Friday, June 25, 2021

Australian Department of Defence responds to some UAP related questions


The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF,)  part of the broader Australian Department of Defence (DoD,) was charged with the responsibility of investigating the UFO phenomenon, from the early 1950's to 1994. Since then, the DoD has referred anyone in Australia wishing to report a sighting of a UFO, to Police or state level civilian UFO organisations.

A project facilitated by myself, between 2003-2008 located, and had digitised, a large number of Australian government agency files on UAP. Details of these files may be read here.  For a comprehensive treatment of what these files contained, click here. 

So, since 1994 there has been no overt interest in the subject, by any Australian government agency. I say overt, because due to the nature of the phenomenon, I have always suspected that some analyst in an agency such as the Defence Science andTechnology Group (DSTG) or in the Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO,) will have a brief to quietly keep across the topic.

The DoD and UAP

In June 2019, I wanted to see what the current Australian DoD position was in respect to the topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP.) I therefore provided them with some context, and then sought a response from the DoD to the following questions:

1. On 23 April 2019 the U.S. Politico magazine carried a story that the U.S. Navy was issuing new guidelines for the reporting of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

2. On 26 May 2019 the New York Times newspaper carried a story that U.S. Naval aviators had interacted with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena as recently as 2015.

My questions were:

1. Has the Australian Department of Defence any current guidelines concerning the reporting by Department of Defence personnel of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena? If so, may I obtain a copy?

2. If there are no current DoD guidelines, is there any section of the DoD which acts as a collection point for unsolicited reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena which might come from service personnel, e.g. through an aviation hazard reporting system? If so, might I have details?

3. Has the DoD any plans, based on U.S. policy changes, to issue instructions to service personnel to report Unidentified Aerial Phenomena?

The response, attributed to a spokesperson from Defence was:

"Defence does not have a protocol that covers recording or reporting of UFO sightings."


Given the current official interest in UAP shown by the U.S. Department of Defense I recently posed another set of questions to the Australian Department of Defence. These were:

Q1: Is the Department aware of recent global media reporting of a briefing to the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Intelligence on the topic of UAP, such briefing leading to Congressional members stating that UAP represent a threat to their national security?

Q2: Is the Department aware of a forthcoming report by the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, to the U.S. Congress on U.S. government agencies' knowledge of UAP?

Q3: Has the Australian Department of Defence been approached  in recent times by the U.S. Department of Defense to liaise on the subject of UAP? If so, are details of any such liaison available?

Q4: I am aware that the RAAF devoted resources in the time period 1950-1994 to the study of UAP. In the light of the above, is anyone in the Australian Department of Defence currently monitoring the subject of UAP? If not, why not? 

Today, 25 June 2021 I received a response, attributed to a Defence spokesperson:

"Defence does not have a protocol that covers recording or reporting of unidentified aerial phenomena/unidentified flying object sightings.

The US Department of Defense Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force actions or reporting are outside of Defence's remit. Queries regarding that organisation should be directed to the US Department of Defense."

 My comments:

1. As you can see, there is a repeating of their 2019 position, namely that "Defence does not have a protocol that covers recording or reporting of UFO sightings."

2. However, if you read my 2021 questions again, you will see that I did not mention the UAP Task Force at all. So, either my questions necessitated someone in DoD taking a look at the global media reporting and came across the UAPTF; or my suggestion that there is some analyst in the DoD who monitors the topic, may have some merit.

Update: 26 June 2021

ABC journalist Matthew Eaton, published a digital online article after contacting the Australian DoD. Eaton received the exact same response from the DoD that I did. 


  1. Hi Keith,

    Is this not yet more evidence, if any were needed, that some people's belief in the inevitability of disclosure is a pipe dream?

    Even if one assumes that the Anglophone powers have deep within their intel agencies incontrovertible evidence that aliens are here, they'll never tell their public-facing media departments, let alone the wider public, and all the FOI requests in the world won't change that.

