Thursday, May 23, 2019

AATIP FOIA requests to the Defense Intelligence Agency- the 2017/2018 log is now online

Freedom of Information Log

The US Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) Freedom of Information Act Log for the fiscal year 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2018, is now available online. It is 57 pages in length, and details 434 requests for that fiscal year.

Why is that of interest to readers of this blog? Well, the New York Times article revealing the existence of the previously secret, Pentagon, program they named as AATIP, came out on 16 December 2017. Shortly after this date, various individuals submitted requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the DIA. This new log reveals details of who asked for what, about the AATIP, and associated topics.


The individual requests range from very simple, to the complex. All however, aim to have the DIA provide documentation about, or generated by, the AATIP.

The first relevant request [FOIA-2018-00065 which I will shorten to the last digits] came from one Laurent Corbell, who requested:

"...all documents generated as part of the Defense Department's Advance Aviation Threat Identification Program, including the 490 page report that was described in the December 16 article in the Washington Post..."

Numerous other individuals picked up on the paper's mention of a 490 page report and asked for copies; while others such as John Greenewald [00067] specified "...documents pertaining to the outline, mission statement, objectives etc...;" and yet others, e.g. Emma Parry [00069] also included " files..."

Soon, knowing that it had been reported that Bigelow Aerospace had a contract with the DIA concerning the topic of our mutual interest, people sought "...all contracts with Bigelow Aerospace..." [00070 Greenewald]; "...contracts with Bigelow Aerospace..." [00073 Tom Jones]; "...Reports generated by Bigelow Aerospace..." [00074 Randall Counsman]; and "...the prepared report under Bigelow Advanced Aerospace System..." [00075 John Alexander.]

Requests then went quiet for a while, until Jack Brewer [00087 & 00088] sought "...all contracts pertaining to the...AATIP..." and "...all contracts undertaking with and funded provided to the National Institute for Discovery Science from dates 1995-2004."

Researcher Timothy S Cooper [00100] was even more specific in his request for "...all Project Able Gray documents...forwarded to...AATIP..."

To ascertain how the FLIR video had been released John Greenewald [00101] asked for documentation on the declassification process. Then, still on the topic of videos Robert Powell [00119] went after copies of the first two videos; details of the events where the videos were taken; records from the 2004 E2-Hawkeye aircraft; and notes from Fravor and Kurth.

In a February 2018 article on, journalist Sarah Scoles wrote about the Pentagon UFO videos. The DIA FOIA Log reveals that Scoles submitted a request [00116] asking for Bigelow related materials; and all data associated with individual incidents researched by AATIP.

Researcher Grant Cameron [00191] sought "...a copy of all FOIA requests that have been files from 2-4-2017 to 2-4-2018 asking for records for the AATIP..."

Overseas researchers

It wasn't only US researchers who submitted requests. Clas Svahn from Sweden; Michael Greshko; Australian Paul Dean, and myself; plus UK researcher Isaac Koi, also all put in requests.

Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP)

In a blog post dated 30 April 2018, Melbourne, Australia researcher Paul Dean, announced that the original name for what people were calling the AATIP, was in fact the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program. When UAP researchers learned that, they started submitting FOIA requests to the DIA, mentioning the AAWSAP, e.g. Jack Brewer [00259] and John Greenewald [00260.]

On 8 May 2018, I located an online copy of the DIA's solicitation for companies to undertake work on the AAWSAP. The solicitation number was HHM402-08-R-0211. So, soon after this discovery I filed a request myself [00290.] Around the same time so did Jack Brewer [00271] and UK researcher, Isaac Koi [00272.]

The final 2017/2018 request came from John Greenewald [00428] asking for a clean copy of the FLIR video and the release process undertaken.


Below, I'd like to highlight, and discuss a number of the requests made.

1. Because the topic of "Skinwalker ranch" and the visit there by a government official, had been mentioned in media reports associated with the AATIP, a number of people thought to seek ranch related material from the DIA, e.g. Anna Merlan [00241]; Burke Williamson [00414]; and Patrick martin [00420.]

2. An unusual request [00129] came from one Craig Strahler:

"Requesting any documents of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and mentioning the name Craig Strahler."

Was Strahler a BAASS staffer; an AATIP staffer; a witness? Can any blog reader enlighten me?

3. Kelsey McKinney [00163] went after "...emails coming from Luiz Elizondo that reference 'Tom Delonge' and any emails sent to Luiz Elizondo that reference 'Tom Delonge.'" Delonge created the To The Stars Academy (TTSA); and Elizondo is currently a TTSA employee.

4. John Greenewald [00255] sought copies of various Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs) and supplied a range of numbers. Where this list of numbers came from is unknown to me.

5. An interesting sidebar was the request from Katy Sandalis [00110] who asked for any AATIP documents held in the 490 page report, which mentioned the 1980 United Kingdom Rendlesham Forest incident. I do recall that Luis Elizondo has made references to speaking to Rendlesham witnesses.

6. Another interesting sidebar came from James Lawrence [00318]:

"Requesting all and any records pertaining to bismuth-magnesium alloys and metamaterials between the dates of 1947 and the present, and any documents using the keywords 'waveguide' and 'metamaterials.'"

