered off the ground about 4 to 6 inches, they had what appeared to be metal detectors, there was a small space craft about 20 feet in diameter sitting on legs with an open door and a ladder or steps.

They along with their space craft was situated behind a perimeter fence which was the Bex factory back then. They looked at me for several seconds and then continued to float around. I was only mildly scared. I then climbed the tree and I think one or two trains passed and I climbed back down the tree and walked back to my grandparents house about 1 km away and I never thought anymore about it although there must have been some missing time as everyone was sitting down eating their Sunday roast and my parents and grandparents told me off for being so late and they asked were I had been etc and I never mentioned anything to them about what I had seen.

In the summer of 1979 when I was living at Somerton one evening I visited my next door neighbour and we sat in her kitchen and we began to talk about ufo's and all of a sudden I had a premonition and I said to her a flying saucer is now going to land inside the Bex Factory at Dudley Park on the lawns on the Pym Street side of the factory and next day it was all over the news that there was a circle patch on the lawn at the Bex Factory and I think Colin Norris conducted the investigation and one or two guys out jogging on the same evening reported a strange light in the sky and coming down over the Dudley Park area at the same time I had the premonition.

In 1994 I was working down on the south coast. I had to serve some papers on a man who worked as the night watchman for the Sealink Ferries at Cape Jervis. Back then he lived inside a small Atco hut on a property at Cape Jervis. I located him via his employer and on the morning in question he had driven with his young teenage daughter to Victor Harbor to do some shopping which his landlady told me so I decided to kill some time so I drove back up the hill to the Cape Jervis Tavern and general store were I bought some food to eat and I decided to wait for him to return back home so I could serve the papers to him which he did about 2 hours later.

I made a quick call to my mother from a nearby public phone box and as I was talking to my mother I was looking over the coast across Back Stairs Passage and a ufo flew past with no sound hugging the coast at very low altitude about 100 feet above the cliffs and it was a silver grey colour with a dome on top and I could see port holes on the side of the space craft. I would estimate it's speed to be about 80 to 100 kph and my duration of the sighting was about 15 to 20 seconds and it then started to fly out to the sea in a south east direction towards Cape Willoughby. I could see for a few seconds what appeared to be beings inside near the porthole windows. It was in my estimation about the size of a mini bus and the approximate time of the sighting was about 1100 hrs.

Further sightings

I will share a few more ufo sightings that I seen back in September 1965, 1971/72 and from a mate in 1988.

The sighting in September 1965 occurred when my brother and I and another young friend  left a play ground situated on the corners of Harrison Road and Simpson Avenue, Renown Park in the late afternoon approximately at 1630 hrs. We walked to the corners of Wright and Lamont Streets and we looked towards the southern sky in the direction of Rowley Park and my brother was the first to sight an orange glowing oval shaped object low in the southern sky and static or stationery then my friend and I both seen the same ufo and it remained stationery or hovered for about 30 seconds then it moved to the east towards the Adelaide CBD then it  shot vertical into the sky at very high speed and vanished in thin air.

In 1971/72 on a Sunday cold winters night my brother was driving along the main north road  passing through Para Hills with my mother and I in the car driving in southerly direction at about 1900 / 1930 hrs and I was sitting in the back seat of the car and in the distance in a paddock on the east side of the Main North Road or about 600 to 800 metres off the aforesaid road I could see small bright orange lights that appeared to be port holes and I could make out what appeared to be a round flat object with small people / beings? standing outside of this object. I brought this to the attention of both my mother and brother and my brother and I were going to drive closer to investigate it and my mother said no keep driving and we did. I do not recall any missing time however when we all arrived back home at Somerton we all felt very tired.

After I left MSS I commenced my own guard and patrol company in Adelaide  and some time in 1988 one of my patrolmen ex British SAS was driving south along the Lonsdale road passing Shiedow Park at approximately 0400 hrs and he said he could see in his rear view mirror of the patrol car a bright single light travelling at high speed as he first thought it was a motorcycle and within a very short time the same bright and silent light flew over the top of the patrol car at a very low altitude also travelling south until it was out of sight. It was either late Autumn or Winter 1988 as the weather was cold and on that night / early morning it was cold with a few showers. He said he accelerated up to 150 kph and the same object was still way ahead of him.

End note

I wish to thank Jim for coming forward and giving permission for the above details to be published. For a 2005 catalogue of reported Australian abduction cases, click here. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Canadian government and UAP -what do we know?

Briefing by Elizondo

 An 18 May 2022 article by CTV News, the news division of the CTV television  network in Canada, reported that according to the office of Conservative MP Larry Maguire, both Maguire and another Conservative MP, had a 16 February 2021 briefing by Luis Elizondo.

Elizondo is quoted in that article as saying:

"Mr. Maguire is absolutely correct in his concern, because he knows that these reports do occur...I think the time has come for us to have an open and honest dialogue about this topic without fear of retribution, without stigma and associated taboo."