    Is it not the case, therefore, that what's sorely needed is for us to look outside government for proof? A crowd-funded research project similar to SETI but focused on the Earth, with sonar and telescopes, high speed cameras and radar tracking couldn't be any less frustrating and any less likely to bear fruit than rooting through redacted files that have been stripped of everything meaningful.

    Why is it that people can persuade billionaires to throw millions at absurd SETI listening projects focused on planets half a galaxy away, but not even pennies can be found when it comes to scientifically hunting UFOs/USOs right here right now?

    1. Hi Keith!
      Hi Matthew!
      Dreams build cultures, Hispanic, Anglophone, ancestral-speaking indigenous, or whatever they were around the world.
      But languages ​​are only a way of understanding, knowledge passes through the wisdom of the arts, sciences and technology, be they the millennial legacy or those created in modern laboratories.
      The DoD answer on "the protocol" is very clear, it reminds me of the X-Files introduction "government denies knowledge".
      An implicit denial statement, "the government denies", but does not say it "has no" knowledge.
      The Australian DoD does the same, "it does not cover the record or report", but it does not say that it "does not investigate", and there is also an "or" there, which is lexically a duality.
      Mateo calls for investment in local search, and indicates that declassification is utopia, but some of us have lived against it, here in Australia.
      Months ago and based on partial data from the UAP documents of the local DoD, two retired agents ... for those who are in the matter it is known that no one "leaves" some services, they were supervising in casual clothing, the operations of local research in tribal territory.
      In the weeks of the process many millions of cents were spent there, then all the scientists returned to their countries of origin.
      The UAPs are just that, but they represent much more: a life other than human life and any form of life on Earth, in that representation those who know more than the rest and in this case our Aboriginal culture, we doubt and that is why we remain silent. .
      We doubt because of the disrespect, business and egos of ufology and the media, we doubt because of the appropriation of individual and cultural history, and we doubt because of the wise but empty speeches.
      In Australia, as in the rest of the world, "respect" is the keyword, but very few understand it, and that is why the declassification is only a guide and nothing more than that.
      Matthew, please read some of the comments here on this website and you will see that some spend fortunes on local and global research.
      Thanks Keith!

    2. For Dunny-
      Dear friend, I want to publicly thank you for the implication of respect in your comment-
      As a woman of science you understand the importance of sharing from your ancestral identity-
      Thanks to you and your family for having welcomed us into your home, we will be back in a few months-

    3. For Mrs. Dunny.
      You and other people, what research in Australia?
      Where ?.
      What was found?
      Was that terrestrial or not?
      Who finances the research?
      How much money was spent on the research?
      Why was nothing said in the media?
      Does the government know about this?
      Did your partners take something from Australia?
      What was it?
      Where to ?.
      Where do you publish the research result?
      When ?.
      How can I speak to you in person?

    4. Reply to George - Part 1
      First, you need, we all need to read in detail and between the lines the government documents, they do not speak only about UAPs, although sometimes and partially only in UAPs some may be interested.
      I answer your questions.
      1), 2) and 3) We study an ecosystem of endemic plant and animal species within an area that by ancestral tradition is sacred.
      It is scattered in an ancient transverse geological fracture valley, in the inner ring of tectonic reflux of an astroblem.
      Although the works come from the 1970s, today we are focused on a local plant, it has electro biological properties that generate perceptible charges in each individual specimen and magnetic fields in its biotopic residence.
      Since 2019, work has been carried out on the study of morphogenic alterations of chloroplastic thylakoids, produced by the presence of exotic elements.
      What is interesting about the process is the alteration of the dynamics of the Calvin-Benson Cycle, which in this species has the effect of fixing metal atoms, forming mixed molecules regardless of their magnetic properties or the absence of them.
      4) Plant and animal species are terrestrial, but some of their properties are altered by non-terrestrial exotic elements, but do not worry because we believe that this has occurred around the world on land and oceans since millennia.
      5) All funding is private, 1% by our family community, plus 49% by Quantum Laboratories, plus 25% by Australian members of the LINE-AU Initiative, and plus 25% by Australian members of Global JWRED System & Continental Australia Node private networks.
      The destination of the funds is also private, I am talking here of the participation of millions of people in a crowdfunding structure giving a contribution equal to or less than AUD 10.

