Monday, December 23, 2019

NIDS and "triangular" UAP


I am continuing my exploration of material which appeared on the former website of the now defunct National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS,) founded by Las Vegas businessman Robert T Bigelow, in 1995 and ceasing in 2004. Most researchers that I know, are completely unaware of this resource.


One of the two foci of NIDS was research into the UFO phenomenon. There was an upsurge in the number of reports of "triangular" shaped objects in the 1990's. Thus it was reasonable that NIDS would take a look into this aspect of the phenomenon. Looking at the former NIDS website, I found a number of relevant articles:

1. "Port Washington, Wisconsin UFO Sighting Illustration"

* There was an observation in October 1998

* Of an object estimated to be 200 by 250 feet in size

* At about 500 feet altitude

* Triangular shaped

* A model was constructed and photographs taken of it, shown in the article.

* 20 page report dated April 2001

* In late 1999 NIDS established a 24 hour UFO reporting hot line

* In 14 months NIDS received 127 reports of triangular objects. 60% of reports were dated between January 1999 and April 2001

* Flying at low or very low altitude

* "Huge" or "large" in size

* Mostly silent

* Hovering or flying at less than 100mph

* Very brightly lit

* The description of "triangular" included wedge shaped, boomerang shaped; pentagon; isosceles and equilateral triangular shaped

* The report discusses the possibility of the objects being US military aircraft

* In an addendum, is an analysis of sighting location versus the location of USAF bases

* "The totality of the evidence leads us to hypothesize that the flight paths are suggestive of the deployment of military aircraft hitherto unacknowledged."

3. "Comparison of Unidentified Triangular or Deltoid Aircraft Location Patterns in Three Independent UFO Databases: NIDS, MUFON and Larry Hatch"

* 8 page report dated June 2001

* In April 2001 a report (see 2 above): "NIDS found an interesting scatter of triangular object sighting locations around air corridors between AFMC and AMC bases. In the latter report we pointed out a gap in the part of the United States encompassing the plains states from which both triangular object sightings and AMC/AFMC bases were absent."

* "NIDS obtained the data on over 450 additional sightings from MUFON and Larry Hatch." The broad trends seen in the NIDS data were also present in the MUFON and Hatch data

* "We hypothesize that the United States Air Force has been flying large triangular or deltoid shaped aircraft between AFMC and AMC bases."

4. "Hypothesis: The Illinois Flying Triangles a Department of Defense, Not An ET Craft"

* 8 page report dated July 2002

* NIDS was approached by an aircraft designer re the possibility of the objects being a large, lighter than air object using an electrokinetic drive

* In this paper, that designer responds to the characteristics of the objects as listed by NIDS.

5. "Black Triangle Sighting Report-August 2002"

* Case report from San Jose, California on 28 August 2002

* Black triangle following an aircraft.

6. "NIDS Investigation of the Flying Triangle Enigma"

* Report dated August 2004

* NIDS started investigating reports of triangles

* Between 2000 and 2004 NIDS received hundreds of such reports from USA and Canada

* In mid 2004 NIDS reviewed its database: "We find the sightings of Triangles appear primarily adjacent to population centers and along Interstate Highways"

* A map provides visual details of the locations

* MUFON provided NIDS with the MUFON triangle sightings data in early 2004

* Also, in early 2004, Larry Hatch's triangles database (1990-2003) was made available to NIDS

* NIDS then mapped the combined data

* "The major finding of this report is that the behaviour of the Flying Triangles, as related by hundreds of eyewitnesses, does not appear consistent with the covert deployment of an advanced DoD aircraft. Rather it is consistent with the routine and open deployment of an (unacknowledged) advanced DoD aircraft, or (b) the routine and open deployment of an aircraft owned and operated by non DoD personnel"

* The report also looks at flying triangle reports in Belgium, Britain; the 1982-1986 boomerangs of New York and Connecticut.

My comment:

As with my previous post on NIDS and animal mutilations, I present the above summaries and links to the former NIDS website, for anyone who may not have previously read this detailed NIDS research material.

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