Briefing requested for the Canadian Minister of Defence 

In a 10 May 2022 article by journalist Tristin Hopper, it was reported that relevant UAP documents had been obtained for CTV News, via the Access to Information Act, the Canadian equivalent of the US Freedom of Information Act. One of these documents was an email, dated 19 May 2021, from George Young, Chief of Staff for the then Minister of Defence, Harjit Sajjan, asking for the Minister to receive a briefing on UAP. In full, it read:

"Good afternoon,

I expect I am not alone in noting the recent increase in comment regarding Unidentified Flying Objects in the media internationally, particularly in the US. UFOs have been the focus of comment both in the Congress and in open media from former President Obama who has noted that he received briefings on UFOs. I also note in this article, for instance, that:

"A stipulation in the "committee comment" portion of the Intelligence Authorization Act for the 2021 fiscal year directed U.S. Intelligence agencies to hand over unclassified reports about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena to Congress by June of this year."

It should/could be expected that the imminent US release of information will prompt questions domestically and with Defence-related implications, more than likely given the nexus with DoD in the US for the upcoming report. 

U.S. Intelligence agencies are expected to deliver a report on "unidentified aerial phenomena" to Congress next month, sparking renewed interest and speculation into how the government  has handled sightings of mysterious flying objects - and if there's any worldly explanation for them. The unclassified report, compiled by the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense, aims to make public what the Pentagon knows about unidentified flying objects, and data analyzed from, such encounters. 

Anticipating this, I believe is is prudent to request a full briefing for Minister Sajjan from the Canadian perspective on this issue. That is to say, a report on any and all research that has been done by CAF/DND; any sightings that have been reported in recent years; any historical information that may be on file; interfaces with other governments on the issue, and any other related information that might be pertinent. In other words, use the broadest possible lens to inform us of any Canadian angle to the issue. We will need this done in a very timely fashion please, given the timeframe noted for the US release of the report."

A second email, dated 20 May 2021, from Lt. Col Kris M Reeves, Senior Military Advisor to the Deputy Minister of National Defence tasked out the preparation of briefing material.

The briefing material was prepared, and a briefing was undertaken in June 2021, exact date unknown. The FOI material obtained, included five briefing slides, as follows:

SCU briefing

The 18 May 2022 article cited above, also noted that there had been two other briefings, this time by a U.S. based organization.  

1. A 20 October 2021 briefing for a Liberal member of Parliament,  by members of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies. These members included Robert Powell, as well as Chris Mellon.

2. 28 January 2022. Presenters not stated.

Conservative MP Larry Maguire

A recent, 13 May 2022,  Op-ed piece was written by MP Larry Maguire, titled "UAPs are real, and Canada should take them seriously." The piece included the following:

" is time to demand action from our government departments. Moreover, it's time for them to engage with the scientific community in an open and transparent manner...Last year I met with Elizondo to learn more about UAP and to better understand the issue. While I did not get access to classified information, it was a good opportunity to ask some in-depth questions...Knowing all this, the two most logical questions we should be asking in Canada are: What information does the government of Canada posess, and what are they doing with it?" and:

"There is documented evidence outlining where DND reports their own internal UAP information, including to NORAD through the 1 Canadian Air Division in Winnipeg, Manitoba, or the 21 Aerospace Control and  Warning Squadron in North Bay, Ontario. This has never been brought to the attention of either Parliament or the Standing Committee on National Defence"

 The 18 May 2022 article added:

"Ontario NDP MP Matthew Green agrees, saying Canada has nothing to lose by investigating UAP. Green is quoted as saying:

"If the testimony coming out of the States provides the public with a glimpse into the seriousness in which they're taking it, then I think it would be well-advised for us to follow in the same pursuit...If they're having public hearings of this nature, I can only begin to imagine what they already privately know."

Update: 22 May 2022

Twitter user Steve T.E. advised me that there was an earlier, 6 May 2022 version of the CTV report.  Canadian science writer and University of Manitoba communications professional Chris Rutkowski, is cited in this earlier article as providing "...material for the Minister's briefing as a 'civilian advisor' and that he last received official UFO data in early 2021."

A communication directly from Chris Rutkowski, to me, stated "One other thing: Maguire doesn't note that he was also briefed by a Canadian UAP researcher. The same one who was noted in the Sajjan briefing." This was, in fact, Rutkowski himself. Rutkowski also provided a link to a 21 May 2022 article on the website titled "Disdain, Confusion around official's handling of UFO reports," reviewed by Rutkowski. It discusses the work of Canadian historian Matthew Hayes, who wrote a thesis on the topic. This work is now available as a book, published 15 May 2022, titled "Search for the Unknown: Canada's UFO Files and the Rise of Conspiracy Theory." 

Rutkowski also pointed out that he had been receiving, and publishing, government reports for decades, and that the briefing to the CDN defence minister made reference to him personally, with the unredacted version of the briefing slides even included a photograph of him.

Update: 3 November 2022

In a 3 November 2022 Canadian TV news item, there was information given about Canadian Air Force jets launched to intercept unknowns. 

Update 18 November 2022

In a 16 November Canadian TV news item, it was revealed that on 22 February 2022, "Members of the Pentagon's UFO task force briefed Canadian military officials."

The briefing was led by the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence's National Intelligence Manager for Aviation; and was attended by ten Canadian defense officials, "...including personnel from the Royal Canadian Air Force and Canadian Forces Intelligence Command."

Update: 15 March 2023

An article in Canadian media reported that the Canadian government was launching an investigation into UAP. 