    5. Reply to George - Part 2
      6) Since 1973 a total of AUD 5,990.4 million, and since 2019 a total of AUD 421.9 million, global and Australian investment.
      7) These works were published in various print media since its announcement in 1971, then it was spoken on radio, television, interviews and conferences, it was also published on the internet and intranet, social networks and in specialized scientific papers.
      All the detailed works are published on the private Global JWRED System network, with global access in all languages and without participation, contribution and debate restrictions.
      Logically the center of the information are plants and animals that have coexisted with humanity for thousands of years, and not a 240-pixel, 2-minute video of a tic-tac taken in international ocean waters.
      Perhaps that is why you have not been interested in the subject :)
      8) Of course the government knows about this, it was invited to participate actively in 1970, and for years we waited for them to overcome the bureaucracy and academic egos without getting a concrete answer.
      Fortunately, today several officials of different levels work with us as equals, personally and disinterestedly.
      But again, do not worry that this happens all over the world, forever and in all matters.
      9), 10) and 11) Nothing was taken from Australia, not even for advanced analysis, instead all the complexity of science and technology was brought here and it is today our private individual and collective property.
      12 and 13) The partial results are published weekly on the private network, Global JWRED System, while the final results we expect will be presented at a public conference in Australia before 2031 along with the applications and practical developments.
      14) You are talking to me right now, and you can do it in person when this health emergency is over, then I will call you at your office in Melbourne.
      You're welcome.

  2. Cudos to you for trying Keith! And with so much of the focus on Friday on the US, I loved the timing of the Defence Department's response to you! I am sure the members of the Five Eyes network have all been watching to see if the big eye blinks first! Cheers, Shane.

  3. Hi Everyone

    I hope I previously didn't come across as dismissive of anyone's efforts as that was most definitely *not* my intention. As a relative novice in this field, I'm incredibly grateful to people like Keith, Pauline, Richard Dolan, Patrick Gross, Stanton Friedman, and myriad others for what they've done and had to put up with down the decades. I'm just of the opinion that the powers that be lie about pretty much everything as a matter of habit if nothing else, and the more important or secret something is, the more they'll lie.

    Historic records of sightings are of huge value and well worth investigating, as is offering oneself as a contemporary point of contact. Yet it is difficult for me to see how irrefutable proof can be acquired without a concerted, global, scientific, publicly-funded, non-governmental, SETI-style investigation.

    For example, I believe the incidents in Australia on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 24th of April 1966 demonstrate clear evidence of UFOs, but none of us can *prove* it. Nor can we say who or what was in the craft, where they were from, where they went, or what their intentions were.

    I have no doubt we all want the truth. The only difference of opinion is perhaps how best to get to it.

    Kind regards,


  4. May be?!!! Are these people who take the metamaterials of the ufocrash?!!! We want to know !!! We want the truth !!!

    1. Dear Victoria, please tell me where these people are, so as to prevent them from stealing my invisibility cloak or using the teleporter in my garage without my permission :)
      Then, if you want, you can read something about Caugme (1890), Lindman (1920), Kock (1940), Rotman (1960), Veselago (1970) and Pendry-Smith (1990), and some other known and unknown scientists who they worked on the "metamaterial"
      All of them did not receive the ideas and developments of metamaterials from extraterrestrial sources, they were and are intelligent humans.
      The technology that you see on the street and are going to buy at shoping is "delayed" technology, mostly half a century and in other cases a century when it comes to military components.
      Please, please, please don't get carried away by the aliens, the human race is capable of great achievements on its own.