This reference to bismuth-magnesium, refers to material allegedly retrieved from the Roswell "crash" which is commonly referred to as "Arts parts." My recent catalogue contains more information about these "parts."

7. Las Vegas journalist George Knapp [00158] submitted a request:

"Requesting all document, reports and contracts relating to and provided in conjunction with contract # HHM402-08-C-0072 Defense Intelligence Agency 2008-2010."

Why is this of interest? It doesn't even mention AATIP? Well, on 8 May 2018, after Paul Dean announced that the original program name was AAWSAP, I located an online copy of the 32 page DIA solicitation inviting firms to submit bids to undertake the AAWSAP for the DIA. The number of this solicitation was HHM402-08-R-0211.

So, what was George Knapp looking for with HHM402-08-C-0072? I have searched the net for an answer. Even the Loren Data Federal Business Opportunities website, which records every solicitation and subsequent contract is silent on the nature of 0072. At the moment, only George Knapp knows the answer to why 0072?

Please see the update at the end of this post for the solution to 0072!

8. Request [00239] is from one Steven Aftergood and sought "...a copy of the list that was recently transmitted to Congress of all DIA products produced..." under AATIP.

Some background is in order here. In a blog post date 15 August 2018, it was announced that a reference to the AATIP had been found in the "Congressional Record" dated 9 April 2018. A letter had gone from the DIA to Congress advising a list of "products" produced by AATIP.

In a 17 January 2019 article titled "More Light on Black Program to Track UFOs" Steven Aftergood revealed that he had acquired a list of the AATIP "products" from his FOIA request dated 15 August 2018 (responded to by the DIA on 16 January 2019.)

In summary

Almost no-one who has submitted an FOIA request to the DIA regarding the AATIP/AAWSAP has received a final response. If you did submit a 2017/2018 request, and have received a final response, I'd like to hear from you, at

The full DIA FOIA Log may be read here. 

Update: 24 May 2019

As can be seen in the comments section below, I received an anonymous comment, with some excellent information about the detail mentioned in George Knapp's DIA FOIA request.

My informant located a DIA document where HHM402-08-C-0072 was mentioned in a listing, and writes:

"HHM402-08-C-0072 is referred to as the contract PIIN (Procurement Instrument Identification Number) an identifier that consists of 13 alpha-numeric characters grouped to convey certain information. The first six numbers are the DodAAC; seven and eight are the fiscal year the PIIN was assigned; 9 is a letter representing the instrument type, and 10-13 are the four digit serial number.

"Now I would say that the "C" is the important digit here. And it would seem to represent the description of the "instrument type." Contracts of all types except indefinite delivery contracts, facility contracts, sales contracts, and contracts placed with or through other Government departments or agencies or against contracts placed by such departments or agencies outside the DoD."

In the list provided, which is a 240 page document; on page 14 there is a line which reads:


Here, HHM402-08-R-0211 is the number of the solicitation; HHM402-08-C-0072 is the contract PIIN; 19-Sep-08 is the issue date of the contract; and 20080910 is the offer due date.

So, the mystery of HHM402-08-C-0072 is solved!

Further update 24 May 2019

Today, Jack Brewer [FOIA number 00088] advised me, that in his blog post dated 26 May 2018 he reported the result of his request. He originally submitted the request on 23 December 2017; and the DIA response, dated 17 May 2018, was "Despite a thorough search, no documents responsive to your request were found."


  1. Hi again Keith,

    HHM402-08-C-0072 is referred to as the CONTRACT PIIN (Procurement Instrument Identification Number)in the following document:

    It appears to refer directly to HHM402-08-R-0211 (The AAWSAP Solicitation Document)

    That might help. It might not.

    1. Hi anonymous, thank you very much for your two comments, and the excellent information contained therein, much appreciated. I have updated the blog post to incorporate your data. George Knapp and I both have DIA FOIA requests in for the actual contract.

  2. Apologies I forgot to add

    The PIIN Procurement Instrument Identification Number (PIIN) – a Procurement Instrument Identification Number (PIIN) is an identifier that consists of 13 alpha-numeric characters grouped to convey certain information. The first six numbers are the DoDAAC; seven and eight are the fiscal year the PIIN was assigned; 9 is a letter representing the instrument type; and 10-13 are the four digit serial number

    Now I would say that the "C" is the important digit here. And it would seem to represent this description of the "instrument type".

    Contracts of all types except indefinite delivery contracts, facilities contracts, sales contracts, and contracts placed with or through other Government departments or agencies or against contracts placed by such departments or agencies outside the DoD

    Good luck

  3. Do we know of any FOIA requests from *before* the release of the NYT article?

    1. Hi Red Pill Junkie, I searched both the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 fiscal years FOIA DIA Logs, and found nothing prior to the NYT article. There is a request for the AAWSAP contract, mentioned in the fiscal year 2010 DIA FOIA log, see my blog post at
      No one I know has found the whole contract document, although George Knapp showed a fragment of what appeared to be the contract document on one of his I-Team reports.

  4. 3 years later, here's the 2017 FOIA request from Anthony Bragaglia regarding UAP material used by Bigelow Aerospace in the frame of AATIP: and here's the 8-Jan-2021 answer from the DIA:

    This looks like it's the first time DoD acknowledge they have UAP material.


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