Update: 24 May 2023

Sky Canada now has its own website.

Update: 2 March 2024

The Canadian Chief Scientist provided an update on the Sky Canada Project. 

Update: 22 April 2024

The "Ottawa Citizen" carried an article by David Pugliese dated 16 April 2024, titled "Canada joins secret Pentagon meeting on UFOs. DND can't figure out who attended.

It was previously acknowledged by the Canadian government that someone from the Royal Canadian Air Force had attended the May 2023 Five Eyes UAP briefing by the former Director of AARO, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick. However, the "Ottawa Citizen" article said that Canada had no plans to attend additional meetings of UAP, nor were Canadian Forces working with the science advisor to the Canadian government on the Sky Canada project. 

Who actually attended on behalf of Canada remains a mystery. "A Canadian Forces intelligence Command officer confirmed his organization had not attended" 'We further confirmed with DRDC that they did not attend either..." DRDC stands for Defense Research and Deveopment Canada. 

Update 16 May 2024

Canadian journalist Daniel Otis continues his pursuit of information on Canada's relationship with the USA, on the subject of UAP. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

A BAASS database report of a 2002 submerged egg-shaped object in the SOCAL OPEAREA

BAASS database

As readers will be aware, recently I have been publishing material which I found in the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) database on the website. Unfortunately, that database was subsequently removed from that website. Howver, before it disappeared, I made notes on a number of the cases mentioned in the BAASS database. 

November 2004 USS Nimitz incidents

What did that database say about the 14 November 2004, USS Nimitz encounters? Here, are the details presented there.

14 November 2004

On the 14 November 2004,  off the South California coast; a single, oblong shaped object was observed by military pilots, on a clear sky day. They reported that they saw an oval/oblong, "Tic Tac" shaped object.It appeared to be 14-15m in size, the size of an AV-88 Harrier jet aircraft fuselage. It hovered and had controlled movement in all planes. When initially seen, it moved both fast and slow. It's height was 10 feet AGL to 20,000 feet MSL. It was seen from above, level; and from below as it departed. The summary also mentions FLIR video; and multiple objects captured on military radar over several days.

Two other startling reports

However, also present in the database are two other, very interesting incidents.

1. 10 October 2002

In the W-291 OPEAREA, off the coast of California/Mexico, on a clear sky day, a military pilot experienced an unusual occurrence. Looking down at a 78 degree look down angle, and seen from a 7230 feet visual slant range, they saw a submerged (estimated 20-50 feet below sea level); opaque or white, egg-shaped object, stationary, below the sea surface. The estimated size of the object was 40 by 60m. There was no disturbance of the surface water. As regards to the surface features of the object, it was recorded as solid, with distortion  blurrring around its edges. There were no physiological effects to the pilot. 

Comment: When I first read the above details I thought I had mistakenly loooked at the 14 November 2004 Fravor encounter. A second look showed that it was a completely different incident, which very closely matched the event of 14 November 2004.

2. 27 October 2004

While in the R-2508 restricted airspace, near NAS China Lake, California., a military jet's air crew (one named Vieley) observed a high speed, highly manouverable object at high altitude.

The sky was clear, and it was daytime. The object was shaped like an egg, but had a more pointed nose than an egg. They estimated the dark grey/black, solid looking object to be approximately 19m in size. The look up angle was about 83.5 degrees. The estimated altitude of the object was around 45,000 feet MSL, and its estimated speed was in excess of 500 knots. The distance to it, at the closest point of the observation was 5.15 (KB-no units given-nm?) visual slant range. 

It was tracking east, then made an aggressive turn into the vertical (arced turn profile with small radius compared to known fighter aircraft. The pilot thought it might have been an advanced US jet such as a F-22 Raptor, but didn't believe that fitted their observation.

Comment: As with the 10 October 2002 incident, I had never, to the best of my knowledge, come across details of either of these two observations before now. Has any blog reader either heard of them, or can provide further details?

In conclusion, it would be worth the time for other researchers to take a look at what is available on the website. 

Update: 15 May 2022

Following a comment from Robert, I revisited my notes on the three cases above. I incorrectly stated that restricted airspace R-2508  was over the Pacific, whereas the BASS database, states it was near China Lake, California. Likewise, I have deleted that the 14 November 2004 Nimitz incident happened in R-2508, when it actually happened off the California/Mexico coast in the Pacific. I have amended the blog post. I see no reference to South Carolina.

Although the BAASS database has gone from the website; it has been captured at where you can read the details of the three reports for yourself.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Mining the "phenomainon" BAASS database for information on those DIA AAWSAP documents

Skinwalkers at the Pentagon

One of the items listed in appendix 1, to the 2021 book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" by James T. Lacatski et al, was a report titled "#4 BAASS Project Management Plan Addendum Report: Paranormal Activity - Tennyson, IN." BAASS 12/3-18/3/10. 174 pages in length. This document is one of the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) documents, which BAASS sent to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA.) We have no access to the original 174 page document, because neither the DIA nor BAASS has released a copy.  

BAASS database

However, we can get a taste of what the investigation was looking into, from the BAASS database on the website (although as at 12 May 2022, the website seems to have removed the BAASS database from the site.) When the database site was up and running, I simply typed "Tennyson" in to the search engine, and up came 11 separate BAASS reports. Here are the relevant details.