  5. Sorry Keith, I can't get into my profile but I want to comment anyway.
    PART 1///
    I am an accounting expert and I am interested in the subject of UAPs.
    I heard the numbers commented on by Mrs. Dunny this morning on 2 different radios, with some interesting comments from listeners.
    I infer, I suppose, and make my contribution if the owner of the website allows me.
    AUD 5,990.4 million in 48 years is something like AUD 2.4 million per week.
    For the tasks described, can I assume at least a payroll of 30? scientific specialists in different disciplines, with the additional of field and laboratory work, exchange, risks, transportation, accommodation, food, equipment and insurance among others, perhaps AUD 18 thousand each per week, that is AUD 540 thousand per week in human Resources.
    If I consider that the average in this expense corresponds to 12% of any research project, we are here at 22.5%, well above it.
    Then, the operating cost, that is, everything that each specific activity in science and technology implies, which I calculate based on the worker-hour (for the case 30 x 38 hours a week, that is, 1140 hours), with inputs and specific expenses of tasks, typical of human resources in their performance, is in the order of AUD 550 including transportation, registration and information, so we have AUD 627 thousand.
    That value usually reaches 20% of the usual research expenses, here it is in the order of 26.1%.
    We already spend 48.6% of the weekly budget, which means that for these people their workers come first.
    We have 51.4% of the rest, which must be divided into vehicles and their maintenance, facilities and their maintenance, scientific equipment and their maintenance, expenses, services, assistance personnel (someone spoke on the radio about an activity of about 250 workers in different tasks ), and other fixed expenses like fuel for example.
    Let's add emergency air assistance (a helicopter), medical services, communications, administration, scientific management and local, regional and international coordination, and we are in the numbers.

  6. PART 2///
    In conclusion, Australia has one of the highest minimum wages in the world, although local costs are also high for many goods and services, so the values ​​correspond to a moderate and realistic research in which priority is given to staff and their unemployment .
    2 tips, one is that for the final figure and the individual contribution mentioned, we are talking about +10 million contributors, which is logical for a global organization.
    The other tip is that on the radio it was mentioned that in Australia there are at least 15 projects in operation of the same group and that this is the global average.
    This, analyzed from another economic and financial perspective, could explain the growth of certain indices of public participation and growth of community initiatives in the different geographic regions.
    No one can deny that community-citizen participation, as well as tourism and shared activities, the recognition of aboriginal natives, their culture and the deserved respect for their traditions, have grown from the local perspective and from the international perspective in recent years and decades.
    Also grew the interest of children and youth in local traditions, and even technology, educational and cultural knowledge have had a boost.
    Due to the significance of the issue, another issue that grew, although slight and timid, was the interest of society in matters related to technology, science and knowledge, and within this the perspectives of different officials in relation to UAPs and their implications.
    It is enough to observe the actions of the armed forces in relation to the territory and the development of prevention and surveillance applications and technology.
    So, we have here a development engine, which silently drives society on the right path? Maybe that's the way it is, the truth is that in the midst of the screaming on the radio a few hours ago, someone wondered:
    "So in a few years, maybe, we can send some of those Australian plants to Mars to produce safe energy for future settlers, or we can grow them inside spacecraft to provide electricity, heat and power. Or we can stop using oil here."
    So, if it is certain that this activity is one engine of dreams and hopes, those that ultimately move today and have always moved human evolution (sorry if it is too much of a compliment).
    Good for that!

  7. Lilian Roberts-Shuman PhD / GCR/ISUSAugust 26, 2021 at 2:11 AM

    Question for Mr J.W. Sofia.
    For some comments on this same web blog where its associates express themselves, who will "communicate" or "contact" with other readers at their e-mail or their offices.
    I want to know how it is possible that your system can access this data, which does not appear on the web blog, and which in general is private.
    How can anyone access those private data of the readers, or the computers of those who comment here?
    Privacy on the Internet is a right of people, also the use of each individual computer.
    Do you and your associates respect that?
    Please explain how you access that personal information?
    Thank you, I ask this question with great respect and courtesy, as I have very good references from you and your associates.
    This question has been spinning in my head for weeks and although I searched many sites, I could not find an adequate answer.
    The last, are you a woman?