1. 14 March 2010

A plastic toy flew through the air and landed at the second floor landing. Even though object was seen to be shortly after Kyle walked upstairs alone. And was seen turning to the right at the top of the stairs to sit in a family room. He denied having anything to do with the toy.

2. 7 March 2010

Benjamin felt as if someone had grabbed his leg and with great force pulled him off the couch leaving red marks on his leg. Physiological effect: Benjamin 'flew' off the couch and landed several feet from the couch.

3. 6 March 2010

The entity pulled a 14 year old nephew off the couch leaving marks on the boy's legs.

4. 28 February 2010

The entity took two butcher knives to the second floor of the house and chopped into a wall. Every time it does stuff it's when the two boys are around. It seems to hang around the boys, and if the boys come downstairs it will come downstairs. If they go upstairs it will go back upstairs. It talks to everyone in the house. Often addressing them by their names.

5. 28 February 2010

Car keys went missing. Appeared to be floating in the air and held up by a sock puppet. On 2-28-10 they were looking for Nancy's car keys but could not find them. They heard a jiggling sound and saw the keys floating in the air at the top of the stairs. Nancy saw its hands at that time. She got her camera and it had one of its hands in a sock and kept poking it out past the wall. They could see the sock expanding as if it was opening and closing its hand. At one time it stuck its finger up in the sock as if giving them the 'bird.'

6. 28 February 2010

It had used lipstick to write filthy things on the mirror.

7. 1 December 2009

As she walked into a room she felt a feeling of extreme 'sadness' and 'helplessness' and began weeping. She exited the room and the feelings stopped. A short time later she went to the upstairs bedroom. Felt the same feelings and weeping occurred. After she saw the clear ball move she panicked and ran downstairs. Orb/clear ball (like a soap bubble.)

8. 1 May 2009

Charles Stout Sr was mowing his grass utilizing his riding lawn mower. As is his custom, his 6 year old grandaughter Charly was sitting on his lap. Charly began to complain that someone was poking her back and pulling her hair. Stout put his hand on Charly's back. And he could feel pressure, although he could not see anything that could have caused the pressure. At the same time he could feel something pinching his arm as if trying to remove his hand from Charly's back.

9. 1 December 2008

A ball of light, a bright yellowish white, passed through a solid glass patio door next to Charly's chair. Flew in an easterly direction and arrived at the main front door at the same time as Zoiss. Zoiss was unable to budge the door and stated that it seemed as if the door was nailed directly to the wall. As there was no give at all when he shook the door. He called for assistance from Bacon who was subsequently able to open the door in a normal manner.

10. Unknown date

Entity communicated with them by typing messages on the television set, and vandilizing property. When it first started to communicated through the television, they at first thought it was their son Charles Jr. He asked it why it took so long for him (Jr) to communicate with them and he said it was because he didn't know how. As time went on they realized it wasn't their son and asked it who it was. It indicated that his name was Bob Horn. They now call it I.T. Stout said that I.T. seems to act like a teenager.

11. Unknown date

One night witness felt as though someone or something was holding him (Charles Jr) down on his bed. Nancy Clutter, Charles Jr's sister stated Charles Jr had red marks on his chest the morning of the event.


1. The 174 page Lacatski referenced document, appears to be a report of the BAASS investigation of a family living in Tennyson, Indiana, from an investigation conducted between 12-18 March 2010.

2. Why were these incidents of interest to BAASS? Well, from all accounts, the Bigelow run National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) and BAASS, undertook investigations into both UAP and paranormal phenomena.

3. From a paranormal perspective, the series of 11 incidents descibed above, would seem to fit into the category of a poltergiest case. From the 2021 Lacatski book, we learn that BAASS undertook investigations into strange paranormal goings on at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah; in the adjacent areas around that Ranch and in other parts of the US and Canada. 

4. It should also be noted that "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" heavily featured, what the authors called the "Hitchhiker effect." People would visit the Ranch and seemed to take "something" home with them, even if they lived a long way away from the Ranch. Many of the effects described in the book, connected to the 'hitchhiker effect' were poltergeist like in nature. 

5. A search for "Charles Stout Sr" located an obituary where individuals named, matched those in the above incidents. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

US Congressional hearing on UAP -2022

The New York Times

Yesterday, the New York Times broke a story that the a sub-committee of the US Congress House of Representatives would hold an open hearing about UAP for the first time in over 50 years. Written by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, it revealed that the Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation (3C) sub-committee of the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence would hold open meetings on Tuesday 17 May 2022.

Congressional website

Today, a check of the relevant US Congressional website for meetings to be held by the 3C sub-committee, found that there is indeed such a meeting scheduled. The website shows the following detail:

"Upcoming Meeting

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (Open and Closed)

Tuesday May 17, 2022 Time 10:00AM Location 2360 RHOB."

Clicking on the relevant link brings up another window which states:

"The closed portion will start at 12:30PM in HVC-304."


The NYT article advises that the presenters at the hearing will be Ronald S. Moultrie, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, and Scott W Bray, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence.