    1. Part 1/3 to Lilian.
      Dear Lilian, I have admired your work for many years, as well as your parents' work at RSCAC.
      I always, we, try to maintain a high profile in our contact with others, we always consider the reserve that others may want to keep, due to the respect and courtesy that everyone deserves.
      We always maintain operational confidentiality, even when it is not necessary, and even when anyone does not ask us to do so.
      This may not be the most perfect thing in the exchange, but it works well to build trust.
      In the world of analog and digital data, in all its forms and all its origins, there are three different main classifications.
      The public, the private, and the garbage, to figure the volume: 10%, 10% and 80%.
      In the first two there are crystalline constitutional, legal, jurisdictional and hierarchical regulations.
      But in the third classification, gray spaces are common, the garbage that is in analog and digital networks belongs to no one, and at the same time belongs to everyone.
      The public is freely accessible, but it is in the private when the magic appears, every time you turn on your computer, your cell phone, your LED television, open your up-home refrigerator, turn on your car and its GPS, take a photo with global position, etc., individual data is automatically transferred to companies and government, every time forever and ever.
      Yes, on the other side of a current digital device, there is always someone who can look at what you did today, yesterday, or what you are going to do tomorrow, what are your credit card expenses, what did you buy in the supermarket and if you went attended by your dentist and when, and what medication he prescribed.
      Among many other things this was already happening, but it exploded after the WTC, from that day the storage of public and private analog and digital data, grew geometrically, as did the computational processing of that data.
      Laws on access to information and regulations on the right to privacy collided with the paranoid need of governments to know everything about everyone, everywhere and all the time.
      By law, companies have the obligation to deliver their data to governments, and at the other extreme when you access any goods or services provided by these companies, you are accepting that your data be captured in their database.
      And here comes the good thing, they have all your data, but you have the right to your privacy and you have civil rights, so neither the companies nor the governments could, and I point out they could, monitor what you do from the time your digital alarm goes off, until your cell phone alarm sounds so you can swallow a tablet to sleep better at night.

    2. Part 2/3 to Lilian
      But trust me, they do it, all the time, sometimes to watch out for the insane crazies who want to set off bombs at your kids' school, dump poison gas in subways, or sell drugs in your neighborhood.
      Others to look for "the hair in the soup", making mistakes with innocents because they traveled to Turkey a couple of times, or have brown skin, or were born in Medellín, and they never apologize afterwards.
      And others to experiment with you, and when you enter your gmail on the computer that you have used for five years, you find a message that announces that it does not recognize the device you are using, yes! Damn prehistoric artificial intelligence.
      We respect all this, from license agreements to internal security laws, we capture public data from public databases, and from private only what data sources have authorized us.
      The issue is that there is a huge volume of information there, that a home or business computer cannot process, we use dedicated computing with quantum architecture assisted by D-A-C artificial intelligence.
      This technology is not new, nor is it exclusive, many government and companies use it, but ours is better because it uses non-binary language, and therefore it is undetectable and 100% safe.
      But this does not end there, from the public and the private, huge volumes of data are always being erased, and they all go to the garbage, that garbage remains on the networks for some time, from a fraction of a second to decades, depending on its origin and algorithmic structure.
      We have in stock everything from the double cheese burger that Ivanka consumed today on Kutuzovsky Ave. in Moscow and paid with debit, to the original transmissions of the Apollo 11 Command & Service Module, while Armstrong was stepping on the Moon in 1969, among many others.
      The garbage produced for decades occupies a place in the networks, in all of them, the problem is that to eliminate it definitively, all networks should be turned off, at the same time, all over the world, run location, identification and erasure programs, change several hard drives, and even change lines because some data is housed in the laminar walls of the wiring, and turn everything on again.
      What will not happen, never today.
      If this happens, maybe you who pay 100 Mb/sec for download speed, you could have that speed, and not just 65 Mb/sec, and the companies would stop robbing you.
      Collecting and searching this garbage is complicated, it is a lot of information, and there are also notable algorithmic mutations typical of the binary code, and even of the analog communication records, which make each piece of data often impossible to identify correctly with traditional technology.
      Sometimes you will find clusters of data, messy, confusing, unintelligible, but that can contain valuable historical documents such as presidential speeches, scientific conferences and even technological research papers from the origin of the www.
      Because of your profession, you will surely ask where we store all that volume of data, well, it's simple, we convert it into solid physical data.