The NYT article refers only to open hearing. This further detail reveals that there will be open and closed portions to the hearing. This, no doubt, will be a cause for concern for UAP researchers as this is probably not the full transparency "Open" hearings which they have been looking for. Just as previous briefings of numerous Congressional committees have had both an "open" and "classified" section; and the June 2021 Office of National Intelligence Preliminary UAP assessment paper had an "unclassified" and a "classified" version, UAP researchers are going to be left speculating what will be contained in the "Closed" 17 May hearing?

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Skinwalker Ranch - Summary available of interesting events there between 2007 - 2012

Security personnel

Back in 2019 and 2020, in a series  of blog posts, I detailed some of the incidents reported by Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) security personnel Christopher Bartel and Chris Marx, which occurred at the Robert Bigelow owned "Skinwalker Ranch" in Utah, USA. These posts were:

1. 25 September 2019 - "Skinwalker Ranch 2010-2016."

2. 6 October 2019 - "Skinwalker Ranch - a second BAASS employee speaks out."

3. 21 January 2020 - "AAWSAP/AATIP: MRI brain scans and Skinwalker Ranch."

It was therefore, with great interest to me that one of the documents available on the new website, found under the "files" tab; "Incident database Summaries" folder is a PDF titled "Skinwalker Ranch Summaries." The actual document is titled "Utah Ranch Events: September 2007 to Present." It is shown as version 6 - dated April 6, 2012. It is 26 pages in length.

First section

The initial section of the document, records events dated between 1 September 2007 and 3 August 2009. Bear in mind, that according to the 2021 book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon," Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) scientist James T. Lacatski visited the Ranch on 26 July 2007, and that the DIA's Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) contract, undertaken by Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) commenced in September 2008.

Each event summarised, has the date of the occurrence listed, followed by a paragraph describing what happened. The names of the BAASS security personnel, which is what the document is about, have not been redacted from this document.

In summary, the paper states that the events described can be categorised as:

"* Sense or perceived presence

* perceptions of being watched

* observations of paranormal events

* perception of emotional distress

* observations of unidentified flying objects."

Second section

The second portion of the paper, is a record of events between 3 August 2009 to 6 April 2012. This August date is the time from which BAASS security personnel commenced security duties for the Ranch. I do not attend to reproduce the 26 page list of events, but will instead leave the reader to go to the Phenomainon. Com website for themselves and read the entire document. I will however, pull out some part of events which were of note to me.

"August 4, 2009

Between 1.15 am and 1.30am, Eickenhorst and a government representative observed a white light moving with a five to ten feet area of a tree located 300 to 500 yards from the trailer of Homestead 1. The light went out one minute after first observation."

Comment: What "...government representative.."?

"October 9, 2009

At 10.00pm just east of Homestead 1, Slanoc and Knapp noticed a significant temperature drop...Knapp observed an orb fly in between Slanoc and himself..."

Comment: While there are several entries mentioning an individual named "Knapp," one should not, as some researchers have done, automatically assume that this "Knapp" is Las Vegas journalist George Knapp. I reached out to one of the BAASS security personnel mentioned in the report, and asked them if "Knapp" was George Knapp? Their reply was "Definitely not George Knapp." 

Update: 27 January 2023. One of the SWR security guards advised me that this particular Knapp was one Cody Knapp who worked only a short time at the ranch. 

"April 29, 2011

During late afternoon Mr Bigelow, Dr Kelleher and Eickenhorst scouted the mesa/valley area..."

Comment: Mr Biglow would be Robert Bigelow, and Dr Kelleher, Colm Kelleher; the administrator and deputy administrator of BAASS respectively.

"December 15, 2011

At 6.30pm while observing from the back deck of the Homestead 1 trailer, Huffman observed several (estimated 8-10) small, white light sources..."

Comment: This may well be Loran Huffman, who was BAASS Director of Investigations and Security.


The document provides a wealth of names of individuals who worked for BAASS, and who visited/worked at the Ranch. I counted four different individual security personnel from the Bigelow Aerospace era, and 14 different security personnel from the BAASS era. Chris Marx and Christopher Bartel are referenced multiple times in the document. 

During earlier research into BAASS, I had compiled a spreadsheet of known 36 BAASS personnel, in both security and other roles; which included the names of 10 BAASS security personnel; 6 of whom were mentioned in the report.


Appendix 1 to the 2021 book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" by James Lacatski et al, listed 107 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs); monthly reports; project management plan addendum reports etc. One of these non-DIRD reports was titled "Utah Ranch Events: 1 September 2007 - 2 April 2012," and was listed as 26 pages in length.

This is most likely the 26 page document mentioned above and found on the website. If so, this website document would be the first of the non-DIRD BAASS, AAWSAP DIA documents to be made available for study. The DIA who contracted BAASS to undertake the AAWSAP contract, has never publicly released any of these Lacatski listed non-DIRD items; nor has BAASS ever released any of them. BAASS reportedly finished the project in December 2010; but is rumoured to have continued it on a self-financed basis for another year. However, a check with the business entity area of the Nevada State Secretary's website, reveals that BAASS is still listed as "active" even if in name only.


One question which arises, is how the CAPELLA database material, and the 74 BAASS files (which are locked off even from subscribers) plus the "Utah Ranch Events" PDF, have been made available to Joe Schurman's team? Schurman being the main driver behind the new website.

Wherever the trail leads, it looks like we are finally closer to all being able to see some, if not all, of the documents resulting from the DIA AAWSAP BAASS project.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

The BAASS AAWSAP CAPELLA data warehouse resurfaces

 "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon"

Appendix 1 to the 2021 book "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" provided, inter alia, a listing of the individual databases which comprised the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) UAP data warehouse, named CAPELLA by its originator Jacques Vallee. Listed there were the following individual spreadsheets:

1. NIDS spreadsheet - 1946-2004, 1570 cases.

2. Pilot spreadsheet - 1942-2007, 483 records.

3. Sign/Grudge/Blue Book spreadsheet - 1947-1969, 15674 cases.

4. UFOCAT spreadsheet - 1000-2008, 203805 cases.

5. Project Colares spreadsheet - 1977-1978, 356 cases.

6. Canadian release spreadsheet - 1971-1981, 795 cases.

7. United Kingdom release spreadsheet - 1950-1997, 2879 cases.

8. BAASS spreadsheet - 1999-2010, 27 cases.

9. Utah Ranch spreadsheet - 1950-2012, 582 cases.

Mentioned elsewhere in the book, but not listed in Appendix 1 were:

10. MUFON CMS database.

11. Eyes-only physiological effects on individuals who spent time at Skinwalker Ranch. 

New website

Yesterday, a new website, called PhenomAInon, was launched by Otoai Limited Liability Company. Papers to create the new LLC were filed 28 May 2021, filing number 2021-001008746, showing its address as Sheridan, Wyoming. Its registered agent is an entity named Cloud Peak Law LLC. The home page of the website states:

"PhenomAInon is the worlds first Cloud native Data and AI platform for phenomenon based data analysis. We are building a connected framework and Open Source Phenomenon Platform (OSPP) to provide data ingestion, data and AI analysis, and insights pipeline for research, collaboration, and community."

In the "data" section of the website there are a number of spreadsheet databases. These are:

1. NIDS - 1978-2004, 1568 cases.

2. Pilot - 1949-2007, 483 cases.

3. Blue Book - 15670 cases.

4. Brazil - 1977-1978, 348 cases.

5. Canada - 1971-1981, 759 cases.

6. United Kingdom - 1950-2000, 2879 cases.

7. BAASS - 1905-2010, 49 cases.

8. Skinwalker Ranch - 1950-2010, 586 cases.

Included also are:

9. MUFON (subset) - 928 cases.

10. NUFORC - 73,050 cases.

 As can be seen, the PhenomAInon spreadsheet details, are remarkably similar to the BAASS AAWSAP spreadsheet details. One can only conclude that the source of almost all PhenomAInon's databases is the CAPELLA warehouse. Yet, as far as UAP researchers are aware no-one until now, has been able to access the CAPELLA material. Copies were reportedly held only by BAASS who generated them, and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), who were provided with copies, as a result of BAASS undertaking the AAWSAP contract for the DIA. 

There is one tantalising piece of data to support the above contention. In the Lacatksi et al, book there is the following quote:

"The authors are aware that the AAWSAP BAASS Data Warehouse, rather than lying fallow in a dusty warehouse or on a discarded hard drive, has been recently reactivated and is currently in use in various locations related to the government study of UAPs. The significant advantage of the AAWSAP BAASS Date Warehouse architecture was its modular design. This means that current users can utilize individual databases while adding or discarding others. At the cessation of the AAWSAP program, an enhanced analytical layer was about to be overlaid on the database with the intent to eventually incorporate an AI interrogation capability. This feature has now been added to the upgraded AAWSAP BAASS Data Warehouse and is a useful tool in beefing up the UAP analytical capability of the UAPTF."

So, yes. it would appear that the team behind PhenomAInon has resurrected the AAWSAP BAASS Data Warehouse and overlaid an AI interrogation capability, and has now published it for all to view.

Who is behind Otoai LLC?

That would be a team led by Joe Schurman. His LinkedIN profile states:

"Joe is a Partner/Principal within PwC's Cloud & Digital organization transforming the industry through the power of business & experience-led cloud native solutions with Cloud Native Applications, Artificial Intelligence, and Data & Analytics capabilities. Joe has also been featured for AI Research & Development on A&E Networks / The History Channel, CNN and Fox Business for his work with the United States Military and multiple agencies focused on foreign threat detection and analysis, having developed an end-to-end Cloud Native AI platform.

Based out of Houston, TX, Joe has over 25 years of product engineering experience leading R&D and launch teams with market-leading organizations including Slalom Build, Microsoft Research, Accenture and Avanade for Fortune 500 companies. Joe spent close to a decade at Microsoft Research in the Communications Incubation Center creating secure, cloud communications technology and has spent the past several years focusing on Agile software engineering, Microservices, cloud-native product and service development, big data, analytics, AI Cognitive Services, Machine Learning, and DevSecOps across Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform. Joe works with industry-leading organizations at the executive level from both a strategy and execution perspective to drive adoption of new and innovative cloud-based capabilities to harness the power of Data & AI to provide increased computing performance while saving costs tied to specific business-driven outcomes."