    3. Part 3/3 to Lilian
      Our Q & SIT Labs. Worked for a decade to design a storage based on nanotubes, in whose inner cells several cores of crystalline artificial polymeric strands are housed.
      They resist extreme heat and cold, shock and any bending and, under the right conditions, nuclear radiation, they are very strongs, among other amazing properties.
      The challenge is greater when, in addition to ordering and identifying output data, it is sought to do the same with input data through the multiple global receivers of all systems in operation.
      It happens that the antennas, satellites, WiFi, etc., not only receive information produced by human technology, they also receive and their systems store (and then throw into the garbage) huge volumes of phantom data from climatic phenomena, planetary, solar, stellar events such as neutrino energy, and others more interesting that we can talk about in the future.
      But if you want to see an example of only the home data on your own computer, data that will then be analyzed by companies, the government and finally thrown into the garbage on the web, you can go to:
      Win 10, disk C, Windows, Logs, CBS, and there you can see the CBS or CbsPersist .log elements, those that store (along with other files) everything you do on your pc, and those that if you are not careful will end up occupying all the physical space on your hard drive.
      By the way, when you buy a software, what you are doing is hiring a service, not buying a good, in that sense if you read the license agreement carefully, you will be able to read there that the company you bought it from has the freedom to use your personal data, access your computer, and even place advertising in your inbox.
      And behind that company, governments do the same.
      We are very respectful of the law and the privacy of states, companies and people, and although we have GRPML credentials, that is, Global Router Professional Multi Level, to go and come through the networks, we only use it for the purposes of unprofitable benefit.
      The solution that network users have is the same that we implement: manufacture our own devices, design our own software, and create our own private network.
      Otherwise, it will not be us, but someone will always be watching each user, each time they turn on their notebook.
      As final data, in all our data centers we have a "GO", that is to say: a "Garbage Office", and as "garbage professionals" since 2016 we have received and satisfied around 110 million requests for help in relation to data recovery around the world, by users, companies and governments.
      Of course, it is not our job, but we like to help who deserves it, from the grandmother whose bank "lost" her bank account information, to the chemist who searches for the research files of her university in the decade of the '80.
      I firmly believe, we do, in people's rights, and we always respect them, but people should know that neither companies and nor governments do it 100%, this was and is the reason for lawsuits around the world.
      People must understand that when a company is capable of "filtering", that is to say: selling, the content of the accounts of users who contracted confidentiality with them, that company is no longer reliable, and people must leave there, because an apology is not enough, they continue to charge you the same after having sold you as if you were a sack of potatoes.
      Look, do another test, look in any internet search engine for the word "confidentiality", something like 143 million results will appear there, if you want to read all of them, and for each reading you take a minute of time, it will take about 272 years.
      And maybe what you are looking for is at the end, among piles of traps and hiding places, that is one more way for you to never be able to exercise your rights.
      And finally, I am just a man, hopeful and somewhat overwhelmed by reality, walking slowly towards the sunset.
      Thank you, I send you a fraternal hug.

    4. How good would it be to talk in person with this man, and to be able to ask him about the topics that interest us all, does anyone know when he will return to Brisbane?

  8. CHEDDHY FLANIGAN - UFO GLASGOWAugust 28, 2021 at 12:05 PM



English university to hold UAP symposium

 Academic articles In a recent article on this blog , I explored the work of a number of academics who have, over the years, published artic...