Schurman gave a presentation titled "AI and UAPs" at the 2021 AI Expo, which provided an excellent outline of the platform which he has established for his UAP work. In the video of the presentation, Schurman mentions his liasion with such indivduals as Chris Mellon, Lue Elizondo, and others in the Defense industry whom he cannot mention.  

End note

Joe and his team are to be congratulated for this innovative work, which has brought previously hidden data into the public limelight. While this blog only focuses on the CAPELLA data warehouse, I would urge readers to take a look at the new website, and support the company's work on behalf of all UAP researchers.

Update: 8 May 2022 11:52AM

The "Incident Database Summaries" section of the website also includes a 3 page BAASS document titled "CAPELLA data warehouse - Dominique Weinstein's Pilots Database Completion Summary" dated 21 April 2010 by Douglas Kurth. 

There is also another 26 page BAASS document titled "Utah Ranch events September 2007 to present" dated 6 April 2012 which presents details of events involving physiological effects. This may well be database 11 mentioned above, in the section on the Lacatski et al book, appendix 1. 

In addition to the above, there is a 3 page BAASS document concerning the CAPELLA Canadian release spreadsheet. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

The Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group advertises two jobs


On 23 November 2021, the U.S. Department of Defense issued a media release announcing the establishment, within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (I&S), of the Aerial Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG.) Almost nothing more has been heard of the AOIMSG since then, until now.

Position vacant - AOIMSG Senior Analysis Lead

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence  recently advertised a position titled "AOIMSG Senior Analysis Lead." Joint Duty Number OUSDI-22-0023U. Agency - OUSDI. Grade GG/GS-15. Located at Virginia-Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church. Start date 26 April 2022. Vacancy open date 16 March 2022. Vacany close date of 15 April 2022. Primary point of contact Col. Brian Kreitlow. Secondary point of contact Thorn Hilton. Duty station - Crystal City, VA. Tour length - 24 months. Security clearance required TOP SECRET/SCI. No polygraph required.

Duty description

"The AOIMSG Analysis Lead synchronizes intelligence analysis and reporting on behalf of the Director of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG). The AOIMSG synchronizes DoD efforts to detect, identify and attribute objects of interest in Special Use Airspace and assesses and mitigates any associated threats to safety of flight and national security. The Analysis Lead:

- Synchronizes AOIMSG analytic efforts with key members of the Department of Defense (DoD), the Defense Intelligence Enterprise (DIE) and the Intelligence Community (IC) to include: the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and other U.S. Government (USG) departments and agencies, as necessary, and ensures coordination across these agencies with regard to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena reporting and analysis;

- Manages analytical workflow to, and through, DIA and across the DoD and other USG departments and agencies;

- Establishes processes and procedures to ensure that reported anomalous objects are analyzed by subject matter experts in appropriate intelligence disciplines;

- Ensures intelligence analysis and reporting is conducted in-line with IC standards and best practices;

- Ensures all-source intelligence analysis has access to additional collection and reporting, as necessary;

- Oversees the inclusion of intelligence analysis into regular AOIMSG reporting, in conjunction with the AOIMSG Director, ODNI and the AOIMSG Reporting Lead.

- Oversees the development of Action Plans and resource requirement plans for intelligence analysis, in support of the AOIMSG mission;

- Advocates for additional resources to support DoD and DIE intelligence analysis in support of the AOIMSG mission;"

Minimum qualifications required

"An academic and/or work history grounded in intelligence, intelligence-related activities, and functional areas with an emphasis on all-source data analysis and associated tools.

- Subject matter expertise in intelligence analysis standards, all-source analysis and intelligence production;

- Excellent verbal and written communication appropriate for informing and interacting with senior decision-makers across the DoD, DIE and Intelligence Community

- Demonstrated ability to work independently and with minimal oversight;

- Demonstrated ability to form diverse teams and to shape organizational goals;

- Experience at the DoD Component or USG Department/Agency level is desired

- Understanding of the roles and responsibilities of DoD agencies related to intelligence production;

- Familiarity with the roles and responsibilities of the Office Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence;

- Familiarity with the organizations of the DIE and the IC, and their portfolios."

Other comments

"After completing this JDA tour, the member will have an expanded understanding of:

- The different roles, responsibilities, programs, and analytical processes of different members of the DIE and the IC;

- DoD operations, chains of command and operational reporting processes;

- DoD, DIE and IC intelligence tasking, collection, processing, exploitation and dissemination processes;

- OSD roles and missions, and relationships with DoD components;

- Congressional affairs interactions and procedures;

- The different roles, responsibilities and relationships of other USG departments and agencies and their relationship with the DoD;

- The different roles, responsibilities and capabilities of DoD Components, to include Military Departments and the Joint Staff;

- OSD staffing processes and procedures."

How to apply

1. IC employees must apply by the vacancy close date. The IC employee application should include the following ...
a. A brief (two-page limit) candidate resume or biographical summary.
b. A short narrative describing the applicant's qualifications (general and specific) for the joint duty rotational assignment.

2. IC employees must be nominated by their employing (home) element within 10 calendar days of the vacancy close date in order to be considered by the gaining element. Please contact your employing element's Joint Duty Program Office for nomination procedures as some agencies may require written supervisory endorsement at the time of application. IC Element Joint Duty Program Office contact info can be found at: Any application sent directly by an IC employee to the gaining element will not be considered."

Position vacant - AOIMSG Collection Lead

Joint duty number OUSDI-22-0024U. At OUSDI. Level GG/GS-15. Located Virginia-Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church. Start date 26 April 2022. Vacancy open 16 March 2022. Vacancy close date 15 April 2022. Primary point of contact Col. Brian Kreitlow. Secondary poc Thorn Hilton. Mission category Collection and operations. Work level JDAT. GG/GS-15. Duty station Crystal City, VA. Length of tour 24 months. Security clearance required TOP SECRET/SCI. No polygraph.

Duty description

"The AOIMSG Collection Lead synchronizes intelligence requirements and collection on behalf of the Director of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG). The AOIMSG synchronizes DoD efforts to detect, identify and attribute objects of interest in Special Use Airspace and assesses and mitigates any associated threats to safety of flight and national security.

- Synchronizes AOIMSG collection requirements with key members of the Department of Defense (DoD), the Defense Intelligence Enterprise (DIE) and the Intelligence Community (IC) to include: the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and other U.S. Government (USG) departments and agencies, as necessary, and ensures coordination across these agencies with regard to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) intelligence collection;

- Manages intelligence collection workflow to, and through, DIA and across the DoD and other USG departments and agencies;

- Establishes processes and procedures to ensure that intelligence collection and collection requirement support further analysis of reported anomalous objects;

- Ensures intelligence collection systems are appropriately tailored to enable collection on UAP and that collection meets the needs of the DIE;

- Oversees the inclusion of intelligence collection processes and metrics into regular AOIMSG reporting, in conjunction with the AOIMSG Director, ODNI and the AOIMSG Reporting Lead.

- Oversees the development of Action Plans and resource requirement plans for intelligence collection, in support of the AOIMSG mission;

- Advocates for additional resources to support DoD and DIE intelligence collection in support of the AOIMSG mission;"

Minimum qualifications required

"An academic and/or work history grounded in intelligence, intelligence-related activities, and functional areas with an emphasis on intelligence collection and associated tools and processes.

- Subject matter expertise in intelligence collection and collection management;

- Excellent verbal and written communication appropriate for informing and interacting with senior decision-makers across the DoD, DIE and Intelligence Community

- Demonstrated ability to work independently and with minimal oversight;

- Demonstrated ability to form diverse teams and to shape organizational goals;

- Experience at the DoD Component or USG Department/Agency level is desired

- Understanding of the roles and responsibilities of DoD agencies related to intelligence production;

- Familiarity with the roles and responsibilities of the Office Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence;

- Familiarity with the organizations of the DIE and the IC, and their portfolios."

Other comments

"After completing this JDA tour, the member will have an expanded understanding of:

- The different roles, responsibilities, programs, and collection processes and capabilities of different members of the DIE and the IC;

- DoD operations, chains of command and operational reporting processes;

- DoD, DIE and IC intelligence tasking, collection, processing, exploitation and dissemination processes;

- OSD roles and missions, and relationships with DoD components;

- Congressional affairs interactions and procedures;

- The different roles, responsibilities and relationships of other USG departments and agencies and their relationship with the DoD;

- The different roles, responsibilities and capabilities of DoD Components, to include Military Departments and the Joint Staff;

- OSD staffing processes and procedures."

Other AOIMSG vacancies?

As there were two AOIMSG positions advertised, I wondered if there were others? So, I went to the website where vacancies are advertised for the Intelligence Community Civilian Joint Duty Program. Listed here are the vacancies for the AOIMSG Analysis Lead and the AOIMSG Collection Lead as described above. I failed to locate any current vacancies for other AOIMSG positions, either within the OUSDI or other IC agency listed there. Interestingly, I note that in the vacancy details for both the AOIMSG Collection Lead and the AOIMSG Analysis Lead, there is mention of "the AOIMSG Reporting Lead," suggestive of a third position, either already created or to be created in future. 

The ODNI website also has an area titled "Career opportunities."  A search of vacancies listed there failed to find any AOIMSG related positions. 

However, I noticed that on the ODNI website, there is an area describing what "Joint Duty" is, and there is a sentence:

"Are you interested in exploring Joint Duty, but don't see an opportunity that interest you? Never fear, only select opportunities are posted on this site! For a full listing of all available opportunities, visit the classified web site at"

Update: 11 May 2022

On 11 May 2022 D Dean Johnson tweeted:

"Director of National Intelligence re-listed a job opening for "AOIMSG Senior Analysis Lead" position now with a "start date" of May 24, 2022, a month later than the previously reported start date. Job describes certain tasks "on behalf of the Director" of AOIMSG."

A check of the current ODNI vacancies reveals that Joint Duty Number OUSDI-22-0023U has re-appeared on the vacancy list. The "vacancy open date" is the same as previously, namely 16 March 2022, however the "vacancy close date" is now shown as 13 May 2022; with a "start date" of 24 May 2022.  The rest of the details appear to be the same as the original advert. 

Update 15 May 2022

In a recent tweet U.S. researcher D Dean Johnson advised that sources had informed him that Sean Kirkpatrick will direct the AOIMSG.

Who is talking about UAP these days?

Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...